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1、2013-2014 学年度辽宁省七年级统一教学质量检测与评估英语考试卷本试卷分为两个部分,第一部分是选择题(单项选择)部分即第卷,要求在 A B C D中选择最佳答案;并将答案用不可擦笔 在答题卡作答。考试时间为 100 分钟;满分 120 分。注:考试前60 分钟不得交卷;交卷时请将所有考试物品上交(考试作答的笔,橡皮等除外)(包括考试卷)然后离开考场。考试时不得抄袭,不得借物品,不准使用修正带和涂改液等;请尊重监考老师,监考教师不能解答问题。第卷 65 分.单项选择题(请在四个选项中选择最佳答案)1._ a football match next week.A.There will hav

2、e B.There be C.There will be D.There was 2.Who runs _,Bob,Tom or Dave?A.fast B.faster C.the faster D.fastest 3._ was Lily born,Lucy?On June 13th,1992.A.How B.Where C.When D.What4.4.“What does he do?”means“_?”A.Who is he B.Where is he C.What is he D.What is he doing 5.Bill said they would have _ holi

3、day.A.a threeday B.three days C.threedays D.threedays6.Let _ help _.A.they,you B.us,your C.her,their D.us,you 7.She _ Shanghai with her parents last Sunday.A.got in B.reached C.arrived D.arrived at 8.Mr.Green is a short man _ long hair.A.with B.in C.has D.grows 9There are five _ students in my schoo

4、l.A.hundreds of B.hundred of C.hundred D.hundreds 10.Was there a computer in your study?_ A.Yes,there is.B.No,there isnt.C.Yes,there was.D.No,there was.11.It often _ here in autumn every year.A.rained B.will rain C.rains D.is raining 12He finished _ the book and returned it to the library.A.read B.t

5、o readC.reading Dreads 13.Because Tom was ill yesterday,_ he didnt to school.A.so B.but C./D.and 14.When _ you come here?We _ here last week.A.do;come B.do;came C.did;came D.did;come 15._ is easy for us _ English well.A.That,learn B.It,to learn C.Its,learning D.This,to learn 16.-Can you play_ footba

6、ll?-No,but I can play _ piano well.A.the;/B./;the C./;/D.the;the 17.You look rather tired._ stopping to have a rest?All right.A.Why not B.How about C.Why not to D.Why don t18.Where would you like to go on vacation,Lily?It s hot here.Id like to go _.A.anywhere cool B.cool somewhere C.somewhere cool D

7、.cool anywhere 19.Its polite _ to your teacher when you meet him at school.A.say hello B.tell hello C.to say hello D.to tell hello 20.-_ will you be back?题号第一部分第二部分总成绩得分-In a week.A.How often B.How long C.How far D.How soon 21._ you _ to the park last week?A.Were;go B.Did;go C.Were;went D.Did;went 2

8、2.The little boy walked in the crowed city and soon he was_.A.lost B.lose C.losing D.to lose 23.China is a great country _ a long history.A.has B.with C.for D.have 24.There_ students in our school in 2012.A.were two thousands B.are two thousand C.are two thousand of D.were two thousand 25.I _ this b

9、ook yesterday.You can take it away.A.finish reading B.finished read C.will finish read D.finished reading 26.Could you tell me your plan?Yes,Im going to do some _ in the afternoon.A.shop B.shops C.shopping D.shoping 27.It takes me an hour _ to school.A.walking B.to walk C.walk D.walked 28.We met two

10、 _ and four _ in the street yesterday.A.Germen;Englishmen B.Germen;Englishman C.German;Englishmen D.Germans;Englishmen 29.Our teachers are very friendly _.A.to us B.to we C.for us D.for we 30.When and where were you born?I was born_ October 1st,1998_ Suzhou.A.on;on B.in;in C.on;in D.in;on.完形填空题(请在四个

11、选项中选择最佳答案)Maria Gomez was born in Peru.She grew up in a small village.She 31 when she was six years old.She went to elementary school,but she 32 to high school.Her family was very 33_and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old.She 34 in a shoe factory.When Maria was seventeen years old

12、,her family 35_to the United States.First they lived in Los Angeles,and then they moved to San Francisco.When Maria 36 _in the United States,she was not happy.She missed her friends in Peru,and she didnt 37_ a word of English.She began to study English at night,38_ worked in a factory during the day

13、.Maria studied very hard,and now she speaks English well.She s still 39_at night,but now she is studying typing.She wants 40 in Peru.Maria still misses her friends in Peru.But she is very happy now,and she hopes she will have a good future in the new country.31.A.went to school B.go to school C.goes

14、 to school D.begins school 32.A.went B.didnt go C.began D.wasnt 33.A.rich B.poor C.happy D.glad 34.A.works B.is working C.is going to work D.worked 35.A.moved B.go C.stayed D.lived 36.A.reached B.arrived C.got D.moved 37.A.tell B.talk C.know D.say 38.A.when B.so C.or D.and 39.A.studying B.studied C.

15、study D.studies 40.A.to do B.do C.to be D.be.阅读理解题(请在四个选项中选择最佳答案)短文一Cinderella(灰姑娘)Once upon a time,there was a beautiful girl called Cinderella.Her mother died and Cinderellas father had a new wife,who only loved her two ugly daughters.A handsome prince wanted to find a wife and invited all the gir

16、ls to a dance.The ugly sisters had beautiful clothes but Cinderella stayed at home in the kitchen.A fairy(仙女)helped Cinderella and used magic to give her pretty clothes and a carriage(四轮马车)to go to the dance,but told her to leave at midnight because the magic would end by then.The prince liked Cinde

17、rella a lot and danced with her.Then the clock started ringing 12 p.m.and Cinderella ran out of the hall,leaving one glass shoe behind.The prince wanted the lovely girl to be his wife.He walked around town with the shoe trying to find her.The ugly sisters wanted to marry the prince and tried to put

18、the shoe on,but their feet were like elephants.Then the prince asked Cinderella to try.The mother and ugly sisters laughed,but they stopped when the shoe went on Cinderellas foot.The prince made Cinderella his wife,and they lived happily ever after.41.Cinderellas mother cannot help her because she _

19、.A.was poor B was dead C.hates Cinderella D.was rich 42.Cinderella stayed at home because _.A.she hated dances B.her sisters were ugly C.she had no nice clothes D.She didnt like the prince43.Her clothes were _.A.magic B.very old C a present from her sisters D.a present from her stepmother(继母)44.At m

20、idnight Cinderella _.A.turned into an ugly girl B.hurried home C.noticed the prince D.She stayed in the hall 45.The ugly sisters had _.A.animal feet B.smelly feet C.big feet D.small feet 短文二When you are in England,you must be more careful in the street because the traffic drives on the left.Before y

21、ou cross the street,you must look to the right first and then left.In the morning and in the evening,when people go to or come from work,the streets are very busy.Traffic is the most dangerous then.When you go by bus in England,you have to be careful,too.Always remember the traffic moves on the left

22、.So you must be more careful,have a look first or you will go wrong.In many English cities,there are big buses with two floors.You can sit on the second floor.From there you can see the city very well.46.In England the traffic drives_.A.on the right B.in the middle C.on the left D.in the front 47.Wh

23、en you cross the street,you must look to _.A.the left first B.the right first C.the front first D.the back first 48.In the morning and in the evening the streets become busy because_.A.the people go to work B.the people come from work C.the weather is fine D.both A and B 49.The big buses with two fl

24、oors in the England are _in China.A.单层公共汽车B.双层公共汽车C.地铁D.长途公共汽车短文三Sandwich was an Englishman.He lived in the 18th century(世纪).Sandwich was rich,but he liked to play cards(纸牌)for money.He often played for 24 hours,and didnt even stop to have his meals.He ordered(命令)his servants(仆人)to bring him some me

25、at and bread.He put the meat between the two pieces of bread and held the food in his left hand while he played cards with his right hand.People liked Sandwichs idea,and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich did.From the name of the man,Sandwich,we have the word of the food“sandwich”today

26、.50.Sandwich was the _.A.name of a servant B.name of a man with a lot of money C.poor man who lived on playing cards D.name of food which was liked by the rich 51.People liked Sandwichs idea because_.A.bread,together with meat was cheap B.he always won when he played cards C.they liked Sandwich hims

27、elf D.when they ate with one of their hands they could do something with the other.52.Today,“sandwich”is _.A.also a name of a rich man B.two pieces of bread with meat in between C.not interested in playing cards D.not liked by most of the people 短文四Bill Gates was born on October 28th,1955.He grew up

28、 in Seattle,Washington.Bill Gates was named William Henry after his father and grandfather.He was a very clever boy.His favourite subject at school were science and maths.When he was 13 years old,Bill started to play with computers.At that time,computers were very large machines.Once he was interest

29、ed in a very old computer.He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with it.In the end,they worked out a software programme with the old machine.Bill sold it for 4,200 dollars when he was only 17.In 1973,Bill went to Harvard University.At Harvard,he developed the BASIC langu

30、age for the first microcomputer(微型计算机).In his third year,he left Harvard to work for a company called Microsoft.Bill began this company in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen.They thought that the computer would be a very important tool in every office and in every home,so they began developing software

31、 for personal computers.They improved the software to make it easier for people to use computer.53.He developed the BASIC language for the first microcomputer_.A.in Seattle B.in Washington C.in New York D.at Harvard 54.When did he begin Microsoft Company with his friend?_ A.He was 13 years old.B.He

32、was 17 years old.C.He was 18 years old.D.He was 20 years old.55.Why did they develop software for personal computer?_ A.They thought the computer would be a very important tool.B.They wanted to make it easier for people to use computers.C.They wanted to get much more money.D.They were interested in

33、it.补全会话(将正确的语句对号入座,有一或两句多余)A:Hello!May I speak to Bill?B:Speaking!A:Hi,Bill!This is Jane speaking.B:Hello!56 A:I called you yesterday,but nobody answered the telephone.57 B:I went to the World on Water(水上世界)with my parents.A:Really?58.B:It was great.We saw the dolphin show(海豚表演).It was very wonderfu

34、l.A:That sounds interesting.B:59.A:Oh,the day after tomorrow will be my birthday.60 B:Yes,I d love to.Thanks a lot.A:You re welcome.A.How did you go there?B.Where did you spend your holiday?C.Who met you?D.Did you have a good time?E.How long did it take you to get there?F.Who was with you?G.How long

35、 did you stay there?A:Hello,Mike.61?B:Hello.I spent my holiday in Beijing.A:Really?62?B:My parents were with me.A:63?B:By train.A:64?B:About eight hours.A:By the way,why did you call me?B:How long did you stay there?C:Would you like to come to my birthday party?D:What s up?E:How was your trip?F:Wher

36、e did you go?A:What place did you visit in Beijing?B:We visited the Palace Museum and the Great Wall.A:65?第卷55 分.根据短文内容回答问题 10 分 It was very cold.It snowed heavily and blew very strongly.It was not a good night to go out.But David had to walk home from work“I can be warmer,”he thought,“I wear my coa

37、t backwards.”He took off his coat and put it on backwards.“That s much better.”He thought and walked on.About ten minutes later a car hit him.The driver stopped his car and got out of it.He ran to help David.Soon a police car arrived.The policeman ran to look at David.“I m afraid hes dead.”The polic

38、eman told the driver.The driver could not believe it.“He can t be dead.”He cried,“I did not touch him.Look at my car.There is not a markon it.”“Hes dead.”The policeman said again.“I don t understand it.”The driver said,“As soon as I hit him.I ran to help him.He was lying on the road,but he was breat

39、hing and there was no blood.”“Did you touch him?”The policeman asked.“Yes,”The driver said,“but I only turn his head around the right way.”Notes:1.backwards adv.反方向地2.mark n.印记3.blood n.血Read the passage and answer the following questions.(阅读短文,回答问题。)1.Why was David walking in such bad weather?_.2.H

40、ow did David make himself warmer?_.3.Did the driver run to help David?_.4.What did the policeman say again?_.5.Who killed David?_.根据首字母提示,补全单词5 分 本题为选做题,选5 个作答,全部作答或多达则作答的前五个有效1.What is the w _ like in Beijing?2.History is my favorite s _.3.The students should r _ some English words every morning.4.

41、Fall is a h _ season.5.D _ the 25th is Christmas Day in western countries.6.Maria can p _ ballet at the birthday party.7.They sang and danced happily and really e _ themselves.8.There will be a heavy snow this evening,and the t _ will fall below zero.汉译英 10 分 1中国因瓷器而闻名。China is _ _ china.2下周六我们将领你参观

42、我们的学校。We are going to _ you _ our school next Sunday.3.汤姆捡起包冲了出去。Tom _ _ the bag and rushed out of the house.4.不要用手指着别人,那是不礼貌的。Dont _ _ others,its not polite.5.昨天科学家们穿过了那片森林。Yesterday the scientists _ _ the forest.选词用正确的形式填空 10 分http:/www.x kb1.co mplayed with visit happy tiring stayed evening beach

43、 shop watched Last weekend was a busy time for our family.On Saturday my parents went 1 for clothes at the mall.My brother Gray played basketball 2 his friends.My sister Gina 3 at home in the morning and played the piano.I stayed at home,too.I studied for a math test.In the afternoon I went to the 4

44、.On Saturday 5 my family and I had dinner at home.Then we went to the movies.On Sunday morning,my family stayed at home.My sister and I cleaned our room,and my brother 6 computer games.In the afternoon my grandparents 7 us.We were 8 to see them.They stayed at our house for dinner.After dinner,we 9 T

45、V.I was 10 on Sunday night.I went to bed early.根据表格内容写一段关于Betty 以前的经历语段,要求 60 词左右.书面表达 20 分 姓名Betty 出生日期23rd June,1991 籍贯Quincy,the USA 第一所学校John Adams Primary School 第一位老师Ms Hill 性格strict,nice 最初的朋友Kate,Jamie 性格friendly,naughty(Jamie)第一所房子big,six rooms,a big garden 2013-2014 学年度辽宁省七年级统一教学质量检测与评估英语考

46、试卷答题卡第卷 65 分 题号1 2 3 4 5 答案题号6 7 8 9 10 答案题号11 12 13 4 15 答案题号16 17 18 19 20 答案题号21 22 23 24 25 答案题号26 27 28 29 30 答案题号31 32 33 34 35 答案题号36 37 38 39 40 答案题号41 42 43 44 45 答案题号46 47 48 49 50 答案题号51 52 53 54 55 答案题号56 57 58 59 60 答案题号61 62 63 64 65 答案2013-2014 学年度辽宁省七年级统一教学质量检测与评估英语考试卷参考答案1-5CDCCA 6-

47、10DBACC 11-15CCCCB 16-20 BBCCD 21-25BABDD 26-30CBDAC 31-35 ABBDA 3640 BCDAC 46-45 BCABC 4550CBDBB 51-55 DBDDA 56-60 DFEAC 61-65 BFAED 1.He had to go home from work.2.He put on his coat backwards.3.Yes,he did.4.“He s dead.”/He was dead.5.The driver did.1.weather 2.subject 3.recite 4.harvest 5.December 6.perform 7.enjoyed 8.temperature 1.famous for 2.take around 3.picked up 4.point at 5.went 6.through 1.shopping 2.with 3.stayed 4.beach 5.evening 6.played 7.visited 8.happy 9.watched 10.tired 书面表达略

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