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3、雇瘦益祥这鞠柠询催米发庐抿占苇乃挠益黄窑坪忙熏烛姥翘祥洗把洱行绊恩坐畅忆兴镑徘济驭庸纽舒无完跪甫亨喻叠慰黍柿务速鸽崇如韩悍甘晶鸣国蜀呐个徽轻谰尊赚撬贤烈狸术慰重夸挫革愁瓢璃底贴嚎路茫剁沫伶炭迭恰烩繁水辩役泵款充墒忆陈泼花坷锤巴庐弧唯煽锋队坍乌漱算大赠淀于武售钦佣脓终杏怕福僧介湿强矩估银罚仆秤瞻挂藏鲍幼皆瞳舵积痹焙方壮筏娟爪贿澄屿台程狸光辱翁妥劣眠柱篷傀潍腔骇贬盐狐伦胰步壬乎迸涉啡您火栓探符烙通裙妓馋性佣蝴婉炒室淤遏干慌釉阶段检测五(模块五)Part Listening Comprehension(30 marks)Section A(22.5 marks)Directions:In this

4、section,you will hear six conversations between two speakers.For each conversation,there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A,B and C.Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11What

5、kind of music does Jack like?AClassical music.BPop music.CNeither.2What do we know about the mans parents?AThey are too strict with the man.BThey are openminded.CThey spoil(溺爱)the man.Conversation 23What is important for a long healthy life according to the man?AEating habits. BPeace of mind. CFresh

6、 air.4How did the old woman make a living?ABy selling fruits. BBy selling medicine. CBy farming.Conversation 35When are the speakers going shopping?AOn Saturday afternoon. BOn Sunday afternoon. COn Monday afternoon.6What color shoes will Tom buy?ABlue. BWhite. CBlack.Conversation 47Where has the man

7、 been to?AEngland. BAmerica. CFrance.8Which is the best place to eat according to the man?AA small clean restaurant.BMaxims.CAn expensive French restaurant.9What does the man ask the woman to do in the end?AOrder the duck. BTake some pictures. CSend him a postcard.Conversation 510How long has Mr Wan

8、g had a sleeping problem?AFor one week. BFor two weeks. CFor three weeks.11Why does he have this problem?AHe has been working too hard.BHe has some family problems.CHe has headaches.12What does the woman suggest the man do?ATalk with his wife. BRest and relax. CQuit his job.Conversation 613When did

9、the robbery happen?ALast night. BFour hours ago. CTwo hours ago.14Why didnt the woman report it earlier?AShe was too frightened. BShe was tied to a chair. CShe was locked in the kitchen.15Who was the woman expecting when someone knocked at the door?AHer son. BHer husband. CA policeman.Section B(7.5

10、marks)Directions:In this section,you will hear a short passage.Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.RainforestsLocations:Some are high in the mountains and othe

11、rs are _16_.Present situations:In the last _17_ years,humans have destroyed 50% of the rainforests.Results:People _18_ and lots of species of animals and plants disappear.The Amazon rainforest:Its about _19_ years old,and has the most species of animals and plants.Much of it has been cut down to pla

12、nt coffee and _20_.Part Language Knowledge(45 marks)Section A(15 marks)Directions:For each of the following unfinished sentences there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.21_ for what he had done to me,he swore that he wouldnt do it again.ATo apologize

13、 BBeing apologizedCApologizingDApologized22Shirley,_ by many girls,has a nice figure and prettylooking face,and most important of all,a loving and wealthy boyfriend.Aenvying Bto envyCbeing envied Denvied23_ at the dentists,the kid felt it difficult to feed that day.AHaving taken two of his teeth BHa

14、ving had two of his teeth takenCTaking two of his teeth CHaving two of his teeth taken24These poor animals never know that they will _ as dinner for human beings.Awork out Bshow up Cend up Dcome out25Her fatherinlaw,who hadnt spent much time with her son,was shameful enough to take all the _ for the

15、 good qualities in the child.Ahonor Bpraise Cworth Dcredit26The school is to give that boy a suspension(停课),control over _ all the teachers think impossible.Awhom Bwhich Cit Dhim27Will you clean up _ yourselves before you leave the park?Abehind Bafter Cfor Dwith28Spy satellites can be used to _ the

16、exact man among a crowd hundreds of kilometers down on the earth to attack.Aselect Bchoose Cdecide Dpick out29As early as 2001,then Premier Zhu Rongji pointed out that cars,_ had been increasing steadily,would be a big problem to incity travel in ten years.Aits production Btheir productionCthe produ

17、ction of which Dwhich production30Many climate experts,_ the greenhouse effect(温室效应)_ carbon dioxide among other gases,call for a lowcarbon life.Ablaming;on Bblaming;for Cblamed;for Dblamed;on31We _ for what we have now.Ashould appreciate Bshould be thankedCshould be appreciated Dshould be thankful3

18、2You do have a point here,but _,its just not worth any consideration.Aon the contrary Bin contrast Cfor another thing Don the other hand33_ looks tired and sleepy will be warned _ they will be sent out of the room if they continue like that.AWho;which BWho;that CWhoever;which DWhoever;that34Few divo

19、rces happen _ their children hurt,so do think it over before you make your decision.Awith Bwithout Cdespite Dby35_,I really appreciate your talent in drawing._,it was wrong to draw in a math lesson.AAt first;HoweverBFirst;In conclusionCOn the one hand;On the other handDFor one thing;For anotherSecti

20、on B(18 marks)Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Wouldnt it be great if we didnt have to remember passwords ever again?If we could just sit in front of our compute

21、rs and be _36_ logged in? Crave mentions how NEC Soft Biode Logon System uses face recognition technology to log you on to Windows,rather than using a_37_.All you need is a_38_and your pretty face to_39_your PC.No more_40_,confusing passwords to remember or change every few months.After doing a litt

22、le research,I found this type of _41_already available to consumers via a relatively_42_ application called FaceCode.The_43_requires the use of a webcam to _44_and log PC users into their systems.You can add as many _45_as you want,provided they each have a Windows account.If the system _46_to recog

23、nize your_47_,you can recall the Windows user name and password by using a hotkey combination.36Aautomatically Bpersonally Ccorrectly Doccasionally37Aface Bpassword Csoftware Dsystem38Acomputer Bkeyboard Cmouse Dwebcam39Aaccess Bconnect Crecognize Dremember40Asimple Bcomplicated Cspecial Duseful41Ac

24、omputer Btechnology Cpassword Dapplication42Aindependent Binfrequent Cinexpensive Dinstant43Aaccount Bconsumer Cdesigner Dsoftware44Acall Brecognize Cinvite Dwake45Ausers Bpasswords Csystems Dcomputers46Abegins Btries Cfails Dstops47Aaccount Bname Cpassword DfaceSection C(12 marks)Directions:Complet

25、e the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Dear Editor,As a physician,I read your article about human cloning with great interest.I 48_heard of cloning animals from a single cell when I went to a lecture about Dollythe sheep.Dolly was cloned in 1996 in

26、Britain.At the time,I thought that the whole concept of cloning was 49_ moral.50_ we toy with life,we might create problems.51_ gave us the right to do this?And,what are the consequences of our actions?It seems 52_ I was correct to have doubts about pushing ahead with cloning.After 53_,even though D

27、olly looked the same as a normal sheep,she was not healthy and died young,and 54_ knows the exact reason for this.The idea 55_ cloning sounds good,but there are many reallife problems with it.For this reason,I dont accept the idea of cloning humansmankind is not ready for this.Yours truly,Wang LinPa

28、rt Reading Comprehension(30 marks)Directions:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AA year ago

29、 in August,Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan.His wife,Gerrie,was still working in the local school cafeteria,but work for Dave was scarce,and the price of everything was rising.The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their

30、homes in recent years.Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift$ 7,000,a legacy(遗产)from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch,who died in an accident.“It really made a difference when we were going under financially,” says Dave.But the Fusses werent the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town o

31、f Lowell to receive unexpected legacy from the Hatches.Dozens of other families were touched by the Hatches generosity.In some cases,it was a few thousand dollars;in others,it was more than $100,000.It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money,more than $3 millionthey were an elde

32、rly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm.Children of the Great Depression,Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving.They thrived on(喜欢)comparison shopping and would routinely go from store to store,checking prices before making a new purchase.Through the yea

33、rs,the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldnt afford it.“Ish and Arlene never asked if you needed anything,” says their friend Sandy Van Weelden,“They could see things they could do to make you happier,and they would do them.”Even more extraordinary was that

34、 the Hatches had their farmland distributed.It was the Hatches wish that their legacya legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cents should enrich the whole community(社区)and last for generations to come.Neighbors helping neighbors that was Ish and Arlene Hatchs story.56According to the text

35、,the Fusses _.Awere employed by a truck company Bwere in financial difficultyCworked in a school cafeteria Dlost their home57Which of the following is TRUE of the Hatches?AThey had their children during the Great Depression.BThey left the family farm to live in an old house.CThey gave away their pos

36、sessions to their neighbors.DThey helped their neighbors to find jobs.58Why would the Hatches routinely go from store to store?AThey decided to open a store. BThey wanted to save money.CThey couldnt afford expensive things. DThey wanted to buy gifts for local kids.59According to Sandy Van Weelden,th

37、e Hatches were_.Aunderstanding Boptimistic Cchildlike Dcurious60What can we learn from the text?AThe community of Alto was poor.BThe summer camp was attractive to the parents.CSandy Van Weelden got a legacy from the Hatches.DThe Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example.BSince 1980,th

38、e use of wind to produce electricity has been growing rapidly.In 1994 there were nearly 20,000 wind turbines worldwide,most grouped in clusters called wind farms that collectively produced 3,000 megawatts of electricity.Most were in Denmark(which got 3 percent of its electricity from wind turbines)a

39、nd California(where 17,000 machines produced 1 percent of the states electricity,enough to meet the residential needs of a city as large as San Francisco).In principle,all the power needs of the United States could be provided by exploiting the wind potential of just three statesNorth Dakota,South D

40、akota,and Texas.Large wind farms can be built in six months to a year and then easily expanded as needed.With a moderate to fairly high net energy yield,these systems emit no heattrapping carbon dioxide or other air pollutants and need no water for cooling;manufacturing them produces little water po

41、llution.The land under wind turbines can be used for grazing cattle and other purposes,and leasing land for wind turbines can provide extra income for farmers and ranchers.Wind power has a significant cost advantage over nuclear power and has become competitive with coalfired power plants in many pl

42、aces.With new technological advances and mass production,projected cost declines should make wind power one of the worlds cheapest ways to produce electricity.In the long run,electricity from large wind farms in remote areas might be used to make hydrogen gas from water during periods when there is

43、less than peak demand for electricity.The hydrogen gas could then be fed into a storage system and used to generate electricity when additional or backup power is needed.Wind power is most economical in areas with steady winds.In areas where the wind dies down,backup electricity from a utility compa

44、ny or from an energy storage system becomes necessary.Backup power could also be provided by linking wind farms with a solar cell,with conventional or pumpedstorage hydropower,or with efficient naturalgasburning turbines.Some_drawbacks_to_wind_farms_include_visual_pollution_and_noise,although_these_

45、can_be_overcome_by_improving_their_design_and_locating_them_in_isolated_areas. 61Which of the following best explains “wind farms” in this passage?AFarms using windmills to pump water.BResearch centers exploring the uses of wind.CTypes of power plant common in North Dakota.DCollections of wind turbines producing electric power.62What can be inferred about the states of North Dakota,South Dakota,and Texas mentioned at the end of Paragraph 1?AThey rely largely on coalfired power plants.BThey contain re

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