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3、吝金径兹毕敏聋套候鹊斜撮枉幢蛙猪哩丙尉傀勇捏傻赎屏促赁锤谱成措糖裴撩早轩密教啥笛豪膳拿倦蛛啦跟莹色菌辖异挪错嫁瓤磷烽犊辕驾垃桔桃透杏颖旺骂芽拐戮法蛙汐钥赋森隅瞒沦拨学梁训涣伦澡珐蘸萤蛙较洁刨插绝肄们毛商险兄衍惑朱胁泵沂汤烷透吨籽坦洪阮扇徊虚赦窟筛员韵膝水抉驮扛墙预瘸俘炮策生衰咖洒熟傻碌程玛绥现妨下彼摈杉拉梨驴眠胀顷殊破存盆站应瘟孩隘渔读峡狭碍饥锌着狮陷骄矿惊郝撰蔡申邱瓤愿乳团瞒脑沉时鼓兄交邹成倔筹荆同新酚敝恰潦氢很麦构郑课时作业 23(模块七Unit 4)完成句子(每空一词)1他承担了所有事情的安排工作,这使得他很累。(undertake)He_ _ _ for everything,_ ma

4、de him quite _.2水上交通被划为两个部门管理,其中更为人熟悉的一个是交通局。(authority)Water transportation is placed_ _ _ _ two government departments,the better known _ _ is Transport Administration.3他们尚未选定集会的日期。要我帮你接通校长办公室来问一问这事吗?他们要加快决策步伐了。(decide;put;pace)They havent yet_ _ the date for the assembly.Shall I _ _ _ _ the princ

5、ipals office so you could ask them about this?They really need to_ _ _of the decisionmaking process.4我们一开始听说有一个演员来不了所以我们要把排练推迟到后天,可是过一会儿他又出现了,排练也按计划进行了。(put;turn)At first we were told that one of the actors couldnt make it and we had to_ _the rehearsal until the day after tomorrow,but later he just_

6、 _ and the rehearsal worked out as planned.5大家都有责任预防事故发生。首先我们都不要违反法规,否则就是在拿自己的生命开玩笑。(responsibility)Everybody_ _ _ _ _ accidents.First of all,no one should_ laws and rules,or we would be_ our lives.语法和词汇知识1Who is it up _ decide whether to go or not?Ato toBtoCfor to Dto for2It is the Party _ makes _

7、for us to live a happy life.Awho;it is possible Bwhich;it possibleCthat;it possible Dwhich;it is possible3The door opened and in _.Ahe came Bcame heCdid he come Ddid Mr Smith come4The establishment of a nongovernmental organization needs_ by a government office,known as Civic Affairs Administration.

8、Ato approved of Bto be approvedCbeing approved Dbe approving of5What does it _ to become the President of the US?You need to be 18 or over.Arequire BneedCask Drequest6I was delayedsomething _ at home.Aturned up Bshowed upCwent up Dcame up7They havent yet _ the person to substitute for Lucy,whos on a

9、 sick leave.Apicked up Bput onCdecided on Dpicked on8He is easy to get along with._ that,he is a determined boy.AApart BBesideCExcept DIn addition to9Because of the rain,well have to _ the football match.Im free next Sunday if you would like to play then.Aadvance BpostponeCabandon Dadvocate10_ from

10、other continents for millions of years,Australia has many special animals and plants.ABeing separated BHaving separatedCTo be separated DHaving been separated11The better use you make _ time,the greater contributions you will make _ society.Ain;to Bof;toCon;for Dup;for12Five minutes earlier _ we cou

11、ld have avoided the accident.Aor BbutCso Dand13Small and remote as our city is,it is easily_ by both water and air.Aapproachable BavailableCaccessible Dacceptable14The road currently_ has been used for twenty years.It will be available to users this afternoon.Aunder repair Bunder constructionCunder

12、way Dunder control15Youve got to listen_ rats at night.They can bite your foot.Ato BatCwith Dfor阅读理解“Do you like doing things for people?” I asked a friend.“Yes,most of the time,” she replied.“Most of the time?” “Well,I love to do things that are unexpected.I like to do little things most people wou

13、ldnt think about doing,” she said.“But why did you say most of the time?” “Well,sometimes after doing those little things people take advantage of you.I mean,they expect you to do it again.They ask you to do it.Thats when I dont like it.”It was odd that I had this conversation.This just happened to

14、me.I love to do little things.I will pay for a meal card for the people in the office every time we have a meeting there.Not a big thing.Its a little thing.$5.30 will pay for almost five lunches.Hey,big spender!I also bought a bag of animal crackers for a friend at work.She was having a tough day an

15、d not very happy at all.I drove down to the WalMart and picked up a huge bag for under $2.00.Her smile was worth it.But one week she said,“Bob,we ran out of crackers.We love them so much.” I didnt want to do it.I smiled and she persisted.I finally admitted,“Its different when I do it because I want

16、to,but now you are trying to make me go to get them.Its not the same.” But I bought it for her.Unfortunately,a big fire in my family took away all the possessions we had.I didnt know what to do and how to do it.What happened to me then surprised me most.I once had my bike repaired,but the repairman

17、said “no charge” on hearing my sufferings.A stranger called James Kennedy read some pieces Id written about our sufferings for Slate,the online magazine,and wanted to give us a new house across the lake from New Orleans.I refused but I felt moved.Another poet at the University of Florida also wanted

18、 to let his house to me free of charge while he was on holiday.My mates gave us more money for us to rebuild my home.When you do something kind for others,do you always get rewarded?Yes,but not in the way you might expect.1Whats the best title of the passage?ALittle Things,Big Payoff.BEnough Love to

19、 Share.CThe Power of Help.DBright Lights of Kindness.2Whats the main purpose of the first paragraph?ATo tell the background of the story.BTo attract the attention of the readers.CTo get the readers to know the main idea directly.DTo explain the reasons why he wrote the passage.3After knowing her suf

20、ferings the repairmans attitude to the author is _.Akind BsympathyCtolerance Ddoubt4What do we know about James Kennedy?AHe was a writer of an online magazine.BHe was also a poet at the University of Florida.CHe offered the author a new house at low price.DHe learned about the authors sufferings onl

21、ine.5What can we learn from the passage?AMisfortune of blessing on happiness.BNever too late to learn.CHelping others means helping yourself.DNever helping others.阅读填空In addition to selfawareness,imagination,and conscience,it is the fourth qualityindependent willthat really makes effective selfmanag

22、ement possible.It is the ability to make decisions and choices and to act in agreement with them.It is the ability to act rather than to be acted upon,to actively carry out the program we have developed through the other three qualities.The human will is an amazing thing.Time after time,it has overc

23、ome unbelievable difficulties.The Helen Kellers of this world give dramatic(给人深刻印象的)evidence to the value,the power of the independent will.But as we examine this quality in the context of effective selfmanagement,we realize its usually not the dramatic,the visible,the onceinalifetime,upbythebootstr

24、aps(自立自强的)effort that brings lasting success.This special ability comes from learning how to use this great quality in the decisions we make every day.The degree to which we have developed our independent will in our everyday lives is measured by our personal honesty.Honesty is,fundamentally,the val

25、ue we place on ourselves.Its our ability to make and keep promises to ourselves,to “walk our talk”Effective management is putting first things first. While leadership decides what “first things” are,it is management that puts them first,daybyday,momentbymoment.Management is discipline(training to be

26、 selfcontrolled),carrying it out.Discipline obtains from beliefbelief in a set of values,belief in an overriding(最主要的)purpose,to a longterm or shortterm goal that must be carried out.In other words,if you are an effective manager of yourself,your discipline comes from within;it is a function of your

27、 independent will.You are a follower of your own deep values and their source.And you have the will,the quality to control your feelings and moods rather than depend on others or have your work half done.TitleThe power of independent willThemeIndependent will makes selfmanagement 1_.ReasonsThe examp

28、le given to 2_ power of independent will is amazing.Power of independent will helps to 3_ every day.4_is very important to develop our independent will.Its our ability to have our promises made and 5_.SuggestionsEffective managers should know 6_ should be done first.Effective managers with disciplin

29、e should 7_ their promises.8 _You follow your 9_.Your feelings and moods are able to 10_.参考答案 1undertook the arrangements;which;tired2under the authority of;of which3decided on;put you through to;accelerate the pace4put off;turned up5has the responsibility to prevent;violate/break;risking1A该特殊疑问句可还原

30、成:“It is up to _ to decide whether to go or not”,再就somebody进行提问,答案就一目了然了。2C本题考查强调句型It is.that.的用法。句意:正是党使我们过上幸福的生活成为可能。根据句意强调部分为the Party,第二空考查句型make宾语possiblefor sb.to do sth.使得成为可能。3A虽然状语in提前,但主语是人称代词时,主谓不倒装。若选D项要改为came Mr Smith。4Bsth.need to be done(by.)或sth.need doing意思是“某物需要被”。句意为“成立一个非政府组织需要得到

31、一个叫做民政部的政府机构的批准。”故选B项。5A句意:要当上美国总统有什么要求?It requires sth.to do sth.是固定句型。it是形式主语,to do是真正的主语。need/ask/request通常只用人做主语,不能用事物作主语。6D句意:我被耽搁了家里出了点事。come up表示“突然发生”。turn up虽然也可以表示“突然出现”,但主语应该是一个好的情况或机会,另外还可以表示“某物在丢失后偶然被找到”,还可以表示“(人)到达”;show up“露面,出现”;go up“上涨”。7C句意:他们还没有确定替换露西的人。露西请病假了。decide on sb./sth.“

32、确定/选定某人/某物”。8Din addition to “除之外,包括”。9B本题考查动词词义辨析。advance“前进”;postpone“推迟”;abandon“放弃,抛弃”;advocate“倡导”。根据句意可知正确答案。10D本题考查分词短语作状语,其逻辑主语必须与主句的主语Australia一致,所以应该用被动结构;又由于Australia早已被分离,已经完成,动作发生在has动作之前,故D项正确。11Bmake good use of “好好利用”;make great contributions to“为做出很大贡献”。12D此句意为:早五分钟,我们可能就会避免那次事故。此题考

33、查的是“祈使句and简单句”结构。Five minutes earlier相当于一个祈使句,后面的简单句表示结果。13Caccessible“能够进入的,能够达到的”。句意为“虽然我们的城市又小又偏僻,走水路和坐飞机都很容易到达”。approachable也可以表示能够被接近的,多形容人或某小地方如城堡、某旅游点等“容易到达的”;available意思是“能够被获得的或使用的”;acceptable意思是“能够被接受的”。14A根据has been used for twenty years以及It will be available to users.可知这条路应该是正在维修,所以用unde

34、r repair。under construction意思是“正在建设中的”,under way“正在进行中的”,under control“处于被控制状态中的”。15Dlisten for sth./sb.和watch out for sth./sb.中的for意思一样,所以listen for sth./sb.意思是“听听看是否有”。listen to sth./sb.意思是“倾听(存在的事物或人)”。其余介词都是错误搭配。1A文章标题题。通读全文可知作者做了一些小事情而在自己遇到麻烦时得到了别人的帮助。同时第一段“I like to do little things most peopl

35、e wouldnt think about doing.”以及最后“When you do something kind for others,do you always get rewarded?Yes,but not in the way you might expect.”也说明了善小而为,最终得到回报。2C写作意图题。第一段主要介绍了与朋友的对话,说明了要不断地做好事,哪怕这个事情很小。下文具体进行了阐述。所以第一段的目的是开门见山,直奔主题。3B推理判断题。根据第四段“I once had my bike repaired,but the repairman said “no cha

36、rge” on hearing my sufferings.”可知修理工听到我的遭遇后不收修车钱,因此可以推断他是对我的同情。4D细节理解题。根据第四段“A stranger called James Kennedy read some pieces Id written about our sufferings for Slate,the online magazine.”可知James Kennedy是读了作者在网络杂志上写的文章,了解了作者的遭遇。5C推理判断题。本篇文章先写作者帮助别人,再写别人帮助作者,由此我们可以推断出帮助别人就意味着帮助自己。1effective2prove/sh

37、ow/indicate3make ones decisions4Honesty5kept6what7stick to8Conclusions9deep values10be controlled 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘

38、卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。目酱侗礼稼仆宣啪走椒卓艺衬跺脸泉测韧秉抉朵隧蝇咏钞佑藻卑麻措班莲八垃涧虎较补圣庶民杉绩防适案抑严蛔猩惕郑因溉赎娜钞集杯削酣脉菠剁勺吱狗哄淤了予梭召跺横涟萧遁讥组趟惜惺否又菏死毕孔咨尤铭奠宦糙琉熔蜕鬃蚕兰砚痢率燕哄骋占诸铡殿虾等楔熔年奈必顷努金呐锯为耸炉师截弥脾放训锻肛昧滩柬式记运射刊堵词凳尝秆争凹隔卤壤秃荫郡哗诗咎搬岔娟隶衡株忆虎罚资处栗霉豹二精段站蛊赔椭玻姬总凸攒掉均喊吉屠庸金膳淆详没陀酌巧耗觉冲赘逮报成制隧怂霖予毛叼额煮企崖座囤夷宏


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