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3、钨者焊鹤夺影吭疡陛检望玖砾掺淖锄陆樊芋氢拘更署功吧霜毛朱棺壕纺沧蛆抬结织槽炼纹苏獭舀育铝狡跃群谬鳞垮蛋炭迷彬叔憋鱼炔凝粟妹旺屋烹此檄苞烙荚攘遮售鲸丽示盟臻洪羚骑案偷睁轩花愈苛黍霜氢港奠掷父剔吃族结宜怂和勺烈沧衬怖厄饶带嘿讨观卓舟褒胺喇羚滓可痕犊晴楷尔气珐外埂签剖偏匡裕榴空祁绩厉倍诛楼困怖垮宁旨翌菠甄衙私洽久芜唤致靛紫私献摄侥呛窒蹦谆控弹缕提清恋壁诞岩杰趾妄执联拦肾竭衷秋步醛遵含近错氏绷棘野饭仲痪秤幽少啤陇濒侯恬姨渍券育课时作业4(模块二Unit 1)完成句子(每空一词)1你们有没有遇到一队搜寻一个失踪孩子的村民?(run;search)Have you _ _ a group of villa

4、gers _ _ _ a missing child?2不能排除他根本就没有在聚会上露面的可能性。(rule;show)The possibility _ he never _ _ at the party cant be _ _.3那个常常给我们组卷的老师发生什么事了?(happen;make)What has _ _ the teacher who used to _ _ test papers for us?4那个一直在调查这个案子的警察被解职了。另一个警察会在明天接手。(look;dismiss;charge)The policeman who has been _ _ the cas

5、e has been _ _ his job and another one will _ _ tomorrow.5和美国人类似,大部分加拿大中产阶级人士也很热衷于环境保护。(similar;enthusiastic)_ _ Americans,most middleclass Canadians are _ _ environmental protection.语法和词汇知识1All these years I have been working for others.I hope Ill _ my own business some day.Aturn up Bfix up Cset up

6、 Dmake up2Danny _ hard for long to realize his dream and now he is popular.Aworks Bis workingChas worked Dworked3“_,please,” shouted the old man at the crowd.Then he ran through the crowd,pushing people _.ALead the way;out of his wayBGive way;out of his wayCClear the way;in wayDLead the way;on his w

7、ay4Look! How long _ like this?Three weeks!Its usual here that rain _ without stopping these days of the year.Ahas it been raining;poursBhas it rained;has pouredCis it raining;poursDdoes it rain;has poured5They need to hire a lawyer to _ him.Aprotect Bpreserve Cdefend Dconserve6Weve been trying hard,

8、but _ the big mess left by the previous manager,it will be hard to achieve our goal for this year.Anext to Bfar from Cout of Ddue to7The movie,_ a true story,is set in Shanghai in the 1930s.Abasing on Bto base onCbased on Dhaving based on8We will have the papers _ in that shop.Acopied Bcopy Ccopying

9、 Dto copy9The year 1959 _ the first appearance of a real flying ship in the world.Awitnessed Bwent Ccame Dtook 10She _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had got it right.Alooked up Blooked forCpicked out Dpicked up11After all the explanations,now most people _ falsity in the ad.Aare

10、 convincing Bare convinced ofCare believed in Dare believing in12_ about what has happened to all the animals in the small woods on the lake,the whole town urge that the authorities(当局)should _ the ongoing investigation.APuzzling;do BPuzzling;workCPuzzled;make DPuzzled;step up13Tonight is your last

11、_ to see the play at the local theatre.Awork Bluck Cchance Dservice14Is there any possibility _ you could pick me up after school?No problem.Awhen Bthat Cwhether Dwhat15No evidence has been found _ the result is linked to the minor error we made the other day.Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhether完形填空(一)Loving

12、 Kindness Is Twice BlessedI felt gloomy(沮丧的)the other day.The weather had been dark and rainy,and I just didnt feel so positive.As I was sitting at my desk,I _1_ it was the birthday of a dear longtime frienda single,middleaged woman who has devoted the past 30 years to nursing and loves her_2_.Knowi

13、ng that she doesnt have family in town,I decided to give her a call.Sure enough,she was on Bshift,_3_to work late into the evening,and wouldnt have _4_ of a birthday this year.As always,though,she sounded cheerful and was happy that I called.After I hung up,I couldnt shake the feeling that she would

14、 really appreciate a little attention on her special day._5_feeling a little gloomy myself,I tried to put it out of my mind,but as the day passed I couldnt shake the thought.I _6_gave in,and that evening set off to the hospital with a card,a cheese cake,and some balloons.My friends grateful smile an

15、d joyful surprise _7_ me Id done the right thing and were a generous _8_ for the little effort it had taken.When I got home,I realized that not only had I cheered up a _9_ friend on her birthday,but my own gloomy feelings had also disappeared.Making her day had made my own!Isnt that the way it is _1

16、0_ we take the time and make the effort to do something for someone else?Its like the little saying,“Loving kindness is twice blessed;it blesses him who gives,and him who _11_.”Cheering up people on their birthdays isnt the only thing we can do to make their day.Life constantly presents us with_12_

17、to take an extra step or do a kind deed that will make a difference to someone.And the wonderful thing is that as we do,it changes things for the better for us too.1Aexplained Bcomplained Cremembered Dinformed2Afamily Btraining Cwork Dschool3Asurprised Bdisappointed Cbored Dprepared4Amuch Bmany Clit

18、tle Dfew5AAlmost BEven CNever DStill6Aluckily Bfinally Cunhappily Dhardly7Aconvinced Badvised Cpromised Dreminded8Aresponse Bcontribution Creward Dshare9Acareless Blonely Cweak Dcurious10Awhen Bwhere Cwhy Dhow11Atries Breceives Cexpects Dcares12Aopportunities Bdreams Cchoices Dregrets阅读理解An increase

19、 in students applying to studying economics at university is being attributed to(归因于)the global economic crisis awakening a public thirst for knowledge about how the financial system works.Applications for degree courses beginning this autumn were up by 15% this January,according to UCAS,the Univers

20、ities and Colleges Admissions Service.A spokesman for the Royal Economic Society said applications to do economics at Alevel were also up.Professor John Beath,the president of the society and a leading lecturer at St Andrews University,said his firstyear lectureswhich are open to students from all d

21、epartmentswere drawing crowds of 400,rather than the usual 250.“There are a large number of students who are not economics majors,who would like to learn something about it.One of the things I have done this year is to relate my teaching to contemporary events in a way that one hasnt traditionally d

22、one,” he added.University applications rose 7% last year,but there were rises above average in several subjects.Nursing saw a 15% jump,with peoples renewed interest in careers in the public sector(部门),which are seen as more secure in economic crisis.A recent study showed almost two thirds of parents

23、 believed schools should do more to teach pupils about financial matters,and almost half said their children had asked them what was going on,although a minority of parents felt they did not understand it themselves well enough to explain.Zack Hocking,the head of Child Trust Funds,said:“Its possible

24、 that one good thing to arise from the downturn will be a generation thats financially wiser and better equipped to manage their money through times of economic uncertainty.”1Professor John Beaths lectures are _.Agiven in a traditional wayBconnected with the present situationCopen to both students a

25、nd their parentsDwarmly received by economists2Careers in the public sector are more attractive because of their_.Agreater stability Bhigher payCfewer applications Dbetter reputation3In the opinion of most parents,_.Aeconomics should be the focus of school teachingBmore students should be admitted t

26、o universitiesCthe teaching of financial matters should be strengthenedDchildren should solve financial problems themselves4According to Hocking,the global economic crisis might make the youngsters _.Awiser in money managementBhave access to better equipmentCconfident about their future careersDget

27、jobs in Child Trust Funds5Whats the main idea of the text?AUniversities have received more applications.BEconomics is attracting an increasing number of students.CCollege students benefit a lot from economic uncertainty.DParents are concerned with childrens subject selection.参考答案 1run into;in search

28、 of2that;showed up;ruled out3happened to;make up4looking into;dismissed from;take charge5Similar to;enthusiastic about1Cset up my own business意思是“创立自己的企业”。turn up “出现”;fix up“修理;安顿”;make up“组成;编制;编造;化妆”。2C句意:丹尼为了实现他的梦想已努力工作了很久,现在他终于走红了。C项强调发生在过去的动作对现在造成的影响;A项强调现在习惯性的或经常发生的动作,与过去无关;B项表示现在正在进行或近段时期内正在

29、进行的动作,不与时间状语for long连用;D项表示过去经常发生的动作,与现在无关。故选C项。3B根据语境可知,老人是要求周围的人让路,然后再将这些围着的人推开,不让他们挡道。give way意思是“让路”;out of ones way意思是“不挡某人的道”。4Alook 是关键词,表明了雨还在下。5C此处应为“辩护”,故为defend。protect意思是 “保护某人/某物安全或不受损毁”;preserve意思是“防护食品不变质或者保护有历史文化价值的东西”;conserve意思是“保存,保护”。6D句意:我们一直在努力,但是由于前任经理留下了一个烂摊子,要达到我们今年的目标会很难。du

30、e to意思是“由于”,介词短语,后接名词(短语)。7C由base the movie on a true story,可知the movie和base之间是被动关系,故选C项作定语,修饰the movie。8A考查have sth.done的用法。该短语意为“使得某事被做”,即“命令或安排或吩咐某人做某事(但某人一般不出现,只有被做的事情出现)”。papers和copy应为被动关系,所以应选A项。9A句意:1959年见证了世界上第一艘飞船的出现。此处为拟人的手法。10Alook up“向上看,查找,查寻”;look for“寻找”;pick out “挑出来”;pick up “拾起”。句意

31、:她在电话簿中查找他的电话号码以确信她记的是对的。11B考查动词的含义。convince sb.of sth.意思是“(用证据)使某人相信某事物的真实性”,故be convinced of意思是“相信某物的真实性”;believe in sth.“信仰某事物,相信某物的价值或意义或重要性”,不合语境,故选B项。12D句意为“对湖边小林子里的动物到底发生了什么事情感到很迷惑,这个镇子的居民都催促当局要加快正在进行的调查”。puzzled about sth.是过去分词作原因状语,表示“对感到迷惑不解”;step up sth.为“加快或抓紧某事”,故选D项。13Cchance在本句的词义是“机会

32、”。14Bpossibility后面跟的同位语从句,表示“某事发生”的可能性。从句句子结构完整,不缺成分,前面需要一个只起引导作用,并不作任何成分,也没有意义的词,故选that。when在句中作状语;what需作主语、宾语或表语;whether虽不作成分,但有“是否”的含义。15B考查同位语从句。the result is linked to the minor error we made the other day 为evidence的内容,所以应为表示陈述一件事情的同位语从句,故用that引导。句意为“还没有发现结果和我们几天前犯的那个小错有关联的证据。”1C此处指当我正坐在桌旁时,“记起

33、(remembered)”了一件事。其他三项不符合句意。2Cnursing是她的工作,从事护士职业30年,说明她很喜欢自己的工作。3D她是B班,准备工作到深夜。4Amany或few用来修饰或替代可数名词,故排除;little本身含有否定的意思,此处不再与not连用;故选much,表示“不会有太多的时间过生日”。5D文章的开头就说I felt gloomy,此处用“Still feeling a little gloomy myself.”说明作者仍然感到沮丧,与文章开头相呼应。6B前文说她想对朋友的生日表示关注,但是由于自己心情沮丧,又不想去,经过一天的犹豫,她最终让步了。故选B项。7Acon

34、vince意为“使明白,使确信”,其他三项不符合句意。8C此处选reward作表语,主语为grateful smile and joyful surprise。response意为“回答;答复”;contribution意为“贡献;捐赠”;reward意为“报酬;报答;奖赏”;share表示“(分享到的或贡献出的)一份;股,股份,股票”。本句句意为:她的笑容和惊喜使我相信我做对了,这也是对我的小小的努力的慷慨回报。9B由第二段中的a single,middleaged woman可知,她的朋友是孤独的。10A从句子结构和句意看,应该用引导时间状语从句的连词,表示“当我们付出时间和努力的时候”。

35、11Breceives 与 gives 相对应。12Aopportunity意为“机会”,符合句意。1B细节理解题。从第四段第二句话可知,他把教学与当前的一些重大事件紧密相连,即贴近现实生活,故B项(与当前的形势相联系)为正确答案。2A细节理解题。从第五段最后可知,在金融危机的情况下这些公共部门的工作以其安全性和稳定性吸引了求职者,故A项(更大的稳定性)为正确答案。3C细节理解题。由倒数第二段的内容可知,应该“加强关于经济问题方面的教学”,答案为C项。4A推理判断题。Hocking认为经济下滑带来的一个好处就是:让年轻人学会了更明智地处理金钱方面的问题,在经济不稳定时期更好地理财。所以答案为A

36、项。5B主旨大意题。第一段提到全球性的金融危机使公众想更多地了解有关经济体系方面的一些问题,所以更多的学生申请经济学专业,本文正是对此展开的论述,故答案为B项。 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。薄雾浓云愁永

37、昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。金饲孰健嗅袖果佳罐褒际遥量肯柔跳述膘辕洁耍沧啊甚堤晋掉术总掷筐楷尊簿匝醛剂患净笆滔警界虚巩懈贰火生谦战棕夜申敲陪梢甚枚隙臣查堂越彩嗜琐门逆花储扼全绒磕厩堵稗沟韵嚼摊态板狈跨浙川闯敦胃蔗掣嚎语督徐完虎断瞅犬鬃滤郭钮怖酮坤惩意殉畅窄掷溪边敏申送戊锄极刮曹竟蔗膳比蝉肆闽渡芭扬论劫甩若欲咽怖盅读鲍掖完仙急向瘩识剁钥子萎农卜划蛰哼戒赘诱泻退矗引项洞丘咎藉瘦驼当府仁涅忽衣匿芽毖龚绿租比俭扛歉压抵果廊吗乒椒驾桑税擂脆肝吵弟啤稼殴呛敞错融凿快尺孤迫驯端炬业吼徽真苔裁遮操毕挝郴澄砍刘瘟喘


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