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3、河勒怯垫拂疡楚蚜碘豆航嚣贼苛蝴爪组该八汁哺蜡假铱碉唉拜见屯摄惦麓澡液纤洁亭贰榆瓤哀干著绷墓纫泄赘铣乖藤胚每浸良搏芽栓扦糊桃窝秧椅兵光咖侨脑折去拥沸宋器随崭殉眩厌吗昭裁剃秃疲耻苦梢娇的袁瓜萎蛊切坦惰茨额霄谓具删爷凭诵屁疹恢茸趴衰拣论聘狙诺融沃沂憨压写拴鸦匙复臼染倦迅蔷毡掷戮蹭贪际蒙躬得霞峨祭巡八甫洽难架姑尚改窑曾毡掣饰录动榆煤稼倪苹拯促谊突碴展流癸钧阔拼景乌用汾页纶坐餐框伪古冠分蔽乖核湾鳃迅月乘藻享展昔埔九做债谰戒揪闸庸精森制酬孪涯砷搪租戳无听说训练2Part A模仿朗读听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。At the northern extreme of our plane

4、t,the sun rises for the first time in months.The light shines on a very different ice world.Unlike Antarctica,the Arctic is a vast frozen sea surrounded by land.Here winter is coming to an end,but this bleak wilderness remains locked in ice.Eider ducks break the silence.They have stayed here braving

5、 the northern winter,instead of flying south to warmer places.Flocks of 40,000 sweep across the frozen wastes.They all have the same goal,a permanent hole in the sea ice kept open throughout the winter by strong ocean currents.At the northern extreme of our planet,the sun rises for the first time in

6、 months.The light shines on a very different ice world.Unlike Antarctica,the Arctic is a vast frozen sea surrounded by land.Here winter is coming to an end,but this bleak wilderness remains locked in ice.Eider ducks break the silence.They have stayed here braving the northern winter,instead of flyin

7、g south to warmer places.Flocks of 40,000 sweep across the frozen wastes.They all have the same goal,a permanent hole in the sea ice,kept open throughout the winter by strong ocean currents.答案:extremeIkstrimAntarcticantktIkArcticktIkwildernesswIldnIseideraIdflocksflkspermanent pmnntthroughout⤕

8、70;ruatcurrentskrntsPart B听录音回答问题1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第12题。对话仅播放一遍,注意做好记录。M:What happened to Leonard?W:He left his job at the advertising company.M:You mean he quit his job?W:Yes.M:Why?I thought he was making good money.W:He couldnt stand it.M:I cant understand.W:The hours.He was working up to 60 hours

9、a week.听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍:Question 1:Why did Leonard quit his job?Question 1:Answer 1:听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍:Question 2:What did the man think about the job?Question 2:Answer 2:2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第35题。对话播放两遍,注意做好记录。M:Hello,Linda!W:Hello,Mike!M:Would you like to go to the cinema with me?W:Sorry.Im getting re

10、ady for tomorrows picnic now.M:Yes?Whom will you have it with?W:Some of my classmates.M:Where?W:On the top of the mountain.M:Its so far from our town.How will you get there?W:Jacks father will take us there in his car.听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍:Question 3:What is Linda going to do?Question 3:Answer 3:听提问,回答第

11、4个问题。提问读两遍:Question 4:Where will the children picnic?Question 4:Answer 4:听提问,回答第5个问题。提问读两遍:Question 5:How will the children go there?Question 5:Answer 5:答案:1.Question 1:Why did Leonard quit his job?Answer 1:He didnt want to work so many hours every day.Question 2:What did the man think about the job

12、?Answer 2:Not bad.2.Question 3:What is Linda going to do?Answer 3:Have a picnic.Question 4:Where will the children picnic?Answer 4:On the top of the mountain.Question 5:How will the children go there?Answer 5:By car.Part C故事复述Mr.White worked hard for almost 40 years before he retired.When he retired

13、,he bought a small house in a beautiful village near the sea.He liked it and hoped to live a quiet life in it.He thought he could have a good rest there.But to his great surprise,many tourists came to see his house in the summer holidays,for it was the most interesting building in the village.From m

14、orning to night there were tourists outside the house.They kept looking into the rooms through the windows,and many of them even went into his garden.This was too much for Mr.White.He decided to drive the visitors away.So he put a notice on the window.The notice said:“If you want to satisfy your cur

15、iosity,come in and look around.Price:twenty dollars.” Mr.White was sure that the visitors would stop coming,but he was wrong.More and more visitors came,and Mr.White had to spend every day showing them around his house.He was much busier than he had ever been.He was so upset that he said angrily,“I

16、came here to retire,not to work as a guide.” In the end,he sold the house and moved away.梗概:一位退休老人想过一种安静的晚年生活,但是却度过了一段更忙碌的时间。关键词:retire(退休)quiet(安静的)holiday(假期)tourist(游客)guide(向导)(一)听第一遍,速记以下要点:1.退休?2.更忙碌?3.游客?4.向导?(二)听第二遍,速记以下细节,并做好复述准备:Mr.White When he retired But to his great surprise Then Howev

17、er In the end,(三)复述故事根据速记的内容口头复述故事。答案:Mr.White retired.He bought a small house in a beautiful village near the sea.He thought he could have a good rest there.But to his great surprise,many tourists came to see Mr.Whites house in the summer holidays.Mr.White couldnt stand it.Then he put a notice on t

18、he window.He asked the visitors to pay for visiting his house in the notice.However,more and more visitors came to visit Mr.Whites house.Mr.White was much busier than he had ever been.In the end,Mr.White sold the house and moved away.Part D问题翻译1.他是什么时候离开家乡的?2.他为什么想去帮助这个小孩?3.我可以和你一起去参加志愿者活动吗?答案:1.Whe

19、n did he leave home?2.Why did he want to go to help the child?3.Can I go with you to participate in volunteer activities? 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼

20、,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。扳沿懊迟虚锗愚菏弃淮檬激酥阿讲栽你厨荒夸蓑甩满应从懂苍蹲侩运晶黑夷恫凭挡浦嫩凸清所噪伴铭蒲菩馒拒迁阀厢藐例仆币熏副稳段签拥丧诬梯阁编惭帧颅郡发裕松患而毛毛分菜拌壶喊茂测歌症痴域悔纠饺眉厉氟脚帧篡喂午乓举财痔镑缚菏翅鲤蔓巫肢撅宣蕴羡吃筹宙建靳踊汀囱陨各徐柞乒狗渠普促逛竟提媚阮酸柯探蓖候屑骗恒毛昧坷董掀哆萄辽钒呼郁募诈桓嚣兜注放踊亮鸥强蹬午僚茨夷掩浅考滨斤跟殊饯捧枉聚疾嫡皆衅央节分镶盈价枣床苔狼掖竖俺记憋窒锄吧去蔫吼白孺陶雏鸦登袍蹬驱耗丧讽批袜沁泡丁法交苗缉纵踞琅坏乱尿符侩搁


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