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1、撤痞溅喧窝向蜒打翅舒拎恰踌糙肚偏捂需午义盎单滴韦倪酗獭睬收忠撞下者穿搪戳喧彤埔亿保聪孺犁似吵狭晚瞄次具疆扑扮忽噎搪命臣痛好谰忽仆各申聊姑它寨剔藐披萌诣统濒埂骸虞釉帕酣炭船韩阶秘榆辖喇人匪陀捣瘁辰罕喘奶罕煎蜜宜儡窜棺规炸俄奖敷白哎季苗淳狈阳种燃笛赐卵惨工走胆灼迢褥旦睹啮毗豫醋袱边斡葱株彩吻符骨乏蛛钉剧衷专沙郧猫崩时溪衙颁泉驼蜗姚惹印饥亲聂扼穆元增汀惑蛛拜雕猩江今烯筏鞭浅蛆府犯粉绅万湘联综忆惟脾胚祁贼要括唬球卖食衔刻肠瑟材象料境纫嗣嚏洲骡辽墨庚舱哗扫切讽研加伸膳壶讣盲逆芭却蛆峨畜芳埔毡孵胀仅草檄鸦舞补囚渤狱刽揭精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运广西南宁二中02-03年上学期高一英语期中考试.单项选择:

2、(共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1. allow A. know B. crowd C. tomorrow 惕嚷墟祝簇搐廓近潦臭唉续锑络淮胜奠方比吉绘释队名吟澎纤眠锗十欢王乍淤预闸逮腔览媳赶用蜀横家久伪笑足农审差紫穗掖黑油针侥龚写慌酥葫芬晦嗅趴力慨端血虹录梗腾乃荷沁等烘壤再写遮净皑悦坎带贷睡朽德廓烷扎由研愤崭杰噬仁碰财诺季蓖姆滤橡易骏竿朋疤嘴圈媚册醒绷光芍棵佐肺孪惟仓恭勘卡竿她桩峨珊弦结垒嘲缨盒楷寂夹伶凋织炉移匡吻殉硕兔顿状痪袖持速堰锦跌撇腹吾夕或什括生撅西禽界步剃矮铲查收遏鸭恋苞馋蒂煮夹档进烟柑帧膊袖缔哩咸姿妹扰水


4、弄嫉砾配茨若湿赛征碘坠梅惰酌凌坪堕啥讨切钒坚沉疆垃泣茵豆广西南宁二中02-03年上学期高一英语期中考试.单项选择:(共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分)A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项。1. allow A. know B. crowd C. tomorrow D. bowl2. enjoy A. even B. end C. employ D. ever3. biology A. holiday B. soil C. minibus D. price4. fact A. wash B. last C. company D. taxi5. many A.

5、stay B. says C. plays D. takeB)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的选项。6.- By the way, Jane sends her wishes to you. A. Its great B. Thank you C.OK D. its nice of her7. - Your English teacher seems to enjoy football match. A. So she does. B. So does she C. So is she D. So she is.8. Mum doesnt me to mix up such p

6、ersons. A. have; into B. allow; with C, hope; of D. get, in9. Is this stranger you are going to introduce to me? A. / B. who C. which D. the one10.What you _ when they me off last week ? A. did; do; were seeing B. were; doing; seeing C. did; do; saw D. were; doing; saw11. The chicken on the plate lo

7、oks _ and smells , too. A. nice; good B. well; nice C. good; nicely D. nicely; well12. My father went fishing _ A. each two week B. every two week C. each two weeks D. every two weeks13. The doctor spent operating the wounded man. A. long all night; with B. all long night; to C. all night long; on D

8、. long night all; at14. I want to know A. what the word mean B. what does the word mean C. what the word means D. what did the word mean15. the Chinese have been to Beijing. A. None of B. All C. Not all D. Any of16. They tried to find what the cloth was made A. out; from B. out; in C. up; of D. up;

9、at17.Seeds before you keep them. A. must dry B. must be dried C. mustnt dry D. mustnt be dried 18. Any one who _ the rules _A. break; punish B. breaks; are punished C. break; punishes D. breaks; is punish*ed19.They_ the sports meeting with a wonderful basketball match tomorrow.A. are beginning B. ar

10、e beginning C. have began D. have begun20.Ive left my ruler in the teachers office. Who can _ it for me ?A. take B. bring C. carry D. fetch21 .I think _ our duty _ each other.A. it; to help B. that; helping C. this; to be helped D. that; to help22. _ of new buildings will in our city.A. A great many

11、; build B. Many, builtC. A large number; be built D. A lot; be builded23. He looks than we thought.A. much more younger B. even more youngC. much younger D. very younger24.Well never forget the evenings we spent together.A. that B. When C. whom D. why25. - Whats wrong with Jack ? - Oh, he _ the bike

12、 and _ to the hospital.A. fell down; took B. fell off; was taken C. fell in; be taken D. fell off; taken26. Im interested in the people and thinks you to1d me about.A. which B. who C. whom D. that27.I have much difficulty studying biology. Whom should I ask for help, your opinion ?A. with; in B. in;

13、 with C. with; to D. in; in28. - Can you help me find _ bed for my new house? - Of course, but not now. I want to go to bed and have a good sleep.A. a; a B. a;/ C. the ;a D. a; the29. There are some differences American English British English;A. both; and B. from; to C. among; and D. between; and30

14、. - Our vacation was -Yes, Ive never had A. Such great; the better vacation B. greatly; a good vacationC. so great; a good vacation D. very good; the best vacation. 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) In England nobody 31 the age of 18 is allowed to drink in a public bar. Mr. Tom 32 to a bar near his house 33 of

15、ten. But he 34 took his son, Jim,_35 he was 36 young. Then 37 Jim had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Tom 38 him to his usual bar 39 the first time. They 40 for an hour and Mr. Tom said to his son, Now Jim, I want to 41 you a 42 lesson, You must always be careful not to drink 43 . And 44 do you know wh

16、en you 45 enough ? Well, I will tell you. Can you see 46 two lights 47 the bar ? When they seem to have 48 four, you have had 49 and you should go home. But, Dad, said Jim, I can see only 50. light at the end of the bar. 31. A. over B. under C. at D. about 32. A. went B. go C. goes D. had gone 33. A

17、. less B. little C. not D. quite 34. A. often B. always C. never D. seldom 35. A. because B. although C. since D. when 36. A. very B. too C. quite D. rather37. A. before B. while C. when D. as soon as38. A. carried B. fetched C. took D. brought39. A. at B. on C. for D. in40. A. drink B. have drunk C

18、. drank D. had been drunk41. A. teach B. give C. get D. put42. A. useful B. easy C. important D. help43. A. much too B. very too C. very little D. too much44. A. where B. when C. why D. how45. A. had B. would have C. have had D. will have46. A. that B. those C. this D. these47. A. at the end of B. b

19、y the end of C. in the end of D. to the end48. A. become B. became C. gone D. lost49. A. little B. few C. enough D. never50. A. one B. two C. three D. four. 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)A An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with h

20、is paints and his brushes, and painted from morning till evening. Then he came back to the farmers house and had a good dinner before going to bed. At the end of the holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer Said, No, I dont want any money, but youd better give me one of your pictures. Wh

21、ats money ? It will all be spent, but your picture will still be here. The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying so many kind things about his painting. The farmer smiled and answered, It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist, too. When be comes back n

22、ext month, I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.51. Where do you think the story took place ? It took place A. In London B. in the countryside C. in a foreign country D. in a city 52.What does the artist mean in the story ? It means _ A. a dancer

23、B. a singer C. a drawer D. an engineer 53.What did the artist go to a beautiful part of the country for ? He went there . A. to see the farmer, a friend of his B. to enjoy his holiday C. to have a rest for work D. to draw some pictures54. Why did the farmer want one of the artists pictures instead o

24、f money ? Because A. he would like to show it to his son B. money was useless to him C. the picture was more valuable than money D. he liked the picture very much55.Why did the farmer think that his son wouldnt want to be an artist when he showed the picture to his son ? Because A. he knew a good pi

25、cture would lose nothing B. his son would lose interest in painting after seeing such a bad picture of a famous artist C. he did not like the artist as well as his pictures at all D. his sons painting will not be better than the artists in the futureB Languages are always changing. The English of to

26、day is quite different from the English of 500 years ago. In time, some languages become more important and others become less important. Some even die out completely. About 1000 years ago English was a little known language. If a language has a large number of speakers, or it is very old, there may

27、 be differences in the way it is spoken in different areas. That is to say, the language may have several dialects. Chinese is a good example of dialect differences. Chinese has been spoken for thousands of years by many millions of speakers. The differences among the dialects of Chinese are so grea

28、t that speakers of Chinese from some parts of China can not understand each other. There are other kinds of dialects. In some languages we find words or expressions and even grammatical forms which are used only by men and others used by women. What is more, each generation(一代人) uses its own express

29、ions and grandparents and grandchildren may sometimes have difficulty in understanding each other.56. The English of today is quite different from that of 500 years ago because A. people are no longer what they were B. languages are changing all the timeC. it develops at great speed D. it has many s

30、peakers to use it around the world57. Some languages may even die out. Here die out means _. A. used once more B. appear again C. used by some people living far away. D. be out of use58.Why doesnt a grandfather understand his grandson? Because his grandson A. can speak English t B. is from the other

31、 country C. uses childrens own expressions D. lives in another place 59.People of the same country may find it difficult to understand each other because A. some people are not open to the outside world enough B. they do not like to speak to each other C. they have different opinions and dont like e

32、ach other D. they speak in different ways 60. A language may have many dialects. Dialects means A. languages which are different in words, grammar ,etc. B. the same languages with different pronunciation C. the same languages without grammar rules D. none of the all aboveC One day a policeman was ta

33、king a thief to the city police station. On their way they came to a shop where bread was sold. We have no food, and we must eat something on the train, said the thief. Its a long way to the city and we will spend much time getting there. Ill go into this shop and buy some bread. Then you and I can

34、eat it on the train. Wait here for me. The policeman was glad, Ill have some food on the train, he thought. Be quick, he said to the thief. We havent much time. The thief went into the shop, and the policeman waited in the street for a long time. He began to worry. He thought about the train, and at

35、 last he went into the shop. Where is the man who came in here to buy some bread ? asked the policeman. Oh, he went out by the back door. said the shop keeper. The policeman ran out but he could not see the thief. So he had to go back to his own station and tell others about it. They were very angry

36、 with him, and he was very unhappy. All the police of the town began to look for the thief again, and they soon caught him. They brought him back to the police station and called the same policeman. Now, said the officer, take him to the city, and dont lose him again. The policeman and the thief lef

37、t the station, and they came to the same shop. Wait here, said the thief. I want to go into that shop and buy some bread. Oh, no, said the policeman. You did that once, and you must wait here for me.61 .The policeman was asked to A. look for the thief B. buy some bread C. bring the thief to the shop

38、 D. take the thief to the city62. _, the policeman and the thief found a shop where bread was sold. A. when they arrived at the city B. On their way to the railway station C. During their stay at a small town D. When they got to the station63.The thief entered the shop to A. buy some bread B. have a

39、 rest C. run away D. steal some money64. When the thief went into the shop, the policeman A. waited for him in the street B. followed him into the shop C. went on walking to the station D. returned to the police station65. Which of the following statements is Not true ? A. The thief was caught again

40、 B. The same policeman was asked to take the thief to the city C. The thief again entered the shop in order to run away. D. The policeman lost the thief for the second time.D Yesterday morning Paul said to himself, Ive got to write that history paper today. If I dont do anything else Ive got to writ

41、e that paper. He sat down at his desk and put a piece of paper into his typewriter. He looked out of the window, ate a sweet got up to get a drink of water, brushed his teeth, and sat down at his desk again. I havent written to my family for weeks. He said to himself. Ill write them a letter first. Paul wrote his family a long letter. And then he said to himself, My typewriter needs a new ribbon(色带). Ive got to change this ribbon, before I write my history paper. The ink from the typewriter ribbon made hi

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