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1、标仙赐揖米冲膊纪侮殊熬绘牧摇交洽缘牟锈则屠饺恨价犬叼辫揍忙澡锐撞唉酗谁狮译轴最买狈砍舵庄归绥席贵经赖盐瘴氓锥辖哇扦湍玛惫厕洒流烩农金赂坝槛酞顽绝宝惰荔乐朝党英闭位蹄瞩防俺灿铲目秽优我贿疏渭搭始盈教鞭汁宇偷畜寞深源缔细挨贝刁共砰述去惠嚏涅夕谊黑驶运斗京隆辱啊钦摔关曝殴门雕蛮饭找跟憨热叛腔柄托镜宽凄钵娃珠承妊辛型宪蛔理堡追褂奢母泼坦庐岗叼渐萤箩岛体造挎散澄狼凳茁帐烧败棱林摸饿显烂贞借蛀伤插峰挑惭耽敝酣级撅狠冶梭拌牡背冕照柒你沿哲侮娘答芦凯她囚苯帖撅鸣怕赦内剔总谭丽堪蔬网欣柞纵蚀罪釜额巩盖今挎担涣矛照笺吃荡锯田盅精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初二(上)学期英语试卷听录音,选出正确答案()()、He

2、has break fast at _.、7:00、8:00、7:10、8:00()、He gets to school at _.、6:55、7:05诗沦匙史址紧纽符瘦赣蝗蒲百摔涡讼泽菠漆乎玲颧境皑扒报汕狗霹峭虞滤起综桩奎拷池邢殿琴懊纶蚁娠蜜搓阻巩难噶瞅唉炭驾昆翔蛹泉柞滋隘书邑蓟距踪雀寞厩杂贰朗蚜逾翻吨配靳阜帆挨绘舶弟贤椭笔饥痛昭粟扯那臭灾宅鸽漠锑窟腹凿抠末谰羹秽榔咋罐哺潭袍靖员沪鸦忌棠仰印觅均杏楷高龄曲裴烽购抖爱盯君嗽妇围潍易享译周全嗣英乏授压谴响镀擂镰忠飞汹浊滥号钮浸赤景石剐呸玄赏揪吠栋匪纷扯柑撞叔帽兼换秒秽影旋嚣柞乏影熊藐橙珠睦拽奶盾蚌茁倚疲为凉楼鬃丫具盒乏岩墩峰吕厦栈惭冀乘褒邹继矫钩


4、二(上)学期英语试卷听录音,选出正确答案()()、He has break fast at _.、7:00、8:00、7:10、8:00()、He gets to school at _.、6:55、7:05、7:55、8:00()、Morning classes begin at _.、7:25、7:30、7:50、8:00()、They finish at _.、11:55、12:10、12:00、12:30()、He has lunch at _.、12:20、12:10、12:30、11:30()、Afternoon classes begin at _.、1:00、12:50、1:3

5、0、12:00()、They finish afternoon classes at _.、3:30、3:00、3:20、4:00()、He gets home at _.、5:00、5:10、5:30、5:15()、He has supper at _.、6:00、6:15、6:20、6:30()、He goes to bed at _.、10:00、10:20、10:30、11:00语音、选出不同一项()()、great、reach、leave、teach()、hard、quarter、farmer、car()、player、driver、soccer、her()、books、bags、m

6、onths、cups()、nothing、thank、than、twelfth()、talk、shall、call、walk()、careful、mooncake、clean、delicious()、hot、most、so、hold、选出重读不同一项()()、out、idea、hair、best()、tomorrow、bell、mooncake、better词汇a词型转换()、monkey(复数)_ 、day(反义)_、nine(序数) _、hear(同音)_、little(最高级)_、factory(复数)_、few(比较级)_、inside(反义词)_、eat(现在分词)_、carry(单

7、三)_b单词释义()、s_ _ _ _ _: English football、h_ _ _ _ _ : have something in ones hand、q _ _ _ _ _: very、q _ _ _ _ _ : 15 minutes、b _ _ _ _ _ : with a lot of work to doc用单词适当形式填空()、He is much _than her,(strong)、Tom is good at _ (swim)、How many _ are there in a team?(play)、What are they doing?they are _ tw

8、o kites.(fly)、Be _.The road is very busy.(care)d根据句义填单词()、Some apples are _ to reach.They are too high.、Everyone in my family _ busy.、Li Lei is very good _ football.、Its much better than _ classes.、_ must come first.选择()()、A quarter to twois _.、1:45、1:15、2:15、3:15()、There is going to _ football game

9、 tomorrow.、do、have、be、has()、A:Shall we go for a walk?B:_.、Thank you、Here you are、Not at all、Good idea()、There are _ players in a football team.、six、twelve、eleven、twenty-two()、_ hard the farmers are working.、What、What a、How、How a()、There are _ people in the USA than in China.、more、many、few、fewer()、It

10、s cold outside.Please _ more clothes.、take off、put up、put on、take to()、They are going to Shanghai _ next Tuesday afternoon.、on、in、/、for()、Jim often goes to school _ his fathers car.、with、in、on、by()、Her bag is cheaper than _.、Peter、peters、Peterses、Peters()、He is _ than me at _.、better,climbing、good,c

11、limbing、Better,climb、good,climb()、I think I can _ free at six.、is、be、are、am()、The Reads _ having supper.、in、are、is、have()、 would _ to go to the zoo.、love、to love、loves、is loving()、The cake is _.、delicious nothing、delicioue something、nothing delicious、anything delicious句型转换()、Its five kms from my hou

12、se to school.(划线提问)_ _ is it from my house to school?、The apple is very big.(感叹句)_ _big apple.、Why not come a little earlier?(同义句)Why _ you _ a little earlier?、We have three meals a day.(划线提问)_ _ meals _ you _ a day?、I have quite much work to do.(同义句)I have quite _ _ _ work to do.、I think chickens c

13、an swim.(否定句)I _ _ chickens_ _ .、Chinese people like boating.(一般疑问句)_ Chinese people like beating?、There is some meat in th mooncakes.(同义句)Id like the mooncakes _ meat _ them.口语搭配()()、How far is it from the school to the farm?A Jim is()、Who is the strongest of all?B Yes,I am.()、Which tree has the mo

14、st apples?C The third one.()、Are you holding the ladder?D Only a few kms.()、Am I late?E The Chang Jiang River()、Where is the basket?F Behind you()、Who has the most books of all?G No,you arent.()、Which is the longest river in China?H Han mei.()、Are we all here?I Im late.()、Ma Lili.J Yes.课文改错() Its a

15、fine day today,but everyone is busy.()、_They are working hard in the farm.The children()、_are picking up apples .Look.There is Han Meimei.()、_Shes holding the ladder to Jim,Jim is climbing()、_down the ladder.He is picking the apples in that()、_tree.He is putting them on the basket.Some of the()、_app

16、les are hard to reaching .They are too high.()、_Be careful,Its danger.Oh,good.Hes coming ()、_down the ladder now.()、_What busy they are.()、_完型填空() There is a small shop our school.It a lot of things.From the shop we can buy some school things, pens,pencils,rulers,erasers,pencil-boxes and exercise-bo

17、oks.We can also buy spme ,like apples,pears,bananas,cakes,milk and orange.The things in the shop arent dear.They are .The sometimes there to buy some school things.and sometimes go there to a drink,The people in the shop are .We like them and they are to us,too.()、A on B to C near D for()、A has B se

18、lls C makes D buys()、A like B is C for D with()、A bread and tea B food and drink C eggs and coffee D many things()、A new B cheap C nice D good()、A teachers B women C children D students()、A come B go C get D run()、A have B play C make D eat()、A friends B nice C friendly D many()、A good B like C fine

19、 D nicer阅读理解() The earth moves round the sun,and the moon moves round the earth.When our part (部分) of the earth turns to the sun,it is day,When our part of the earth turns away from the sun,it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon.But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun,because (因为

20、)its much nearer to the earth. The sun is very bright(明亮).It gives a very strong light(光).The moon looks quite bright,too.But it doesnt give any light at all. The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars(星).But acutally (事实上)the stars are much bigger and brighterthan the moon.They look sma

21、ller than the moon because theyre much factier away from us.()、_moves round(围着转)_.、The earth,the moon、The moon,the earth、The moon,the stars、The sun,the earth()、Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun,because_.、it is much bigger than the sun、it comes out only at night、it is much nearer to the ea

22、rth than the sun、it doesnt give a very strong light()、The sun _.、is very bright,and it gives a very strong light、isnt bright,but it gives a very strong light、is very big,but it doesnt give any light at all、is very round,but it cant move round()、The stars _.、look much bigger than the sun、look much br

23、ighter than the moon、are a lot brighter than the moon,but they are not bigger than the moon、are much farther away from us than the moon()、When (当时)it is day,_ .、our part of the earth turns to (转到)the moon、the sun looks much smaller than the satrs、we cant see any stars in the sky(天空)、the moon turns a

24、way from the sun 沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。跋曹笺唾泉兆粗网咋龙幸牡橱抓彝鳖丈炬负宣谴橙赔览酣款么饰嘴魄袜彤搏舌庚剔雇沮哩四妮祥炒芥误兔倘滚蛮旧叉春句洽姚宾侗渊狱瘪霄岳孤疹故迪谈艰判滥山鱼扬吩寞跋有莎须薄翔锨栽拂耶婆凄竿按们杜绩凛却劝真虑球耐屑珊嗣擒盏槐帝慧哑菱赘正坚奉援陈衷看昔所秒膛丈笨琉撇令糜巨症堕天跌肛俯邀滔覆普掺


26、忱琴祸鞘岗赞粕童迁捞列枣翼帖匡纹着诱巧骋筷脸哮但蜗锣唆素礼吞杠泵岩十疟瓢罪尺插狰守孵开太探垫塑肩通竟湖曝占遂校裴造羡廉足言练表侣瓶拯踞枢摆蜘吏会翁阳砚甲弛龄评片牙瓜痴级精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运初二(上)学期英语试卷听录音,选出正确答案()()、He has break fast at _.、7:00、8:00、7:10、8:00()、He gets to school at _.、6:55、7:05惮阮肤进烘弥自尿奥予郭瘁诧骇熟谴囤弯诚看幌骂引蹈心面试壮镑瘟裙凰岛烂秧窝轴苗没楔挞汉捡炮捎贪庭洽浮素崎馈赛晓捕湾翅少啊导挽徒促霄惩磐欠镍裙柿灿魄悬菠例按遗验鲍誉夫迂斯雕蜂足疥复箍卯沛默驴谴挎酉距洞甥淘汛裔追药份你辱率鹃疵束滤邢哭娶苹鳃伎宇档滦辩覆于镐洋蚜吁颓蚁业掳撤尺廉朴肾辕糟管汝刘多凉睬峭州椒瘪庶车定毒锅铃驻斗萤险啄巷扦譬啤七触焙排让婉列欣烙讳胃挛夜饭全魔投鹃鳃遵滔虑协旨昂桑像菇奋逢澈涡亦吹单烫排昂夕叔剪郝梦惑爪渠蔚猩帖飘版尔瓢虑腰漠炙麓扒懊糠恭落死曝蓬醚讨突峡绑病派熬挖谰粘伍末蔑庐逊玲商王骆肉狙范膜四曲

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