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1、NON-DISCLOSURE AND NON-CIRCUMVENTION AGREEMENT保密和承担协议保密和承担合同This Non-Disclosure and Non-Circumvent Agreement (this “AGREEMENT”) is entered into this _ (date) of _ (month) in 2011, by and between party of first part, _ (hereby known as “Party A”) its affiliates or assigns and party of second part(her

2、eby known as “Party B”) its affiliates and assigns. The party disclosing Confidential Information pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be referred to as “Discloser” and the party receiving Confidential Information pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall be referred to as “Receiver”. Hereafter, Party A and Part

3、y B are together referred to as the “PARTIES”. 这份保密和承担协议 (简称为 “协议”) 在2011年 _月 _日由_(简称为“甲方”) 或甲方分公司或受让人和_ (简称为“乙方”) 或乙方分公司或受让人签署。根据本协议提供机密信息的一方为“提供方”, 接受的一方为“接受方”。以下把甲方和乙方一起称为“双方”。 该保密和承担协议(简称“协议”)是进入2011年 月 日,经过和当事人之间的第一方分,_(以下称为“甲方”) 或其子公司或受让人 ,第二方 (以下称为“乙方”)或其子公司或继承人。一方应当按照本协议提供机密信息的被称为“披露方”,接收机密信

4、息根据本协议应被称为“接受者”。以下简称甲方和乙方在一起被称作“当事人”。WHEREAS, Party A is requesting to Party B for certain information regarding some potential sales opportunity of Commodity Materials such as Iron Ore from Mexico with Party B that the information which includes a confidential sellers & brokers relationship with Pa

5、rty B. 鉴于甲方要求乙方提供墨西哥铁矿石等商品销售的潜在信息,这些信息包括乙方与卖方和经纪人关系网。 甲方要求乙方对某些有关潜在的销售机会的商品的材料,如乙方所提供的资料中包括一个信任的销售者和经纪公司与乙方的有关的墨西哥铁矿石。WHEREAS, the PARTIES are contemplating to enter into a working business relationship to the mutual and common benefit of the PARTIES hereto (such relationship being referred to herei

6、n as “Transaction”), including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organization (hereinafter referred to as “Affiliates”); 鉴于双方打算在互惠互利的基础上建立商业工作关系(此关系在这里称为“交易”)。双方包括分公司、分支机构、股东、合作伙伴、合资伙伴,贸易伙伴,和其它相关机构(以下简称为“分公司);双方正在考虑进入到相互和双方共同利

7、益的工作业务关系时,(这种关系在此称为“交易”),包括他们的子公司、分支机构、股东、合作伙伴、合资伙伴,贸易伙伴,和其它相关机构(以下简称“子公司);WHEREAS, the purpose of this AGREEMENT is to set forth the rights and obligations of the PARTIES with respect to the use, handling, protection, and safeguarding of information which is and/or has been disclosed by Discloser t

8、o Receiver in connection with the Transaction; 鉴于该协议的目的是阐明双方的权利和义务,包括在交易中提供方传递信息给接受方时使用,管理,保护和守护信息。这一协议的目的是要阐明当事人的权利和义务关于信息的披露或已被披露除非本合同明文许可与接收者之间与之有关的交易的使用、处置、保护、维护。NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the PARTIES hereby agree as follows: 因此,为以上

9、问题的妥善解决和相互的契约双方达成以下共识:因此,考虑到前述和共同条款,双方同意如下:1. Confidential Information.1 机密信息1.保密信息a. General Definition. The information to be disclosed hereunder contains information that Discloser regards as proprietary and confidential and may not be disclosed and may include, without limitation, customer ident

10、ities, projects, business operations, business plans, financial information, assets, rights, properties, personnel information, methods of operation, organization structure, financial data, product plans, fee structures, costs, names, business or marketing plans, business opportunities, technical da

11、ta, computer programs, products, technical and business materials and other intellectual properties (collectively, the “Confidential Information”). Confidential Information may include information in written, oral or machine readable form, and shall be deemed confidential hereunder regardless of the

12、 presence or absence of any stamp or other designation of confidentiality accompanying such information. Confidential Information also includes information that was disclosed by the Discloser to Receiver prior to the date hereof as well as information currently provided and to be provided during the

13、 term of this AGREEMENT. 总的定义。 以下传递的信息包括被提供方视为专有和机密的信息,不得公开。这些信息包括但不局限于客户身份、项目、商业运作、商业计划、财务信息、资产、权利、财产、人员信息、经营方式、组织结构、财务数据、产品计划、费用结构、费用、名称、业务或营销计划、商业机会、技术资料、计算机程序、产品、技术和业务材料和其他知识产权(统称为“机密信息”)。机密信息包括书面,口头或者可被计算机解读的样式,不管有没有用图章注明或被指定,在以下都被视为是保密的。机密信息还包括从再此日期开始由提供方传递给接受方的信息,根据协议已提供的信息和将提供的信息也是机密信息。一。一般定

14、义,本协议项下的有关信息,除非本合同明文许可包含信息披露保密的,视为专有信息,不得披露,并可能包括,但不限于客户身份,项目,商业运作、商业计划、财务信息、资产、权利、财产、人员信息、经营方式、组织结构、财务数据、产品计划、费用结构、费用、名称、业务或营销计划,商业机会、技术资料、计算机程序、产品、技术和业务的材料和其他知识产权(统称“机密信息”)。机密的信息可能包括信息以书面、口头或机器可读形式,并应被视为机密的本协议项下无论有或没有任何印章或其他指定的保密伴随着这样的保密信息还包括信息的披露,不得披露目前提供的信息和提供在本协议期限到期之前的信息。b.Non-Solicitation. Th

15、e Receiver may not: (1) Contact or solicit the seller, its employees or business opportunity or other contacts referred by the Discloser except through the Discloser. All correspondence, inquiries, offers to lend or fund, offers to purchase and asset, or offers to invest in certain business opportun

16、ities revealed by the Discloser will be conducted exclusively through the Discloser. Receiver agrees that any violation of the above provisions regarding the non-solicitation shall cause the Receiver to be liable to Discloser, in addition to any other remedies that such parties may have. 。不得拉拢。. 接受方

17、不应该:(1) 未经过提供方同意签合同或者拉拢买方或买方员工,占有商业机会,进行提供方通过合同禁止的事情。所有提供方给出的相应询价,土地和资金报价,购买和资产报价,投资某一商业机会的报价都要由提供方专门引导下进行。接受方必须接受任何关于违反不得拉拢条款的行为都会受制于提供方并采取所有可能的措施进行补救。 c.Non-Circumvention. The Receiver hereby irrevocably agrees and guarantees it shall not:(1)Directly or indirectly, interfere with, circumvent or at

18、tempt to circumvent, avoid, bypass, or obviate Disclosers interest, or the interest or relationship between the parties with any and all governments, manufactures, customers, brokers, sellers, financial institutions, service providers and technology owners.c.不规避。 接受方在这里不可撤消地同意并保证不规避,并且不得: (1)直接或间接干涉

19、、规避或尝试规避、逃避、不顾或忽视提供方的利益和与一些或所有政府,厂家,顾客,持股人,卖家,商业机构,服务机构和技术持有人之间的利益关系。 2.Discloser; Copies. Receiver shall not, without the prior written consent of Discloser, (a) disclose such Confidential Information to any person, company or entity (including any parent, subsidiary or affiliate firm or corporatio

20、n), other than Receivers directors, officers, employees, agents and representatives (collectively “Representatives”) who need to know the Confidential Information for the purpose contemplated hereby, or (b) copy, photograph or make other copies or drawings of the Confidential Information unless reas

21、onably required for the purpose contemplated hereby.2.传递;复制。 接受方没有经过提供方的书面允许不得 (a) 泄露机密信息给任何人,公司,单位 (包括任何上属,下属和加盟的公司或机构) ,除了因这里涉及的目的传递给需要知道信息的接受方的管理人员,职员,雇员,代理人和代表 (总称为 “代表”); (b) 对机密信息进行复制,拍照或制作其它复本和图画,除非满足这里涉及的目的需要。3. Use. Receiver agrees it will not sell, utilize, implement, appropriate or otherw

22、ise use the Confidential Information for any purpose whatsoever, or permit the use of the Confidential Information by other for any purpose whatsoever, without the express written permission of Discloser, except to secure the advice and recommendation of licensed professional business advisors (acco

23、untants, attorneys, etc.) in the evaluation of the proposed Transaction.3. 使用。 接受方必须同意在没有提供方书面授权下,不管以什么目的不得贩卖、利用、占有、盗用机密信息,或者允许其他人使用机密信息。 除了因交易需要,在保密安全的情况下,传递给专门的商业顾问(会计、律师等等) 。4.Forced Disclosure. Notwithstanding any other provisions in this AGREEMENT, Receiver may disclose Confidential Information

24、 to the extent required by any applicable law, regulation, or court or governmental order; provided that Receiver gives Discloser reasonable advance written notice of any such disclosure or any request or demand for such disclosure and provided that Receiver shall cooperate, at Disclosers expense, w

25、ith any request by Discloser to seek confidential treatment, protective orders or other similar protections for the Confidential Information. 4.强制提供。 尽管协议条款有规定,但是接受方可能因法律、法规、法庭或者政府的要求和需要必须提供机密信息。这种情况下,接受方必须以书面形式预先通知提供方;提供方在承担费用的情况下要求接受方对机密信息进行特殊处理和有条不紊的保护,且接受方必须进行全力配合。 5.Safeguards Against Unauthori

26、zed Disclosure. Receiver agrees to treat the Confidential Information with the same degree of care (and in any case no less than reasonable care) Receiver exercise for the protection of its own confidential information of like nature. Receiver shall direct all its Representatives to whom Confidentia

27、l Information is disclosed to take all reasonable precautions to safeguard and preserve the confidential status of said Confidential Information, and Receiver will ensure that any such Representatives are covered by similar confidential disclosure agreements to prevent the unauthorized disclosure or

28、 use of the Confidential Information. 5.针对未授权泄密的安全保护。 接受方必须同意对待自己的商业机密一样保护好(任何情况下不得低于合理保护的程度)提供方的机密信息。接受方必须要求所有需要知道机密信息的代表们采取一切合理的措施,保护并维护好机密信息。并且保证任一代表不得在未得到提供方授权的情况下就泄露机密信息或使用机密信息。 6.Return of Information. Receiver acknowledges and agrees that all Confidential Information furnished hereunder shall

29、 be and remain the property of Discloser. Upon demand, any and all Confidential Information and copies thereof must be returned to Discloser. 6.反还信息。 接受方必须认知并同意所有机密信息属于提供方所有。根据要求,必须把所有机密信息和复制的信息反还给提供方。7.Enforcement. Receiver acknowledges and agrees that disclosure or misappropriation of Confidential

30、 Information in violation of this AGREEMENT may cause Discloser irreparable harm, the effect of which may be difficult to ascertain, and agrees therefore that Discloser shall be entitled to injunction and/or specific performance in addition to all other remedies otherwise available to Discloser at l

31、aw and/or equity. If it becomes necessary to enforce the terms of this AGREEMENT, Receiver shall be obligated to pay any and all costs reasonably incurred by Discloser in pursuing such enforcement including attorneys fees and court costs.7.强制执行。 接受方必须清楚违反本协议条款,泄露或滥用机密信息将会对提供方造成不可弥补的伤害。即便后果不能准确计算,但提供

32、方有权采取强制的弥补手段或寻求法律做出公正的裁决。如果需要强制执行协议条款,接受方应承担所有对提供方造成伤害的补偿,包括律师费用和诉讼费用。I 8.Waiver. The failure of any party in any one or more instances to insist upon strict performance of any of the terms or provision of this AGREEMENT, or to exercise any option herein conferred, shall not be construed as a waiver

33、 or relinquishment, to any extent, of the right to assert or rely upon any such terms, provisions or options on any future occasion. 8.弃权。 因任何一种或多种情况下,一方不能履行协议条款或承担在此提及的选择权,不应被理解为弃权或作废。这些情况还包括在未来任何环境下不能履行维护和坚持条件,条款和选择的权利。 9.Severability. Any provision of this AGREEMENT which is rendered unenforceabl

34、e by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be ineffective only to the extent of such prohibition or invalidity and shall not invalidate or otherwise render ineffective any or all of the remaining provisions of this AGREEMENT. 9.终止。 协议的任何条款被有管辖权的法院宣布为不可执行并且具有相关的禁止和无效规定时,可终止协议。除非协议的几个或全部条款被宣布无效,本协议将

35、继续生效。10.Choice of Law; Venue. This AGREEMENT shall be governed by the laws of the State of California, and the PARTIES hereto agree that the venue of any action arising in regard to this AGREEMENT shall be the U.S. District Court for the District of California in Orange County, and the PARTIES heret

36、o agree to the jurisdiction and venue of the courts of said state and county to the exclusion of any other courts which otherwise may have had jurisdiction. This AGREEMENT may be introduced in any proceeding to establish the rights of either party under this AGREEMENT.10.选择的法律; 地点。 本协议受制于加利福尼亚州法律。双方

37、必须同意所有关于本协议引起的纠纷都要在美国加利福尼亚州奥兰治县法院进行仲裁。即使其它法院有管辖权,双方必须服从以上法院的裁决。本协议要求各方达成以上共识的基础上进行维权。 11.Term. This AGREEMENT shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 60 months (five years) from the date of this AGREEMENT. Notwithstanding such expiration or termination, all of Receivers nondisclosure o

38、bligations and non-circumvention obligations pursuant to this AGREEMENT shall survive with respect to any Confidential Information received prior to such expiration or termination. 11.条款。 本协议自从签署之日起60个月(5年)内充分发挥效力。即使协议终止或到期后,接受方根据协议对在协议有效期内得到的信息,始终具有保密和承担的义务。 12.Successors; Assignments. This AGREEME

39、NT shall be binding upon the successors, executors, heirs, representatives, administrators and assigns of the PARTIES hereto, but neither of the PARTIES hereto shall assign this AGREEMENT without the prior written consent of the other party.12.传承人; 分配。 本协议对双方的传承人,执行人,继承人,代表人,管理人,受让人具有约束力。但是任何一方没有经过另

40、一方的书面同意,不得把协议受让给其他人。 13.Entire Agreement. This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement between the PARTIES in regard to the confidentiality of matters disclosed pursuant to this AGREEMENT, supersedes any prior oral or written representations in regard to said matters and may not be modified, exce

41、pt in writing, signed by all parties hereto.13.一致同意。 本协议包括双方根据该协议保守机密信息的完全的赞同。除非经过所有当事方的书面签字同意,就不能对先前用口头或书面提及的问题进行取代或修正。14.Notice. Any notice required to be given under this AGREEMENT shall be deemed received upon receipt if delivered by hand, facsimile or international courier, or upon five (5) bus

42、iness days after mailing if sent by registered, certified or overnight mail, in any event to the addresses of the PARTIES set forth above, or to such other address as either of the parties shall have furnished to the other in writing.14.注意事项。 所有根据协议通过当面传递,传真,国际快递传达的注意事项必须要保存好收条。如果是已经登记,证明或快递的邮件 ,必须在

43、寄出后的5个工作日内有寄出方以正式的书面形式通知另一方。15. Copies. This AGREEMENT may be executed in one or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed to be an original copy of this AGREEMENT, and all of which, when taken together, shall be deemed to constitute one and the same AGREEMENT.15副本。 本协议可被制成一份或多份副本,任何一份都将被视为原本并

44、具有同等的法律效力,而且把这些副本都拿到一起时,必须保持一致15。 副本,该协议可能有一份或多份合同副本,其中每一个都将被视为本协议的一份正本,所有副本当合在一起,应被视为构成同一协议。IN WITNESS WHEREOF, all signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read the foregoing AGREEMENT and by their initials and signatures that they have full and complete authority to execute the document for and in the name of the party for which they have given their signature.本文件之签署人已详细阅读上述协议,并获得充分授权后,代表双方当事人履行协议,特此为证。

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