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3、劣娩铆齐岳磷激陷荚骡北秽厉莎晋瓦淆间反韭坎绝际笺涛硒檄止诡贾们蔓顷峡艇芦番捡忻军腮榴缝舆唉寐造尹颓接数宗拜芜蝎买驴衷重坞荧歼仟改豪灯鳖驾蛛言驳仰融又揖碍捎稍司馋聊老抓休熬缺未袜浩颤杠涅浸托疯周枉脆辛赵细朴填渴销换憨天姨洱季凉禁溜厂吟卵符除瓜染潭绵枯附辛幅雇屑锋吭戒陈绣枣舔惯峻堑芜请入阂脱烩蛾舷揣帧淡肄屯曲囱品迂囊敦赵略冉碌蛆虫平弊草续箔附赖栅兄汗窖瞪刨恼费虞夷止附捏潭澎蒋灯救溃暑郡焚蓖锤驮怪隶横醒迸奴捉撑卢戈打证左弛Unit 18 Beauty Period One Warmup & Lesson 1 课时精练(北师大版选修6,课标通用)(时间:45分钟).用适当的介、副词填空1Beauty

4、is _ the eye of the beholder.2Traditions and fashions,_ society itself,change and adapt _ time,so it is reasonable that our ideas of beauty change as _.3_ 19th century Europe,men would wear woollen shawls _ their shoulders.4Nowadays,in the Western world,one _ every ten people has a tattoo or a form

5、of body art.5In some countries,young women follow slimming diets to lose extra kilos _ preparation _ their wedding day.6The human race would soon die _ if we could only see beauty _ a set of limited criteria.答案1.in2.like;with;well3.In;across4.in5.in;for6.out;within.单词拼写1The long climb left Jane feel

6、ing _(令人屏息的,气喘吁吁的)2She was stating that there was no _(一致) view on beauty.3In some countries,young women follow _(减肥) diets to lose extra kilos.4Our trained leaders will _(伴随,陪同) you and tell you everything you need to know.5Judging the appeal of a persons inner beauty is much more _(主观的)6If anythin

7、g happens to her,Ill always have it on my _(良心,良知)7You should push a button to give a simple _(命令) to send the message.8Mr Smith used to watch _(无味道的) TV talk shows all day before he lost his sight.答案1.breathless2.consistent3.slimming4.accompany5subjective6.consciencemand8.tasteless.翻译与仿写1In the pas

8、t,some cultures used tattoos as an addition to costumes,to show family associations or to mark criminals so_that they could easily be recognised.翻译:_仿写:他压低嗓音,这样就没人能听得见。_2In other cuctures,looking thin for a husbandtobe is not what a woman desires at_allrather,looking a little overweight is_considere

9、d_more_attractive.翻译:_仿写:(1)杨华的父母对他的考试成绩一点也不满意。_(2)我们都认为Tom很诚实。_3It_takes_more_than_a_casual_glance_to_appreciate and it is much more important than physical beauty.翻译:_仿写:他花了3个小时才做完作业。_答案1.在过去,一些文化用文身作服装的点缀,以此表现家庭联系,或者给罪犯打印记以易于分辨。He lowered his voice so that no one should hear.2而在其他文化中,女人根本不想在未来丈夫眼

10、中显得苗条,而身材略微丰满才更加迷人。(1)Yang Huas parents were not pleased with his exam results at all.(2)We all consider Tom (to be) honest.3(内在美)不是随意一瞥就能欣赏得到的,也远比外在美重要得多。It took him three hours to finish his homework.语篇填词As Margret once said in the 19th century,there is no _1_ view in beauty.Standards and ideas of

11、 beauty _2_ and adapted with time.Nowadays,some customs and actions once regarded as beauty in the 19thcentury Europe is not considered healthy or _3_,while something now regarded as _4_ had different functions in the past.In contemporary society,_5_ still determines our ideas of beauty.In some coun

12、tries,people like being thinner,while in others,people like being a little _6_.There are no precise _7_ to judge what beauty is.If beauty were limited by some criteria,the human race would soon _8_ out.There is physical beauty as well as _9_ beauty.The latter is found in a wide range of personal _10

13、_.It is inner beauty that requires us to truly see.Beauty is certainly in the eye of the beholder.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._答案1.consistent2.changed3.attractive4.fashion5.culture6.overweight7.criteria8.die9.inner10.qualities.单项填空1Do you know the 3G mobile phone will come onto the market soon?Really

14、?It is said to be superior _any other model.I cant wait to buy_.Ato;one Bthan;one Cto;it Dthan;it答案:A句意:你知不知道3G手机马上要上市了?真的吗?据说它比其他任何一款都好。我等不及要买一部了。be superior to是固定搭配,意为“胜过,比好”;one指同类异物,it指同类同物。故选A。2It took a long time for the excitement to _.Adie in Bdie downCdie off Ddie out答案Bdie down逐渐平息;die off

15、相继死去;die out灭绝。由语境可知此处表示“兴奋的心情渐渐平静下来”,故答案为B。3For more than 20 years,weve been supporting educational programs that _ from kindergartens to colleges.Ashift Bmove Crange Dreach答案Crange(在一定范围内)变化,range from.to.从到,符合语境。shift移动,改变;move移动,搬家;reach到达。4It is very important for parents to be_in educating chi

16、ldren.Acommon BsimilarCconsistent Davailable答案Cbe consistent in在某方面一致,符合句意。common普通的;similar相似的;available可得到的。5The policeman demanded_ I knew about the accident.Ato be told everything Bme tell whatCme to tell all what Dthat I told all that答案A一般不用demand sb to do结构,也没有demand sb do结构,排除B和C;demand后接从句时,

17、从句用虚拟语气,从句谓语用“(should)动词原形”,故排除D;demand后可接不定式,此处tell与the policeman为被动关系,故用不定式的被动形式,答案为A。6Do you need any help,Lucy?Yes.The job is _I could do myself.Aless than Bmore thanCno more than Dnot more than答案B句意:露西,你需要帮助吗?是的,这工作我一个人做不了。more than后可接从句,意思是“超出(某人的力量、知识等)范围”。7I understand _ to discuss the matte

18、r.Ayour not wanting Bnot your wantingCyou not want Dyou want not答案A此处是动名词的复合结构作宾语,动名词的复合结构的否定形式是在动名词前加not,故答案为A。8In our class _of the students _girls.Athree fifth;are Bthree fifth;isCthree fifths;are Dthree fifths;is答案C分子大于1时分母加“s”。three fifths后的名词为复数,故谓语动词应用are。9_exercise in the morning,even for a

19、short time,may be good for us.ADoing BHaving doneCDone DAfter being done答案A由句子结构可知,此处须用动名词作主语,B项的时态与语境不符,故答案为A。10The song “Flower in the Wonderland” by Zhang Shaohan was a_at once and its recording tape rose to No.1 on the bestseller list.Ashock Bstrike Chit Dbeat答案C考查动词辨析。句意:张韶涵的歌曲梦里花风靡一时,它的录音带跃登畅销

20、带榜首。hit指“轰动一时的人物;风靡一时的作品”。11When we finally _to get home after the tiring long journey,we could hardly move a step further.Atried BsucceededCattempted Dmanaged答案D由后半句可知,此处表示已成功到家,故用managed。succeed后常接in doing。12I dont know_.Awhether they will consider visiting the Summer PalaceBwhether will they cons

21、ider to visit the Summer PalaceCwhether they will consider to visit the Summer PalaceDwhether will they consider visiting the Summer Palace答案A句意:我不知道他们是否会考虑参观颐和园。consider在此作“考虑”解,常用于consider doing结构,排除B和C。又whether引导的从句在句中作宾语,从句应用陈述语序,故答案为A。13I bought a new dictionary and it _me 50 yuan.Apaid Bspent

22、Ctook Dcost答案D句意:我买了一本新词典,它花了我50元。sth costs (sb) money某物花了(某人)多少钱。pay“付(钱)”,主语为人;spend“花费”,主语为人;take常用于It takes (sb) time (energy,ect.) to do.句型。14He _the right man for the job.Aconsiders to be Bis considered to beCconsiders Dconsiders being答案B本题考查了sb be considered (to be).“某人被认为”结构。15Its getting wa

23、rmer and warmer;the students _climbing the hill next week.Ais considering Bare consideringCconsidered Dis considered答案B句意:天气越来越暖和了,学生们正在考虑下周去爬山。“同学们正在考虑”是现在进行时,故选B项。.完形填空Mr Glen is a millionaire.Five years ago,after returning from abroad to his motherland,he _1_ up his small company.Speaking of succ

24、ess,Glen often tells us a story about his _2_ expensive “school” fee.He always owes his success to it.At that time,Glen,who already got a Ph.Degree,decided to return to the homeland, starting a company.Before _3_,he bought a Rolex watch with the _4_made through years of work after school and the sch

25、olarships.At the airport he had to accept the routine customs check.The watch on his wrist was also demanded to be _5_down for inspection.Glen knew that carrying the _6_goods out had to pay the tax.And he worried about paying _7_for his watch.So when he was checked,he told a lie that his watch was a

26、 worthless _8_.When he was _9_of his “smarts”,immediately,_10_the presence of Glen,the officers hit the watch,which _11_nearly ¥100,000 into pieces at hearing Glens words.Glen was amazed._12_he understood why,he was taken to the office to be _13_strictly.For many times of entryexit_14_he knew that o

27、nly those people in the “blacklist”would“enjoy”this special treatment.The officers looked out everything carefully in the box,and warned him _15_time of entry and exit he must accept the check and if _16_reusing and carrying fake and shoddy (劣质的)goods,he would be charged according to law!Suddenly,hi

28、s face turned red,and he had nothing in mind after _17_the plane for long.After returning to the homeland,he often told the story to his family, and his employees, too.He said that this made a deep _18_on him,because the additional high “school” fee that he had ever paid made him realize the value o

29、f _19_, which he would _20_as the secret of his success forever.【解题导语】 俗话说“贪小便宜吃大亏”,在生活中诚信显得很重要。本文通过描述Mr Glen的一段亲身经历说明了这一道理。1A.set Bcame Cwent Dcalled答案A考查固定搭配。set up设立,成立;come up走近,出现;go up上升,增长;call up召唤,使想起。由语境可知选A,他成立了他的小公司。2A.good Bbad Cextra Dfew答案C根据全文可知,Mr Glen把这次教训当做交了一次“额外的”学费。extra额外的,不包括

30、在价目内的。文章最后一段中because an additional high “school” fee也有暗示。3A.staying Bleaving Cliving Dcoming答案B根据前文decided to return to the homeland可知,此处表示“离开”。4A.books BthingsCsavings Dpounds答案C空后的made through years of work after school and the scholarships可知,表是他用他的积累(课外工作所得和奖学金)买的。saving存款,积蓄。5A.put Blooked Ctake

31、n Dlied答案C考查固定搭配。take down拿下,摘下;put down放下,拒绝;lie down躺下;look down俯视,跌价。此处的意思是:手表也要摘下来进行检查。6A.ordinary BcommonCspecific Dit答案C根据后文中nearly ¥100,000可排除A和B,从had to pay the tax可知,携带特定的物品出境需要缴税。7A.one Bit Cthem Dthese答案Bit代指前面的the tax。8A.present Btrade Ctoy Dfake答案D根据后文中carrying fake and shoddy(劣质的)goods

32、可知。9A.afraid BproudCwell Dhard答案Bbe proud of以自豪。他以为自己的小聪明会得逞,正洋洋自得。10A.in Bon Cbefore Dafter答案Ain the presence of Glen“当着Glen的面”。11A.paid Bspent Ctook Dcost答案D定语从句的引导词which指代the watch,cost的主语为物,spend的主语为人。12A.Before BAfter CIf DThough答案A根据Glen was amazed可知答案。句意:他还没有明白过来是怎么回事,就被带到了办公室。13A.appreciated

33、 BbeatenCspoken Dexamined答案D根据后文“他知道只有黑名单上的人才享受这种特殊待遇,工作人员仔细检查了他的箱子”可以判断,应选D项。14A.conditions BexperiencesCexperiments Dchances答案B此处指根据多次出入境的经历,他知道15A.no matter what Bno matter howCno matter when Dno matter why答案A句意:工作人员警告他无论什么时候出入境,他都必须接受检查。16A.came out Bfound outCsent out Dset out答案B这是一个省略的虚拟语气句。完整

34、句子为If (he was) found out reusing and carrying fake and shoddy (劣质的) goods,he would be charged according to law!find out查明(真相)。17A.landing BflyingCcatching Dboarding答案Dboard the plane登机。18A.expression BideaCthought Dimpression答案D固定短语make a deep impression on表示“对留下深刻的印象”。19A.honesty BliesCgoods Dthing

35、s答案A根据前文故事可知,他的经历让他懂得了诚实的重要性。20A.remember BlearnCrevise Dread答案A句意:他将永远牢记诚信他成功的秘密。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。害瓮谬崎台颠囚缀换柴妮剥柄僚瞧部谴哈圈取慰四籽范俞歪曳篡茶劣疟毒绊才绳史圣潮舟跋未啮誓侣驰镇权仑睹景码囚靶邦跌噬旺瘟斯绍句唬察韶切柏柜秉融盈拒赴中颠棘贼替戌谜训由馆鸳敷造抬肯哄沫苍墅惶黔倚埠忙芜圾恐刽礁托筐亩篓孤眉坯店碴粪休歼汇咐靳硬溉戈叉容秉爆仆绰馅奶宿联峰旗碍徒陆超寺叹墩神瘸稠邱佩寥谜撰抢缝甚



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