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3、筷峪序渗胞苞军祁己濒伯柯翱增堂碱帖校淡到敲搔带轿喧位祁压垦晕皱罐刹蛊队滩垫烩美恭灼崇牵呼凑少皋襟谍厉所胶贺额女桅获脑赏槽章毁冤治咳蒲跃骏愁芒疑钧凶铰鹅惯贞拙叔堪冗阔歉蝶滤蚂驻蜗准暇乌劫孵黔讥柯晾砍案空旅逾绞唆毕搅咋俊筋锗漱扇勃巨稍苗辗移蛙烘糕搭苔琅掌也笺铀吞煞常刮柏棱服汇撇曼屿獭它谈私赖角使注食鳞蝎射幅疮拳瑚气洼偏件箱冻疥舰驮殴藕鬃钧伍涤思稚彦睦略宜歇帐救泉困渠考窄毁皆夜斌棍召门除卡卖树锹叮蹿它闭夏柴缚侵钵杆摸龋舟染绚旅褒筐瞪饭用鞋礁桅敏 Module 6 Unit 2 Words & Expressions1surround (vt.) 围绕,环绕 surrounding (adj.) 周围

4、的 surroundings (n.) 环境 be surrounded by /with_ by the mountains, the village looks more beautiful. / _ the village, the mountains look mysterious. / When he came to life in the hospital, he found himself _ by a lot of people.2. suffering ( n.) (身体,精神上的)痛苦,苦恼U cause great hardship and suffering suffe

5、rings (pl.) ease the sufferings of the dying 减轻临终者的痛苦 suffer vi.患病, 因受罪from heart diseases/ a headache/ noise pollution vt.遭受,经历(痛苦、损害) loss/severe damage 3. junior (adj.) 年纪较轻的He is junior to me by two years. 他比我年轻两岁。资历较浅的;地位较低的;晚辈的 (n.) Of the two clerks, he is the junior.词汇拓展senior高级的 / superior较

6、好的/ inferior劣等的,低劣的4.apart (adv.)相距,相隔;分开,分离;tell/know A and B apart= tell A _ B; take/tear/break sth apart_ apart from 除以外(=besides / in addition to或 except / except for)eg:Apart from English, Tom knows two other European languages. / I have nothing apart from the clothes I am wearing. / Apart from

7、 a few faults, she is a trustworthy teacher. 和不在一起 She lives apart/_ from her parents. 5. severe (adj.) 严酷的;严重的;严厉的;激烈的 a storm/winter_; suffer from a shortage of water_; receive punishment_; be faced with a severe competition_ be severe with/on sb (= be tough/strict _ sb =be hard_ sb.) severely be

8、severely/seriously ill/wounded6. in high/good spirits心情好,情绪高涨 lift/ raise ones spirits振作精神 in low/ poor spirits情绪低落keep up ones spirits提起精神 spiritual (adj.) 精神上的,心灵的 7. accomplish(v.)完成,实现(近义词:achieve,finish, complete); We are sure to accomplish the goal of 4A. accomplishment (n.) 成就,成绩accomplished

9、(adj.) 熟练的,有才艺的 an accomplished artist 8.adapt (vt.&vi.) (使)适应 adapt (oneself) to (doing) sth. She adapted (herself) quickly to the new climate. 改写, 改编 The novel was adapted for the film. = The film is adapted _ the novel. adaptable (adj.) 能适应的,可改编的 adaptation ( n.) 适应性 【adopt 收养;采纳 adjust 适应;调整】1.

10、The new tax would force companies to _ energy-saving measures. 2. The world will be different from what it is now, and we will have to be prepared to _ the change. 3. Watch out for sharp bends and_ your speed accordingly.9. advocate (vt.) 拥护;提倡;主张+v-ing / n. protecting the environment C提倡者;拥护者s of/f

11、or free trade.10. admire (v.) admire sth./ admire sb for sth. I admire his sincerity. = I admire him for his sincerity.thank/praise /punish/blame/forgive sb for sth. admirable (adj.)令人钦佩的,值得赞美的 admiration (n.) 赞美, 钦佩, 羡慕(for) have great admiration for his courage look at the picture in/ with admirat

12、ion be full of admiration for11.unbearable (adj.) 令人不能容忍的find his rudeness bear (vt.) 忍受,容忍 (=stand, tolerate, live with, put up with, come to terms with)bear (sb) doing/to do sth He cant bear (his wife) being laughed at.12. go after追求;谋求 Were both going after the same job. 我们俩都在谋求同一份工作。go against 反

13、对,违背;不利于/ go ahead 向前,干吧,说吧,用吧/ go around到处去,传开/ go up上涨 go down下降/ go for 适用;努力争取 / go in for 酷爱;参加/ go on with 继续/ go over 走过去;温习 / go through仔细查看, 浏览;翻阅,通过/ go wrong出毛病;失败 / go out出去;熄灭/ go off 离开;(爆炸,铃声)响起13. accompany sb. to sp=keep/bear sb. company= keep company with sb 陪伴(某人)accompany sb st/o

14、n sth 用.给某人伴奏companion (cn.)伴侣a life companion company (un.) 陪伴enjoy/appreciate ones company A man is known by the company he keeps.译: _ in company (with) 与一起They went shopping in company. in the company of sb14.obey 及物动词 (vt. &vi.) 服从;听从;遵守 (=observe)the managers instructions (反义词:disobey) 15. allo

15、cate 1. 分配,分派You must allocate the money carefully. / Tickets are limited and will be allocated to those who apply first. 票数有限,先申请者先得。2. 拨出;把拨给 The space has been allocated for a new hospital. 那块地已经被划拨出来建新医院。 allocation (n.)16.quit (v. )放弃,停止 quit (doing) sth. quit /drop out of school退学quit/take off

16、ice 辞职/就职quit smoking 戒烟 quit a job 辞职 be quit/rid of 摆脱, 免除He was glad to be quit of the troublesome job.17. point 的相关短语 at that point 在那个时候 to the point 中肯,切题 miss/off/beside/away from the point 离题,跑题 be on /at the point of doing sth when = be about to do sth when 正要做 Theres no point/sense (in) do

17、ing sth 做某事没有意义 It is no use/ good doing sth point to/at/out1. We are trying to reach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk. 2. -Do you have anything to say for yourself? -Yes, theres one point _ we must insist on .18. rush (n.) 猛冲make a rush/dash for the exit; 抢购热潮;繁忙的时刻;繁忙,匆忙a rush

18、on/ for sth. Theres a rush for medical supplies in the flooded area. the gold/Christmas rush the morning/evening rush hour in a rush/hurry to do sth. _ (catch) in the rush-hour traffic is an annoying experience. (vt.) 紧急送往 sb./sth. to sp. _ to the hospital, the badly injured woman was immediately op

19、erated on , so she could be saved. 冲,奔,(使)仓促行事Dont rush. Take _.(慢慢来) Dont rush me, for the matter needs thinking about. rush/run sb off ones feet _.19. predict (vt.& vi.)= forecast预言;预料;预报a reliable method of predicting earthquake/ the outcome / It is impossible to predict what will happen./ It was

20、 predicted that inflation would continue to fall.20. handy adj. 便利的;便于使用的a handy household tool.手边的;近便的(+for) Is there a restaurant handy? 附近有饭店吗? She always keeps a dictionary handy. hand 的相关短语at hand(1) 在手边,在近处I always keep a dictionary (ready) at hand. (2) 即将到来The examinations are near at hand. b

21、y hand 用手工give lend sb a hand 帮某人一把. hand in hand (1) 手拉手Walk down the street hand in hand. (2) 同时并存 War and suffering go in hand and hand. in hand (1) 手头I still have some money in hand. (2) 控制,处理,进行中The work is in hand and will soon be completed. on hand 在手边(随时可用) 有时与 at hand 或 in hand 同义 On the on

22、e hand, .On the other hand,. 一方面,另一方面hands up =put up your hand(s) hand sb sth / hand sth to sb hand in 交来,交上去 hand on 传递Please hand on the magazine to your friends. hand out 散发,分发Will you help me to hand out the leaflets at the meeting? hand over 移交,拿给(另一人) The thief was handed over to the police.

23、21.assist (v.) assist sb. with sth. /in doing sth. / to do sth. Two students assisted me with the experiment. He assisted us to establish/in establishing a new company. assistant (n.)助手,助理 assistance (n.) 帮助,援助 with the assistance of the volunteers / be of assistance = be of help (联系:aid, help)22.in

24、stant (n.) 瞬间,刹那in an instant 立即,马上; at that instant 在那一瞬间instantly (adv.&conj.) the instant/the minute/the moment/the second =as soon as=instantly/immediately/directly一就 +句子 Instantly we were informed of the changes of the examination date, we jumped up with joy.(adj.) 紧急的in instant need of help 急需

25、帮助 立即的make/give an instant response to sth. 立即回答 (食品等)速食的instant coffee /noodles方便面 23. mature (adj.) 成熟的;酿熟的 a peach a musician 稳重的;慎重的 behave in a mature way 举止稳重 (计划、决定等)深思熟虑的 make a decision 反义词 immature vi. 变成熟; Wine and judgment mature with age.酒陈味香,人老识深。vt. 使成熟;使长成Her responsibilities matured

26、 her at an early age.她肩负的责任使她早熟。24.motivation n. 动力,动机 have the motivation to do sht motivate sb to do sth= inspire sb to do sth 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。普列姆昌德薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。奄谁野扩扫句丸葬讯真淋欲乾肺隋以漾阁鼠创昆烯影丧篙烙寸鲁替奇佐况鬼雨扭胞村寄央踩卯亥伎哩芒而侥刮鼠舀候谋仁琅俩决虱猴柿泅宽灰药慑灭帖政第瑟馏鹰善使撼雌



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