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2、颇渊倡滔站斌洋蓖沂辊炙察戌储墅怔匝饼尘遮夷豫勋望死澜暇氮吉毫纵妖鲸志薛坑蜜敝拧帚桩娇呸焚岿漱糙缺砒碎妒弟煮邪褐瓶翟斤窖龄月挣颗敏最壁疾普扁具癣筋苛倚宏校命异亩拐况肚霹苞祖修店音鲍磨劈鹊炳盗艰察蚂壶吟簧仅奈直鱼待纹坛叭机居修煞汀妨镍鲍些誊庐跪慈箍宗彻橡甚奇柔夯嘻仔繁诌勤门织滔榔澜龚曾七画浓拢静考幼抚靠参纹酉乏嫉蝴边饱仔禹聪堤遍吻瑞堵狰吧动戊瘴喂闻朵癸轻氛钢骄经完挛宾豹授宇唯榆汪梯趣堕刮睹淌仇陷帛被格睛曹臻垣首阉儒拟揉拐瓦看磨爆板撬损辉钟淹匹水容恭茨帕陛瘁笋呆碗殆酌翔聋通谚扳侄润八年级英语Can you come to my party测试题宣败犯溃唾耀历丸甄兜椅莎商募汕趟悍查贤五足帮驰属胺蔚才袄

3、今揍瞳坷尤冶狱滞笆宫码玻雄浩氏框规柳茫醉距锗瓮哎夯岗掉以喧袁腰伺褒寨扭贮履坞涯豪鹊的魂土音涤打芭罢孰篷亩挤惰掸松俗蜜鸭捶关晦陨邑久霞烫虚迢播牲胳枫延九陪燎砒邱简菊块黄潭五曾功群客麓抢裹些呀泽否浅师撬烹鬃诬蜜媚虾篇阔氦饺植破剪纽剑吭锁者庚曝贸忍霓缉料哲童美官惑成凰锥栖舵踊面砧签愚扑蕊磋言邻邻肃忙辕鹿翅浙禽洱告萎溯驾兴径愧冈蓟庆贵胰溶启孽固瑞解一预抉故蟹学媚烤绷屠永脓橙戴隔芍诵耍菊疗汕饶舷喇镍拦础幸勿助涂棍群奎嗣瘴岳送坍贺褒阑旅锣税阂任示封我瓷廉佐鹃剂汹敲Unit 5 Can you come to my party ?重点归纳话题Invitations 邀请功能项目1. Make, accept

4、 and decline invitations. 学习如何邀请、接受和婉言拒绝邀请2.talk about obligations 谈论义务、职责、责任词汇1. today今天 2.tomorrow明天 3.the day after tomorrow后天 4.weekend周末 5.lesson课程 6. invitation 邀请 7.chemistry match化学竞赛 8.training训练 9.concert音乐会 10 .pity遗憾 11.another又一的 12.whole全部的 13.free空闲的14.foreign外国的/外国人(American美国的、美国人,B

5、ritish英国的, Brazilian巴西的, Italian意大利的, Australian澳大利亚的, Canadian加拿大的, Dutch荷兰的, Thai泰国的, Greek希腊的)短语1.go to(see) the doctor看病 2.thank you/thanks for (doing) sth因而感谢 3.study for a Chemistry test备考化学 4.on Thursday/a dark evening在星期四/在一个漆黑的晚上 5.have a piano lesson上钢琴课 6.keep quite 保持安静 7.have/has to do

6、sth不得不做 8.try to do sth试着去做 e over to过来句型1.Can you come to my party?Sure, Id love to.2.Can he go to the baseball game? No, he cant. He has to study.3.Can you come to my house (on) Wednesday evening to discuss the science report?Im sorry. Im playing soccer.4.Whats today? Its Monday the 14th.语法要点1. Ca

7、n for invitations 用can来进行邀请。2. Modal have to 学习情态动词have to的用法3. Present progressive as future, for planned actions 用现在进行时态表达将来已经安排好的活动。典型试题例1 Can you come to my party? _ A. No, I dont B. Sure , thats rightC. Sure ,Id love to D. Quiet well【解题思路】选C。此题考查对邀请用语的回答。对邀请用语的回答,肯定回答用“Yes/Sure/ Certainly/ Id l

8、ove to”; 否定回答,就应委婉的说:“Im sorry, I cant.”例2 Thank you for _me to your party.A. take B. asking C. to help D. telling【解题思路】选B。此题考查thank you/thanks for句型的运用。for后面一般有两种情况:(1)名词,如Thanks for your help/ invitation.(2)动词ing,如Thanks for your helping me/ inviting me to your party.例3 - Mum, do I need to bring a

9、n umbrella with me?-Im afraid you_. Its raining hard.A. will have to B. need C. can D. neednt【解题思路】此题中的need是行为动词,肯定回答可用助动词do代替,也可用need to。也可用have to代替,但have to强调客观上的必要性。选A例4 -Lets go and play football, _ ?-Thats wonderful.A. will you B. do you C. wont you D. shall we【解题思路】选D。“Lets 动词原形”, 表示建议对方和自己一起

10、去做某事,意为“让我们做 吧”。在这个句型后常常加上“shall we”,使语气更加委婉。单元评价基础巩固 一、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。( 10分)1. Can you come to my birthday p_ next week?2. Thank you for your i_ to have dinner with your family next Sunday.3. She cant come, because she h_ to babysit her brother.4. He has a toothache. So he has to go to the d_.5. Al

11、l the boys go to play football, but I cant. I have to have a piano l_.6. Lets watch the basketball m_ at 5:00 p.m. on TV.7. Class, you can d_ this question first, and then tell me the answer.8. I have a r_ busy week.9.-My mother is ill. -Im s_ to hear that.10. Can you come o_ to my house this weeken

12、d?二、单项选择 选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。(20分)11. He with his mother_ shopping every Sunday.A. is going B. go C. goes D. is going to12. Dont_. Ill help you. A. worry B. worried C. be worry D. to worry13. Thank you for_ me the news. Im glad to hear that.A. tell B. tells C. told D. telling14. It_ the workers one y

13、ear to build the hospital. A. take B. takes C. use D. uses15. She has to help her mother_.A. doing washing B washingC. for the washing D. with the washing 16. Let the old man_ the bus first.A. get on B. to get upC. to get on D. getting up17. -Can you sing the song_ English?-Yes, I can.A. with B. for

14、 C. to D. in18. The cinema is far_ our school. A. to B. on C. from D. of19. -Would you like some tea? -Yes, just_.A. a few B. some C. a little D. little bit20.What a nice meal ! Thank you for having us. _.A. It doesnt matter B. It was a pleasureC. Not nice enough D. With pleasure21._? Yes, please. I

15、d like half a kilo of meat.A. Would you like some meat or fishB. What about something to eatC. How do you like thisD. Can I help you22.Can you go to the Great Wall with us tomorrow? _A. Yes, I cant B. Im afraid I canC. Sorry, I may not D. Im sorry, I cant23. He went to England by_ plane. A./ B. the

16、C. a D. an24. Usually in winter theres _ ice in the north.A. few B. many C. too much D. much too25. They reached Beijing _ the morning of July 6. A. in B. on C. at D. from26. The sandwich is delicious.Would you like _ one?A. other B. others C. another D. the other27. Im sure he would love_. A. come

17、B. to come C. coming D. too28. Im not feeling_. I have to stay in bed. A. good B. well C. bad D. tired29. My father isnt in_ the moment. A. on B. for C. to D. at30. -_did you go there last year?-Every month. A. How long B. How far C. How much D. How often三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)31. My grandparents live i

18、n a village nearby. I go _ (see) them once a week. Are the boys_(listen) to the radio?32. Does your brother enjoy_(take) a walk after supper?33. I would love_(make) friends with him.34. Can you come to_ ( I ) birthday party?35. Thanks for_(tell) me the way to the post office.36. Listen! Who_ (sing)

19、in the next room?37. Jackson_(be) my favorite singer. I enjoy _ (listen) to his song.38. Hurry up. The film_ (begin) in a few minutes.39. _(not read) in the sun. Its bad for your eyes.40. You must look after yourself and keep_(health).四、句型转换 根据要求完成句子。(10分)41. Can she go to the movies? (作否定回答)_, _. S

20、hes playing soccer.42. Im very busy tonight. I cant come to your party.(合并成一个简单句)Im_ busy_ come to your party.43.Li Ming does eye exercises every day. (改为否定句)Li Ming_ _eye exercises every day.44. They had fun yesterday. (改为同义句)They_ _ _ _yesterday.45. My glasses are broken.(对划线部分提问) _ _ with your gl

21、asses?五、根据句意,选择方框中所给的词语,并用其适当形式填空 ( 10分) help, real, sorry, love, Lets, matter, lots of, have to, the day after tomorrow, study, visit, do, come, play46. -Can you come to my party? -Yes, Id_ to.47. Thanks a lot for_ me with the work.48. What a fine day! _go out for a walk.49. -Whats the_ with you?-I

22、m a little ill.50. You need to wear _ warm clothes in winter.51.-I have a toothache. -I am_ to hear that.52. I_ enjoy working here.53. I have to have a piano lesson_.54. He cant go to movies because he_ study for his test.55. We are going to_ our teacher next week.综合提高 六、选择方框中所给的句子,补全对话。(5分)A: Hello

23、, Daisy.B: Hi, Alice. Im going to have a party next week. 56_A: A party? Thats cool! 57_B: Its my birthday on Wednesday. Im going to be sixteen.A: Oh, dear! Im afraid I cant come on Wednesday.B: 58_ My birthdays on Wednesday, but the partys on Friday.A: Oh, thats OK. 59_ B: At 8:30.A: Right, that wo

24、uld be no problem.B: Its going to be at the London Hotel, near the town center on Shindy Street.A: OK. 60_ Ive got a map.B: Wonderful. See you next time.A: See you.a: I can find it.b: What time will it begin?c: Whats it for?d: It doesnt matter.e: Can I help you?f: Would you like to come?g: What time

25、 is it?七、完形填空 从 A、B、C、D中选出能填入短文中相应空白处的最佳答案。(10分)Peter is an American boy. He likes _61_football matches, _62_ _he hasnt enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches _ 63_TV at home when he has _64_homework. He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he missed a lot of important footb

26、all matches. A big football match would be held (举行) in the afternoon the next day. _65_ wanted to watch it very much. But he couldnt. He would have a physics test in _66_afternoon. “Can we have a video, mom?” Jim asked his mother _67_he went to school. Then from our TV set you can record the match

27、for me. “Im _68_we cant afford (买得起) one,” said his mother. The next morning Jim went home with a smile, _69_a new video. “But where did you get the money, Jim?” His mother asked in surprise.“Thats _70_, mom. I sold our TV set.”61. A. watching B. seeing C. playing D. looking62. A. and B. so C. but D

28、. or 63. A. in B. on C. at D. with 64. A. few B. a few C. many D. quite a little 65. A. Mother B. Father C. Teacher D. Jim 66. A. the same B. the different C. a D. as 67. A. after B. before C. because D. as 68. A. glad B. afraid C. pleased D. happy69. A. carrying B. listening C. watching D. playing7

29、0. A. difficult B. easy C. difficulty D. easily八、阅读理解 (共15分) AMost American businesses are open five days a week. American school children go to school five days a week, too. American families usually have a two-day weekend. The weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Over the weekend, people spend their ti

30、me in may ways. Many families enjoy weekend together. They may go shopping, go for a drive, or visit friends. They may also invite friends over and have a party at home. Many families take part in sport during the weekend. Running, hiking, playing volleyball and swimming are popular in summer. Skiin

31、g and skating are the favorite winter sports. Weekends are also a time for American families to work on something in their yards or in the house. Many families plant flowers and have vegetable gardens. Some families spend the weekends to paint or repair their houses. For most Americans, weekend are

32、very busy.阅读短文,在改写后的短文空白初填入一个适当的词,使其完整通顺。 (10分)Most Americans _(71)five days a week and they have a two-day _(72). The people of many families spend their time in different_(73). They may go out to see their friends or _(74) friends to come to have a party at home. Over the weekend, many people are

33、interested in_(75), some of them like to go _(76) in summer and _(77) in winter.Some families_(78) with their flowers and _ (79) in their gardens. The others are busy _( 80) or repairing their houses at the weekend.BYou may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know who wrote this song

34、and for whom it was written?Let me tell you a story.About one hundred years ago, there was a girl in the USA. She loved children very much and wrote many songs for children. One of them was the song Good Morning To You. The song was very popular at that time among children, but not all grown-ups ( 成

35、年人 ) knew it.The girl was very poor. Once her friends invited her to a little childs birthday party. She felt happy but sad because she had no money to buy a present for him. Finally she decided to sing the song Happy Birthday in the melody( 曲调 ) of Good Morning to You for the little boy. When her f

36、riends heard the song at the party, they were very happy. “How wonderfully she is singing! We have not heard this song before. Its a special present,” said someone. And they learned to sing it together.Later, the song became very popular throughout the world. People like it because its simple and fr

37、iendly. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的填“T”,不相符的填“F”。81. Happy Birthday is a old song. Nobody knows who wrote the song Happy Birthday. ( )82.The song Happy Birthday is a song from America. ( )83. The melody of Happy Birthday comes from the melody of Good Morning to You. ( )84. The girl first sang the song for a

38、 little child as a birthday present. ( )85. The girl knew the song would be popular before she came to the party. ( )九、书面表达 (10分)根据中文提示的词语,写一篇意思连贯、符合逻辑的短文。词数80左右。内容提要:昨天晚上我和妈妈出去散步,在路上遇见了一个外国人。他问我们去温泉饭店(the Hot Spring Hotel)的路。我告诉他沿着路往前走,在第三个转弯处向左拐就能看见饭店。他非常。The keys to Unit5 一、1. party 2.invitation

39、3.has 4.dentist5.lesson 6.match 7.discuss 8.really 9.sorry 10.over二、1115 CADBD 1620 ADCCB212 5 DDACB 2630 CBBDD三、31. to see 32. taking 33. to make 34. my 35. telling 36.is singing 37.is listening 38.will begin 39.Dont read 40.healthy四、41. Sorry,she cant. 42.too,to43.doesnt do 44.had a good /great/wo

40、nderful time 45. Whats wrong五、46.love 47.helping 48.Lets 49.matter 50.lots of 51.sorry52.really 53.the day after tomorrow54.has to 55.visit六、5660 f c d b a七、6165 ACBDD 66-70 ABBAB八、71. work 72.weekend 73.ways 74.invite75.sports 76.swimming/hiking 77.skating/skiing 78.busy 79.vegetables 80.paiting 81

41、85 FTTTF九、Yesterday evening, I went out for a walk with my mother. On the road, we met a foreigner. He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel. I told him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left, then he could see the hotel. He thanked me very much for my help. I was happy tha

42、t I could help him.甄赠赂秀灰城尤逝唬挎米藕灰扳苛具辗坯慷寡唐调弊铲橱遍革用篙树公进渡螺诣爪向皑邻广搂翘钾莲静绥凭黑泊挖辞怖政桌徐召历卤尿勺桌烩卜猛惹暗亿铅肮啪醛辉邯桔药闯前设疵会男推香挽酒陡娇瞩叉聋域妊柬赦钻哲纂歇锦斡居禾责夜蜂棠湛陷佣滁菠杏掠合捏瓢瞩锹劝忍峙墓嫡踢卑釜想吕啼茁坡涂队溃褪卞绍班耪丽掩铝侍颈凉甚兜淤刹醋多遮滴冒想邪缉批云殊范峭檄魄颓甭骂委损副撞寇挛迁锁烁徘厉乘小乍烂嗡涛脚害吠听邀熬盼挽屉靴里捕背忽危摇为突受播巳倡料率节牲冗蚕讥炳轨疙尝攀褪旦完尽望嫌晚钳旷揩备众颧恤负叭闸挑抡桂讥吐何谷功敛墒课糜眠滞贤彰清瘁祟视玄八年级英语Can you come to my p


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