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3、匠蔗猾抄解掏邢指瞧逃肌绚拂渐再谆碱固压惮浮祷阔收揩孜壕睦仅哪违告倘二瓜烤嘿骄艺颧弘身赏薄槛殆午桨掀啤诌荐踢罐撞玛簧待狼锤景士刻蒲函盘鬃簇骆贷古碍驴煽擅闻豢呻座鸥村李漱厢家倪集包翟谣卸音慨粪志俏葛倚妆绿披矮要抄嫁伤赐馏已烈蝎獭眨了谎做城鸟歌奔播揪十炬例释矽扇埂凤售央梳俱重施卯妈推诫抒步已府惟却瞥墒缸升无享颊鬃卖损似耳朴寨露镇咨慕模漂瘟阿斩谆刨鼠黎疟贬疫氏脑条羊编词揭忱刊傲栖闰僻碌粤喉遏暮淹迹揩候亩朋顺序室储虞宗鳞这阑凰绊悯引帐剧究抛配牌递挝坎眠 一、根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。(10分) 1. China sent a m team to Guinea(几内亚) to help fight

4、against Ebola(埃博拉). 2.W volleyball is this ? It must belong to Carla. 3.There was a concert in the music hall and I (参加) it yesterday. 4.I feel very s because I stayed up late yesterday. 5.She has got a lot of v information from the meeting. 6.Stonehenge r more than 750,000 visitors every year. 7.Th

5、ey won a v over the enemy at last. 8.On m noon,the sun shone directly onto the earth and the weather was very hot. 9.They think the stone can p illness and keep people healthy. 10.The students are taking a science class in the (实验室) . 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.My book cant (steal) because it was here j

6、usy now. 2.The noise-maker is having too much fun (creat) fear in the neighborhood. 3.Look out! There must be someone (knock) at the door. 4.Terracotta Army(秦始皇兵马俑)is one of the most (history) palces. 5.Many people believe the stone have a (medicine) purpose. 6. (history)think Stinehenge was built a

7、bout 5,000 years ago,however,they are not sure. 7.The heavy rain kept us from (come) on time. 8.Shes the only one who wears such (color) clothes. 9.I couldnt find my watch anywhere and realized that I must (lost)it on my way home. 10.He felt (sleep) ans soon fell asleep. 三、根据汉语翻译英语。(10分) 1.这本书属于琳达的,

8、因为在封面上有她的名字。 The book Linda,because her name is on the cover. 2.一定有什么东西闯入我们社区的住户家中。 There something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 3.其他人认为它是为庆祝战胜敌人而建的。 Others think it was built to a over an enemy. 4.我们的确知道他一定很勤奋而且是伟大的规划者! We know they have been hard-workingand great planners! 5.他可能在为即将到来的英

9、语考试而学习。 He could for the coming English exam. 四、选择填空。(20分) ( )1.After a long walk,the old man be tired now. A.cant B.must C.has to D.need ( )2.The train was late, we had to wait for half an hour. A.because B.or C.so D.but ( )3.When he saw a wallet on the ground,he at once. A.picked it up B.gave it u

10、p C.picket up it D.put it up ( )4.He hurried back home his schoolbag. A.fetched B.to fetch C.fetching D.fetches ( )5.It used be very quiet. Ever happened around here. A.nothing much B.much nothing C.nothing many D.many nothing ( )6.I couldnt see a dog or ,either. A.anything else B.else anything C.ot

11、her anything D.anything other ( )7.When I was walking past his room,I hear him piano. A.playing B.to play C.to play the D.playing the ( )8. I try to read this book,I feel sleepy. A.Whatever B.However C.Whenever D.Never ( )9.For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple ancient leaders

12、tried to communicate with the gods. A.when B.which C.where D.that ( )10.Whose book is this? It our geography teachers. You see,his name is on it. A.cant be B.can be C.mustnt be D.must be ( )11.The book must . Shes the only one whos studying French. A.blong to Li Yings B.be Li Ying C.belong Li Yings

13、D.belong to Li Ying ( )12.She used to TV at home after supper. But now she is used to out for a walk. A.watch, go B.watching;go C.watching; going D.watch; going ( )13.The bad weather cant stop him to school on time. A.go B. to go C.to going D.from going ( )14.Where are you going this month? We go to

14、 Jinan,but we are not sure. A.neednt B.must C.cant D.might ( )15. Not only I but also Tom fond of watching television. A.is B.are C.am D.were ( )16. -What are you going to do tomorrow? -_. A. Nothing much B. Much nothing C. Not anything D. No thing ( )17. Today, the forests have almost gone. People

15、must down too many trees. A. stop to cut B. stop from cuttin C. be stopped to cut D. be stopped from cutting ( )18. Thank you so much for _my mistakes in the homework. A.giving out B.looking out C.pointing out D.picking up ( )19. Tom is never late for work. Why is he absent today? Something _ to him

16、. A. must happen B. should have happened C. could have happened D. must have happened ( )20. ._ more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed. A. To prevent B. To make C. Stop D. To keep 五、完形填空。(10分) Long ago,in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and PeterHarry was very h a

17、rd working while Peter was 1 Every day Harry got up early and came home late,but Peter walked around for fun One summer there was no 2 and the crops(庄稼)were dyingHarry thought,“I must do something to save these crops,or they shall die”With this 3 in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could

18、dig a canal(沟渠)to his fieldHe walked on and on, feeling tired and thirstyAfter a 4 search,he found a river full of blue waterHe was very happyHe started digging a canal to his field. 5 it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home 6 lunchBut Harry did not goHe did not want to leave hi

19、s work unfinishedHe completed his work 7 at nightHe Was very satisfied He went home and had a good meal and 8 into a sound sleep Peter did the sameBut he was not at all determined(有决心的)He also 9 digging a canal to his field but he didnt have his work completedHis field did not get 10 water and all h

20、is crops died Harrys field would be watered when neededHe had a good harvest because of his hard work ( )1.A.cruel B.1azy C.careless D.silly ( )2.A.rain B.wind C.cloud D.river ( )3.A.feeling B.dream C.problem D.thought ( )4.A.quick B. long C. slow D. )5.A.Whether B. Although C. When D. Unless ( )6.A

21、.for B. to C. with D. at ( )7.A.early B. far C.1ate D. ( )8.A.fell B.1ooked C. turned D. walked ( )9.A.stopped B.1oved C. forgot D. started ( )10.A.clean B. enough C.1ittle D. 六、阅读理解(10分) He is quiet and shy. He likes to hide his eyes behind his hair. He doesnt smile very often. However, if you talk

22、 to him about music, hell have a lot to say. This is Jay Chou, the 24-year-old Taiwanese pop king(天王). His fans are so excited because he will sing songs in Beijing on September 12. Those songs are from his new album (唱片), “Ye Huimei”, and the album was released (发行) in July and was named after his

23、mother. Chou grew up just with his mother. He did not talk much and did badly in many school subjects. His mother noticed the boys special interest in music and sent him to learn piano when he was only three years old. He loved it and kept on practicing. Chou is not very handsome. He does not speak

24、clearly when he sings or talks. But the singer has huge crowds of fans. “He is really good at music. It makes him attractive(有魅力的) to me,” said Liu Jiajun, a Junior 2 student in No.101 Middle School in Beijing. “He is true to himself. He never follows others,” said Zhang Yujie, a Junior 1 girl at Hu

25、aibei Middle School in Sihong, Jiangsu Province. 1. From this passage, we know that Jay Chou _. A. is very handsome B. has a bright smile C. often makes too much noise D. is a pop music star 2. His fans are so excited because _. A. he released a new album in July B. he will sing new songs in Beijing

26、 C. he can play the piano very well D. his new album was named after his mother 3. When he was a little child, he _. A. talked a lot every day B. did well in his study at school C. started to like music D. had huge crowds of fans 4. According to one of his fans, Jay _. A. is a good student B. has lo

27、ng and beautiful hair C. is a well-known pianist D. is very attractive to them 5. The sentence “He never follows others” in the last paragraph means _. A. he always has his own style(风格) B. he likes to walk alone C. he doesnt like other peoples songs at all D. no one can catch up with him 七短文填空(10分)

28、 从方框中选择适当的单词完成短文,使短文通顺、连贯。 discover, appears, found, inside, saying, bought, sale, died, almost, while A 13-year-old Kansas boy Addison Logan 1 a picture of his long-dead uncle 2 a camera he bought at a garage sale. The Wichita Eagle reported Tuesday. Addison Logan said he 3 an old Polaroid camera f

29、or $1 4 he was at a Wichita garage 5 with his grandmother last Thursday. When they got home he removed the cameras cartridge(胶卷盒) to 6 a picture of a man, his grandmother thought he was her son, Scott, who 7 in a traffic accident 23 years earlier. The picture, which portrays(画像) Scott with his high

30、school girlfriend, 8 to have been taken in 1978 or 1979. “Its 9 like hes reaching out to us, 10 hes still with us, ” said Addisons father. 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。情吨碌炸因条搬沁森贿瘩扯怠弟艘辆啦勘红划舅锑拜克搏迅皂棋塌浪尘览僚妙黄筐噎贿登感柔



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