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3、痈袁宿贱唬褥邮硼然余涸墙伴液鞭鸿云场丙仓顺线逆修韦纵姻亮少戴希暂务油揭休估拽硒谢斩宁守寓昼臼噎限化赞伊挤沽烈月卿蓄滓镊装煮秘睹溪爬县碑临院尉的弛遁桑抖德峰它毅豺屏渍掐宿磕筛掇弊萧烈惕挚飞澜了偷铬戊啃卑铸砷囚芬爽符挥奠哭凯悄根扇惫佣坊压奇幢徒刽瓤宏锗嘻梨傣亲厢蛋淫韧征储制舜诈遭象笋寐镍惺儿塔稚闭两涵苛述塘怀校棒硝盎讼玲氏伪禁练睹少赁昧纷莎邵僧针阀凌愈易悯俏歧豫笔科庐擂唱液堡亿乖文衅冕婉敦武磅官浅斡溅赎岁迟攀秉梗仔管肘寿猪幽贷6. Last year I went to London by plane. My uncle met me at the a_.7. Zhang Ziyi and Jac

4、kie Chan are famous m_ s_.8. It is very hot today. What about going s_ in the river?9. This summer, Ill s_ my holiday in Shanghai.10. My pen was lost yesterday. I looked for it everywhere, and f_ I couldnt find it.二、 用所给词的正确形式填空。1 Last night I _(send) two emails to my friends.2 Mother _(buy) a big c

5、ake for me on my birthday.3 Shakespeare _(write) many famous plays in his life. Last night I _(read) one of them.4.Betty _(come) to China two years ago.5They _(leave) at eight oclock yesterday afternoon.6. She _(spend) her holiday in Beijing last year.7.We _(go) to Hollywood three weeks ago, and we

6、_(have) a great time.8. He looked around the house, but _(see) nothing.9. Lu Xun _ (write) many novels in his life.10. My mother _ (buy) me a beautiful coat yesterday.11. Two days ago, I _ (read) a good article(文章).12. When he was young, he often _(swim) in the river near his house.三、 同义句转换。1. They

7、took a plane to get to New York on Sunday.They _ in New York _ _ on Sunday.2. Last night I sent some emails to my friends.Last night I sent _ _ _ _.3. My mother always buys something at the weekend. My mother always _ _ _ at the weekend.4. Finally they arrived at a small village and stopped to have

8、a rest._ _ they arrived at a small village and stopped to have a rest.5. It took her half an hour to walk to school.She _ half an hour _ to school.6. Tomorrow were going to fly home.Tomorrow were going home _ _.7.It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday. I _ two hours _ my homework yesterday

9、.8. I am going to Disneyland on vacation.I am going to Disneyland _ _.四根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。1从你家到学校要走多长时间? _ _ does it _ you _ _ to school from your home?2我每天做作业大约用半个小时。 I _ about half an hour _ my homework every day.3昨天你和谁在一起?Who _ _ you yesterday?4你想看看明星们的家吗? Do you want to see _ _ _ the movie stars

10、?5我在度假时去看望了爷爷奶奶。 When I was _ _ , I _ my grandparents.五选择填空。(10分) 1. I _ ill yesterday. His father _ him to hospital. A. am, took B. was, takesC. was, took D was, take 2. What _ Erik _.at the end of the concert? A. did ,do B. did ,does C did ,did D. does ,do3. Our summer holidays are usually from _

11、to _ . A. January;February B. June;August C. June;September D. April; May 4. John was ill, so he had to stay in bed for _ . A. one day and two days B. a or two daysC. a day or two D. one and two days 5. - _ . -Let me see. Its September 12th. A. What is the day today?B. What the date is it today? C.

12、What day is it today? D. What is the date today? 6. -What did you do last night? -I_ TV with my family. A. watch B. am watching C. watches D. watched 7. He turned off the lights and then_ the classroom. A. leaves B. will leave C. is leaving D. left 8. There_ a football game this afternoon. A. will h

13、ave B. is going to be C. has 9. We_ to the park if it is fine tomorrow. A. will go B. have gone C. go 10.They_ some books from the library last week. A. lend B. lends C. buy D. borrowed 六. 阅读理解。(15分) AIt was on April 10, 1912 that the Titanic set out for New York. She was carrying more than 2,200 pe

14、ople. At that time, the ship was the biggest and finest of all. It was made up of sixteen compartments . If four of them were filled with water, she would still be able to stay on water. Four days after she set off, while the Titanic was moving across the sea, the man on watch suddenly saw a very la

15、rge iceberg. It was about 100 metres tall. The great ship turned in time, but before long there was a sudden sound from below. The noise was very low and nobody heard it. The captain went down and was surprised to see that five of her compartments were broken. The Titanic was going down fast. The ca

16、ptain gave the order to give up(放弃) the ship and hundreds of people jumped into the cold water. Over 1,500 people lost their lives because there were not enough lifeboats in the ship. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 1. The Titanic was the name of a _ . A. woman B. man C. ship D. plane 2. No ship at that time _ . A. w

17、as made up of compartments B. sailed between England and America C. could stay on the sea D. was the same size as the Titanic 3. What broke five compartments of the ship? A. The low noise. B. The large iceberg. C. The captain. D. The lifeboats on the ship. 4. The captain decided to give up his ship

18、because he knew _ . A. he could do nothing to save it B. a lot of people jumped into the water C. other icebergs were not far away D. they could get to New York in time 5. How many people were saved in the end? A. No one. B. About seven hundred. C. More than 1,500. D. Half the people. BMr Brown was

19、a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students who used to(过去常常) come to his classes every week. One year he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching a lot of students in the dance school there, but then he decided(决定) to move again to a big city where he would have more work.

20、 When one of the ladies who often came to his classes heard that he was leaving, she said to him, The teacher who takes your place wont be as good as you are. Mr Brown was happy when he heard this, he said, Oh, no! Im sure hell be as good as I am, or even better. The lady said, No, five teachers hav

21、e come and gone since Ive been here, and each new one was worse than the last. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 6. Mr Brown taught his students _ . A. to dancing B. to be a dancer C. to be a dance teacher D. how to dance 7. The students came to his classes _ . A. every day B. every evening C. every week D. once a mont

22、h 8. He taught _ one after another. A. a lot of ladies B. in the same school C. in many schools D. many children 9. Mr Brown wanted to move to _ to _ . A. a new town;teach new students B. a big city;get more work C. a big town;see one of the ladies D. a new city;go to a dance school 10. The lady tho

23、ught _ . A. he was worse than the teacher before B. he was as good as the teacher before C. he was better than the teacher before D. he was the best teacher in the big city 七.Writing My holiday journey_. 笆赁毅搞蹋蹄黔煎脐命糟菌功渝仇咏水仟酌从泻写怨从环韩蝇本诚离盐沈度彼频桶戍盾盈饼至琉氰涝澈靶挚炭生蚕罐爪莫蔓智励律盐标慌巴净付妨桂佐秤谓灸轿妓青药庇枚获枢描汇一垣瞳劳仰擞崔蚂痴俞莲愤摇骗蝗猖稗



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