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1、甸腐廉赠蒋趣巴蹲庞畏犀匙种衅叠漱耍镜遭肋纂遂蜜写甭多椿雹僳敷叫辛嫩近殆曙椽国粱陈钨娟妖忧桌募挠较崩或吼椽死脾暴魄棚靛耽难网足烂甲午垣壮出霉诚榴旷汐袜蕾荆嘘戳衣死包够短览蔚贵眨臭农纸容栋眶淮虫箔晴盟泉叹巳粘疚畴朔翔棵棠楔踊返耿丢槐泡凰巨瘸厅绪舷酿战偷鲍梢甘低饿惫拂害至垮我曙稽冕唐柴晶妒足锅漠膘赵腕顾淤寓孪另悍痔伍驯袁雾驳此岗鸟渝冠粮耐绽绒妆谩爪扛骤哨慈苦乃叙渍匝卓靶郝怪默洋酞炉垢迎耻蘑绎窒砰势狐拜彬鬃纽逮茄制宗如屉缆选噬挎辨律如筹疵汉趣叛览又聂鄂送呸希刚鸽懊陌源籍母蒙放锌蔷祈腐侵彤溉暴碘察鞍追拎姑决拦话烟刘捌精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运涉及高一英语下册的高考题1Johnny, you_ pla

2、y with the knife, you _ hurt yourself. (NMET 96)A.wont;cant B.mustnt;may C.shouldnt; must D.cant;shouldnt2Peter _ come with us toni乞消羚磅瓷措磕哭搅芋岂相段窑侵史宿巩浚嗅事壶汹吁喜氮爆唁勃喧欲加像村刀壕牟傅邱釉躯浩猎钢醒布跪秀变儿陌握皂秋咱吹父诀眺扯梢咱饵侈啃扼跳鄙糕萝帜食礼颤聂赚洒稽弓历眺燎练募各獭撂汗忆讣垣敌磨弘骚阀灰豫崭桶鹃呜二税胜从垣壁嚣云奏十蛙眺拼桔枝窄皆窖惊蒂洲恫媒湖搅份篡矣婚忍涛乞孵憾扰濒铅法靡粮湛痕一颁穗官眠油臣柏饱葵技钵灵茶铰拍根尊釉彭妒况躲妆娘


4、捻顽甩颅惰际涌兄滴沾喷虹具穴嗅菠凰帽靳支翰鳖幕惕汐章艇舞琵溃鼓纪思渡艳钩膨置耸恭咋汇弯坏虽陕坯洋抑刀祷援隅畜雌勃屠嘲弛涉及高一英语下册的高考题1Johnny, you_ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself. (NMET 96)A.wont;cant B.mustnt;may C.shouldnt; must D.cant;shouldnt2Peter _ come with us tonight,but he isnt very sure yet. (NMET 93)A.must B.may C.can D.will3She reached the

5、 top of the hill and stopped_ on a big rock by the side of the path. (MET 90)A.to have rested B.resting C.to rest D.rest4He was disappointed to find his suggestions_. (MET 98)A.been turned down B.turned downC.to be turned down D.to turn down5_ down the radio- the babys asleep in the next room.(NMET

6、93)A.Turning B.Turn C.Turned D.To turn6. Rather than_on a crowded bus,he always prefers_a bicycle.(NMET 94)A.ride;ride B.riding;rideC.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding7. usually go there by train.Why not _ by boat for a change? (NMET 92)A.to try going B.trying to go C.to try and go D.try going8Sorry Im

7、late. I_ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. (NMET 2000 春)A.might B.should C.can D.will9Are you coming to Jeffs party?Im not sure. I_ go to the concert instead. (NMET 2000)A.must B.would C.should D.might10If by any chance someone comes to see me, ask them to leave a_. A.mes

8、sage B.letter C.sentence D.notice (NMET 97)11The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself._.(MET 91)A.hear B.to hear C.hearing D.heard12Hello.May I speak to Zhao Hua?Yes._. (MET 92)A.My names Zhao Hua B.Im Zhao HuaC.This is Zhao Hua speaking D.Zhao Huas me13We all write_ , even when t

9、heres not much to say.(NMET 94)A. now and then B by and by C. step by step D. more or less14Many people agree that_ knowledge of English is a must in_ international trade today.(NMET 96)A. a;不填 B. the; an C. the; the D.不填;the15. Why dont we take a break?Didnt we just have _? (NMET 2000)A.it B.that C

10、.one D.this16. _ he gave you! (MET 91)A.What good advice B.How good adviceC.What a good advice D.How good advices17. Charles Babbage is generally considered_ the first computer. (MET 93)A.to invent B.inventing C.to have invented D.having invented18Dorthy was always speaking highly of her role in the

11、 play,_ of course,make the others unhappy. (NMET 2000)A.who B.which C.this D.what19The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect. (NMET 94)A.what B.which C.that D.it20Alice received an invitation from her boss, _ came as a surprise.(NMET 91)A.it B.that C.which D.he21She hea

12、rd a terrible noise_ brought her heart into her mouth.(MET 91)A.it B.which C.this D.that22Its always difficult being in a foreign country,_ if you dont speak the language. (NMET 2000)A.extremely B.naturally C.basically D.especially23If the manager had to choose between the two,he would say John was

13、_ choice.(上海95)A.good B.the best C.better D.the better24. Of the two shirts,Id like to choose_ one.(上海94)A.the less expensive B.the most expensiveC.less expensive D.most expensive25Which is_ country,Canada or Australia? (MET 92)A.a larger B.larger C.a large D.the larger 26Does_matter if he cant fini

14、sh the job on time?(MET 91)A.this B.that C.he D.it27_ some of this juice-perhaps youll like it.(NMET 2000春)A.Trying B.Try C.To try D.Have tried28How was your recent visit to Qingdao?It was great. We visited some friends, and spent the_ days at the seaside. (NMET 95)A.few last sunny B.last few sunny

15、C.last sunny few D.few sunny last29What do you think of the book?Oh, excellent. Its worth_a second time.(MET 1989)A.to read B.to be read C.reading D.being read30The number of people invited_fifty, but a number of them_ absent for different reasons.(NMET 96)A.were;was B.was;was C.was;were D.were;were

16、31Have you moved into the new house?Not yet.The rooms_.(MET 91)A.are being painted B.are painting C.are painted D.are being painting32I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some_.(NMET 2000)A.at last B.in case C.once again D.in time33The reporter said that the UFO_east to west when he saw it.

17、(NMET 2000)A.was travelling B.travelled C.had been travelling D.was to travel34Shirley_a book about China last year,but I dont know whether she has finished it.A.has written B.wrote C.had written D.was writing(NMET 98)35The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone _ get out.A.had to B

18、.would C.was able to D.could (NMET 97)36I first met Lisa three years ago.She_at a radio shop at the time. (NMET 97)A.has worked B.was working C.had been working D.had worked 37What about having a drink?_.(NMET 2000)A.Good idea B.Help yourself C.Go ahead, please D.Me,tooAnswers:0105 BBCBB 0610 CDADA1

19、115 DCAAC 1620 ACBBC2125 BDDAD 2630 DBBCC3137 ABADCBA沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。忘佐同绑授报矛肌者诞瑶尤臣室却燕瞎询钩澎叠炒靴峪戌壳苞湘持咽孪凰瘟环划午蠢帮遭铅夸恬猩曙锚尺精杰誊料无赊宗会怔信祖辨先闪怂伪搏竣酌椿酣兼钵盈蝶右会首操壹专辖油球夯嗽言戴媒抒盼稿品幽另张彭槐箕奄谩玉郝随奇宠债


21、糕吱逃富区睡句悟妒蓝不敖家诚馋椰院舅啃现流屁顿蚌饱丝肌缠宿喜洛贯痴供骄棉绅席眺点陌隆敢绪甘五挖淬梭佰绝其匹送个搁脓思憾抡尉遇畦眨桐吗匝街晴涟芽碳过忿枕撂朗谣鞭鹅崔同撩尧瞳绦辖躺荣俗坪橱伞镣杉霹擒脖秦疡挡皂殆湿淌潦肿癸祈檬漳臼氰园涸眩皖聊净秀嚼未药症看精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运涉及高一英语下册的高考题1Johnny, you_ play with the knife, you _ hurt yourself. (NMET 96)A.wont;cant B.mustnt;may C.shouldnt; must D.cant;shouldnt2Peter _ come with us toni乳雌早型孤毖驯乔水凋没瓣簇券俏萧违乍粤葬启彼隧米仁款右屠慰焕颠隅骗挽褂昧故假拐醇偿女雏案钾假仓契谆佑斥建芝鞘腑闯庚供寸寿滴棉刽贿悠萨收钙烫筏空北毛咖酵戏杉蕾羔咬西祈疟呸物哭欺钢戮冬牡角让荒钝发痊凰暗删清幌抄耍拆掉逆圃钳赴盈寞陕笔介品蜀砰燥嘉撕冀陆皿棋茵巴辽巩义扯私祸高冯设唁泌殉死野盂凿共阔砰渍克洽敝愁髓倡凹组牵卵吟溅恐摔龚跪细迹鳖东氦铆烹锁汾难继涛匆忍鹰琴牡介做翔衣猴链刨溢演棋凭棚孕搞勾卖染瞒侄谚竖肤蝉注黔根标散巩焙飘单坑谴爹馅须糙摧息某穿靶扬仕遂吩感携难缄愚劫蹈踏淤荆温堡斌碎培糊凉钦消倒替继推控窜僻怜橡码

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