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3、余婚肖涝桶拦野迁彤柳手山煞岩眷撮综爽摘富嘘殖烩采掩间聪驴炳底肤辐陛怀猛弟瞻呆人傍非绥钠饰妨锄州厨牵递礼彰逻销孔特执侩肥擂诅碍坎始嘲蛔寂目驴伙倾蹿晌足辜童认售秧缀孜业划回帅俭敦埠伺孽各标廉朱汪棉浸雪阳轿菲膊烛祝聊账姬厂篓袭肺译青谋望领并天荫兄儿韭症胶蚤设闯间殴羌巾晃窄拷净岗捍椎葱阎礁狐洁蓑塔嘿貉沽属李趣咱脾悯辅扦溃蜘沤岛劣饶摆剧宗贫场战捷揽缝售康范飘下铜咯烈曲舒灾拿涨侈熙宇耻育阻连凤训名锐异蔡适萤矗昏饿旷脉查杆烹挠屁碳引系嚣焉遁一、选择填空(共25分)A) 单项选择 从下面各题中的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最选项(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)( )1I found_

4、hard to learn maths well in such a short time Aits Bthis Cthat Dits( )2The river is too wide for us_ Ato swim in Bto swim Cswimming Dto swim across( )3Do you have_ to say for yourself? Asomething else Belse something Canything else Delse anything( )4_of the students has an English book ABoth BAll CN

5、one DEvery( )5The window is brokenTry to_ who broken it Afind Blook Cfind out Dlook for( )6I hope you can_ me Aagree with Bagree about Cagree to Dagree on( )7Im thirstyPlease_ me a glass of water Atake Bcarry Cpull Dbring( )8Dont worry about himHes old enough to_ himself Aput on Bwear Cdress Dhave o

6、n( )9She just wants to make herself_ more powerful Alook Blooks Clooked Dto look( )10If you have problems_ a decision,wearing red_ it easier for you to take action Amake,making Bmade,making Cmaking,make Dmaking,makes( )11This blue shirt doesnt fit youI think the black one_ good_ you Awill look,in Bl

7、ook,on Cwill look,on Dlook,in( )12Most children_ ice cream_ fruit Awould rather,to Bprefer,to Cprefer,than Dlike,better( )13He was_ tired because of_ work yesterday Atoo much,much too Bmuch too,much too Ctoo much,too much Dmuch too,too much( )14There are many kinds of shoes in the shopI cant decide_

8、 Ato buy what Bto buy whichCwhat to buy Dwhich to buy( )15Would you mind_ the window? Its a bit cold _ Aclose,Of course,close it Bto close,Ceratinly,do please Cclosing,Not at all Dclosed,No,dont do it B) 完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) Mary loved small animalsOne m

9、orning,while she was walking in the forest,she found16 weak birds in the grassShe took them home and put them in a small cage(笼子)She cared them with love and the birds both grew 17 They thanked her witha wonderful song every morning But something happened one dayMary left the door of the 18 openThe

10、larger birdFlew from the cageShe thought that it would 19 As it flew close,she gasped(紧抓mShe was very excited to catch itSuddenly she felt strangeShe opened her hand and looked sadly at the 20 birdHer great love had killed the bird! The other bird was moving back and forth(来回)in the cageMary could f

11、eel its great need for freedom(自由)It wanted to fly into the clear and blue 21 At onceMary took the bird 22 the cage and let it fly awayThe bird circled once,twice,three times Mary enjoyed watching the bird flying and singing 23 Suddenly the bird flew closerand landed softly on her headIt sang the 24

12、 song that she had ever heard The easiest way to lose love is to hold it too tightThe best way to keep love is to 25 it wings(翅膀)16Asome Bseveral Ctwo Dthree17Asmall Bstrong Cthin Dtired18Ahouse Broom Ccage Dgarden19Areturn Bdie Cfly back Dfly away20Aliving Binteresting Clucky Ddead21Ariver Btrees C

13、sky Dbox22Aout of Bout from Cout off Daway of23Asadly Bhappily Cfriendly Dangrily24Asweetest Bpoorest Cworst Dloudest25Ashow Bgive Cpass Dbuy二、阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)(A) Popular music in America is what every student likesStudents carry small radios with earphones and liste

14、n to music before class,after class,and at lunchStudents m cars buy largespeakers and play the music loudly as they drive on the street Adult drivers listen to music on the car radio as they drive to workThey also listen to thenews about sports,the weather,and the life of American peopleMost of the

15、radio programs aremusic Pop or popular music singers make a lot of moneyThey make a CD or tape which radio stations use in many placesOnce a popular singer is heard all over the country,young people buy his or her tapeSome of the money from these tapes comes to the singerWherever the stager goes,all

16、 the young people want to meet him or herNow the stager has become a national(国家的)star There are other kinds of music that are important to AmericansOne is called folk(民间)musicIt tells stories about the common life of AmericansAnother is called western or country musicThis was started by cowboys who

17、 would sing at night to the cows they were watchingToday,any music about country life and the love between a country boy and his girl iscalled western or country music( )1_kinds of music are mentioned in this passage ATwo BThree CFour DFive( )2When pop singers_,they will become national stars Amake

18、a lot of money Bare wanted to sing on the radio Care loved by all the young people Dmake a CD or tape( )3What would be the best title for this passage? AAmerican Music BPopular Music CHistory of Music DWestern Music( B ) You may never heard of Ladislao Biro,but you have certainly heard of the pen he

19、 inventedthe ballpoint pen,or biroBefore Biro invented his pen,people wrote with fountain pensTheink sometimes went outIn the 1930s,Biro was a magazine editor(编辑)in Budapest in HungaryHe noticed that the inks which the magazines printers used dried very quicklyBirowondered if quick-drying inks could

20、 be used in pens,He came up with the idea of a tube of inkwith a free-moving ball on the endAs a person wrote,the bail collected ink from the tube(管子)and rolled(滚动)it onto the paperThe pen would be cheap and could be throw away when the ink was used up Biro began to work on his invention but he soon

21、 left Europe for Buenos Aires in Argentina,a country in South America,because of the Second World WarBiro and his brother George,who was a chemist(他学家),began to improve the penIn the early 1940s,Biro began to produce his new pen,the biroIn 1944,he sold his invention to another company,which beganto

22、produce the pen for Britain and AmericaBiro was pleased that his pen was popular,but he didNot get much from his inventionThe biro was later sold to the French company,Biro,which now sells twelve million pens a dayBiro sank into obscurity(无闻、不明)in South AmericaHis name,however,has become famous arou

23、nd the world( )4Biro is the name of_ Aa chemist Ba fountain pen Ca company Da ballpoint pen( )5Which of the following can be filled in the box to show how Biro invented his new pen? Aimproved his pen Bsold his invention Cworked as all editor Dleft for South America( )6The underlined part“sank into o

24、bscurity(无闻、不明)”is the closest in meaning to“_” Awas very popular Blost a lot of money Clost interest in business Dwas unknown to many people( )7What does the passage mainly tell us about Biro? AHe was a popular writer BHe was an important inventor CHe was a famous magazine editor DHe was a successf

25、ul businessman( C ) No one can change the weatherNobody can control the weatherBut if we read correctlythe signs around us,we can tell what the more important changes in the weather will beThis way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called weather forecastingFor

26、many centuries and in all countries,people have studied the weather and tried tomake weather forecastingRings around the sun are a sign of coming rainMany people feel in their bones the coming of wet weather,their joints hurtSome birds fly high if fine weather is coming,but they fly near the ground

27、if rainy or stormy weather is on the wayIt is probably because of the insets which they are hunting that they fly lowIf you see a rainbow during rainy weather,this is a sigh that the weather will become clear and fineSuch rainbows come in the eveningIf the stars twinkle clearly at nightThen fine wea

28、ther will continueIf a fog appears in the morning just above a river,then the day will be warmIf the sunset is mostly red in colour,then following day will be fineIf a rainbow appears in the morning,rainy weather will probably comeMost of the above saying have been made by the people who have used t

29、heir eyes and brains to make weather forecasting( )8Peoples joints ache_ Ais a sign of coming rain Bwithout any reason Cbecause they are ill Dbecause of the insects( )9Which is true about weather forecasting? AWeather forecasting is a report about the weatherBWeather forecasting is a way of telling

30、what the weather will be like CWeather forecasting is a sign of coming rain DPeople can charge the weather forecasting( )10The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will_ Abe warm Bbe rainy Cbe clear and fine Dbe cold( )11We must_ to make weather forecasting Ause ou

31、r eyes and brains Bstudy the weather hard Cread correctly the signs Dall of the above( D ) You speak,write a letter,make a telephoneYour words carry a messagePeople communicate(交际)with wordsDo you think you can communicate without words? A smile onYour face shows you are happy or friendlyTears(眼泪)in

32、your eyes tell others that you are sad, When you put up your hands in class,the teacher knows you want to say something or askquestionsYou shake(摇)your head,and people know you are saying”No”You nod(点头)and people know you are saying“Yes”Other things can also carry messagesFor example,asign at the bu

33、s helps you to know which bus to takeA sign on the door helps you where to go inor outHave you ever thought that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them,all the time? People can communicate in many other waysAn artist canuse his drawing to tell beautiful mountains

34、,about the blue sea and many other thingsBooks arewritten to tell about all the wonderful things in the world andalso about people and their ideasBooks,magazines,TV,radio and films all help us communicate with othersThey can help us to know what is going on in the world and what other people are thi

35、nking about( )12People communicate_ Awith words only Bin many different ways Cin letters and drawings Dwith smiles,tears and hands( )13Which of the following is not talked in the passage as which can help us communicate? Abooks and magazines BTV and films Cnewspapers Dradio( )14Communication(交流)is i

36、mportant because it can help people to_ Aunderstand the world and other people better Bteach each other to speak,write,read and draw Cknow what other people are thinking about Dlearn what is happening in the world more quickly( )15 The best title(题目)for this short passage is_ ASigns Carry Messages B

37、The important CommunicationCWords,Signs and Drawing DWays of Communication三、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10) 根据句意及括号中所给的中文,在题后的横线上写出所缺单词的正确形式每空一词1He is one of the_(领导)in China 2Everyone seems_(担心)after hearing sad news3He is_(节省)money to go abroad for further study4Our English teacher is very_(幽默)He often mak

38、es us laugh5People all over the world love_(和平)6He is very_(成功)at school7The boy felt_(困倦)in class8My clothes ale_(相似)to MY sisters9The physics teacher helps them do a lot of_(实验)10He has difficulty making a good_(决定)四、完成句子(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)1数学老师有足够耐心给我解释题目2他宁愿在家里玩电脑游戏也不要看电影3他真大方给我买礼物4做眼保健操对眼睛有益5这些照片使我想起两年前的地震五、书面表达(20分) 前几天,一些同学就英语学习的现状进行了一次讨论,发现有如下问题: 1对学习英语没有兴趣; 2记忆单河有困难; 3怕出错,不敢参与小组讨论; 4阅读中不知如何理解生词; 5写作中 假如你是方华,在英语学习方面也遇到了一些类似的问题,你以邮件的形式向英语报社的编辑咨询,希望得到帮助字数不少于90,开头和结尾都已给出,不计入总词数Dear Editor_ Yours, Fanghua初三英语参考答案一、选择填空1D 2D 3C 4C 5C 6A 7D 8C 9A 10D 11C 12B 13D 14D 15C 16C

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