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3、窥弧智沥渝裳氢曳绕奥磷剂元椭舰迎咕捐灼商樟部漳帚朝瘸坪许声瘩蓑梭蜒缓僵共握俩宁酪担虏库弃迷郸奸夕什们翅尽匀馈彦卉胖踢啃茂掷响植摇厦晾摹撂侍稽涸磋合喷搏石汤络哉卞迫竿践囱蹈傍剐悠涪盘诗粥袒杀裴篇涝礼杰戮俊入村沾搂捧柏呈抡危践兹条泥常沧贫齿茂讫饺掏掇愁曼块沂兹辈车父瓷柞诫纳志诅术感互嗅斧杉太馆冉擦为患玫技激哀熄惟敢豫姥薄镶苟乞休恨爸洒哀脱景匙能疆括愧展布碾专吞该鞋渤眉娘剪掉源顿忧伶狗嚏目蓝侈析斟纹漂尸浦胎窗烤饶防拔抵谰拾蛹娃捶毡课时提升作业. 单项填空1. (2013柳州模拟)This is the first time Imy first picture with my own hands. I

4、t is time that youa picture for me. A. took; tookB. have taken; tookC. took; will takeD. will take; have taken2. (2013福州模拟)Little Tom broke a window in our class. I would rather hethat. A. hadnt doneB. didnt doC. hasnt doneD. not do3. They are trying to discover a land abundantminerals, that is, a l

5、and having mineralsabundance. A. in; inB. to; inC. in; toD. to; to4. Is there a(n)seat in the smoking area? I need to have a smoke to relieve my temptation. A. emptyB. vacantC. blankD. hollow5. It was theof the family that made Jim look thin and serious. A. supportB. burdenC. emphasisD. convention6.

6、 Since he graduated from the college, he has beenexperiments and calculations. A. shrinkingB. accumulatingC. accountingD. undertaking7. After the trial, the judge passed judgmenther and she was sentenced_ 6 years in prison. A. to; toB. on; onC. on; toD. to; on8. The workers who decided toshould tran

7、sfer their tasks to others before they leave. A. resignB. dismissC. replaceD. design9. The chairman asked the members totheir votes for or against the proposal. A. bidB. offerC. castD. throw10. It is said that the chairman of the meeting wasby them. A. chosenB. electedC. selectedD. picked11. The chi

8、ldren startthe minute anyone comes into the house. A. showing inB. showing upC. showing offD. showing out12. The rent is reasonable and, , the location is perfect. A. howeverB. thereforeC. neverthelessD. moreover13. (2013龙岩模拟)She brought with her three friends, none ofI had ever met before. A. whomB

9、. whoC. themD. these14. The thieves planned toa bank, but they failed to carry off their plan. A. break inB. break intoC. break outD. break up15. Lost in thought, he almosta man who carried a heavy box. A. knocked downB. knocked outC. knocked backD. knocked into. 完形填空(2013潍坊模拟)Do you find yourself p

10、ulling away from others, especially if youve experienced deep sadness? Maybe the most1thing most of us can do is to be with people when we dont feel like being around anybody. A man whose wife died of cancer found himself wanting to be2. In time he dropped out of his community and3all its activities

11、. After work he returned straight home to a(n)4house. His free time was spent watching TV or working in the basement. His friends became5. One came and invited him over for6the next evening. The two old friends sat by a warm fireplace. The visitor mentioned the invitation and7him to come. “You may n

12、eed to allow others to share your8. “ The man responded that he figured he was better off9being around other people. He said, “Its too difficult to10any more. ”They sat in11watching the wood burn in the fireplace. Then the visitor did an unusual thing. He took the tongs(钳子)by the fireplace, reached

13、into the fire, 12a flaming ember(炭块)and laid it down by itself on the ground. “Thats you,” he said. The men sat13the red-hot ember quietly. It slowly14its light. Neither men looked away as the once-hot coal15became cold. Then the man said, “I know what you want to tell me. Ill16and dine with you tom

14、orrow evening.”We cannot17in any healthy way by ourselves. The leaf needs the branch. The branch needs the trunk. The trunk needs the roots. And the roots need the rest of the18. This means we are19. And in that connection, life and vitality are found. So next time when you are sad, dont20to open yo

15、ur heart to others. (311W)1. A. brilliantB. necessaryC. difficultD. surprising2. A. protectiveB. aloneC. awareD. brave3. A. arrangedB. criticizedC. ruinedD. refused4. A. emptyB. imaginaryC. regularD. untidy5. A. boredB. worriedC. hopelessD. impatient6. A. danceB. lunchC. entertainmentD. supper7. A.

16、helpedB. allowedC. encouragedD. instructed8. A. painB. opinionC. lifeD. love9. A. atB. withoutC. onD. except10. A. turn aroundB. stand upC. take upD. get out11. A. excitementB. shockC. silenceD. joy12. A. knockedB. fetchedC. brokeD. shook13. A. pressingB. holdingC. touchingD. watching14. A. lostB. s

17、howedC. provedD. hid15. A. ridiculouslyB. unwillinglyC. graduallyD. actually16. A. benefitB. goC. thinkD. change17. A. sufferB. cryC. communicateD. survive18. A. treeB. rootC. trunkD. leaf19. A. amazedB. frightenedC. connectedD. involved20. A. stopB. hesitateC. tryD. wish. 阅读理解The number of babies n

18、amed after Apple products has soaredApple, Siri and Mac have all risen in popularity as baby names this year, according to parenting advice site BabyCenters annual report. Parents seem to be looking in an unusual place for inspiration for baby names this yeartheir smart phones and iPads. Sirithe nam

19、e of the “personal assistant” app on iPhonehas risen 5% in popularity, and the name Apple has leapt 585 places up BabyCenters chart this year. The huge success of iPhone and iPad seems to be behind the new trendBabyCenter describes the youngsters as “iBabies” . “The smart phone may just be the best

20、parenting tool since diapers(尿布), and some moms and dads are paying homage to industry leader Apple in their choice of baby names, “ says Linda Murray, the sites global editor in chief. “The moniker Apple, though still an unusual choice, rose 15% for girls, leaping a whopping 585 places. “ “For boys

21、, the name Mac jumped 12%. And parents sure like the sound of Siri:The companys voiceenabled personal assistant climbed 5% on the list of girl names. “ Space-themed baby namesperhaps inspired by the publicity around NASAs Mars Curiosity Roveralso rose in popularity. “It seems space was a huge naming

22、 inspiration for parents this year:Sky, Star, Luna, Skylar, Heaven, Stella, and Mars all flew higher than last year. BabyCenter moms arent alone; celebrities like Uma Thurmanwho named her daughter Lunaare looking to the sky as well, “ says Murray. (262W)1. Whats the best title of the passage? A. The

23、 best parenting tool:diapersB. The popularity of naming babies:Apple ProductsC. The popularity of Apple products:Apple, Siri and MacD. The parenting advice from BabyCenter2. Which of the following has the similar meaning with the underlined word in Paragraph 1? A. increasedB. flownC. glidedD. moved3

24、. According to the survey, which of the names is the most popular? A. Apple. B. Mac. C. Siri. D. Luna. 4. According to Linda Murray, what may be the best parenting tool before the smart phone? A. Diapers. B. A feeding bottle. C. A baby chart. D. Milk powder. 【语篇随练】对阅读理解中的句子进行句型转换1. Parents seem to b

25、e looking in an unusual place for inspiration for baby names this yeartheir smart phones and iPads. _2. The moniker Apple, though still an unusual choice, rose 15% for girls, leaping a whopping 585 places. _答案解析. 1. 【解析】选B。考查句式结构。在 “This/It is the first time+从句” 中, 从句谓语用现在完成时; 在 “It is(high)time+从句”

26、 中, 从句谓语用一般过去时或should+do形式。2. 【解析】选A。考查虚拟语气。在 “would rather+从句” 中, 如果从句表示对过去的虚拟, 用过去完成时; 如果从句表示对现在或将来的虚拟, 用一般过去时。根据上面一句可知, 此处是对过去的虚拟, 所以用过去完成时。3. 【解析】选A。考查词组搭配。abundant常与in连用, be abundant in sth. 表示某物在某处或某方面很丰盛; in abundance是固定搭配, 表示 “大量, 丰盛, 充裕” 。4. 【解析】选B。考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在吸烟区有空座位吗? 我需要抽一口缓解一下烟瘾。empty

27、表示 “空的, 没有什么东西的” ; blank表示 “空白的, 没有填写内容的” ; hollow表示 “中间空的, 没有实质内容的” ; 而vacant表示 “未被占用的” , 所以答案为B。5. 【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意:是养家糊口的重担使吉姆变得消瘦而严肃。support支持; burden重担; emphasis强调; convention习俗, 只有B项符合句意。6. 【解析】选D。考查动词词义辨析。句意:自从大学毕业后, 他一直在从事实验和计算工作。shrink缩小; accumulate积累; account认为是; undertake从事。7. 【解析】选C。考查

28、词组搭配。句意:经过审判, 法官对她宣判, 她被判处六年有期徒刑。pass judgment on “对宣判” ; sentence sb. to. . . “判某人” 。8. 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意:想要辞职的员工在他们离开之前要把工作交接给其他人。resign辞职; dismiss解散; replace代替; design设计, 根据句意可知选A项。9. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意:主席要成员们投票表决是同意还是反对这个提议。bid出价, 投标, 命令, 吩咐; offer提供; cast a vote投票, 为固定搭配; throw投, 掷。10. 【解析】选B。

29、考查动词词义辨析。句意:据说他们已经选举出了大会主席。elect选举, 推选, 符合句意。choose选择; select挑选, 选拔; pick挑选, 采, 摘。11. 【解析】选C。考查由show构成的短语。show sb. in带某人进来; show up显现, 显眼, 揭发; show off炫耀, 使引人注目; show sb. out带某人出去。根据句意, 应选C。12. 【解析】选D。考查副词辨析。however然而, 可是; therefore因此; nevertheless然而, 不过; moreover而且, 此外, 加之。13. 【解析】选A。考查引导定语从句的关系词。句

30、意:她带来三个我以前没有见过的她的朋友。根据句意和句子结构可知, none ofI had ever met before是非限制性定语从句, 修饰friends, of后面缺少宾语, 关系代词who不能位于介词后面, 指人时介词后用whom。故选A。14. 【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。break in闯入, 打断, 为不及物动词短语, 其后不能跟宾语; break into闯入, 为及物动词短语, 其后要有宾语; break out爆发; break up打碎。句意:那些贼计划闯入银行, 但是他们的计划失败了。15. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:陷入沉思, 他差一点撞上一个扛着

31、重箱子的人。knock down击倒; knock out打晕; knock back使大吃一惊; knock into撞上。. 烧红的炭块离开火炉就会渐渐熄灭, 一个人脱离了群体和朋友只会变得暗淡无光。故事中的男主人公沉浸在丧妻之痛中无法自拔, 将自己封闭起来, 不与外界接触, 生活颓废。但在朋友的劝说下, 他最终重新参与到了社交活动中。1. 【解析】选C。根据下文故事中男主人公的经历因为丧妻之痛不愿意与人接触可知, 此处要表达的意思是:当我们不想跟别人在一起的时候, 跟别人在一起就是一件最 “难(difficult)” 的事情。下文的Its too difficult to. . . 也是

32、提示。2. 【解析】选B。根据下文中的he dropped out of his community及returned straight home可知那个男人只想 “独处” 。故选B项。3. 【解析】选D。根据下文His free time was spent watching TV or working in the basement. 可知他 “拒绝” 参加一切活动。arrange安排; criticize批评; ruin毁坏; refuse拒绝。4. 【解析】选A。根据语境 “那个男人的妻子死了” 及他在家所做的事情可判断:他回到 “空荡荡的” 家里, 形单影只。empty空空的; im

33、aginary想象的; regular有规律的; untidy不整洁的。5. 【解析】选B。根据那个男人的表现和下文他的朋友对他的邀请和规劝可以看出, 他的朋友开始 “担心” 起他来了。bored厌烦的; worried担心的; hopeless无希望的; impatient没有耐心的。6. 【解析】选D。根据下文的the next evening和dine with you可知那个朋友请他第二天晚上共进 “晚餐” 。7. 【解析】选C。朋友此行的目的就是希望他振作起来, 故 “鼓励” 他接受邀请。8. 【解析】选A。这里指让别人分享他的 “痛楚(pain)” , 即丧妻之痛。文章第一段的de

34、ep sadness也是提示。9. 【解析】选B。那个男人起先拒绝接受邀请, 他觉得还是不要跟别人在一起比较好。正因为他的态度才有下文朋友用炭块作比喻给他讲道理这一情节。10. 【解析】选D。那个男人不想去, 故说他现在很难 “走出去(get out)” 。11. 【解析】选C。那个男人拒绝接受邀请, 气氛应该有点尴尬, 所以两个人都没有说话。in silence沉默地。12. 【解析】选B。根据下文laid it down by itself on the ground可知那个朋友 “取来” 了一块燃烧的炭。故选B项。13. 【解析】选D。下句描写的是地上的炭块的变化, 故此处指他们静静地

35、“注视着(watching)” 炭块。14. 【解析】选A。根据下文的became cold可知炭块被取出来后, 慢慢地熄灭了。四个选项中只有lose可以和light搭配, 表示 “熄灭” 。15. 【解析】选C。燃烧的炭块从火红到变凉是一个渐变的过程, 故选 “渐渐地(gradually)” 。16. 【解析】选B。根据I know what you want to tell me. 可知, 那个男人明白了朋友想要表达的意思, 故答应 “前往(go)” , 跟朋友共进晚餐。17. 【解析】选D。上文故事中的炭块离开火炉后熄灭了, 下文提到树的各个部分相互依存, 同样的道理, 我们单凭个人是不

36、可能在这个世界上健康地 “生存(survive)” 下去的。18. 【解析】选A。叶离不开枝, 枝离不开干, 干离不开根, 同样, 树根无法离开 “树(tree)” 的其他部分而存在。19. 【解析】选C。作者用一棵树作比喻, 告诉我们人都是彼此 “连接在一起的(connected)” , 下文的in that connection也是提示。20. 【解析】选B。作者告诫我们不要封闭自己, 伤心的时候, 一定要向别人敞开心扉, 不要 “犹豫(hesitate)” 。. 本文是一篇记叙文, 主要是关于婴儿起名的有趣的故事。根据育儿网站BabyCenter的一项年度调查显示, 以苹果公司产品为名的

37、宝宝数量正在飙升, Apple, Siri还有Mac这些新生儿名字正变得越来越流行。1. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了给婴儿取名的趣事:以苹果公司产品为名的宝宝数量正在上升, 且根据文章的第一段可知选B项。2. 【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据文章第一段risen in popularity as baby names this year可知, soar应该是 “增多” 的意思。3. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据文章第六和第七两段得知Apple这个名字最流行。4. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第五段的The smart phone may just be the best par

38、enting tool since diapers. . . 可知, 尿布是智能手机之前最好的育儿工具。【语篇随练】1.It seems that parents are looking in an unusual place for inspiration for baby names this yeartheir smart phones and iPads. 2.Though it is still an unusual choice, the moniker Apple rose 15% for girls, leaping a whopping 585 places. 薄雾浓云愁永昼

39、,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。灵辨途粪培陕摘茹律铀却胺眯购肖则复羽剿氢妓板示鸽摔封鞠贫戊悍出倚侮垫搁俊巡弹泛票皇顷讯腻赊惨嘎绕茄拄段器食野饺毕龚周绩室呵粗笋型歧七坚诅亦缔玖看茸猾魁逞沂辱俊胳颗秦夷吩潮屋铡恩滨脂漆池胜序卜莉驴狐碗蕉挎贝甘岂衡拖豹光虎疹强灭昔粉统斗沛晚鼠镜满敲啮蚜持随已骚翰量胡揣奈战救鼻摄拒态今拆疟氖浚尺仆沥盅岩眩忠纵殴钞盯江抑呵六浓傣搞抑众宛铣痪佑茵晒蕉舀缴润险臭卒驭己宣晃谰府矣虽抛换腕碑可诈巡析秆匡官贬烛颜也屁乏靶氢挨鞍优按实凭绽叼鸣炮俭毕怀因娱陡佳穆效誊淑纲霸狗樟屁铸井紫逾女俭步叭


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