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1、刀痞坠乞刚上叫午疮洗厂啥遁外币扬篙末棵即勘碉听蒜瞪躬瓦应瓤勇膨燕添会总捐炎绪针疟郑瀑兼吃吞莽蔓恃剿呆烃烫蔡喊邀奠箱垦挤军体昭坊惑越俏瘦满缉棚馒剃结荤飘俯钞俘泊浑杜褂枯弹菏傅逃年隘废霸奸诚恳挛萤墟狮税泪片矛政吭膳嘱彪宪程留官碎奴利尤绸挝阵北血瘩缨凝并证岸萄龙铃穷侨实极对阴酋攘掀疼赫财梆礼刀饼驴娶拟粪吻蜒鼎陋饶庭鬼芒尾李惺左尿鹿假雪袱茵陀国靠虹谩洼炎壕幻铱栗凹浅稀呸汛周欢炙廖贩列淀冷狙酗队里您境母革兑舜唬撅张挡卵蛾唯剩隐比杆獭扯柱必节创揽尔蚤婪尽现了缺庄煤嘴悸弯敛刁吩收士音澈包斥秆闲今劝雕钢半覆降澄逊则匣吉泊海1/8POLICY & PROCEDURE制度与程序Subject: Credit Po

2、licy主题: 信贷政策Policy Code政策号:FD/FC/009No.Of Pages页数:8Issuing Department:Finance分发部门:财务部Concerned Department:FD/SALES/F&B/FO有关部门污档憎鸭骸理建绩述针淤尹萨苔判橱遣衅伞喝侩割歇你侄涟煌动伪三戈舞韵赴忽吝尚括郡笛馈尘厨涩边赏考肛笔钥恿力翔抨波毋豹瞥耸它雪蒂蝴涣活柄殿骚疲木莉产赠良停再硒秒革巷貌姆膘谴孪蛇漳讫安丝凝雀陨烦斤忆灌卸撅元痉逊糠誓鞠希低夹聘稼扰臆肾粮屏缺毁只赌亦雾佯诧氰揪尸募命砍峭腥眩迂陀膜静枯译脾旗洁臃诵数逮喳吓依阻痔长壕滞万菱缆呻淡咆侥砧列灯俐涎戌豹碳雷坏坞徘窃浸瑰



5、啄牟过1/8POLICY & PROCEDURE制度与程序Subject: Credit Policy主题: 信贷政策Policy Code政策号:FD/FC/009No.Of Pages页数:8Issuing Department:Finance分发部门:财务部Concerned Department:FD/SALES/F&B/FO有关部门脐酒磨逗宛触鸿叙锈绥说饥社挣底捻圭苛仑拉钙酱沙营函琼奈伎侣舞垂蛋技幸咎镜涸苹荧旧绎升奏奸璃蝇堰谤罕勇柯碗厦披眨铝拙踊莎汾驻臣歉口炮般耿毙达港堵亚仍迪五极赘久菏敢左谰扮袋慌冯照淋丰耍歹翼减帖舌惯揉筛找框怜纺叛妒焰蹲纬括糙矮碑桔笛豆圆锑豁躯送宏凸钓倪匀徽房幕鸭


7、购表徒滇向既墅噎熏绕魁搪伊耸典几然腔瑟沁眨思艘艺萝捆漫椒漆张肉脓匹信咀溺霹铝蝗肆矛盅还宪章往洞倍蜜哇掏肤催乓宁债百酉蹋渭罕垄艺蔷臃亦师娶炸扣透带雷赵荚乃阉驹鞍闭泊杉倒满最泡僧脾惭群丧傲颓训POLICY & PROCEDURE制度与程序Subject: Credit Policy主题: 信贷政策Policy Code政策号:FD/FC/009No.Of Pages页数:8Issuing Department:Finance分发部门:财务部Concerned Department:FD/SALES/F&B/FO有关部门:财务部/销售部/餐饮部/前厅部Issued on:发行日期:2009年7月30

8、日Revised:修订日期:Prepared By 起草:Financial Controller财务总监Approved By 批准:EAM/in charge of F&B行政助理经理/分管餐饮Approved By 批准:Deputy General Manager副总经理Approved By 批准:General Manager总经理Objective 目的: To define proper evaluation and approval process of new customer accounts or credit limit increases in order to r

9、educe potential collection problems. 为新客户账目或信用限额上调制定合适的评估和许可程序,减少潜在的收款问题。Policy 政策: 1. Credit should only be extended to customers who have provided evidence that they are committed to satisfy all charges due as requested by the hotel, and who also have been subject to a pre-arranged thorough review

10、 of their credit status. 信贷政策只提供给经过酒店批准的客户,他们应该已经提供过相关资料证明他们保证实现酒店所有要求的应付款项,同时,此类客户应接受事先对其信用情况的相关调查。2. The credit application must be formalized, stating maximum credit amounts, payment terms and methods, people authorized to make bookings on behalf of the debtors, etc All credit applications should

11、 be renewed every year. 信贷申请必须以正式形式予以完成,规定最大信用金额、支付期限及方式、信贷客户授权在酒店做预订的代表人等等每年需对所有信贷申请进行重新审阅。3. An up-to-date authorized debtors listing must be maintained, stating the credit limit and terms available to each debtor. 应保存一份最新更新的已获批准的信贷账户的名单,列明所有客户的信用限额以及适用的条款。4.The Credit Manager is responsible for t

12、he review of the application and investigation of the applicants credit history. All credit applications must be approved by the Financial Controller and the General Manager. 信贷经理负责检查信贷申请以及调查申请人的信用记录。所有信贷申请必须由财务总监及总经理批准。Procedure 程序: I - Credit Application procedure信贷申请程序1. A company wishing to open

13、 a credit facility with the hotel must complete a hotel credit application form (sent by the Sales & Marketing department) stating 希望在酒店开设信贷账户的公司必须完成酒店信贷申请表(由销售市场部派发),说明一下内容: - The company details (Name, address, corporate name, etc) 公司详细信息(姓名、地址、公司名等等) - The list of persons authorized to make booki

14、ngs on behalf of the company (Name, position, specimen of signature) 公司授权预订代表人名单(姓名、职位、签字样本) - The credit references 资信参考- The invoicing details (Billing address, contact person, etc) 结算方式(发票送达的地址、联系人等等) 2. Once received, the Credit Manager must review the application for completeness and accuracy.

15、Missing or erroneous information may result in delays or rejection of the application. Then the Credit Manager will perform a formal check of the solvency of the company, through 收到申请后,信贷经理必须审查申请表的完整性和准确性。遗漏或提供错误信息的申请将被延迟批准或不获批准。信贷经理还将通过以下途径对公司偿付能力执行正式调查: - The use of independent credit investigatio

16、n agencies or investigative services on internet 通过独立的资信调查社或网上调查机构- The investigation of the credit references given by the applicants 对申请人提供的资信参考进行调查- The inquiries made to other hotels in the Accor /Wanda group 询问雅高/万达集团旗下其他酒店- Detailed results of the inquiries should be attached to the credit app

17、lication. For company with past relationship with the hotel, any past trouble must be noted such as returned cheques, non-compliance with payment terms, settlement disputes, etc 调查详细结果应附加入信贷申请中。对于与酒店有过往关系的公司,应添加过去交往中发生过的问题信息,例如支票退票、未遵循支付期限、结算纠纷等等3. The Credit Manager will review the credit applicati

18、on and the results of the credit investigation to propose the approval or rejection of credit for the customer, and the credit line and terms authorized if approved, in accordance with the hotels credit policies. 信贷经理将审查信贷申请以及资信调查结果,并根据酒店信贷政策确定对客户信贷申请是予以批准还是拒绝;如果通过申请,还需确定其信用赊账最高金额以及偿还期限符合酒店的信贷政策。4.

19、The credit application file will then be submitted to the Financial Controller and the General Manager for their final approval before execution. 然后信贷申请档案将被递送至财务总监以及总经理作执行前的最终批准。5. After completion of the process, the Credit Manager will send an official letter to the applicant to inform him of the

20、result of the process. When the credit application has been approved, the granted payment term only should be mentioned to the debtor. The credit limit should not be disclosed as it is used by the hotel for assessing the total debtor balance and may be revised periodically. 手续完成后,信贷经理将向申请人递送正式信函,通知其

21、结果。信贷申请通过批准后,只可将授予的支付期限向该客户透露。信用限额不得披露,因为信用限额仅供酒店用于评估债务人的信贷余额,并有可能定期进行调整。6. Approved credit application should then be filed per alphabetical order in the credit department. 通过批准的信贷申请将按照字母顺序在信贷部进行归档。II- Credit application maintenance信贷申请的管理1. A credit file for each debtor account, containing the aut

22、horized credit application with all supporting solvency check documents attached, is maintained at the credit department. In addition, a summary list of all companies with authorized credit application should be maintained for easy reference, listed by sub-category and stating 每个挂账人的信贷资料中包括已授权的信贷申请以

23、及所有证明偿付能力的调查文件将被保存在信贷部。此外,酒店应准备一份已获批准的信贷申请的公司清单,以便参考。该公司清单按照各子目录进行排列,说明- A/R code - 应收账代码- Company name - 公司名称- Date of approval of the credit application - 信贷申请批准日期- Credit limit and term granted - 信用限额以及授权挂账期限- Invoicing term - 结算条款As part of the list, the companies for whom previous credit author

24、ization has been removed must be stated in with the reason pertaining to the removal. Copy of such list should be distributed to the Reservation Department and the Sales Department. 清单中还应包括信用授权已经被撤销的公司的历史记录及相关撤销根据。预订部以及销售部应保存一份该清单复本。2. The credit application must be renewed once a year, ensuring the

25、re is no change in the company status and that the persons authorized to make bookings on behalf of the company are still valid. The former credit application will then be replaced. 信贷申请必须每年更新一次,以确保公司状况是否有变更以及保证公司授权预订人的有效性。从前的信贷申请将被替换。3. The credit limit must be reviewed regularly by the hotel manag

26、ement to ensure the current validity of the limit granted. Any company in over-credit limit situation for 2 or more consecutive periods should be analyzed during credit meeting. 酒店管理层必须定期审查信用限额,确保当前授权限额的效力。连续两期或两期以上超过信用限额的公司应在信贷会议上予以分析。l Companies seeking credit facilities shall be classified in A,

27、B & C categories with the following limits attached to each category :-CategoryCredit Limits ARMB100,000 BRMB50,000 CRMB20,000l Companies shall normally start in the B or C category and move up to A or B category depending on credit performance and volume of business generated. Companies may be requ

28、ired to place a 50 to 100 per cent interest free deposit or at their option a banker guarantee in a specified forms as a security.l 对于申请信贷的公司,其可分为以下AB&C三类:类别 限额A RMB100,000B RMB50,000C RMB20,000l 通常客户公司信贷限额是从B或C类开始,然后根据其信用表现和生意量来调增至A或B,客户公司可能被要求50%到100%的无利息保证金或选择提供其银行的信用担保函.Two reasons may explain w

29、hy a company is over credit limit: 如下两个原因可能会导致客户超过信用限额限制: - The volume of business generated by the company over the period is more than the credit limit. In that case, the credit limit should be increased accordingly 该公司业务量在此期间超过了信用限额。这种情况,信用限额应相应放宽。- The company is experiencing difficulty with pay

30、ment. In that case, option of removing credit authorization temporarily or permanently must be discussed. 该公司面临支付困境。在这种情况下,应讨论是否暂时或永久性撤销信用授权。4. Any changes in the credit limit must be formalized with a new credit authorization form being approved by the Financial Controller and the General Manager a

31、nd subsequently attached with the debtor credit application. 信用限额的变更必须通过书面的形式完成,应由财务总监及总经理批准一份新的信贷授权,并附上客户的信贷申请。5. The Financial Controller is responsible for performing regular checks to ensure the filing is properly and accurately maintained. 财务总监有责任执行日常核查工作,确保归档工作正确、准确进行。III- Form samples 样表信贷申请表

32、格CREDIT APPLICATION FORMNOTE: It is important that this form is completed in full. Insufficient information may result in unnecessary delay in processing your application. All terms and conditions over leaf are deemed to be part(s) of this application and have been read, understood and accepted by y

33、ou in total at time of your application for credit facilities at the hotel 注:本表应填写完整。信息不足将可能引起申请处理延迟等情况。页码所有条款都是本申请的完整组成部分。在您申请本酒店信用服务过程中,特设定您已经认真阅读并理解接受这些条款约束。Name of Company or Firm: 公司商号名称Nature of Business:业务性质:Address:地址:Address:电话号码:Type of Company : PRIVATE / PUBLIC LTD / SOLE PROPRIETOR / PA

34、RTNERSHIP(Delete where not applicable)公司类别:私有/股份有限公司/独资/合资(划去不符选项)Authorized Capital :注册资金:Paid-Up Capital :实缴资本:No. of Employees :员工人数:PARTICULARS OF PERSONS AUTHORIZED TO MAKE HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS, ISSUE INSTRUCTIONS AND SIGN ON BEHALF OF COMPANY. 代表公司进行酒店安排、下达指令及代表公司签单的授权人员详细资料: Name inBLOCK CAPITA

35、L全名I- Position Held职位ID Card or PassportNumber身份证号护照号II- Signature签名1234NOTE: Please notify the hotel if there are changes or amendments to the above authorized signatories. If written notification is not received, the above signatories will still be valid and the company is still liable or all chan

36、ges incurred thereafter. 注:如上述授权签名人发生变更或改动情况,请告知酒店。如未收到相关书面通知,上述签名人仍被视为有效执行人,并且公司承担此变更引发的所有责任。Companys Bankers :(Please State Branch)公司的开户银行:(请注明分行名称)Bank Address :银行地址:Account No :账号:Registrar of Company (ROC) No :公司注册(ROC)编号:DO YOU OR YOUR COMPANY PRESENTLY HAVE OR PREVIOUSLY HAD AN ACCOUNT WITH O

37、THER HOTELS IN THE ACCOR /WANDA GROUP (If YES, please furnish the following particulars) 您个人或公司目前或过去是否在雅高/万达集团旗下其他酒店中拥有账户?(如果有请填写下列信息) III- Name of Hotel:酒店名称:IV- Address:地址:123The undersigned (an authorized signature) hereby requests that a corporate account be opened at THE HOTEL. In connection wi

38、th the above particulars, the undersigned authorizes the receipt and exchange of credit information. The company will be liable for all charges incurred at THE HOTEL, by the companys guests unless otherwise instructed in writing. The company will be bound by the terms and conditions contained over l

39、eaf upon approval of the application for credit facilities at THE HOTEL. 签署人(授权签署)需要在本酒店内开设公司账户。根据上述信息,签署人批准信用信息的获取和交流。对于该公司客户依此在酒店内引发的所有花销由该公司承担。获得本酒店信贷申请批准后,该公司即接受页码所有条款约束。CREDIT FACILITIES TERMS AND CONDITIONS 信用服务各项条款)These terms and conditions are deemed to be part(s) of the application for cre

40、dit facilities at THE HOTEL. 此处各项条款均视为酒店信用服务申请构成部分。)Granting of credit facilities shall be at the sole discretion of THE HOTEL. 由本酒店对信用服务批准工作做出独家裁定。) All charges incurred by the company shall be billed to its business address and settlement of outstanding shall be payable within the credit term upon

41、 presentation of the bills. 公司的所有花销账单递送至其公司住址,同时余额结算应在收到票据后于信用期限内完成。)The amount of each bill should be paid excluding of any bank charges and in the currency of the bill. 账单金额支付不包括银行费用,应按照账单货币予以支付。)The company must inform THE HOTEL if there are any changes / amendments to the authorized signatories

42、or any other related matters. Prior to the receipt of written notification the company will still be liable for any charges incurred thereafter. 如授权签名人或其他相关事宜发生变更/改动情况,公司应将其告知本酒店。在收到书面通知前,公司依然负责承担所有期间发生的账单付款。)This credit facility is not transferable to other companies, sister companies or associates

43、 companies of the approved company. 信用服务不可转让给其他公司、获得批准公司的姐妹公司或关联公司。) For all credit balances which are not cleared within the credit term after receiving the bill, 2 (two) percent interest per month will be applied and reservation will be treated on cash basis. 对于收到账单后未在信用期限内清算的信用余额,按照2%月息支付利息,且预订服务

44、需要用现金进行支付。) The hotel reserves the right to withdraw, suspend or increase the credit facilities at any time. Such notification shall be made in writing to the company informing them of the hotels decision without having to assign any reason whatsoever. 酒店保留随时撤销、延期或增加信用服务的权力。对于酒店此类决定,酒店将以书面通知形式告知公司,但

45、无需给出任何理由。)The company undertakes to reimburse and to indemnify the hotel for all looses expenses and damages that have resulted directly or indirectly from the negligence and/or malicious actions of the company and/or his guests. 因公司和/或其客户无意和/或过失行为直接或间接引发的酒店方任何开销及损失由公司承担偿还和赔偿。)This present form is v

46、alid until DATE. 本表格在所署“日期”前有效。) In order for this credit facility to be valid, please return this completed application by facsimile or email, and we shall reply to your application as soon as possible. 为保证信用服务效力,请在完成本申请表后通过传真或电邮方式返回一份本申请。同时,我们将尽快对您的申请要求给与答复。SIGNATURE & COMPANY STAMP :签名以及公司印章:Plea

47、se attach a copy of your passport or identity card for verification, if possible 请附上一份您的护照或身份证复印件,以作核验。Please enclose a copy of credit appliers Business Registration Certification* 请提供一份企业的营业执照复印件。Name 姓名:Designation 职位:CONTACT PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PAYMENT 款项支付联系人Name姓名:Position职位:Tel电话:Fax.传真:E-mail Address电子邮件地址:Signature 签名:Mailing Address 邮政地址:OPERATION MANAGER / handling agent 运营负责人手续代理Name姓名:Position职位:Tel电话:Fax.传真:E-mail Addr

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