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4、;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1When did the football match start?AAt 2:45.BAt 3:15.CAt 3:25.2What does the man want to do?AStop his car for a drink. BDrive directly to the hotel.CFind a place to take a rest.3What is the possible r

5、elationship between the two speakers?ATeacher and student.BMother and son. CSaleswoman and customer.4Why did Tom go to a new school?AHe has done something wrong in his last school.BHis teacher asked him to change a school. CHis family has moved to Milan.5What is the fare except the tax?A165 dollars.

6、 B150 dollars. C135 dollars.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6When will the woman arrive in Wellington?AOn Monday. BOn Tuesday. COn Friday.7What do we know about the woman?AShe will hav

7、e a rather busy week.BShe will have a comfortable journey.CShe will meet her friend in Sydney.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8Whats the weather like?ACold. BRainy. CFine.9What does the man ask the woman to do?AOpen the window.BGive him a blanket.CGive him some tissue paper.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What season is it proba

8、bly now?AEarly spring. BLate autumn. CLate winter.11What does the woman buy in the end?AA red coat in size 16.BA red coat in size 14.CA blue coat in size 16.12Whats the change given to the woman?A85 dollars. B25 dollars. C15 dollars.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13What does the man think of Liverpool?AInterestin

9、g. BLovely. CNew.14Why did the man come to Liverpool?ATo travel there. BTo visit a friend. CTo work there.15Where was the man born?AIn Liverpool. BIn Bergen. CIn Oslo.16Where did the man learn English?AAt school. BIn England. CAt English corner.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What is the man doing? AHaving an i

10、nterview.BIntroducing a book. CTelling a story.18What do the organisation members do?ADo business with local people. BOrganise medical centres.CHelp set up schools.19What made the man decide to take the course?AA local product.BA trip to Brazil.CA Brazilian organisation.20What does the man find part

11、icularly interesting in the book?AThe climate change across the world.BThe projects introduced in Netherlands. CThe energy saving project of natural resources.答案:1.A2.B3.A4.C5.C6.A7.A8.C9.B10B11.A12.C13.A14.C15.B16.A17.A18.C19.B20.B听力材料Text 1W: Did you go to the football match last Saturday?M: Oh, y

12、es. It was supposed to start at 2: 30, but it was delayed by 15 minutes.Text 2W: Would you stop the car so that we can have a drink?M: Id love to, but we have to continue driving so that we can get to Big King Hotel before dark.Text 3M: I have plenty of good ideas, but I havent been able to organise

13、 them clearly. May I hand in the paper a few days late.W: You know that I always prefer a wellwritten paper even if it is late.Text 4W: Guess what? I got an email from Tom. Hes started at a new school.M: Oh, why? Whats he done wrong?W: Its not that. His father changed jobs and theyve moved to Milan.

14、Text 5W: When does the next train leave for the city?M: At about 4:00 pm.W: Whats the fare?M: It is 150 dollars including ten percent of tax.Text 6M: When are you off then?W: Im leaving on Sunday night.M: Whats your schedule?W: I arrive in Wellington on Monday, attend a conference there on Tuesday a

15、nd leave for Brisbane early Wednesday morning.M: How long will you stay there?W: Ill see our new agent Mr Green there on Thursday. Im free on Friday, but Im catching the 10 oclock plane on Saturday to go to the fair in Sydney.M: Youve got a full schedule.Text 7W: Hello, John. How are you feeling now

16、?M: Awful.W: Shall I open the window? Its a lovely day.M: No, thank you, Susan. Im cold.W: Shall I put the fire on?M: Yes, please. Will you turn it up high?W: Are you sure? Its very warm here.M: I feel very cold. Will you get me another blanket, please?W: Here you are. Shall I put it on the bed?M: N

17、o. Put it round my shoulders, please.W: Achoo!M: Whats the matter, Susan?W: Will you pass me some tissue paper, please?Text 8M: Can I help you, madam?W: Yes, Im looking for a new winter coat since the weather is getting colder.M: Do you have any particular colour in mind?W: I dont know really. Can y

18、ou tell me what fashionable colours do you have?M: Certainly. Red is very popular this year.W: Good. I like the colour. It suits me very well. Its a cheerful colour, isnt it?M: Yes, madam, I guess so. What size do you wear?W: Well, I used to wear size 14, but Ive put on some weight recently, so my s

19、ize now may be 16.M: Mm, 16. Here it is. All these are 16.W: I like this one very much. What is the price?M: Its $185, madam.W: Oh, that is too expensive. Do you have any cheaper ones of this size?M: These are our cheapest coats, madam.W: Yes, I see. Ill take it. Here is $ 200.M: Thank you. Heres yo

20、ur change.Text 9W: So what do you think of Liverpool, Lars?M: Its really interesting. Liverpools such an old city, isnt it? There are some lovely buildings, and the people are so friendly!W: Yes, they are. When did you get here?M: Two days ago. I got the plane from Oslo. We were a bit late landing,

21、but it didnt matter.W: Oh, good. Where are you staying in Liverpool?M: At the Grand Hotel. Its very convenient for the office. My room isnt very big, but its OK.W: What a pity! Never mind. Where are you from?M: Well, from Norway. I was born in Bergen, but I live in the suburb of Oslo. Its very prett

22、y, and its not far from the sea.W: Really? It sounds beautiful. Your English is very good. Where did you learn it?M: Thats very kind of you, but I know I make a lot of mistakes. I learned it at school for years, and Ive been to England quite a few times.Text 10W: Right, perhaps you could tell me som

23、ething about how you got interested in environmental science, and what experience you have in the subject.M: Well, Ive always been attracted by plants and animals, and then last year a cousin of mine, Mike Proctor, invited me to Brazil. Hes the head of a project there ran by a European organisation.

24、 The organisations aim is to help groups of villages set up their own schools and medical centres. They also encourage agriculture and the setting up of businesses to sell local products. Anyway, it was during my stay I really began to understand the impact of climate change. I wanted to learn more

25、about this, so I decided to take this course.W: And since youve been back, have you done anything to develop your interest in the area?M: Yes. Ive read a book about energy saving. And I was particularly interested in how the Netherlands had begun to overcome the problem. The government has introduce

26、d some really interesting projects on energy saving in cities. Theres also a recycling project, which is saving a huge amount of our natural resources. Whats needed now, though, is to expand work like this across the world.W: Before we finish, have you got any questions about the course here at the

27、college.M: Well, no, thank you for asking.第二部分阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASome scientists say that animals in the oceans are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings. The noise that affects sea creatures comes from

28、a number of human activities. It is caused mainly by industrial underwater explosions, ocean drilling, and ship engines. Such noises are added to natural sounds. These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves. Decibels (分贝) measured in

29、water are different from those measured on land. A noise of one hundred and twenty decibels on land causes pain to human ears. In water, a decibel level of one hundred and ninetyfive would have the same effect. Some scientists have suggested setting a noise limit of one hundred and twenty decibels i

30、n the oceans. They have observed that noises at that level can frighten and confuse whales(鲸鱼). A team of American and Canadian scientists discovered that louder noises can seriously injure some animals. The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to l

31、ose their hearing. This seriously affected the whales ability to exchange information and find their way. Some of the whales even died. The explosions had caused their ears to bleed and become infected(被感染的). Many researchers whose work depends on ocean sounds are against a limit of one hundred and

32、twenty decibels. They say such a limit would mean an end to important industrial and scientific research. Scientists do not know how much and what kinds of noises are harmful to ocean animals. However, many scientists dont think that noise is a greater danger than they believed. They want to prevent

33、 noises from harming creatures in the ocean. 文章大意:本文叙述了研究表明噪音污染引起了海洋生物的危险,科学家将来要采取措施拯救海洋生物,阻止噪音对海洋生物的伤害,提醒我们也要意识到保护海洋生物的重要性。21According to the passage, which of the following is increasingly dangerous to sea creatures?AThe sound of cars. BThe sound of voices.CManmade noise pollution. DThe sound of s

34、teps.答案:C细节理解题。由第一段Some scientists say that animals in the oceans are increasingly threatened by noise pollution caused by human beings. 可知噪音污染引起了海洋生物的危险,故选C。22According to the passage, natural sounds include all of the following EXCEPT_.Asounds made by animals themselvesBocean drillingCunderwater e

35、arthquakesDthe breaking of ice fields答案:B细节理解题。由第二段These sounds include the breaking of ice fields, underwater earthquakes, and sounds made by animals themselves. 可知ocean drilling不是自然的声音,故选B。23Which of the following is true of whales?AThey wont be confused by noises.BThey are deaf to noises.CTheir a

36、bility to reproduce will be lowered by highlevel noises.DTheir hearing will be damaged by highlevel noises.答案:D推理判断题。根据第六段The research team found that powerful underwater explosions were causing whales in the area to lose their hearing.可知水下巨大的爆炸声会使鲸失去听力,故选D。24According to the passage, what will scie

37、ntists most probably do in the future?AThey will work hard to reduce ocean noise pollution.BThey will protect animals from harmful noises.CThey will try to set a limit of 120 decibels.DThey will study the effect of ocean noise pollution.答案:B推理判断题。由文章的最后一句话They want to prevent noises from harming cre

38、atures in the ocean. 可知科学家将来要采取措施阻止噪音对海洋生物的伤害,故选B。BThe USA is a land of immigrants. Between 1815 and 1914, the world witnessed the greatest peaceful migration in its history: 35 million people, mostly Europeans, left their homelands to start new lives in America. Why did these people risk everything

39、 by leaving their homes and families?First, what forced emigrants to make the decision to leave? One major cause for European farmers to leave was the rise in population which in turn led to land hunger. Another was politics. There was an increased taxation(税收) and the growth of armies, and many you

40、ng men fled eastern Europe to avoid being forced to join the army.Physical hunger provided another pressing reason. Following the collapse (衰退)of the economy of southern Italy in the 1860s, hundreds of thousands decided to start a new life in America. Religion also encouraged millions to leave the O

41、ld World.In short, people chose to leave their homes for social, economic and religious reasons. As a result, by 1890 among a total population of 63 million, there were more than nine million foreignborn Americans.But what were the attractions? First of all, there was the promise of land which was s

42、o scarce in Europe. Next, factories were calling for workers, and pay conditions were much better than back home. Men were needed to open up the West and build the long railroads, and new towns needed settlers to live in and to develop business. There was the space for religious people to practice t

43、heir faith in peace.This immigration meant that by around the 1850s Americans of nonEnglish had started to be more than those of English. As we know, there were losers. To start with, there were those unwilling immigrants, the slaves who had been used as a source of cheap labour. Nor should we forge

44、t the equally unlucky American Indians. By 1860 there were 27 million free whites, four million slaves and a mere 488,000 free blacks.Nowadays, the USA is still seen by millions as the Promised Land. As always, it remains an attractive place to those who think it will offer them a second chance.文章大意

45、:本文叙述了在 1815 和 1914年之间,美国成了移民最好的去处,由于政治、经济、宗教信仰等的原因,欧洲的一些人开始向美国迁移,因为在这里人们有更多的就业机会、有商机有宗教自由,现在美国仍然是许多人想去的乐土。25What is not the cause for people to leave their homeland? AThe search for religious freedom. BThe search for adventure. CUnwillingness to join the army. DEconomics.答案:B细节理解题。根据many young men

46、fled eastern Europe to avoid being forced to join the army.In short, people chose to leave their homes for social, economic and religious reasons. 他们由于社会经济,宗教自由,不愿入伍等原因离开了自己的家乡,不是为了冒险,故选B。26Why was life of the 19th Century European farmers difficult?AThere was no land.BThere was no peace.CThe popula

47、tion had gone down.DThere were too many of them.答案:D细节理解题。根据One major cause for European farmers to leave was the rise in population which in turn led to land hunger. 农民人数的增加,而相对土地的平均少了,故选D。27Which of the following was not an attraction of the USA?AEmployment BA healthy life Cfreedom of religionDBusiness opportunities答案:B细节理解题。根据First of all, there was the promise of land which was so scarce in Europe. Next, factories were calling for workers, and pay conditions were much better than bac

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