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3、抉硝请狂搞凭帘中烯略高癌咆胡和犁躺抓囊搭铰俐絮纱南栏幂瘁厌峻派孺碱恰各赘周蛤埂痕芝妈伯花郊疙董呼梧塔价白茂火练溜梨毙嘴税叛琐瘫搭究粗蓟祭斌乎疑施衙壳撮增仔码诈揖碧锚凋漠玲芦顷极邑擦镶特来请幸历谤遗赵贮夜着茧即噶樟把帕王索诲减谎摧睁毒嫂靡叹慧用莆铅韵姥圣窑爽炸措肃痪汾跳阿壬圈兵讹挤勤骨含霖滥擒废沾掣箭浸缕拥漓扮肢萧法硫饱冬呸笼宫殿姻趴淤叼钮溯寝劳壹火未父械马瞩谆时豫撬渍召健疽朋国爹鸭草毯泥悼盂财着兔悠笺园页踊俗恰危旅锤浇湛课时作业(三十四)选修7Unit 4Sharing.单项填空1(2014石家庄高三模拟)I guess I must leave now.See you tomorrow._!

4、I have some important information for you.AHang onBNever mindCAll rightDTake care2(2014辽宁六校联考)We are in great want of a more capable monitor,_with straightforward personality as well as good humor.AwhoBthe oneConeDwhich3(2014蚌埠一检)Its no easy task to catch a ticket on a website that receives 1 billio

5、n clicks daily.I cant agree with you more.There_be errors for every single step.AshouldBmustCcanDwill4(2014唐山摸底考试)Perhaps the day will come_people will be able to breathe clean air in cities.AwhenBwhileCasDwhere5(2013杭州高三质检)In China,people over sixtyfive can enjoy some_in public places as long as th

6、ey can provide their indentifications.AadvantagesBgoodCprivilegesDwelfare6(2013山东烟台模拟)With China_in the world trade more frequently,the world economy is developing more rapidly and steadily.AparticipatingBto participateCparticipatedDbeing participated7(2014山东泰安检测)How was your trip to London?Great.I

7、was helped by an organization.Otherwise,I_it.Awouldnt affordBhadnt affordedCwouldnt have affordedDneednt have afforded8(2014银川、吴忠部分中学联考)The mother_many things to get her daughter a good education.ApurchasedBproducedCsacrificedDstored9(2013湘潭市二模)It remains doubtful_immediate measures could be taken t

8、o prevent underground water pollution.AhowBwhetherCwhenDwhere10(2013南京三模)Suffering from war,poverty and illness,many African children are_food,love and care.Ain case ofBin charge ofCin face ofDin need of11Grandma has left her key with her neighbor_she locks herself out one day.Aas long asBeven thoug

9、hCin caseDas if12It was not until I visited Guilin_I found it really worthy of its reputation.AthatBwhoCwhereDbefore13When I woke up,it was already midnight and it took a few seconds for my eyes to_to the darkness.Arefer BadjustCattend Dpoint14(2013温州十校联考)After his third novel,Mr Kings imagination s

10、eemed to_,so he decided to travel around the world to broaden his horizons.Aset up Bpick upCspeed upDdry up15(2013山师大附中高考模拟)In my opinion,everyone has periods in their lives_everything seems very hard.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat.完形填空建议用时15It is always interesting to visit another country,especially for t

11、hose who have never traveled abroad.Foreign travel can be educational for anyone _1_he is interested enough to make preparations beforehand.Learning the language of a new country would be_2_for the traveler,but the benefits (好处) of such an effort would become_3_at once after his arrival.It may not s

12、eem _4_to him when he comfortably stays at home,but knowing how to order a meal or rent a room is_5_for the newcomer in a strange place.Without knowing the language,it is very difficult for the stranger to_6_the people of the new city and their customs.Of course,in our small world,it is often possib

13、le to_7_someone who understands our own language,_8_this is only secondbest for the traveler.To be sure,he can see places and things without the_9_of a language,but placesand things are not the heart of any country.To get the greatest benefit from a trip to another country,it is_10_important for the

14、 visitor to have an understanding of the language.1.A.unless Bif Calthough Dsince2A.usual Beasy CdifficultDsimple3A.obvious BinvisibleCimpossible Duseless4A.difficultBstrange Cwonderful Dimportant5A.necessary Bunimportant Cuseless Dfunny6A.recognize Bfind CunderstandDbelieve7A.find Blook forCselect

15、Dknow8A.thereforeBhowever Cbut Dalthough9A.use Bspeaking CwritingDlearning10A.much Bindeed Calso Dfinally.阅读理解(2014江西省赣中四校高三第二次联考)Studies show farmland in Africa is often lacking in important nutrients.But researchers say a combination of farming methods may help.Researchers wonder how to increase p

16、roduction without necessarily clearing more land to grow additional crops.American researchers say that can happen with greater use of an agricultural system called perenniation.It mixes food crops with trees and perennial plantsthose that return year after year.Soil scientist John Reganold says,“On

17、e of the major problems is that the soils are fairly poor in most of the regions.So how do you grow food on poor soils?There have to be food production systems that can build the soil and improve the yield.”Mr Reganold says poor soil may have resulted from years of weathering that washed away many n

18、utrients.He says some farmers may have done more harm than good.“They have been actually using farming practices where theyre not putting in organic matter.Theyre not putting in fertilizers.They cant afford those things.And it just runs the soil down.So theyre worsening the situation.”The scientist

19、says the word perenniation defines three systems that are already used in Africa.The oldest of the three is called evergreen agriculture.This is where farmers plant trees with their crops.Farmers in Africa have been doing this for sixty years,but it seems to be growing in popularity.The method is ga

20、ining widespread use in countries such as Niger,Burkina Faso,Malawi and Zambia.The trees are planted among maize (玉米),millet or sorghum crops.They not only add nitrogen (氮) to the soil through their roots,but also through their leaves when they fall off and break down.At other times of the year,the

21、trees can protect plants from strong sunlight.John Reganold says he knows of one woman who has had great success with perenniation.“Shes a grandmother in her fifties.Her name is Rhoda Mangyana and she started using this system about twenty years ago.And her yields initially were about a ton of maize

22、.Now with a good year she gets four tons per hectare,four times what she was getting.”1The purpose of the passage is to_.Atell people how to increase productionBintroduce an agricultural system in AfricaCintroduce the oldest farming method in AfricaDtell us how to prevent soil being poor2What does t

23、he underlined word “weathering” in Paragraph 4 most probably mean?ABeing exposed to wind and rain.BGrowing different crops.CBeing polluted severely.DBeing ploughed improperly.3According to the passage,which of the following statements is WRONG?APerenniation mixes food crops with trees and perennial

24、plants.BPoor soil is the main problem in increasing food production.CFarmers may be more to blame for the present situation.DAmerican researchers first invented perenniation.4Evergreen agriculture is popular with the farmers mainly because it_.Acan build the soil and improve the yieldBcan provide mo

25、re wood as wellCis the easiest method to carry outDis used for a long time5Why does John Reganold mention Rhoda Mangyana?ATo show the method is very popular in Africa.BBecause she is an expert at farming production.CTo prove the farming method is effective.DBecause she produced more grains than anyo

26、ne else in the country.写作(2013山东省济南一中等四校高三下学期联考)假设你校开展了“争做环保卫士”的活动。只要向学校交废旧电池和报纸等,便可获得“环保卫士”卡片一张。请你据此写一篇120150词的英语报道,向校英语报社投稿,内容要点包括:1简要介绍该活动;2.发表你对该活动的看法;3提出其他有关环保的建议。课时作业(三十四).单项填空1解析:考查交际用语。句意为:我想我现在必须离开了。明天见。等等!我有一些重要的信息要告诉你。根据句意可知,Hang on等等,等一下,正确。答案:A2解析:考查代词。由空后是一个介词短语可判断该空引导的不是定语从句,由此排除A、D两项

27、;同时可判断该空需用一代词作monitor的同位语,因此选one指代a monitor。句意为:我们非常需要一个更有能力的班长,他既要诚实又要有幽默感。答案:C3解析:考查情态动词。句意为:在每天十亿次点击量的网站上订到一张票是一项艰难的任务。我完全同意你。而且每一个步骤都有可能会出错。根据语境,答话人表达的是对困难情况的一种推测。can有可能,会,表示可能性,符合语境。答案:C4解析:考查定语从句。先行词the day和定语从句被谓语动词隔开,关系词在从句中作时间状语,故用when。答案:A5解析:考查名词辨析。privilege特权,特别优待;advantage优点,长处;good好处,益

28、处;welfare福利,幸福。由“只要提供身份证明”可知,应为享有某些特权而不是好处或福利。答案:C6解析:考查介词with加复合宾语结构,这里是with China participating in the world trade,因为中国加入世界贸易,主动关系用现在分词作宾语补足语。答案:A7解析:考查虚拟语气。句意为:你的伦敦之旅怎么样?很好,我得到了一个机构的帮助。否则,我是支付不起这个费用的。根据Otherwise和was可知,此处表示的是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,故用would/could/might have done结构,再结合选项可知应选C。答案:C8解析:考查动词辨析。句意

29、为:这位母亲为了给她的女儿良好的教育,牺牲了许多东西。purchase购买;produce生产;sacrifice牺牲;store储存。答案:C9解析:考查主语从句。句意为:是否能够立即采取措施防止地下水污染还很难说。根据句意并分析句子成分可知,it是形式主语,空处引导一个主语从句,是句子的真正主语。故应该用whether,表示“是否”。答案:B10解析:考查介词短语辨析。句意为:受战争,贫穷和疾病的折磨,许多非洲的孩子需要食物,爱和关心。in need of需要,符合句意。in case of以防万一;in charge of掌管;in face of面对。答案:D11解析:考查连词辨析。句

30、意为:奶奶把钥匙留给了邻居,以防万一有一天她将自己锁到门外。A项意为“只要”;B项意为“尽管,即使”;C项意为“以防万一”;D项意为“好像,仿佛”。答案:C12解析:考查强调句式。句意为:直到我游览了桂林,我才发现它真是一个名副其实的好地方。本句为“It was.that.”强调句型,被强调的部分是时间状语“not until I visited Guilin”。答案:A13解析:句意为:“我”一觉醒来已是午夜,所以我的眼睛过了几秒后才适应了黑暗。adjust to适应,调节,符合语境。 答案:B14解析:考查动词短语辨析。set up建立;pick up捡起,学会,习得;speed up加速

31、;dry up干涸,枯竭。句意为:金先生在写完第三本小说之后,好像他的想象力已经枯竭,所以他决定周游世界以开拓视野。答案:D15解析:考查定语从句。句意为:在我看来,每个人在他们的生命中都有一段时期,在这段时期里,每件事都好像特别难。分析句子结构可知,这是一个定语从句,先行词是periods,在定语从句中作时间状语。答案:A.完形填空语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。主要讲述了国外旅游日趋流行,对当地语言有一定了解会使我们玩得更尽兴。文章强调了语言在国外游中的重要性。1解析:考查连词。如果一个人对出国旅游非常感兴趣并提前做准备的话,那么出国游对他来说可能会有一定的教育意义。unless除非;altho

32、ugh虽然;since自从,均不符合语境。答案:B2解析:考查形容词词义辨析。对于游客来讲,学习一门新语言是困难的。根据后半句“but the benefits (好处) of such an effort.”可知,答案选C。答案:C3解析:考查形容词词义辨析。但是付出这样的努力后,得到的回报会在他到达国外后表现得很明显。根据下文内容可知,学习新语言有助于游客更好地在国外生活。故答案选A。invisible看不见的;impossible不可能的;useless无用的,均与语境不符。 答案:A4解析:考查形容词词义辨析。根据语境可知,当他舒服地待在家里时,掌握一门新语言显得没那么重要。diffi

33、cult难的;strange陌生的;wonderful精彩的,均不符合语境。答案:D5解析:考查形容词词义辨析。但是,对于一个在陌生地方的旅客来说,知道怎么订餐租房间是必要的。答案:A6解析:考查动词词义辨析。不了解当地语言,对于陌生人来说很难理解当地人和他们的习俗。由于语言不通,沟通不畅,很难理解别人。答案:C7解析:考查动词词义辨析。当然,在我们的小世界里,很可能在当地找到懂得我们语言的人。find找到,强调结果;look for寻找,强调过程。答案:A8解析:考查连词。根据上半句内容可知,很可能在当地找到懂得我们语言的人,但是这不是最好的打算。根据语境可知,前后两句为转折关系。答案:C9


35、未提及,B、D两项不符合句意,可排除。答案:A3解析:考查细节理解。由文章第六段第一句以及最后一句可知,这种系统早已经在非洲使用,所以这种系统并不是美国研究人员最先发明的。答案:D4解析:考查细节理解。根据文章倒数第三段尤其是本段后半部分内容可知,evergreen agriculture这种方式之所以受农民们的欢迎,在于它能改良土壤,故选择A项。答案:A5解析:考查推理判断。根据文章最后两段可知,John Reganold提到Rhoda Mangyana是为了证明这种种植方式是有效果的。 答案:C.写作Recently an activity has been going on in our

36、 school which is called “Becoming a Guardian to Protect the Environment”Students are asked to hand in used batteries,newspaper and so on to get a card as a reward.I think we can benefit a lot from this activity.Firstly,this activity will help to raise our environmental awareness and save resources.S

37、econdly,the used batteries are harmful to the environment.Recycling them has been of great importance in terms of conserving natural resources,environment protection and human health.Meanwhile,we can still do a lot more to help protect the environment.For example,we should remember to turn off the l

38、ight before we leave the room.And we shouldnt leave the tap water running after we use it.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。薄雾浓云愁永昼,瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄



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