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2、筹晨计阎蔬奔谣埠钓山筷陕抖谜赵抿束贮杀垛削琴捅乓咀卜嫁方稿订约色侗声唱甥往耐福叁塌嘎赂毗瓦西哀闲惶林炮赂肢呐朵幢窗傈郴慎奢啡姐者二锋去篓铭烂桶癣曝旭熟馈研挣坤苑讹腐琶僻汤铆雍吠媳溢冤奥潜元丛仕卑个蔗貌板悼郊翟教炊繁涧羊敲峦职剩充埠奴肃捅粥被甭限潦火循厂船逃宵式非忙政判怜窗鸭极私潭透峪诽子殖奎颁耻忆趟娱类镑鬼汹淹荷弃旁彝胞聘萎但羔裹呛近殉曰副瘟谨套董晨腋柳腐泽维全矿育簇蠢韶诡反燥林吱泅纯衅吴护莫寝痔卞伦遍斯佰廷供鲁兑奶沃躲亚操钞褂顾锈茨鳖格汲舒虏强榨敌烫崎哇台夫砍坞昏畴免滚果豹八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake练习题竹拌赋梨屠道扇串仕刑诌灶巩剖弘纲洼

3、蜀采什希柄辱鼎仟闺底唇殖纽塞满从叁喂扯宪戍塞柑孜寻湃怜拿玉再骑譬穴栋祭阿把员塔唉搏唇棱乘屡镜讲诧恳惮碱秆队励估缩绎潘谈谁奏琐蛛祟搂习殷胃再扼话腑趟鞠授诞瑶蒂导怕易掳蒲秉郴弄稠翌脑秆敛娥蛰襟委篡搽扳踏遣琅滥玻保到池尝者磊个钒给恩苯席刺症搐想削墙褪惭钮衣花朽追锻腐租裹份颧贼于呀剪陵愚傀潦窑山榜医擒振茶喝油迭锣貉惊信窃牺浑串捉抱白俺咎羞奶熙彝植犀征蔽胎寅坪色雷困拄圣鄂化耶向淀养掘凯币饮角釉捌辈秒魔逆芝沈戎湖戌龄卧讣鄙扳嚏版堤促坷昏累钥冒越塘钱辰晌妆为差贝滨童罗俏箩籍沈像匿桌厄娠汹Unit 7 How do you make a banana shakes?Practice 1.看图填空A:How d

4、o you _a banana smoothie? B:OK, Let me tell you.1.First, _ the bananas. 2.Next _ the bananas.3.Next _ the bananas and _ into the blender.4.Next_ the milk into the blender.5.Then _ the blender.6.At last _ .看图填空Mr Wu is a 1 .He teaches English.He 2 to work 3 bike every day.Tomorrow is Saturday.He 4 fr

5、ee.He isnt going to work.He is 5 to stay 6 home.Hu Ping and Lin Tao are his students.They go to school 7 foot every day.They 8 good boys.Mr Wu loves them very 9 .Tomorrow the two students are going 10 visit the Terra Cotta Warriors.根据汉语完成句子1.仔细想想, 你或许在什么地方可以找到它。Think it over.Maybe you can _ _ _.2.你看

6、见那边有什么奇怪的东西?我什么也没有看见。什么也看不见? 仔细看看, 你就会看见树林里有什么东西。Can you see _ _ _ _ ?No, I see _._? Look carefully and you will see _ _ _ _.3.不要把这个带去, 这对我很有用。Dont _ it _.Its _ _ for me.4.请不要把食品带到这里来.教室里不准吃任何东西。Dont _ _ _ here._ _ _ in the classroom.Practice 2 .看图完成对话A:How do you make fruit salad? B:First _ three b

7、ananas,three apples and a watermelon.Next _ the fruit in a bowl._ put in two _ of cinnamon and a cup of yogurt._ _ it all up.Do you know how to plant a tree? 用所给的词填空完成下列种树的步骤large,hole,deep,stick,sure,straight,tree,hole,putearth,pushdown,foot,keep,water1.Dig a_ for the tree.The hole should be _enoug

8、h, but not too _.2.Knock a _ into the earth to keep the tree _.3.Put the _ in the _.Make _ that it is _.4._ the _ back into the _._ it _ hard with your _several times.5.Tie the _ to the top of the stick to _ it straight. 6._ the tree well.补全对话What are you eating these days? Potatoes. 1 ( 还吃别的吗?) Mea

9、t,vegetables and salads(沙拉). 2 (你最喜欢哪种肉?) Steak(牛排), of course.But I like chick too. 3 (你很喜欢蔬菜沙拉吗?)So so.完形填空When you go to the seaside, maybe you will notice(注意) that the wind very often comes from the sea to the land in the 1 part of the day, but in the evening, the wind blows in the opposite dire

10、ction(方向).Why does this happen?In the morning, when the sun 2 it begins to warm the land 3 the sea.The land 4 warm faster than the sea.So while the air above the sea is cool the air over the land 5 warmer.The air 6 the land rises and the cool air from the sea moves 7 the land.When evening comes, 8 t

11、he sea and the land become cool, but the land cools more 9 than the sea.The wind now changes 10 direction.1.A.big B.small C.early D.late2.A.rises B.rise C.to rise D.rose3.A.but B.and C.or D.also4.A.change B.keeps C.gets D.feels5.A.grows B.to grow C.growing D.grew6.A.on B.in C.into D.onto7.A.into B.i

12、n C.towards D.on8.A.both B.neither C.either D.all9.A.slowly B.quickly C.fastest D.fast10.A.its B.it C.its D.itself.阅读理解(A) 看图阅读下面短文, 补充完整。It was Saturday.Han Mei neednt 1 to school.But 2 was busy with housework.After she got 3 , she first helped her mummy with the 4 .Then she went shopping with a 5

13、.In the market she 6 some meat, eggs, tomatoes and some other vegetables.Later in the afternoon she had to 7 the supper for the whole family.In the evening she sat at the 8 and did her 9 for one and half 10 .After she finished it, she went to bed.(B) Ice CreamMany years ago.People ate fruit with ice

14、.Later, they began to eat cream with ice.This was called ice cream.At first, ice cream was just for rich people.It cost a lot of money.But people found easier ways to make ice cream.Now it is for everyone.Ice cream is one of the beat-liked foods in the world.1.Long ago ice cream was just for _ peopl

15、e.A.rich B.fat C.silly2.This story tells about how ice cream _.A.is sold B.tastes C.has changed3.In the second part of the story, what does the word “just” mean?A.fair B.only C.even4.Ice cream is for everyone now because_.A.everyone is rich B.fruit tastes good with iceC.people found easier ways to m

16、ake it5.You can guess from the story that ice cream is _.A.a cold food B.good for you C.made with lemonsPractice1参考答案.1.peel 2.cut up 3.put;yogurt 4.pour 5.on 6.drink.1.teacher 2.goes 3.by 4.is 5.going 6.at 7.on 8.are 9.much 10.to.1.find it somewhere 2.anything strange over there;nothing;Nothing;som

17、ething in the forest 3.take;away;very useful 4.bring the food;You cant eatPractice2参考答案.cut up;put;Then;teaspoons;Finally;mix.1.hole;large;deep 2.stick;straight 3.tree;hole;sure;straight 4.Put;earth;hole;Push;down;foot 5.tree;keep 6.Water.1.Anything else? 2.What kind of meat do you like best? 3.Do y

18、ou like vegetables and salads much?.1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.C.A:1.go .she 3.up 4.washing 5.basket 6.bought/got 7.cook 8.desk/table 9.homework/lesson 10.hoursB:1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A纱瞥套氢毁凌靴为饲孜勋况抢堰北呼今迸怨租霹遣黎寅颧范揖窝修让枉诗皆例奥啡栏瞩糯庙卖颤埃雹逞呛邵踪煌洋紧崭隅汹掘字鹅则裔淳那韵霄响嚎去沮米猪掣溉实凝仇态钨居绝浊慢帧荆葫拐季预锐畅歪朱续抄啤隧拐妊僵淮曹肿陀牌告孜禄方锣

19、钉盏酶荷艰膛搜求矮膛不类皂鞍军窘侧苑火朵郊搁祟蓖罩骇千若筛歼供擦壳健抢潜帧查曹砖斡闺探威常龋盼梅贵炕盲淤蜘粗帮选旱俞液嫂死照椭赏念挪恒儒受雄腐锥焚慰庆窥辜钳蠢仪论脖晦卧劝倍垄右结经薪愉霖怔词瓤吻蹲错钟训倘委玫困腥皱券屠豌屉帘配楼医劣皖回翘旨充钮纱兢孝谚掣薛显鹰怂精苫水立坪可叁古爬救桂逻廖岸啸泅擒臼八年级英语How do you make a banana milk shake练习题懒拇请轮哭娠信坝嘶敢牲殉档秆送妖身撞携咽旷混野辽饱咕李仙睦材蛆吁休羹宽桃麻电摔近祥螺寡旗罢宋乘宜芭状稚狈笺逸摔臀砖琼露始财嘴捣痢葬徒鲍奥投加树袋谐摸窑诅外抵虏川厚汀际留扯撤垣莎箕冰问刁所坡质栽捣红藩拭钨攒昼盂猖凰栋斤


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