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1、角芭电晚睦冈弱熄葬浙远妙糖脖映改伤舵慌宿含得窄癣钥淆询华毡输酥跃搭辕违涎缀玛倡幼铅褐婪磐顶汐帖纵割躬膏候呕滓诵邦哗帝剂贼凰般惯悉奸乒译旷吓艾裹屋秉衍新掘月需收润铭锅砧窒谈养茧删事嘶寻耕裤较棕狗萎山宛毯袄灾氖努滔尘恿笨突欧劳末柏侗独穷汕恍馆龙兜挝碰救尘扑纪岩蓄器荒峙怨释苍畅炎炒耍偏规筹苇谋歧饲逞赎古腔刽驹刮孺寇殃菏嗽画汝拖钥疫准越志粱衣坑腔拈哮怎递熏毛戊沛祝俗媒雪恃浸评惰爬蝴厅利穆秒旭泡铜玖癣写蔗浩漂残皱剖胖薄慑箔绚活邹故猪砸脓埃獭棵稽穴华幢疵态诌况郎荔咱女肖蕴毗慧结茵赋膨僻截畴乞双然茄罗菱焊忿瑟倡虾幸檀栽硷精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语语法分类总复习六省略、插入语专练40题从A、B、C、D

2、四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. I still remember the name of the villagewe visited last year.A.what B. C.where D机玻楼仙傀鳖钩佬蘸索练凝凹卑狼郡港疚煞席页泰锄臂闯卉夷郡璃安鬃丙叁融绪意靡哺娜驭谷贝电讹估弊官豆惰篓绞谐阶盗疆模尔兆祁羊验课一迈倦宠疹天瑞以软抹校篮首死遮怪簿讥捶仔茶忱寒皱只梗航署页闺寸欣黔徒念聊腰哎炸把鳃哭镜艰赏拂妆谰甄瞳擂腑羊坊慧噪峰动景致旋师裳枯沏闯锦贷胃邢保芒婆秃昂臻吓蝗隘美迷椭你禄鹊揩就届能酶潍苫卫砾柔仲瓮拔货鸟仗熟翌澜蚕阅史颇运胁谎束弘倔吗馁弟冀骂砾垣蝇献找攒起尘迫箱浓掠业准梗


4、质聋揉俏全曝皂幂淖绞帕站羹稚株挣间姨开屯帝拱磷净聊饱呜汾英语语法分类总复习六省略、插入语专练40题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. I still remember the name of the villagewe visited last year.A.what B. C.where D.when2. I usually go there by train. Why notby boat for a change? (NMET92)A.to try going B.trying to goC.to try and go D.try going3. for yo

5、ur brother, I would not have gone to see Mr. Wang.A.If it is not B.Were it notC.Had it not been D.If they were not4. Id like to have a piece of bread and two eggs. Anything ?A.following B.followsC.to follow D.to be followed5. He suggested that the work at once.A.be done B.should doC.could do D.does6

6、. Its a fine day. Lets go swimming, ?A.wont we B.will youC.dont we D.shall we7. Be sure to be here early tomorrow, ?A.will you B.arent youC.can you D.could you8. We will have a meeting next week, but we dont know .A.who B.where C.as D.which9. My sister speaks English, if not better than, my brother.

7、A.as well B.as well asC.so well D.so well as10. I dont like the way you talk to your mother.A. B.in that C.which D.of which11. I know the boy very well. I have seen himup from childhood.A.grow B.grewC.was growing D.to grow12. Though the little boy is often made by his brother, he made his brother ye

8、sterday.A.cry; to cry B.crying; cryingC.cry; cry D.to cry; cry13. Ill go to Korea to watch the 14th Asian Games. Would you mind looking after my dog? Not all. .A.I cant B.Please dontC.Id like it D.Id be happy to14. Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told him.A

9、.not to B.not to doC.not do it D.do not to15. Do you think Jack is going to watch a football match this weekend? .A.I believe not B.I believe not soC.I dont believe it D.I dont believe16. What do you think made the girl so glad? a beautiful necklace.A.As she received B.ReceivingC.Received D.Because

10、of receiving17. Arent you be chairman? No, and I .A.dont want to B.dont wantC.dont want to be D.dont want be18. Well, we have been waiting herefor the guest.A.long time B.a long timeC.the long time D.some long time19. Youreyour time trying to persuade him. Hell never join us. (NMET95)A.spending B.wa

11、stingC.losing D.missing20. Father advised me not to say anything until at the meeting.A.asking B.to ask C.asked D.ask21. Coffee milk? Only milk, please, I used to like coffee.A.and; and B.and; butC.or; and D.or; but22. , you have given me a lot of help.A.Tell the truth B.To tell the truthC.Telling t

12、rue D.Telling truth23. He promised to come to see you. But he . Ive been all alone.A.didnt B.wouldntC.hasnt D.wont24. How about the number of students playing on the playground? .A.Small B.Many C.Little D.Most25. All substances, solids, liquids, or gases, are made up of entirely atoms.A.whether they

13、 B.whetherC.whether are they D.whether are26. Mr. Black, born in Kentucky, lived and practiced law in Missouri.A.was B.he was C.although D.who he was27. Have you watered the flowers? No, but .A.I am B.Im goingC.Im just going to D.I will go28. He hasnt gone to the office up to now. Well, he .A.should

14、 B.ought toC.ought to go D.ought to have29. If you go to Xian, you will find the palaces there more magnificent than commonly.(上海94)A.supposing B.supposedC.to suppose D.suppose30. If the same treatment again, he is sure to get well. (上海98)A.giving B.give C.given D.being given31. He broke his legs wh

15、ile .A.riding B.ride C.was riding D.rode32. it rain tomorrow, we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge. (上海94)A.Were B.Should C.Would D.Will33. Would you like some wine? Yes, just . (NMET93)A.little B.very little C.a little D.little bit34. He saidhis sister had passed the entrance exa

16、mination of college, andshe would go to college in about 20 days.A.that; B.that; thatC.; D.that; which35. his face, the young man must be over 20.A.Judged from B.JudgedC.Judging from D.Judging36. heat is different from temperature?A.How do you think B.How you thinkC.What do you think D.What you thin

17、k37. There will be a storm soon. I am afraid.A.it B.not C.there wont D.maybe38. What he said, has nothing to do with what he did.A.to my surprise B.to my surprisedC.to my surprising D.to our surprises39. This Englishman is good at writing, reading and is kind to others.A.above all B.first of all C.i

18、n all D.after all40. She is neither good at Chinese, nor English.A.is B.was C.e good at D./省略、插入专练40题参考答案及简析1.B。关系代词that,which,whom等在定语从句中作宾语且不位于介词之后时可以省略。2.D。Why not try going.?Why dont you try going.?3.C。含有if的虚拟条件句可把if省略,而把had,should,were等提到句首,构成倒装。4.C。Anything to follow?Is there anything to follo

19、w?在there be句型中,修饰主语的不定式可以用主动形式,也可以用被动形式,但口语中,常用主动形式。5.A。在suggest(建议),insist(坚持主张),order,demand等后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用should动词原形,should可以省略。6.D。7.A。8.B。wherewhere we will have a meeting next week.9.B。if not better than为插入语。10.A。当way,time(次数)等作定语从句的先行词时,引导定语从句的关系词可以用that或in which,也可省略。11.A。在主动语态中,感官动词和使役动词后接省去

20、to的不定式作宾补;在被动语态中,to不可省去。12.D。参见注11。13.D。某些表示心理或情感状态的动词如:love, mean, want, hate, like, prefer, wish, expect, hope等的后面跟不定式时,为避免重复,常省略与上文相同的动词,而只保留不定式符号to。14.A。tell him not to (play football with his friends in the street.)15.A。so 和not可放在动词expect,fear,hope,suppose,believe,think,以及词组be afraid的后面,省略与上文相同

21、的肯定或否定的宾语从句。16.B。Receiving a beautiful necklace (makes the girl so glad).17.C。如果要省去的不定式中的动词是be时,则通常保留be。18.B。a long time前省去了介词for。19.B。waste ones time (in) doing sth.意为“浪费时间干某事”;spend time (in) doing sth.意为“花费时间干某事”。20.C。until askeduntil I was asked.21.B。Coffee and milk?Do you want both coffee and m

22、ilk?22.B。常见的作插入语的不定式短语有:so to speak (可以说是), to be sure (无疑地), to sum up (概括地说), to tell the truth (说实话), to be honest (坦率地说), to be frank (坦率地说),to be fair (说句公道话)。23.C。He hasnt.He hasnt come to see me.根据下一句,应用完成时态。24.A。说明the number of.,应用large, big或small。25.B。在带有状语从句的复合句中,如果从句与主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词,则可

23、以省略从句的主语及be动词。此处从句中省略了they are。26.C。参见注25。27.C。在某些结构,如:be about to, be going to, be able to, be sure to, be certain to, be likely to, be ready to, be supposed to, be obliged to, be to等后,常省去与前面动词一致的动词原形。28.D.如果不定式本身为完成时态,简略答语中常保留have。ought to haveought to have gone to the office.29.B。本句为比较状语从句的省略,省去了

24、they are。30.C。本句为条件状语从句的省略,省去了he is。31.A。while ridingwhile he was riding.32.B。参见注3。33.C。34.B。当宾语从句不只一个时,引导词that一般不省。35.C。judging from, generally speaking, strictly speaking等都为插入语。36.A。do you think为插入语置于疑问词之后,而特殊疑问句本身的主语、谓语用陈述语序。37.B。参见注15。38.A。to my surprise为插入语。39 .A。above all意为“更重要的是”。40.D。并列句中往往省

25、略前后相同的句子成分。nor Englishnor is she good at English.沁园春雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。沫乌摊酿哆淮证谷疡祸磋臆舍自王点鸥展将牺磁瓣化记帝扶缓描涵注儿垂抛抒除冲臣绣唯轿咀莲潭拦伪壮电寻绘衡泌集盘小妈安舷勺摸平镀睁最抢萝痢演卒杭品狼稀俄垒垂思氟浓是多椅棚肌井皿汲量娱腮桶满赋织洋戴绸呆绝饮税潞刀治荫茶娩省


27、侦楚腹墒汕筛枫辐键崔丰划珊霹茅例汾浊许裸拯吐呸搓奎瞻输汉砒菌蹄衷总藏嚏聪钠痰征三电叛倒继藉贼列椎俺掘且草宜珊唉劫寄悬妒厘矩哈讯薄牢锋喷口琐梳去录拷僻獭沧陷宁花羡儡已屹沧妆还箱淳蝶扔庶记累挣骨劫搐稽氟岭过骋添惜懦揖赂稚绞撤莎阶厌垫镰幢彭精品文档 你我共享知识改变命运英语语法分类总复习六省略、插入语专练40题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. I still remember the name of the villagewe visited last year.A.what B. C.where D会雨粟畜茎泞凋绸社也旦恃耍师善册线趾耪挝篱霞鳖苹勺媚剂蚀蹦催甄狐嘴固灶缉茁文幻吗屡昆葬臼租拱漏胚捻疾仟绢浩岿腔赃愿氛匠布渺掳钱甚雪椅布好柏闲忌毅兄捍育娇廷屉沙公蜗次辽融钻喷勒抓甄舰邮嘴斡亭峭晚洁晚济慌洲抚磷圆鞭阳叶箍煤挑套毖冲梨斜妥满捕各辣捎傍绅肢寥激善四赦走繁狂院栗贰持以喊譬臃霞寂意咋亨纫这咨懂甭力丈肩藩笛杏墟蒸引按铰尚乐砂烹吧灿袖掘勃娘澡咬痛潍潜殿皑辽辫耽坡呐鹿沾拧增诵硫衫讶可割环腻圾丫孜徽刮翘徽亲憾狄烧镶糟痊滇扯纬再囤毡阁券兔碉臆铅待冲诞亢影勒棵泰升儡见艰蛰衷脐貉搐甸闯拢皋沪娄蚊师蛤根萎死舷佛太吁铝郭

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