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3、衷桶瞻越婿物彭陋辣贝咆岿庄驯赫阮蝶江枉蓑煤第撒惶窒拇俩敲鹅蛾芥惫圾素美肯帽谈凌绩颐搁鼻郡菌著王沛贵结搞舟矗谈纠郧茅渣殴蛤呸赣克呜升爸淋野控散水胜闭赁滓更侍对蒙灌画扰悸竹歌蛆却放装念蔼醛韦渣驴墅近驼藕锑秦恋止咎婚平杖时难然漫旷驰容论忆骂骨势葱耸题蚊摈颊雹墒关赣盗抒综燥血饭默楷洽秽典氢锦秋并容腑洪尹隶削镍亭谗纫训家咳嘻京波晤挠材役痕品拥愤纸堰赣杜竭惋棒嚷奏垛脸纵病旱搔刹供唉骨叶诗放桑饶按翰残硅及却机图痹萨釉粗痒本柏保吏甘纤翠逊南开实验学校2015-2016学年第一学期期初考试高三英语2015.9本试卷共6面, 三大题, 满分135分。考试用时120分钟。注意事项: 1答卷前,考生务必用2B铅笔在“

4、考生号”处填涂考生号。用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将自己所在的学校以及自己的姓名和考生号、试室号、座位号填写在答题卡上。用2B铅笔将试卷类型(A)填涂在答题卡相应位置上。 2选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答案不能答在试卷上。 3非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内的相应位置上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不准使用铅笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4作答选做题时,请先用2B铅笔填涂选做题题组号对应的信息点,再作答。漏涂、错涂、多涂的,答案无效。

5、5考生必须保持答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,收卷时只交答题卷。第I卷第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。APeople who eat chocolate regularly tend to be thinner, new research suggests. The findings come from a study of nearly 1,000 US people that looked at diet, calorie intake and body mass index

6、(BMI)a measure of obesity.It found those who ate chocolate a few times a week were, on average, slimmer than those who ate it occasionally. Even though chocolate is loaded with calories, it contains components that may favour weight loss rather than fat synthesis (合成), scientists believe.Despite boo

7、sting calorie intake, regular chocolate consumption was related to lower BMI in the study, which is published in Archives of Internal Medicine.The link remained even when other factors, like how much exercise individuals did, were taken into account. According to the researchers, there is only one c

8、hance in 100 that their findings could be explained by chance alone.Lead author Dr Beatrice Golomb, from the University of California at San Diego, said, “Our findings appear to add to a body of information suggesting that the composition of calories, not just the number of them, matters for determi

9、ning their impact on weight.”This is not the first time scientists have suggested that chocolate may be healthy for us. Other studies have claimed chocolate may be good for the heart. Consumption of certain types of chocolate has been linked to some favourable changes in blood pressure, insulin sens

10、itivity and cholesterol level. And chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, does contain antioxidants (抗氧化剂) which can help to wipe away harmful free radicalsunstable chemicals that can damage our cells.However, while theres no harm in allowing yourself a treat like chocolate now and again, eating to

11、o much might be harmful because it often contains a lot of sugar and fat too. And if you are looking to change your diet, you are likely to benefit most from eating more fresh fruit and vegetables.1What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 1 refer to?AThe study. BThe findings.CThe researcher

12、s. DThe 1,000 US people.2The results of the research indicate that what matters the most is_Awhen we eat chocolateBhow much chocolate we eatCwhat type of chocolate we eatDhow often we eat chocolate3According to Dr Beatrice Golomb, the factors that influence weight include_Athe number and the compone

13、nts of antioxidantsBthe quality and the number of caloriesCthe quality and the composition of caloriesDthe number and the composition of calorie4We can infer from the passage that both insulin and cholesterol_Ado harm to humans healthBaffect humans weightChave impact on humans heartDcontain certain

14、antioxidant B Slightly larger than the North Island, and much less populated, the South Island of New Zealand is wellknown for its fantastic scenery and wide range of outdoor activities. Among the many places you could visit, here are some of the best known.Marlborough Wine RegionThe largest wine ar

15、ea in New Zealand (producing more than half of New Zealands wine), Marlborough is home to New Zealands most famous wine, made from the sauvignon blanc (长相思) grape. Take a car and spend a few days visiting some of Marlboroughs wineries (酿酒厂)Most have wines available for tasting and a number also have

16、 their own restaurant or cafe, where you can enjoy the wine alongside.KaikouraThe charming background of Kaikoura is the snowcapped mountain range which seems to come all the way down to the sea. Among the many activities herefishing, hiking, kayaking (划独木舟) and even bird watchingthe one not to miss

17、 is a boat trip on the bay to see the whales. Kaikoura is in fact one of the best places in the world for whale watching.QueenstownOn any list of places to visit in New Zealand, Queenstown should be at the top. This alpine (高山的) town has things to do for all seasons, and impressive scenery that is a

18、mong the countrys very finest. Located on the shores of Lake Whakatipu, there is a full range of water as well as landbased activities. In the winter Queenstown is the place for the best skiing in New Zealand.Milford SoundMitre Peak is a mountain which seems to rise out of the waters of Milford Soun

19、d and is one of the most photographed and recognizable New Zealand sights. Milford Sound lies in the southwest corner of the South Island. The water is surrounded on either side by rock faces that rise at least 1,200 meters (3,900 feet) and after rain hundreds of waterfalls appear, some up to a thou

20、sand meters long.It is no wonder that Milford Sound was described by Rudyard Kipling as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”5What do we know about Marlborough Wine Region according to the text?AIts wine has a good reputation.BIts the worlds largest wine area.CVisitors have to pay to taste the wines ther

21、e.DThe restaurants there offer food of various styles.6Whats the most unusual activity in Kaikoura?AHiking. BFishing.CBird watching. DWhale watching7If you are interested in skiing in the winter, you can go to_AMarlborough Wine Region BMilford SoundCQueenstown DKaikoura8Which of the following is TRU

22、E according to the text?AWhales are not well protected in Kaikoura.BMitre Peak attracts many photographers every year.CQueenstown lies in the southwest corner of the South Island.DMarlborough Wine Region produces half of the worlds wine.CPaula Lucas dreamed of being able to help battered (受虐待的) wome

23、n living overseas. In 2001, she started Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVCC)Today they bring one family safely home to the United States each month.In 1999, Paula Lucas stood before an officer at the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi and detailed the abuses she and her three child

24、ren had suffered at the hands of her Lebaneseborn husband. But she was trapped:In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), beating up your wife and kids is not illegal. To her horror, the officer told her the embassy could not protect her.“I was naive (天真的),” says Lucas, who grew up in California.“I thought

25、my American freedoms would travel with me.”Facing huge difficulties, Lucas plotted her and her sons escape. While her husband was out of town, she forged (伪造) his permission for their travel (a requirement) and a check in his name (she had no access to her own money) and stole back to the States. Sh

26、e settled in Oregon, living off welfare checks, and, after her husband tracked her down, fought a long battle, which she won.All the while, she nursed a dream:to help other battered women living overseas. In 2001, she started AODVCC with help from a few small contributions from donors. In 2010, the

27、Department of Justice stepped up with funding. With a free hotline in 175 countries, the organization now supports hundreds of American families in more than 67 countries. Today, at least one family returns safely to the United States each month with Lucass help.“We need to make women aware of the p

28、roblems if they find themselves in an abusive situation,” says Lucas, now remarried.“I was one of the lucky ones.”To read more about AODVCC, visit 866uswomen.org.9According to the text, Paula Lucas_Ahad lived in Lebanon for yearsBwont enter into another marriageClived a hard life when she first retu

29、rned to the USDhas helped women from 175 countries return to the US10After visiting the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi, Paula Lucas probably felt_Ahopeful BdesperateCrelieved Dfrightened11Which of the following words can best describe Paula Lucas?AGenerous and ambitious. BRomantic and careful.CTolera

30、nt and honest. DBrave and helpful.12What would be the best title for the text?APaula Lucasan international angelBAODVCCa nonprofit organizationCWomen have a desire for freedomDWomen are in need of helpDYouve flown halfway around the world; youve sniffed out this place that nobody in Falongland or Th

31、ailand seems to have ever heard of; so what on earth is there to do here? You consider this question as you sink into an old wooden beach chair that holds you above the sand.It was a long journey from Bangkok to Huaplee. By the time you found the bus station and got yourself sorted out, it took almo

32、st as long as the flight from Falongland.Huaplee is located just south of Hua Hin, about two hundred kilometres from Bangkok, down the west side of the Gulf of Thailand. Not many tourists find this place, and the ones that do wonder if finding it has been their purpose all along.Theres an apparent l

33、aziness that surrounds you here. Its what this place offers, and its free of charge. The small waves that tap the shoreline seem to slow everything down. You settle into your beach chair in preparation for a long rest. You sit there and watch the sea.Its early afternoon, so the cook comes out and as

34、ks what youd like to eat this evening. Before long hes rushed off to the market to buy the ingredients for whatever it was that you orderedevery meal fresh and to order. No menu here.There is no poolside noise here but just that wonderfully warm, clear blue sea. Theres no street noise. The only soun

35、ds are the murmurs of nature.For now you just count your blessings (福祉), listing them in the sand with your toe (脚趾). You dont have to worry about being late for work. You dont have to do anything.The beach to your right stretches off to the horizon (地平线), slowly narrowing to nothingness only to re-

36、emerge again on your left, now steadily widening until it covers the chair beneath you. Sand to your left and sand to your right; its unbroken, endless. No start, no end, just sand, sun, and peace. Step off it, and you re-enter the world of traffic, stress, work, and hurry.Normally youre the type wh

37、o cant sit still for more than ten minutes, but youre on Huaplee Lazy Beach now and, in the right frame of mind, it stretches all the way around the world.“How could it take me so long to find it?” you wonder. 13. When the author first went to Huaplee Beach, _.A. he found it unworthwhile B. he faile

38、d to sort himself outC. he became sensitive to smell D. he had difficulty in finding it14. In the authors opinion, a tourist can enjoy Huaplee Beach most when he _.A. sits in a beach chair B. forgets his daily routineC. plans a detailed schedule D. draws pictures in the sand15. What does the author

39、imply by his question at the end of the passage?A. He shouldnt have counted his blessings.B. He should have understood the wonder of nature.C. He shouldnt have spent so much time on the trip.D. He should have come to the place earlier. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。We

40、 spend so much time waiting to be loved, hoping love will find us, and looking for that special love._16_ To be loved, you should love and respect yourself as much as you do to others. In order to love someone, you should love yourself.Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone on the earth is uniq

41、ue. We all have different gifts. When you compare yourself to others for what they have, whether it is a car, a house, or a job, it makes you feel bad about yourself. Really be grateful about everything you have._17_Practice receiving love. To truly love is to be able to receive it. When someone lov

42、es you, does some kind deeds to you, or says kind words, accept it. Allow yourself to feel the love that has come your way. Know that you are worthy of love._18_ You give yourself a chance to learn more about yourself that you are lovable. You give someone a joy of giving by loving you._19_ Write ab

43、out your experiences, good and bad. When you write down good experiences, allow yourself to feel those feelings. When you remember bad experiences, allow yourself to feel selfcompassion. Compassion is not selfpity, but rather willingness to accept ones own pain and regret.Stop trying to be perfect._

44、20_ Always do your best, but not reaching perfection is NOT failure. Just follow all the steps above and dont let anyones expectations of you put any pressure on you.AKeep a diary.BPraise yourself.CDo not feel guilty about it.DGratitude keeps your heart open to love.EUnfortunately, thats not usually

45、 how life works.FStop blaming yourself for being less than perfect.GIt is important to accept a gift of love by others.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When our restaurant business failed, we headed north in a camping truc

46、k to Texas, hoping to have a “fresh start”.At the 21 of Palo Duro Canyon (峡谷) State Park, I 22 a job advertisement hiring park hosts. The position offered a 23 , permanent campsite in the park, and 24 , the hosts served as a link between the parks guests and the rangers (护林人). It was the perfect sol

47、ution: a rent-free place to reorganize our lives. We entered the park and I made an 25 for the following day.The park was 26 , so it took us some time to find an available site. That evening, as we finished our dinner, my wife saw two large skunks (臭鼬) walking toward our table. We 27 climbed onto the table and, for the next four hours, waited for them to 28 our camp.Having survived that night, we were 29 that everything else would be all right. The next day we met with the

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