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1、汉英翻译基础 -主题翻译Text 1 青岛坐落在山东半岛南部,依山临海,天姿秀美,气候凉爽,人称“东方瑞士”。白天,青岛宛如镶嵌在黄海边的绿宝石,夜里则像一只在大海中摆动的摇篮,难怪许多人乐意来这里疗养。 Useful Words and Expressions 词汇提示 山东半岛 Shandong Peninsula 依山临水 wedged between hills and waters 天姿秀美 a beautiful scenery “东方瑞士” “the Switzerland of the Orient” 镶嵌 inlaid 疗养 to seek rest and relaxati

2、on难怪 no wonder Reference Version 参考译文 Qingdao, known as the “Switzerland of the Orient”, is situated on the southern tip of Shandong Peninsula. Wedged between hills and waters, the city is endowed with beautiful scenery and a delightful climate. By day, she looks like a green gem inlaid in the coast

3、line of the Yellow Sea and, at night, a cradle rocking upon the sea waves. No wonder so many people come to seek rest and relaxation. Translation Difficulty 翻译难点:专有名词 专有名词包括地名、人名、书刊名、机构团体名等。翻译时一般有其习惯的译法,应采用统一的译法和格式。A音译的专有名词 国名、地名、人名等一般采用音译,并且遵循以下两项原则:(1) 名从主人 专有名词的音译应以该名词所在国家的语言发音为准。汉语专有名词以汉语拼音音译,人名

4、姓在前,名在后,双名拼写在一起,不分开,不用连字符。地名拼写成一个词。如:黑龙江(Heilongjiang)。如果地名的第一个字的拼音以元音结尾,第二个字的拼音又以元音打头,则在两个元音之间加apostrophe(),以免读错。如,西安(Xian),泰安(Taian)。(2) 约定俗成 有些专有名词沿用多年,广泛流传,虽不合音译标准,也没有再改动的必要。如:孔子(Confucius),孙中山(Sun Yat-sen),蒋介石(Chiang Kaishek),长江(the Yangtze River),西藏(Tibet),松花江(the Sungari River)。B意译或音意兼译的专有名词(

5、) 地名、山名、河名 有些地名、山名、河名已通用意译,特别是名胜古迹,多采用意译或音意兼译方法。如: 故宫 Palace Museum;Imperial Palace;the Forbidden City 颐和园 Summer Palace 太和殿 Hall of Supreme Harmony 龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes 拉萨布达拉宫 the potala Palace of Lasa 黄果树瀑布 Huangguoshu Fall 天坛 Temple of Heaven(2) 书报杂志、党政机关团体、影视戏剧等的名称 中国日报 China Daily 北京周报 Beijing

6、 Review 政协 Chinese Peoples Public Consultative Conference 民盟 China Democratic League 国务院办公厅 General Office of the State Council 中华全国总工会 All-China Federation of Trade Unions Supplementary Vocabulary and Expression 补充词汇避暑胜地 summer resort兵马俑 terra-cotta warriors and horses彩塑 color sculpture茶楼 teahouse出

7、土文物 unearthed cultural relics敦煌石窟 Dunhuang Caves佛教经卷 Buddha texts佛塔 Buddhist pagoda工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship古建筑群 ancient architectural complex鼓楼 drum tower桂林山水甲天下 Guilin scenery tops in the world.国画 traditional Chinese paintings皇帝祭天 The scenes of emperors praying for good harvests皇家园林 the imperial

8、garden婚丧嫁娶风俗 the local conditions and customs of wedding and funeral金刚 the Guardians举世闻名的旅游景观 world-renowned attractions孔庙祭典 a memorial ceremony at Confucius Temple旅游景点 tourist attraction; scenic spot;tourist destination旅游资源 tourist resources罗汉 the Disciples of the Buddha民间艺术节 folklore festival民俗风情

9、folklore;folk custom名胜古迹 places of historical interestrelics and scenic beauty莫高窟 Mogao Grotto漂流河 drift river品尝风味小吃 to taste the food of local taste人文景观 places of historic figures and cultural heritage山清水秀 beautiful mountains and clear waters山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers;landscape诗情画意 a sce

10、ne full of poetic and artistic conception石窟画廊 fresco石林 the Stone Forest石牌坊 memorial stone archways手工艺品 handicraftsartifact水上街市 overwater market丝绸之路 the Silk RoadRoute唐三彩 tricolor-grazed pottery;ceramics of the Tang Dynasty藤桥 cane bridge题咏 inscriptions and poems体验异国情调 to experience the obvious exotic

11、 atmosphere天下第一泉 the finest spring under heaven土特产 special local products外汇年收入 annual foreign currency earnings文房四宝 the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study including writing brushes,ink sticks,ink stones and paper文化遗产 cultural heritage文人墨客 men of letters;writer and poets珍禽奇兽和奇花异草 unique a

12、nd intriguing animals and flora中国民间艺术绝活 Chinese unique skills in folk art自然奇观 natural splendor;attractionText 2创建一个品牌需要时间,金钱和市场知识。一些中国品牌以有竞争力的价位为后盾,已经挤进了国际市场,但同时也采用了其他战略。例如“海尔”中国最著名的家用电器生产商,已经明显地从价格战略上转变过来,以产品质量、高效的销售和售后服务来进行竞争。 Useful Words and Expressions 词汇提示 品牌 brand 市场知识 market savvy 价位 pricing

13、 以为后盾 on the back of “海尔” Haier 家用电器 home-appliance 转变 to steer away 销售 distribution 售后服务 after-sales service Translation Difficulty 翻译难点:称谓的译法 在称谓和称呼方面,汉语文化与英语文化差异甚大,为汉英翻译带来很大困难。最突出的特点是:汉语亲属称谓语不但可以称呼亲属,而且可以称呼非亲属。这种亲属称谓泛化的现象在汉语中十分普遍,在英语中极为罕见。因此,翻译时,必须真正弄清被称呼人的身份、地位、以及与他人的关系,以相应的英语称谓译出。如果英语里没有对应词,可以采

14、取音译、意译、释译等多种处理方法。下列译例可以说是前人为我们做出的有意义的尝试。A亲属称谓1正当二嫂从一口锅内抓一撮芝麻查看时,炒棚门口突然响起闺女芝儿的尖声急叫:“娘,娘!快,快来!”Ersao was just about to take a pinch of sesame out of one of the pots to check it when her daughter named Iris appeared in the doorway of the shed and screeched, “Mum, quick! Come quick!”2太阳这么高了,大姑奶奶怎么还不露面?I

15、ts so late now, Why hasnt my niece shown up?3如今就打赵姨娘屋里起了脏来也容易,我只怕又伤着一个好人的体面。红楼梦64回Actually I could easily find the evidence in Concubine Chaos rooms, but I was afraid that would make another good person lose face.4老艾忙说:“算啦,算啦!个人的机器好比个人的娃儿,当老汉的不了解他,爱护他,还算是老汉吗?”“Forget it,” he told me, “Ones machine i

16、s just like ones baby. If its dad doesnt know it and take good care of it, can he be called a good dad?”B用亲属称谓称呼非亲亲属5一天,邻居王二婶不小心把钥匙锁在家里。One day, through carelessness, Wang Ers wife, one of his elderly neighbors, locked herself out.6前不久,王嫂给他介绍一位叫蓉蓉的姑娘,她长得俊俏,白皙细嫩的皮肤,柳眉下一双水汪汪的眼睛,显得挺有神。Not long age, Mrs

17、. Wang introduced him to another girl called Rongrong. She was pretty and fair, with long and crescent eyebrows and clear and bright eyes.C绰号称谓7到五月中旬,城仍未攻克,太平军为了摆脱敌人,重金贿赂“杨大头”。By mid-May,the siege still unsuccessful, the Taiping pay a massive bribe to Bighead Yang to leave them unpursued.8“老爱”,姓艾名得胜

18、,人称“爱得深”。上个星期天,我和老爱进城回来,刚下车就听李二娃喊:“老爱,你那宝贝出事啦!”The person Im going t0 tell you about is called Ai Desheng Lao Ai 0r Old Love for short. Last Sunday Ai and I went downtown. The moment we stepped down from the car back Dom the city, we heard Li Erwa shout to us, “Lao Ai, something has happened to your

19、 love.” Supplementary Vocabulary And Expressions 补充词汇包运 to charter a ship保险单 policy form保险凭证 certificate of insurance备有现货,欢迎选购。 We have stock-goods available. You are welcome to make your selection.标签 label畅销 best-selling畅销货 the best-selling goods成交 come to terms;Conclude the business成套设备 to introdu

20、ce complete plants大量生产 mass production分批运 partial shipment符合 in conforming with高效销售 efficient distribution公证处 public surveyor供货能力 availability管理技术 management expertise广告份额 shares of advertising广告攻势 aggressive advertising规格 specification国际品牌 international brand国内知名度 national recognition合资经营 joint ven

21、ture还价 a counter-offer价格合理 reasonable price;economical price领导潮流 trend-setting流通渠道 distribution channels品牌潜力 brand potential品质优良 excellent quality让步 to make a concession商检局 the Commodity Inspection Bureau生意兴隆 a brisk business受理索赔 to entertain the claim售后服务 after-sales service数码科技 digital technology通

22、融 to make an exception推广 to promote;to sell脱销 be on the point of being sold out外贸政策 foreign trade policy完好无损 sound and intact稳价 a firm offer物美价廉 goods of high quality and moderate price先进的专业器材 advanced professional equipment享有盛名 enjoy a good reputation消费市场 consumer markets销售合同 sales confirmation销售和服

23、务网络 networks for sales and service信用 commercial integrity行情 the market situation要求索赔 to lodge a claim一言为定 Thats settled.引进先进技术 to introduce advanced technology有线电视 cable TV直运 direct shipment制造商 manufacturers;producers滞销货 unsaleable goods主打品牌 a premium brand专卖店 specialty shops;exclusive shops转运 trans

24、-shipment最新报价单 the latest price list最新的市场需求信息 updated information on market demandText 3 经济发展涉及到范围广泛的技术、经济、社会和文化等各方面的进展。在经济高度发展的社会,仅小部分人从事农业,农业生产率较高,而大部分劳动力则从事于其他商品的生产及服务性行业。 useful Words and Expressions 词汇提示 涉及 to-relate to 方面 dimensions;aspects 经济高度发展的社会 a society with highly developed economy 从事

25、to be engaged in 生产率 productivity 服务性行业 service industry Reference Version 参考译文Economic development relates to progress along a wide spectrum of technological, economic, social and cultural dimensionsIn a society with highly developed economy, only a small proportion of the population is engaged in

26、agriculture. Its agricultural productivity is relatively high, and most of the working population is engaged in the production of other goods and services. Translation Technique 翻译技巧:词语多样化英语有“异叙”的修辞手段,即用一个词(动词、形容词或介词)同时与两个词(或更多)相搭配。如:他们有时议议政,有时品品茶,英译时不必重复,译为:They sometimes take counsel and sometimes

27、 tea除了用省略译法来处理词汇重复以外,还可以使用异形同义词或近义词来表达。因而,在英语行文中,用不同词语表达相同或近似的意义。使用丰富的词汇,避免单调,是常用的写作技巧。例如:所谓方法论是指一般史学工作所特有的概念;还是指历史研究各个分支专用的研究方法,人们对此持不同意见。(There is no agreement whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various

28、 branches of historical inquiry.) 翻译要认真分析上下文,准确把握词义,对不同语境中的同一词语采取不同译法,以强化译文的可读性。本篇短文中的“发展”一词,便分别译成growth,development,progress和developed。从另一方面来讲,词形相同的词语在不同的语境中,在不同的使用范围内,也会产生不同的语用含义,造成英译文的不同搭配。例如:果汁饮料(soft drinks),毛织品(soft goods),软件(soft ware),和蔼的话语(soft words)。又比如:到达时间(arriving time),工作时间(working ho

29、urs),停留时间(duration of stay),自我意识(self-consciousness);竞争意识(competitive spirit)。所以,翻译时要注意词语的不同搭配,采取一词多译的方法。下面以“认识到”为例子,试说明一词多译的使用及其辨析。l-a美国和英国开始认识到:只有中国战场的胜利才能遏制德、 意、日“轴心国”的联盟。The United States and Britain began to see that only victory on the Chinese battlefield could contain the Axis alliance of Ger

30、many, Italy and Japan.1-b我最终认识到这件事为何非做不可。I came to realize in the end why it must be done.1-c看来她还未认识到有危险。It seems that she is still not aware of the danger. 选词的时候,要吃透原文,结合上下文语境来考虑词语的确切含义。例如:一次性付款(1ump-sum payment),一次性拖鞋(disposable slippers);恶性肿瘤(malignant tumor),恶性循环(vicious circle)。另外,翻译还要注意选词的褒贬色彩

31、,从而准确地表达原意。2-a要奋发图强,把我军的军政素质提高到了一个新的水平。We must work hard to raise to a new height the military and political quality of our army.2-b各级干部要认真学习,刻苦钻研业务,提高领导水平。Cadres at all levels should apply themselves to the study, gain the professional proficiency required by their jobs, and improve their art of le

32、adership.3-a全民族抗战展开了。The Anti-Japanese War was unfolded on a national scale.3-b第二次世界大战还未全面展开。The Second World War had not yet reached its full scope.4他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.5-a没有群众条件,就不要进行任何群众性的改革工作。Without popular support, no reform of mass characteristic

33、s should be attempted.5-b此区地势险要,群众条件好,回旋地区大,安全方面完全有保障。It is an area where we have a favorable mountainous terrain a good mass base, plenty of room for man oeuvre and full guarantee for security.5-c. 但是单有这个条件还不够,还要求别的条件和它配合。首先是人民的条件。But this condition alone is not enough and must be accompanied by ot

34、hers. The first of these is popular support. Supplementary Vocabulary and Expressions 补充词汇 按比例协调发展 a proportionate and coordinated growth不正当竞争 unfair competition长期亏损 to have long operated at a loss持平 to maintain a constant level持续稳定协调发展 to develop in a steady,stable and balanced way出口商品结构 the compos

35、ition of export goods传统产业改造 transformation of traditional industries从温饱到小康 from sufficient living to comparatively well-off打翻身仗 to struggle for major advances大包干 all-round contract system大力扶持 to support with great efforts倒挂 to reverse底子薄 foundation is weak调整、改革、巩固、提高 readjustment, restructuring, con

36、solidation and improvement夺魁to gain the top position繁荣市场,活跃经济to create a thriving market and reinvigorate the economy放宽政策,发挥本地优势to introduce more flexible policies and exploit favourable local conditions改革方案reform program搞活市场经济to enliven market economy供不应求 supply falls short of demand供过于求supply exce

37、eds demand供求平衡supply balances on demand关停并转the enterprises are shut down or suspended operations or are amalgamated or switched to the manufacture of other products观摩to inspect and emulate国际惯例international conventionpractice国际贸易保护主义international trade protectionism国有资产评估to evaluate the states assets

38、宏观管理体制macro-control system机制 mechanism急功近利quick result and immediate profit集约化经营intensive management技术改造项目technological transformation project加强精神文明to promote socialist cultural and ideological progress经济实力economic strength经济衰退recession经济体制改革economic restructuring经济效益 economic benefits经济增长率economic

39、growth rate竞争择优to select only the best of the competing offers开拓进取to work hard with a pioneering spirit扩大开放to open China wider to the outside world劳动生产率labour productivity利润留成to share profits;to keep a potion of its profits利用与调整the usage and adjustment练摊 to be a vendorto do ones own business流通渠道不畅no

40、t moving smoothly in circulation channels明确的产业政策well-defined industrial policies培育市场体系to foster a market system平等互利,讲求实效,形式多样,共同发展 equality and mutual benefit, stress on practical results, diversity in form, and common progress轻重缓急in the order of importance and urgency倾斜政策preferential policy全方位对外开放t

41、o open to the outside world in all directions裙带经济crony economy上马to get going;to let the ball roll社会保障体制social security system社会主义现代化建设事业socialist modernization drive市场动态 market trends市场封锁market blockade势头 current situation首当其冲to bear the brunt条条框框rules and regulations停产to suspend production外商直接投资额 v

42、olume of direct investment from foreign business外向型经济export-oriented economy外资企业foreign-funded enterprise吸收协议外资to absorb foreign capital by agreement吸引外资to absorb foreign capital下海 go into business行业不正之风evil winds in business一体化 integration一条龙生产体系integrated production structure抑制通货膨胀to check inflati

43、on因地制宜to implement according to local condition隐患hidden peril隐形就业 unregistered employment硬性摊派to apportion inflexibly;To assign inflexibly优化经济结构 to optimize economic structure 有中国特色的社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics择优委托award contracts to the best qualified bidders崭露头角to be outstanding;to su

44、rpass others战线长,浪费大,经济效果差instances of excess in capital construction, huge waste and unsatisfactory economic results招标,兼并public bidding and annex property整顿to rectify整体配套 whole system中外合资合作乡镇企业 Sino-foreign joint venture and cooperative venture rural enterprises周转期turnover period抓住机遇to seize the cur

45、rent opportunity转变政府职能to shift the functions of the government自筹投资 funds collected by oneselfText 4 中美两国的社会制度和对外政策有着本质的区别。但是,双方同意,各国不论社会制度如何,都应根据尊重各国主权和领土完整、不侵犯别国、不干涉别国内政、平等互利、和平共处的原则来处理国与国之间的关系。国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。 Useful Words and Expressions 词汇提示 社会制度 social systems 对外政策 foreign policies 本质的区别 essential differences 主权the sovereignty 领土完整 territorial integrity 不侵犯 non-aggression a

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