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1、冲刺中考-历年中考陷阱句Please do them by your heart!一.非谓语动词1. He made some toys _ his little son. A. please B. to please C. pleasing D. pleased 2. My uncle enjoys _ TV after supper. A. watching B. watches C. watch D. to watch 3. Mr Brown asked us to stop _, and we stopped _to him at once. A. talking, to listen

2、 B. to talk, to listen C. talking, listening D. to talk, listen 4. The doctor did what he could _ the boy. A. help B. to help C. helped D. helping 5. Mary is often listened _ in the next room. A. to sing B. sing C. sang D. to to sing 6. I cant help _ housework at home because I am busy with my homew

3、ork. A. doing B. to do C. done D. with doing 二 .时态与语态1. Jane _ a new dress every month when she was in Shanghai. A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy 2. When _ the accident _? A. was, happened B. has, happened C. did, happen D. was, happening 3. Can you guess if they _to play basketball with u

4、s? I think theyll come if they _ free. A. come, are B. will come, will be C. will come, are D. come, will be 4. _ to be “getting on” and “getting off” when you take a bus. 5. They wont be back until the work _. A. do B. does C. is done D. will do 6. Please dont make a noise. _. Ill be as quiet as a

5、mouse. A. Yes, I do B. No, I dont C. Yes, I will D. No, I wont 7. Your phone number again? I _ quite catch it. Its 13974628908. A. dont B. didnt C. couldnt D. cant 8. Do you like the material? Yes, it _ very soft. A. is feeling B. is felt C. feels D. felt 三.固定搭配1. I wonder _ it is worth _. A. that,

6、reading B. if, reading C. that, to read D. whether, to read 2. Its very nice _ you to take care of my baby while I was away. A. for B. of C. with D. to 3. The boys felt sad as they lost _ the girls in the talk show. A. by B. in C. to D. on 4. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the post office?

7、Go along this road, and _ the first turning on the right. Then you will find it. A. walk B. take C. make D. turn 5. The third girl _ the left is a famous film star. A. at B. beside C. next to D. on 6. Im looking forward _ taking a holiday in Hainan. So am I. Its great to be _ holiday there. A. for,

8、on B. to, at C. to, on D. for, at 7. Must I come at four oclock? Oh, no, you _. A. dont B. mustnt C. dont have to D. cant 8. David has made great progress recently. _, and _. A. So he has, so have you B. So he has, so you have C. So has he, so you have D. So has he, so have you 9. . Throwing frisby

9、looks very easy, Wei Hua. I want _. A. try B. a go C. to have a look D. to make it 10. Im sure you know the difference _ “ look for” and “find”. A. from B. for C. to D. between 11. Oliver was so busy_ a novel that he _ to have dinner. A. reading, forgets B. to read, forgets C. to read, forgot D. rea

10、ding, forgot 12. They preferred _ in bed rather than _ horses. A. to lie, to ride B. lying, riding C. to lie, ride D. lying, ride 13. People speak _ of the film Not one Less. It is really necessary for every child to go to school. A. loud B. loudly C. high D. highly 14. At weekends I prefer _ at hom

11、e to _ out. A. stay, going B. staying, go C. staying, going D. to stay, go 15. It _ ten years since they _ to France. A. was, moved B. was, have moved C. is, have moved D. is, moved 四.语境类1. _ is your father? The tall man with a pair of glasses under the tree. . A. Who B. Where C. What D. Which 2. Wh

12、at would you like to drink? It doesnt matter. _ will do. A. Nothing B. Everything C. Something D. Anything 3. What is your favorite _? Summer. I can go swimming at that time. A. festival B. season C. month D. weather 4. Its _ hot _ cold all the year round in Kunming. Its called “Spring City. ” A. ei

13、ther, or B. neither, nor C. both, and D. neither, or 5. Dont throw waste paper on the ground. Please _. A. pick them up B. pick up them C. pick it up D. pick up it 五.形容词与副词1. We should keep _ in the reading-room. A. quite B. quietly C. quiet D. quickly 2. The light in the room wasnt _for me to read.

14、 A. enough bright B. brightly enough C. enough brightly D. bright enough 3. She is _of the two. A. the cleverest B. the cleverer C. the clever D. cleverest 4. How far is the factory from here? Its about 4 kilometers _. A. far B. long C. away D. near 5. Do you have enough men to carry these chairs? N

15、o. I think we need _ men. A. another B. other two C. more two D. two more 6. He is taller than _ girl in his class. A. any B. other C. any other D. another 7. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard _ voice. A. the best B. a best C. the better D. a better 六.情景对话1.Dont make any noise in the liv

16、ing room! My baby is sleeping. _. A. Sorry, I wont B. It doesnt matterC. Excuse me, Im wrong D. Certainly, I wont 2. I havent seen Jack for three days, is he ill? _. His mother told me that he was in hospital. A. I am afraid so B. I hope not C. I dont expect D. I am afraid not 3. Excuse me. May I us

17、e your computer? _. Its broken. A. Sure B. Yes, here you are C. With pleasure D. Im afraid not 4. Can I get you something to drink, Mr Smith? _. I am thirsty. A. Here you are B. No, thank you C. Youre welcome D. Yes, please 5. Your sweater is very beautiful, Joan! _. A. thank you all the same B. Not

18、 at all C. Just so-so D. thank you 6. What do you do? _. A. I am thirteen B. I work hard C. Im fine D. Im a student 7. Andy isnt going out this evening, is she? _. She has to stay at home to look after her sick mother. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isnt C. Yes, she isnt D. No, she is 8. Hello. May I spe

19、ak to Mr. Wang? Whos calling, please. _. A. Im Mr. Wang B. Mr. Wang is here C. This is Mr. Wang speaking D. Mr. Wang is calling 9. I fell and hurt my leg just not. _. A. Be careful B. It doesnt matter C. Im sorry to hear that D. Nothing serious 10. _. thank you very much. I will. A. Congratulations!

20、 B. Best wishes to you C. Please say hello to your family. D. What a good wish to your family! 七.代词与冠词1. I hear someone _at the door. Please go and see who _ is. A. knock, he B. knocking, he C. knock, it D. knocking, it 2. Lucy and I are classmates. We _ in Class One. A. all are B. are all C. both a

21、re D. are both 3. There is _ egg at home. Will you please get _ for me, please? A. no, some B. not, some C. not any, any D. not an, any 4. A latest English newspaper, please! Only one copy left. Would you like to have _, sir? A. one B. this C. that D. it 1. A spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _ second. A. / B. the C. a D. an 2. _ India and China are of _ same continent. A. /; the B. The ; the C. /; / D. /; a

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