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1、八年级下册 Module 1 Unit 1Name:_ No. _ Mark_(本次测试满分100,测试时间:10分钟)一、汉译英:写出下列的短语 (每个3分, 共30分)1.气味浓烈_2. 味道有点酸_3.看上去不错 _4. 尝起来味道好_5. 一些比萨饼_6. 变酸 _7. 做个苹果派_8. 完成了 _9.尝一尝,试试看_10. 喜欢甜食 _ 二、根据中文提示及首字母写单词: (每题2分, 共20分)1.Children like_ (小甜饼)very much.2.People should eat less_ (盐)every day.3.The sweater feels_ (柔软的

2、) and comfortable.4.Can I have some strawberries? Theyre my _ (最喜欢的)5.The jam is not fresh. It smells a bit s_lease dont eat it.6.The young mother is very p _ of her excellent son.7.Im really n _ before the exam. I dont know how to relax myself.8.Work hard and youll get good m _ in your exams.9.My f

3、ather isnt in now. Would you like to leave a m_ ?10.My mum often warns me not to speak to the s _ on my way home.三、用方框中单词和短语的适当形式填空:(每题2分, 共20分)smell , feel, sound, taste, look, be sure, a bit of , open, be done, make clothes, at school1.The soup smells good and _ better.2.The song _ beautiful.3.Thi

4、s kind of cloth _ soft and comfortable.4.She_ a bit older than me.5.What a terrible _ ?6.There is _ food left for lunch.7.I _ tomorrow is Bettys birthday.8.My mother likes_ by herself.9.I tried _ the door, but it was locked.10.Parents think their children must study hard _.四、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词,每空2分

5、, 共30分)1. 恐怕我帮不了你。_ _ I cant help you.2.老师确信他的诚实。The teacher _ _ _ his honesty.3.今天有点儿冷。外出时穿多点衣服吧。It is _ _ _ today. Put on more clothes when you go out.4.- 我举不起这个中箱子。- 让我来试一试。- I cant lift up the heavy box.- Let me _ _ _.5.吉娜小时候喜欢吃甜食。Gina _ _ _ _ whenshewas little.参考答案Module 1 Unit 1 答案一、汉译英:写出下列的短

6、语 (每个3分, 共30分)1.smell too strong2. a bit sour 3. look nice4. taste good5. some pizza6. get sour 7. make an apple pie8. be done9. havea try10. have a sweet tooth来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K二、根据中文提示及首字母写单词: (每题2分, 共20分)来1.cookies 2. salt3. soft 4. favourite5. sour6. proud7. nervous 8. marks9. message 10. strangers

7、三、用方框中单词和短语的适当形式填空:(每题2分, 共20分)1.tastes 2. sounds3. feels 4. looks5. smell 6. a bit of7. am sure 8. making clothes9. to open 10. at school四、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词,每空2分, 共30分)1.Im afraid 2. is sure of3. a bit cold 4. have a try5. had a sweet tooth八年级下册 Module 1 Unit 2Name:_ No. _ Mark_(本次测试满分100,测试时间:10

8、分钟)一、汉译英:写出下列的短语 (每个3分, 共30分)1.到达_2. 因某事谢谢你_3.几天之后(将来时) _ 4. 在学校,上学_5. 起先,刚开始 _6. 也 _7. 以正确的方式_8. 听起来像_9. 害怕做某事_10. 对做某事感到兴奋、激动_ 二、根据中文提示及首字母写单词: (每题2分, 共20分)1.His _ (牛仔裤) were dirty after playing basketball in the rain.2.He was _(紧张的) about giving the wrong answer.3.Last night Lucy sent me a _ (信息)

9、.4.- Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the railway station?- Sorry, I am a _ (陌生人) here.5.She has lots of _ ( 爱好) like playing the piano and swimming.6.My work is _ ( 做完的), so we can go shopping this afternoon.来源:Zxxk.Com7.Jim cant see the blackboard clearly without his g_.8.Last term Li

10、ngling worked hardand got good m_ in English.9.Diana is a p_ girl with big eyes and long hair.10.My f_ subject is English and I am very good at it.三、用方框中短语的适当形式填空:(每题2分, 共20分)be afraid to, arrive in, excited about, hear from, cant wait to, at school, be proud of , as well, look like, at first, shake

11、 hands, close to1.When Jimmy _ Shanghai, it was raining.2.I am so _ the trip and look forward to it.3.It was great _ you.4.He _ go home and see his parents after not seeing them so many days.5.She _ go across the river because the boat was so small.6.- Mrs. Hand likes table tennis.- Right. And her d

12、aughter likes it _.7.- Where is Ben?- I guess hes studying _.8._, I didnt like the life here.9.Tom always does well in all his subjects and his parents _ him.10.I think Linda _ our English teacher. Both of them are tall and have big eyes and long black hair.四、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词,每空2分, 共30分)1. 我小时候擅长

13、画画.I _ _ _ drawing when I was young.2. 在公园遇到他的朋友,他十分兴奋。He is _ _ meeting his friend in the park.3.我迫不及待要去见我的老朋友们。I _ _ _ see my old friends.4.上月我收到父母的来信。I_ _ my parents last month.5.我们为她说了实话而感到骄傲。We _ _ _ her for telling the truth.来源:学科网ZXXK6.上学期,山姆每天花很多时间读英语小说。Last term, Sam _ a lot of time _ Engli

14、sh novels every day.参考答案Module 1 Unit 2 答案一、汉译英:写出下列的短语 (每个3分, 共30分)1.arrive in/at2. thanks for sth.3. in a few days4. at school5. at first6. as well 7. in the right way8. sound like9. be afraid of doing sth.10. be excited about doing sth.二、根据中文提示及首字母写单词: (每题2分, 共20分)1. jeans 2. nervous3. message 4.

15、 stranger5. hobbies6. done7. glasses 8. marks9. pretty 10. favourite三、用方框中单词和短语的适当形式填空:(每题2分, 共20分)1. arrived in2. excited about3.to hear from4. cant wait to5. was afraid to6. as well7. at school8. At first 9. are proud of10. looks like四、根据句意和汉语提示完成句子。(每空一词,每空2分, 共30分)1. am good at2. excited about3.

16、 cant wait to4. heard from5. are proud of6. spent on/ learning八年级下册Module 1 Unit 3Name:_ No. _ Mark_(本次测试满分100,测试时间:10分钟)一、请根据句意从括号内选择适当的单词完成句子。(每空2分,10分)1. This kind of fruit tastes _(good / well)and sells _(good / well).2. I had a bad cold last nightand felt _(terrible / terribly).3. Its raining o

17、utside. You should drive _(careful / carefully).4. The book is _(easy / easily) for him to read.5. What do you think of the flowers?They look _( beautiful / beautifully).:二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。(每空2分,共20分)来源:学+科+网1. One of her h_ is collecting stamps.2. - Excuse me,could you tell me how I can get to the p

18、ost office?- Sorry, I am a s_ here.3. What a l_ car! I like it very much.4. Apples are hard. Bananas taste s _.5. My mother bought an apple p_ for me.6. - Lets go to visit Mrs. Smith this Sunday. - That s_ good.7. - Sally , you l_ tired. Whats the matter? - Oh, I didnt sleep well last night.8. - Mm

19、The cakes t_ very good. Can I have another one? - Sure. Help yourself.9. The milk s_ sour, and youd better not drink it.10. Sorry, Mr. Li isnt here. Can I take a m_?三、完成句子:(每空2分,共50分)根据所给中文完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1.你肯定明天会下雨吗?_ _ _ it will rain tomorrow?2.汤姆今天看起来不开心。发生什么事了?Tom _ _ today. What has happened?3.洋葱

20、不好吃,气味太浓了。The onion doesnt taste good. It _ _ _.4.你的英语老师长什么样?What does your English teacher _ _?5.你无法想象我有多自豪。You cant _ _ _ I was.6.我姐姐学习很努力,考试拿了满分。My sister studied very hard and _ _ _ _ her exam.7.我对下一步做什么很感兴趣。Im interested in _ _ _ next.来源:学科网ZXXK8.也许你不能完成这项工作,但你应该尝试一下。Maybe you cant finish this

21、work, but you should_ _ _.9.我爸爸喜欢篮球,我也喜欢。My father likes basketball and I like it_ _.四、用适当单词填空,完成文章。(每空2分,共20分)Thanks 1. _ your last message. It was great to 2. _you. I hope you will recognize me from my photo when I 3. _ at the airport. Im quite tall, 4. _ short fair hair and I wear glasses. Ill 5.

22、_ jeans and a T-shirt, Ill also carry my warm coat. Im sure well find each other.Thanks for 6._ me about what you like doing. You 7. _ just like me. I spend a lot of time with the school orchestra, but I 8. _ like dance music. I feel sad when I get bad marks and I am angry with myself. Ifeel a bit s

23、ad now and I am quit 9. _ when Im with strangers. I feel 10. _ when I speak Chinese, but Ill be fine after a few days.参考答案Module 3 Unit 3 答案一、请根据句意从括号内选择适当的单词完成句子。1. good well2. terrible3. carefully4. easy5. beautiful来二、根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。1. hobbies 2. stranger3. lovely 4. soft 5. pie 6. sounds7. look 8

24、.taste9. smells10. message三、完成句子1. Are you sure2. looks unhappy3. smells too strong4. look like5. imagine how proud6. got full marks in7. what to do 8. have a try9. as well四、用适当单词填空,完成文章。1. for 2. meet/see3.arrive 4. with5. wear 6. telling7. sound 8.also 9. shy 10. nervous八年级下册 Module 1 ReviewName:_

25、 No. _ Mark_(本次测试满分100,测试时间:10分钟)一. 根据汉语提示写出下列词组。(每题3分,共60分)1.看上去不错 2.尝起来味道好 3.闻起来味道太浓 4.有点馊 5.尝一尝,试试看 6.喜欢甜食 7.因某事谢谢你 8.因做某事谢谢你 9.收到某人的来信/邮件 10. 也 11.某人迫不及待地做某事 12. 看起来像_13.为感到骄傲 14.擅长 15.起先,刚开始 16.几天之后(将来时) 17.以正确的方式 18.害怕做某事 来源:学.科.网19.在学校,上学 20.对做某事感到兴奋/激动 二、根据句意、首字母或汉语写出单词。(每题2分,共20分)1.The dish

26、delicious. It mustbe nice to eat.来源:Zxxk.Com2.Children like(小甜饼)very much.3. Last night Lucy sent me a(信息).4She haslots oflike playing the piano and swimming.来源:学科网ZXXK5. The old man usually wears a pair ofwhen he reads newspapers.6. She is a verygirl with short fair hair. Many peoplesaid she looked

27、 like a fairy(仙女).7. If you want to get goodin the final exam, you should study harder.8.Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the railway station?Sorry, I am a (陌生人) here.9 .Tomorrow is the final exam. I feel a little(紧张的) about it.10.I did quite well at school at that time and I was _ (感到自

28、豪的)of myself.三. 短文填空: (每空2分, 共20分)There are different attitudes(态度)towards age between China and Western countries. In China, it is OK to ask a person how 1.he/she is. Chinese people dont mind telling 2.ages to other people. And the word“old”3.a good meaning in China. For example, when you describe

29、4.man at the age of 50 or 60, you can say he is old. The man isnt 5.at this moment, and he may think he is greatly respected(受尊敬的).However, 6.Western countries, it is not polite(礼貌的)to ask a 7. _ how old he/she is. Western people think it is personal privacy(个人隐私).If you 8._ a woman how old she is,

30、she will say its a secret. Sometimes she may be angry 9._ she doesnt want other people to know her real age. Also, Western peopledont like to describe a person 10.the word “old”. They will use “not so young” or “not young any more”.参考答案Module 1 Review 答案一、根据汉语提示写出下列词组。1. looknice2. taste good 3. sme

31、ll too strong 4. a bit sour5. have a try6. have a sweet tooth7. thanks for sth.8. thanks for doing sth.9. hear from sb.10. as well 11. sb. cant wait to do sth. 12. look like13. beproud of14. be good at15. at first16.in a few days 17. in the right way18. be afraid of doing sth.19. at school来20. be excited about doing sth.二、根据句意、首字母或汉语写出单词。1. smells 2. cookies 3. message 4. hobbies5. glasses 6. pretty7.marks 8.stranger9. nervous 10. proud三、短文填空1. old 2. their3. has 4. a5. angry6. in 7. person 8. ask 9. because 10. with

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