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1、ARTICLE 1 - DEFINITIONS第一条 定义Whenever used in this AGREEMENT, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:在本协议使用中,下列词汇具有以下定义:1.1 AGREEMENT: shall mean this agreement including its annexes.协议:指本协议包括其附件。1.2 CATALOGUE: shall mean the list of PRODUCTS available on the shelves at Astrium

2、GEO-Information Services, which does not require programming and/or acquisition service.目录:Astrium GEO-Information Services,货架上可获得的产品清单,不要求编程和/或购置服务。1.3 DATA: shall mean any imagery and/or information data contained in the PRODUCTS.数据:指产品中包含的任何图像数据和/或信息数据。1.4 END-USER: shall mean any prospect likely

3、 to purchase PRODUCTS or PPLs from LICENSEE, and any existing customer of LICENSEE, established and incorporated and with a billing office in the TERRITORY.最终用户:指在地区内建立合作并设有计费办公室的任何预期可能购买产品或PPL的被许可方,和任何现有被许可方的客户。1.5 PPL: means any product produced by LICENSEE from the PRODUCT through technical manip

4、ulation and / or addition of other data, and resulting in a significant modification of the corresponding PRODUCT.PPL:被许可方通过技术操作和/或附加其他数据生产的任何产品,和导致相关产品的重要修改。1.6PRODUCT shall mean any of the following products distributed by Astrium GEO-Information Services, as more detailed in AttachmentA:产品:指下列任何由

5、Astrium GEO-Information Services分销的产品,详见附件A: Appendix A-1:SPOT 2, 4 and 5 (HRG instrument) and SPOT DEM satellite products and services; Appendix A-2: Pleiades satellite products and services; Appendix A-3 :FORMOSAT-2 satellite products and services; Appendix A-4: TerraSAR-X radar data and services:

6、 Appendix A-5: Elevation 30 (Refence3D and SPOT DEM Precision) products and services : Appendix A-6: Deimos-1 satellite products and servicesTHIS CONTRACT MAY BE USED FOR ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS: SPOT 2-5 AND/OR PLEIADES AND/OR FORMOSAT-2 AND/OR TSX AND/OR ELEVATION 30 AND/OR DEIMOS-1.


8、相关附件对应,本标准范围扩展至任何其他产品要求法律指导的预先确认。1.7TERRITORY:shall mean the territory of _, always subject to any exclusion provided for in the Appendices in the Chapter “Geographic areas / markets excluded from the TERRITORY”.地区:指 地区,始终参照章节“地区中排除的地理区域/市场”的附件中定义的被排除的地区。ARTICLE 2 SCOPE 第二条 范围2.1Subject to the terms

9、 and conditions specified in this AGREEMENT, Astrium GEO-Information Services hereby grants to LICENSEE a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to:-distribute the PRODUCTS ordered to END-USERS according to the applicable End User License Agreement; and/or- use the PRODUCTS ordered for the purpose

10、of developing and manufacturing PPL and distribute such PPL to END-USERS, except if not authorized under Appendix A.All rights on the DATA and/or PRODUCTS not expressly granted in this AGREEMENT are retained by Astrium GEO-Information Services.根据协议中的条款和条件,Astrium GEO-Information Services特此授予被许可方非独家不

11、可转让许可,以便证:依照“最终用户许可协议”,向最终用户分销其订购的产品;并且/或者使用订购产品开发和制造PPL,向最终用户分销此种PPL以开发和生产PPL并且向最终用户分销此PPL为目的使用被订购的产品(不包括在附件A中未授权的)。在本协议中没有明确授予的针对数据和/或产品权利由Astrium GEO-Information Services保留。2.2The rights granted in the AGREEMENT shall be interpreted according to and to the extent permitted by applicable law.本协议中授

12、予的权利应在适用法律允许的范围内予以解释。2.3When the LICENSEE is established in a country member of the European Economic Area, the LICENSEE shall be authorized to distribute PRODUCT and/or PPL to anyend-user incorporated in the territory of the European Economic Area, with the exception of exclusive territories andexc

13、lusive customers. The terms and conditions of this AGREEMENT shall apply mutatis mutandis to such distribution.如果被许可方设立在欧洲经济区成员国境内,被许可方被授权向欧洲经济区境内注册成立的任何最终用户分销产品和/或PPL,除了专有区域和专有用户。本协议中的条件和条款应准用于本分销。ARTICLE 3 - PURCHASE OF PRODUCTS BY LICENSEE第三条 被许可方采购产品3.1PRODUCTS ordering产品订购3.1.1LICENSEEshall req

14、uest PRODUCTS by ordering them to Astrium GEO-Information Servicesthrough a written order compliant with the form available at the following address http:/www.astrium-被许方应当以从下列网址得到的书面格式订单向向Astrium GEO-Information Services提出订购产品的要求。书面订单完成产品订购,应符合以下地址提供的形式:http:/www.astrium-LICENSEEguarantees the accu

15、racy of all information which shall be detailed in the order, including but not limited to the usage of the PRODUCTS and the name and address of the END-USER.被许可方需保证订单中具体提供的所有信息的具体并且准确性,包括但不限于产品的用途和最终用户的名称和地址。3.1.2PRODUCTS referenced in a CATALOGUE目录中包括的产品Upon receipt of an order for a PRODUCT refer

16、enced in the CATALOGUE, Astrium GEO-Information Services will send to LICENSEEan acknowledgement of receipt mentioning allthe ordered PRODUCTS as acceptable to Astrium GEO-Information Services.收到订购目录中包括的产品的订单后,Astrium GEO-Information Services需发给被许可方确认收到回执,并说明被订购产品是Astrium GEO-Information Services可以接

17、受的。3.1.3PRODUCTS not referenced in a CATALOGUE目录中未包括的产品Upon receipt of an order for such PRODUCT, Astrium GEO-Information Services shall send to LICENSEEa proposal describing the appropriate programming and/oracquisitionconditions. LICENSEEshall confirm in writing his acceptance or refusal of this p

18、roposal within the deadlines indicated in the said proposal. The acceptance of Astrium GEO-Information Services proposal shall irrevocably bind LICENSEE to purchase any and all the PRODUCTS obtained compliant with the accepted proposal.收到这类产品的订单后,Astrium GEO-Information Services需发给被许可方一份建议书,说明合适的编程和

19、/或获取采购条件。被许可方需在建议书中指明的到期日前对接受接收或拒绝建议立书给出书面确认回复。接受Astrium GEO-Information Service建议书将使被许可方的接受不可撤销地负有的约束被许可方购买符合已接受建议书中的任一任何和及所有产品的责任。LICENSEE shall not be entitled to claim any indemnity or damage in the event the programming request has not been taken into consideration by the satellite operator, or

20、 in the event the programming has not been fully successful.在卫星运营商未考虑编程请求没有纳入卫星运营商考虑中,或编程没有完全成功的情况下,被许可方无权要求任何赔偿或损害赔偿金。3.1.4Astrium GEO-Information Services shall not be bound by any order unless it has been confirmed in writing by Astrium GEO-Information Services. Astrium GEO-Information Services r

21、eserves the right to accept or refuse any order, for any reason, including but not limited to the inadequacy of the order regarding normal operating conditions of the satellites systems or unavailability of the satellite resource.Astrium GEO-Information Services 不受任何订单的约束,除非得到Astrium GEO-Information

22、 Services 的书面确认。以任何理由,包括但不限于卫星系统正常运行条件订单的不足或卫星资源不可用的情况Astrium GEO-Information Services保留接受和拒绝任何订单的权利。3.1.5Astrium GEO-Information Services reserves the right to discontinue the distribution of a PRODUCT, and shall inform LICENSEE of the same as soon as the decision related hereto is confirmed.Astriu

23、m GEO-Information Services保留终止某款产品分销的权利, 并尽快告知被许可方关于此相关决定的确认。3.1.6Astrium GEO-Information Services reserves the right to transfer or assign part or all of the performance of orders related to a category of PRODUCTS to another entity of Astrium group.Astrium GEO-Information Services保留转派或分配产品目录相关的部分或全

24、部订单履行责任给Astrium集团任何实体的权力。3.2Prices of the Order订购价格3.2.1All sales of PRODUCTS to LICENSEE shall be Ex-Works production place (Incoterms I.C.C., 2010) at the prices indicated in Appendix B.所有产品的销售应按附件B中指定的产地出厂价(国贸术语解释通则I.C.C, 2010).3.2.2PRODUCT prices are exclusive of value-added tax (VAT), in Euros.

25、产品价格不包括增值税,以欧元计算。3.2.3Astrium GEO-Information Services reserves the right to modify PRODUCTS prices at any time with a sixty(60) calendar daysprior notice. Astrium GEO-Information Services保留在给出60日历天事先通知的条件下,在任何时间修改产品价格的权利。3.2.4For each PRODUCT ordered by LICENSEE in accordance with Article 3.1 above

26、, and paid at the price stipulated in 3.2.1 above, LICENSEE may sell one copy of the PRODUCT or one copy of the PPL produced therefrom.依照上文第3.1条 ,由被许可方订购并以第3.2.1条规定的价格付款的每一件产品, 被许可方可以出售该产品的一个副本或PPL的一个副本。3.3Royalties for sales of PPLPPL销售提成Subject to Article 5.4.2 and to the prior agreement on financ

27、ial scheme applicable on a case by case basis, for any PRODUCT paid by LICENSEE according to Article 3.2 and (i) incorporated into several PPL or (ii) incorporated into a single PPL, the latter then being copied and resold, LICENSEE shall pay royalties to Astrium GEO-Information Services for each co

28、py of the PPL sold, from the second sale of a PPL.根据第5.4.2条和可适用财务方案的逐项事先约定,依照第3.2条和(i)纳入多PPL或(ii)纳入单一PPL,后者被复制和转售,由被许可方付款的任何产品, 从第二个PPL销售开始,被许可方应对每个售出的PPL副本向Astrium GEO-Information Services交纳提成。3.4Annual Sales Target and Thresholds年度销售目标和门槛During the validity of the AGREEMENT, LICENSEE shall endeavo

29、r to obtain orders with END-USERS that generate aggregate revenues for Astrium GEO-Information Services at least equal to the applicable annual sales targets for PRODUCTS as set forth in Appendix B.在协议有效期内,被许可方应努力从最终用户得到订单以产生Astrium GEO-Information Services的总收入,至少与附件B中产品适用年度销售目标持平。If the annual sale

30、s target and threshold as set forth in Appendix B are achieved and the Parties agree to renew this AGREEMENT according to Article 11.1, the LICENSEE will be granted “preferred conditions” as detailed in Appendix B.如果附件B中所描述的年度销售目标和门槛得到实现,并且双方同意根据第11.1条更新协议,被许可方将被授予附件B中详述的“优选条件”。 If the annual sales

31、targets as set in Appendix B are not achieved, the LICENSEE should provide a specific reports providing information on why went wrong and how to overcome the situation in order for Astrium GEO-Information Services to take decision for contract renewal. 如果附件B中所描述的年度销售目标和门槛没有实现,被许可方需针对出现的问题和如何改变现状向Ast

32、rium GEO-Information Services提交专门报告,以便其对续约进行决定。3.5Online promotion conditions在线推销条件LICENSEE shall be entitled to promote the PRODUCTS and PPL online (over the Internet or over a dedicated link) in accordance with the following: LICENSEE may post one extract, maximum size 1024 x 1024 pixels, of a PRO

33、DUCT or a PPL on an internet site, in an internet-compatible image format (without the associated metadata), with the credit mentioned above conspicuously displayed.被许可方依照以下条件有权在线推销产品和PPL: 被许可方可以在网站上发布一款产品或一款PPL的一个提取图,最大尺寸1024 x 1024像素,因特网兼容的图像格式(无相关的元数据),并明确的显示上文描述的信用。The posting of such an extract

34、 shall be used for promotion in the TERRITORY of the activity of LICENSEE only (and only if such activity and/or promotion do not relate to the provision of online mapping and location-based services), and may in no event allow downloading of the extract posted.该提取图的发表只能在被许可方在地区中的推销活动中使用(除非该活动和/或推销与

35、在线地图和定位服务的规定无关)。在任何情况下不允许对发表的提取图进行下载。 Prior to any posting, LICENSEE shall inform Astrium GEO-Information Services, specifying the URL address used by LICENSEE.在做任何发表之前,被许可方应告知Astrium GEO-Information Services其适用的URL地址。ARTICLE 4 PRODUCTS DELIVERY第四条 产品交付4.1Astrium GEO-Information Services shall use c

36、ommercially reasonable efforts to deliver all PRODUCTS ordered by LICENSEE within reasonable time after the production thereof or according to the delivery date specified in the order confirmation, being stated that delivery time may ultimately depends on Astrium GEO-Information Services licensors o

37、r partner receiving stations. Astrium GEO-Information Services应付出商业上合理的努力在生产后合理的时间内或订单确认信中指定的交货日期向被许可方交付其订购的所有产品,交付时间可能最终取决于Astrium GEO-Information Services授证方和合伙人的接收站。4.2As a principle, all ordered PRODUCTS shall be delivered to the LICENSEE through FTP on a specific account. LICENSEE shall have te

38、n (10) calendar days to download the ordered PRODUCT, starting from the electronic message from Astrium GEO-Information Services notifying LICENSEE about the availability of the PRODUCTS.所有订购的产品原则上应通过FTP传输到被许可方的指定帐户。从Astrium GEO-Information Services通知被许可方产品可用日开始,被许可方有10日历天完成订购产品的下载。However, exceptio

39、nally, should the LICENSEE specifically request so in writing or for technical reason, PRODUCTS may be shipped by express mail service on CD-ROM or DVD (depending on the quantity of concerned PRODUCTS), at LICENSEEs expense, to the following address: _尽管如此,在特殊情况下,如被许可方以书面形式明确要求或因技术原因,产品可以存储在CD-ROM(取

40、决于产品质量要求)或DVD光盘上通过快递服务寄送至以下地址,由被许可方提供此费用:4.3The risks pertaining to the PRODUCTS sent shall be transferred to the LICENSEE as from:来自发送产品的以下相关风险转移给被许可方:-downloading of the PRODUCTS and in any event twenty-four (24) hours after the sending of a message by Astrium GEO-Information Services notifying to

41、 the LICENSEE that the PRODUCTS are available online ;产品下载以及在Astrium GEO-Information Services通知被许可方产品可在线获得之后的24小时内出现的任何情况;-the placing of the PRODUCTS at the disposal of the first carrier, in the case of a supply on physical medium.在有物理媒介供应的情况下,第一载体处置中的产品配售。4.4Should Astrium GEO-Information Services

42、 be unable to deliver any ordered PRODUCT, LICENSEE shall be entitled only to a refund of the price of the undelivered part of the order, without any indemnity, penalty or damages of any nature whatsoever, and LICENSEE waives all claims in this respect.如果Astrium GEO-Information Services不能交付任何已订购的产品,

43、被许可方仅可获得订单未交付部分的退款,没有任何赔偿,罚款或任何性质的损害赔偿金,并且被许可方应放弃在这方面的所有索赔。ARTICLE 5 DISTRIBUTION OF PRODUCTS and PPL TO END-USERS第五条最终用户的产品和PPL分销 5.1Marketing and Sales promotion市场推广和促销5.1.1LICENSEE shall devote at least the same level of resources in marketing and promotion of all categories of PRODUCTS and relat

44、ed PPL as it devotes to the other similar products that it markets and promotes. LICENSEE shall promote and market PRODUCTS and PPL in the TERRITORY in compliance with their high quality standards, goodwill and reputation and shall avoid any activity detrimental to the prestige, image, and reputatio

45、n of PRODUCTS and/or of Astrium GEO-Information Services or its suppliers.被许可方在推广和促销所有目录产品和相关PPL时,应至少投入与其推广和促销其他同类产品同级别的资源。被许可方在地区内推广和促销产品和PPL时,应符合其高品质标准,信誉,和商誉;并且应避免任何有损Astrium GEO-Information Services及其产品或其供应商声誉,图像,名誉的行为。5.1.2LICENSEE shall in particular at its own expense advertise PRODUCTS and P

46、PL adequately and effectively under the applicable logo and trademarks specified in Appendix A, take part in trade events, shows and exhibitions in the TERRITORY, maintain regular contact with existing and potential END-USERS, and promote and sell PRODUCTS in a lawful manner, consistent with the sta

47、ndards of fair trade, fair competition and business ethics.被许可方应充足并高效的根据附录A中指定的适用的标识和商标自费产品和PPL的广告宣传,参与地区内商业活动、展览、展示,与现有和潜在的最终用户保持定期联系,并以合法的方式,秉承公平贸易,公平竞争和商业道德的原则推广和销售产品。5.1.3All communications by LICENSEE concerning PRODUCTS shall be commensurate with Astrium GEO-Information Services corporate iden

48、tity and recognized product quality at all times.被许可方有关产品的所有通信交流,应始终与Astrium GEO-Information Services的企业形象和认可的产品质量相称。5.1.4If LICENSEE so requests, Astrium GEO-Information Services will supply copies of its brochures and promotional materials free of charge, in English. Astrium GEO-Information Services will determine the number of copie

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