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4、ES3031.一般条款GENERAL30附件A:测量、分析和计算SCHEDULE A: MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS AND CALCULATION32附件B:确认通知书格式SCHEDULE B: FORM OF CONFIRMATION NOTICE38本总协议于 由以下双方共同订立:THIS MASTER AGREEMENT is dated 协议双方:BETWEEN:(1)XXX,一家根据XXX法律注册成立的公司,注册办公室和主要办公场所位于XXX( (以下简称“XXX”) ;和XXX, a company incorporated under the laws of XX

5、X and having its registered office and principal place of business at XXXX (“XXX”); and(2),一家根据法律注册成立的公司,注册办公室位于(以下简称“”)。, a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at (“”).XXXX与在本协议中单独称为“协议一方”或合称“协议双方”。Each of XXXX and shall be individually referred to as “Party” and

6、 together as “the Parties”.鉴于WHEREAS:(A)协议一方有意在本协议期限内进行LNG的销售,协议另一方有意在本协议期限内进行LNG的购买。A Party may have LNG available for sale during the term of this Agreement, and the other Party may wish to purchase LNG during the term of this Agreement.(B)协议双方表示,如果他们就LNG货品采用目的港船上交货方式的买卖达成一次或多次交易,上述交易将受到本协议中规定的一般条

7、款,以及协议双方在相关确认通知书中确认的特定条款所制约。The Parties intend that, if they enter into one or more transactions for the delivered ex-ship sale and purchase of LNG cargoes, such transactions will be governed by the general terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and the specific terms and conditions confirme

8、d by the Parties in the applicable Confirmation Notice. 协议双方特此约定如下:NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES HEREBY AGREE as follows:(1) 术语与释义DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION(2) 在本协议和任何确认通知书中,下列术语的意义如下所述,除非根据上下文另行规定:In this Agreement and any Confirmation Notice, except where the context otherwise requires, the foll

9、owing terms shall have the meanings provided:恶劣天气条件:根据以下一个或多个条件:(i)卸货港当地发布的现行规范,或(ii)卸货港港务长指示,或(iii)LNG船船长作为合理审慎的作业者所做的决定,天气条件和/或海情达到LNG船无法进行靠泊、卸货或离泊作业(视情况而定)的恶劣程度。Adverse Weather Conditions: Weather and/or sea conditions that are sufficiently severe to prevent an LNG Ship from proceeding to berth,

10、unload or depart from the berth (as the case may be) in accordance with one or more of the following: (i) the standards prescribed in published regulations in effect at the Unloading Port; or (ii) by order of the harbour master at the Unloading Port; or (iii) as determined by the master of the LNG S

11、hip, acting as a Reasonable and Prudent Operator.附属公司:就任一方而言,对其具备(直接或间接)控制作用,或受其控制,或与其互相控制的任何实体。此项定义中,“控制”是指具有相关实体年度股东大会(或其等同活动)百分之五十(50%)或更多的投票权,或,在没有上述投票权的情况下,持有该实体百分之五十(50%)或更多权益股本或其它所有者权益,或有权对该实体的政策或运营进行控制。Affiliate: In relation to either Party, any entity that (directly or indirectly) controls,

12、 is controlled by, or is under common control with such Party. For the purposes of this definition, “control” means the right to cast fifty percent (50%) or more of the votes exercisable at an annual general meeting (or its equivalent) of the entity concerned or, if there are no such rights, ownersh

13、ip of fifty percent (50%) or more of the equity share capital of or other ownership interests in such entity, or the right to direct the policies or operations of such entity.协议:本(目的港船上交货)LNG购销总协议,包括所有附件,但不包括不定期实施的任何确认通知书。Agreement: This Master (ex-ship) LNG Sale and Purchase Agreement, including an

14、y Schedules hereto, but not including any Confirmation Notice as may be executed from time to time.允许装卸时长:根据第12.2条中的定义。Allowed Laytime: As defined in Clause 12.2.认定交付量:以卖方先前交付给其它买家的LNG的典型Btu含量和典型摩尔组分分析为依据得出的卸载LNG的认定Btu含量,与预计卸载量的乘积。Assumed Quantity Delivered: The product of the Estimated Unloaded Qua

15、ntity and assumed Btu content of the LNG unloaded based upon the typical Btu content and typical molar composition analysis of LNG then being delivered by Seller to other buyers.Btu:英制热量单位,相当于一千零五十五点零六(1,055.06)焦耳的热量。Btu: British thermal unit, being that amount of heat equal to one thousand fifty-fi

16、ve decimal zero six (1,055.06) Joules.买方:相关确认通知书中指定为买方的协议一方。Buyer: The Party named as the Buyer in the relevant Confirmation Notice. 买方差额量:根据第13.2(b)条中的定义。Buyer Deficiency Quantity: As defined in Clause 13.2 (b).买方交付失败通知:根据第13.2条中的定义。Buyer Delivery Failure Notice: As defined in Clause 13.2.买方未交付量款项:

17、根据第13.3(d)条中的定义。Buyer Failure Payment: As defined in Clause 13.3(d).买方设施:位于或靠近卸货港的设施,买方依靠这些设施履行自身义务。买方设施包括:(i)LNG船靠泊设施,(ii)LNG卸货、接收、储存、处理(如有必要)和再气化设施,(iii)天然气加工和交付设施(包括从再气化终端闸门到高压主要气体传输管线互联点的高压管线),以及(iv)所有附属设备,无论是否为买方所有,也无论是否由买方或第三方直接运营。Buyers Facilities: The facilities located at or proximate to th

18、e Unloading Port that are used by Buyer for the fulfilment of its obligations, which include (i) the LNG Ship berthing facilities; (ii) the LNG unloading, receipt, storage, treatment (if necessary) and regasification facilities; (iii) the Natural Gas processing and delivery facilities (including the

19、 high pressure pipeline that extends from the tailgate of the regasification terminal to the point of interconnection with the high pressure primary gas transmission pipeline), and (iv) all ancillary equipment, whether or not owned by Buyer and whether operated directly by Buyer or a Third Party. 完成

20、卸货:LNG船舶卸载之后,其卸货歧管的所有法兰凸缘联轴节从卸货管线上的所有法兰凸缘联轴节上断开,以及买方设施上蒸发气回流管线断开的时间。Completion of Unloading: Following unloading of the LNG Ship, the disconnection of all flange couplings of the discharging manifolds of the LNG Ship from all flange couplings on the unloading lines and the disconnection of the vapou

21、r return line at the Buyers Facilities. 确认通知书:协议双方所签订的,对特定的交易条款进行确认的文件,格式大致如附件B所示。Confirmation Notice: A document executed by the Parties, substantially in the form set out in Schedule B, confirming the terms and conditions of a given Transaction.合同价:相关确认通知书中规定的价格。Contract Price: The price specified

22、 in the relevant Confirmation Notice.每日滞期费:根据第12.6条中的定义。Daily Demurrage Rate: As defined in Clause 12.6.违约方:根据第20.1条中的定义。Defaulting Party: As defined in Clause 20.1.交付点:根据第5条中的定义。Delivery Point: As defined in Clause 5.预计卸载量:根据相关确认通知书,预计从LNG船上卸下的LNG量(以MMBtu计)。Estimated Unloaded Quantity: The quantity

23、 of LNG in MMBtu, as specified in the relevant Confirmation Notice, expected to be unloaded from an LNG Ship.预计到达时间(ETA):LNG船舶预计到达领航员登船区(PBS)的时间。ETA: The estimated time of arrival of the LNG Ship at the PBS.最终发票:根据第16.1条中的定义。Final Invoice: As defined in Clause 16.1.不可抗力:根据第19.2条中的定义。Force Majeure: A

24、s defined in Clause 19.2.整船货:LNG船能够安全装载、运输和卸载的最大LNG量,除非协议双方在确认通知书中另行约定。Full Cargo Lot: The maximum quantity of LNG that an LNG Ship can safely load, transport and unload, unless the Parties otherwise agree in the Confirmation Notice.政府机关:就任何国家而言,任何根据自身法定权利范围行使权利的国家、地区、州立、市政或其他当地政府,及上述机构的任何分部、代理商、委员会

25、或管理局,包括任何港口当局,或任何半政府组织。Governmental Authority: In respect of any country, any national, regional, state, municipal or other local government, any subdivision, agency, commission or authority thereof, including any port authority, or any quasi-governmental organisation therein, acting within its lega

26、l authority.总热值(基于质量):初始和最终燃烧温度和压力在参考条件下时,一(1)千克干燥理想气体在干燥空气中完全燃烧,以及形成所有冷凝水所产生的热量。Gross Heating Value (Mass Based): The quantity of heat produced by the complete combustion of one (1) kilogram of dry ideal gas in dry air, and the condensation of all the water formed, with the initial and final combus

27、tion temperature and pressure being at the Reference Conditions.总热值(基于体积):初始和最终燃烧温度和压力在参考条件下时,一(1)个标准立方英尺干燥理想气体在干燥空气中完全燃烧,以及形成所有冷凝水所产生的热量(Btu)(以Btu/SCF计)。若采用Btu/SCF以外的其他单位,则是根据上述程序,在参考条件下,相关干燥气体量在干燥空气中完全燃烧所产生的相关热量。Gross Heating Value (Volume Based): When expressed in Btu/SCF, the quantity of heat (i

28、n Btu) produced by the complete combustion of one (1) SCF of dry gas in dry air, and the condensation of all the water formed, with the initial and final combustion temperature and pressure being at the Reference Conditions. Where expressed in units other than Btu/SCF, the relevant quantity of heat

29、produced by the complete combustion of the relevant volume of dry gas in dry air, in accordance with the foregoing procedures and at the Reference Conditions.IMO:国际海事组织。IMO: International Maritime Organisation.国际标准:由以下机构出具的就LNG船(卖方)和LNG接收站(买方)的所有权、设计、设备、操作和维护方面,在相关确认通知书之日适用的国际标准和惯例:International Sta

30、ndards: The international standards and practices applicable as at the date of the relevant Confirmation Notice to the ownership, design, equipment, operation or maintenance of LNG vessels (in Sellers case) and LNG receiving facilities (in Buyers case) established by:(3) 国际海事组织(IMO)、石油公司国际海事讨论会(OCIM

31、F)或国际天然气油轮和终端运营商协会(SIGTTO)(或任何等同继任机构);或IMO, OCIMF or SIGTTO (or any successor body of the same); or(4) 任何其它具备国际认可度的机构或组织(相关船只或相关设施的合理审慎的所有者或运营商普遍遵守其出具的标准和惯例)。any other internationally recognised agency or organisation with whose standards and practices it is customary for reasonable and prudent owne

32、rs or operators of such vessels or of such facilities to comply.ISO:国际标准组织。ISO: International Standards Organisation.ITWF:国际运输工作者联合会。ITWF: International Transport Workers Federation.焦耳:相当于一(1)牛顿米的能量国际单位。Joule: The SI unit of energy equal to one (1) Newton metre.LCIA(伦敦国际仲裁院):根据第23.1条中的定义。LCIA: As de

33、fined in Clause 23.1.LIBOR(伦敦同业拆借利率):一种年利率,相当于由洲际交易所(ICE)基准管理有限公司(以下简称“IBA”)(或由任何其他负责管理该利率的人员)负责管理的三个月伦敦同业拆借利率,路透社负责在伦敦时间11:00点于参考页“LIBOR01”中发布。到期未付款项(以美元计)应以当天的利率为基准计算利息,如果当日并非伦敦银行的正常营业日(以下简称“伦敦银行营业日”),则利率应取前一个伦敦银行营业日在伦敦时间11:00左右的利率。如果IBA停止相关管理工作或路透社停止发布上述伦敦同业拆借利率,那么协议双方应商定另一中类似的合理利率或出版物。LIBOR: The

34、 rate per annum equal to the three month London Interbank Offered Rate administered by ICE Benchmark Administration Limited (“IBA”)(or any other person who takes over administration of that rate) as shown on Reuters screen, reference “LIBOR01”, for deposits in US$ at 11.00 hours London time on the d

35、ate on which the applicable payment was due and not paid and if any such day is not a day in which banks in London are normally open for business (“London Banking Day”), the rate shall be the rate appearing at approximately 11:00 hours London time for the immediately preceding London Banking Day. If

36、 the IBA ceases to administer or Reuters ceases to publish the London Interbank Offered Rate as aforesaid, then the Parties shall agree on another reasonably comparable interest rate or publication.LNG:为方便储存和运输,通过对天然气进行处理,使其成为处于沸点或以下,处于或接近大气压的液态天然气。LNG: Natural Gas which, after processing, has been

37、liquefied to at or below its point of boiling and at or near atmospheric pressure for storage and transportation.LNG船:根据相关确认通知书规定,由卖方提供,用于将LNG运输至交付点的LNG船舶,和/或协议双方根据第8.4条约定作为代用LNG船的任何船舶。LNG Ship: The LNG ship, as specified in the relevant Confirmation Notice, provided by Seller for the transportation

38、 of LNG to the Delivery Point and/or any ship agreed by the Parties as a substitute LNG Ship under Clause 8.4.装货国:装货港所在国。Loading Country: The country in which the Loading Port is located.装货港:根据相关确认通知书规定,对交易的LNG进行装货的港口。Loading Port: The port specified in the relevant Confirmation Notice at which the

39、LNG sold and purchased is to be loaded.MARPOL:国际海事组织的“防止船舶造成污染国际公约(1973年)”及其后续的“议定书(1978年)”(以下简称“MARPOL 73-78公约”)以及不定期对MARPOL 73-78公约进行修订后生效的增补版本。MARPOL: The IMOs International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto (the “MARP

40、OL 73-78 Convention”) and as supplemented by amendments to the MARPOL 73-78 Convention entering into force from time to time.MJ:一百万(1,000,000)焦耳。MJ: One million (1,000,000) Joules.MMBtu:一百万(1,000,000)Btu。MMBtu: One million (1,000,000) Btu.天然气:碳氢化合物的气态混合物,成分以甲烷为主。Natural Gas: A gaseous mixture of hyd

41、rocarbons consisting mainly of methane.净收益:根据第13.3(f)条中的定义。Net Proceeds: As defined in Clause 13.3(f).准备就绪通知书(NOR):LNG船舶的船长或其代理人根据第11.1条,在LNG船舶到达领航员登船区(PBS)时以电子邮件或传真形式向买方或买方代理人发出装卸准备就绪通知书,表明LNG船舶已经做好靠泊和卸载LNG的准备。NOR: A notice of readiness sent in accordance with Clause 11.1 by the master of the LNG S

42、hip or its agent to Buyer or Buyers agent by electronic mail or facsimile, upon arrival of the LNG Ship at the PBS, indicating that the LNG Ship is ready to berth and discharge LNG.OCIMF:石油公司国际海事讨论会。OCIMF: Oil Companies International Marine Forum不合格LNG:根据第4.3(a)条中的定义。Off Spec LNG: As defined in Clau

43、se 4.3(a).不合格LNG价值:根据第4.5条中的定义。Off Spec LNG Value: As defined in Clause 4.5.不合格通知:根据第4.3条中的定义。Off Spec Notice: As defined in Clause 4.3.按时是指:On Schedule: Means:(5) 对于LNG船舶而言,该LNG船舶在预定到达窗口期到达领航员登船区(PBS),且该船船长在该窗口期内发出准备就绪通知书;以及with respect to an LNG Ship, where such LNG Ship arrives at the PBS and the

44、 master has issued an NOR within the Scheduled Arrival Window; and (6) 对于任何其它LNG船舶而言,该LNG船舶到达领航员登船区(PBS)后,该船船长在预定到达窗口期内发出准备就绪通知书,表明该LNG船已经做好停泊和卸载LNG的准备。with respect to any other LNG ship, where such LNG ship arrives at the PBS, and the master has issued a notice of readiness indicating that the LNG

45、ship is ready to berth and discharge LNG and such notice is issued within the scheduled arrival window of that LNG ship.领航员登船区(PBS):指卸货港的习惯待泊地点,领航员在此登上LNG船舶,或者由相关港务机构规定的卸货港的其它等待区域。PBS: The customary place at the Unloading Port where the first pilot boards an LNG ship or customary alternative waiting

46、 area at the Unloading Port as determined by the proper port authorities.港口费:在LNG船舶进港、港口使用、离港过程中所产生的,任何性质的直接可归属的港口费用(包括各种各样的费用、通行费和款项),包括入港税,港口标示和照明相关费用,开展工作、提供服务或设施的相关费用,以及政府机关、正规港口当局或上述工作、服务或设施的供应商所收取的费用或款项。Port Charges: Any directly attributable port charges of whatsoever nature (including rates,

47、 tolls and dues of every description) in respect of an LNG Ship entering, using or leaving a port, including harbour dues, charges made in respect of marking and lighting the port and charges in respect of which work is performed, services are rendered or facilities are provided, and fees or charges

48、 of a Governmental Authority, properly constituted port authority or of the provider of such work, services or facilities.临时发票:根据第16.2条中的定义。Provisional Invoice: As defined in Clause 16.2.交付量:在买方设施处所卸载货品的LNG量(以MMBtu计),根据本协议第15条和附件A第5条规定进行LNG量的确定。Quantity Delivered: The quantity of LNG in MMBtu in any cargo unloaded at Buyers Facilities, determined in accordance with Clause 15 and Section 5 of Schedule A.

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