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1、2022年湖北省黄冈市刘和中学高三英语下学期期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Martin was sick with a high fever: as a result, he _ neither eat nor sleep. A. should B. might C. need D.could参考答案:D【考点】情态动词【试题解析】本题考查情态动词,should应该;might可能;need需要;could能够。根据句意,可知选D。句意:马丁发高烧病了,结果他既不能吃也不能睡。2. -What about _ passage?-Its too difficult _ passage for

2、meAa, a Ba, the Cthe, a Dthe, the参考答案:16C试题分析:句意:-这段文章怎么样?-对于我来说它太难了。第一空必须双方都知道的那段文章,所以必须用定冠词。第二空是泛指,它是太难了,应该用不定冠词,故选C。考点:考查冠词的用法。点评:本题难度适中。冠词是高考必考的内容,它不仅在单选还在完形和短文改错中经常要考的考点,提醒考生要掌握它们的用法及区别。即学即练:During the camp trip,children were fascinated by _wonders of _nature.A/;/B/;the Cthe;/Dthe;the解析:C。第一空指在

3、宿营中看到的那些大自然中的奇观,应该用定冠词表特指;第二空不用冠词,因为nature,society和space 前常不带任何冠词。【解析】略3. The boy doesnt work hard enough at his lesson. As for his intelligence, he has _ he can possibly make use of.A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less than参考答案:C略4. -Why is your English so good, Amy?-Well, my uncle giv

4、es me a hand at home. He _ in Australia for ten years.A. has lived B. lived C. had lived D. has been living参考答案:B5. Listen, Mary _ have done it. Shes been with me at the shop all day.A. wouldntB. shouldntC. needntD. couldnt参考答案:D【考点】情态动词【试题解析】在英语中,cant/couldnt have done表示的是对过去否定的推测。根据句意,可知选D。句意:听着,玛

5、丽是不可能干这件事的。她昨天整天都跟我在商店里。6. . In his latest article he insists regular exercises _ good health.A. arrange for B. reach for C. make for D. hunt for参考答案:C略7. In the early morning all of us stood at the top of the mountain to east of the city, watching burning sun risingAthe;a B;a Cthe;the Dthe;参考答案:A8.

6、 - Jack, I lost your ball at school. I suppose I should pay for it. - Oh. _. It was just an old ball anyway. A. Take it easy B. By no means C. You got it D. Forget it参考答案:D9. Get out of NEET group, Jack! You are supposed to your own living. A. win B. gain C. take D. earn参考答案:D略10. Were you worried a

7、bout him last night? Yes. It was _. A. until he returned that I went to bed B. until be returned that l slept well C. not until he returned that I went to bed D. not until did he return that I went to sleep参考答案:C 解析:此处强调句型,强调是until从句,如复原应为I didnt go to bed until he returned.这个句型变为强调句型应注意,主句中的not在强调句

8、中移至until之前。11. I cant imagine how he finished the relay race, _his foot wounded so seriously. A. as B. for C. with D. because of参考答案:C略12. While watching Titanic, I was deeply impressed by the scene _ Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.A. which B. where C. on which D. in w

9、hat参考答案:B13. John was given the same suitcase his father and grandfather _ with them to school. ks5uA. took ks5uB. had taken ks5uC. were taking ks5uD. would take ks5u参考答案: B。 ks5u解析: the same suitcase 后省略了关系代词that,that在定语从句中做了had的宾语,定语从句中使用了have sth. done 的结构。该题难度较大。14. Should I ask Tom if he was st

10、ill upset at not being invited to the party? If he hasnt said anything about it, just .A. bite your tongueB. let sleeping dogs lieC. eat your wordsD. face the music参考答案:B 15. - Do you mind if I close the window?- _. Its so hot in here.A.Better notB. Of course notC. Do pleaseD. You bet参考答案:A16. There

11、 was a nice little present for everyone, with a suitable poem _ to it.A. attracted B. attacked C. attached D. applied参考答案:C17. The science of computer,_ rapid progress has been made, is the most important of all. A. to which B. from which C. in which D. of which参考答案:C18. April Fools Day is celebrate

12、d throughout the world, _ is one of the mostlight-hearted days of the year.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. when参考答案:C二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上英语老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均限一词。 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。With the time

13、 go by, Wang Hua is now a senior three student that devotes himself in his lessons every day. Last Saturday, as a usual, he attended several classes. In the evening, he studied at home until deep into the night. He was too sleepy and tired that he couldnt work effective. His father came up and advis

14、es him to have a break. Soon they came up with a good ideas. They bought a kite which they liked very much and then the family went to the suburbs Wang Hua enjoyed himself fly the kite. The family had a picnic together but felt very relaxed in the open air. On Monday, Wang Hua was energetic and acti

15、ve in class.参考答案:With the time go by, Wang Hua is now a senior three student that devotes himself in his going tolessons every day. Last Saturday, as a usual, he attended several classes. In the evening, he studied a at home until deep into the night. He was too sleepy and tired that he couldnt work

16、 effective. His so effectivelyfather came up and advises him to have a break. Soon they came up with a good ideas. They bought advised ideaa kite which they liked very much and then the family went to the suburbs Wang Hua enjoyed where himself fly the kite. The family had a picnic together but felt

17、very relaxed in the open air. On flying andMonday, Wang Hua was energetic and active in class.20. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Maria, a 91

18、 - year- old woman, has an unbelievable experience last week. A group of thievesbroke to her house but took nothing away with them. Maria remembered that the windowswere broken and all her box were opened, but nothing was missing. Instead, she found ahandwritten note that was said, This is help you

19、get by. Beside the note there was some money. It seemed that the thieves realized how poor Maria lived and derided not to take somethingbut to help.One policeman who has been working for 40 years is surprising by this event too. Later Maria framed the note received from her friendly thieves but used

20、 the money to buy sweets for his great grandchildren.参考答案:Maria, a 91 - year- old woman, has an unbelievable experience last week. A group of thieves had broke to her house but took nothing away with them. Maria remembered that the windows intowere broken and all her box were opened, but nothing was

21、 missing. Instead, she found a boxeshandwritten note that was said, This ishelp you get by. Beside the note there was some tomoney. It seemed that the thieves realized how poor Maria lived and derided not to take poorlysomethingbut to help.One policeman who has been working for 40 years is surprisin

22、g by this anything surprisedevent too. Later Maria framed the note received from her friendly thieves but used the money to andbuy sweets for his great grandchildren. her三、 阅读理解21. Napsshort sleeps during the daymay improve memory, experts said recently. New research conducted by brain researcher Av

23、i Karni of the University of Haifa in Israel explores the possibility that naps help lock in sometimes long-term memories. “We still dont know exactly how memory system works during sleep, but the results of this research suggest it is possible to speed up memory consolidation (巩固) ,” Karni said. Lo

24、ng-term memory refers to memories that stay with us for years, such as “what” memories - a car accident that happened yesterday- or “how to” memories, such as ones learned ability to play the pianos. Karni, also one of the authors of the study published in a recent issue of the journal NatureNeurosc

25、ience, instructed participants to learn a difficult set of finger games, and then divided the study subjects into two groups: one that napped for an hour, and one that didnt. The people who took an afternoon snooze showed obvious improvement in their performance by that evening.“After a nights sleep

26、 the two groups were at the same level, but the group that slept in the afternoon improved much faster than the group that stayed awake,” Karni said. And the study also showed just how much faster a 90-minute nap could help lock in long-term memories.“Daytime sleep can shorten the time how to memory

27、 weakens and forgetting starts,” Karni said, “Instead of 6 to 8 hours, the brain consolidated the memory during the 90-minute nap.”48. We can learn from the article that _. A. the new research has discovered the memory process during the sleep B. taking a nap helps improve both long-term and short-t

28、erm memories C. Karnis findings are based on comparisons between two groups of participants D. people who take a nap will never forget “how to” skills once they are learned49.The underlined word “subjects” in paragraph 3 probably mean_. A. the people being tested in the study B. the people carrying

29、out the study C. the topics being discussed in the study D. the areas of knowledge being studied50. The text is most probably taken from _. A. a newspaper report B. a library guide C. a project handbook D. a science site参考答案:CAD22. Have you ever wondered where the chocolate in your favorite candy ba

30、r comes from?Chocolate comes from the cacao tree,which grows in warm,tropical areas of West Africa,Indonesia,Malaysia,Mexico,and South AmericaAnd who eats the delicious chocolate made from the cacao grown in these places?The majority of chocolate is consumed in Europe and North AmericaThis probably

31、sounds like a familiar storydeveloping countries produce inexpensive raw materials that are manufactured and sold as finished goods in developed countries,and generally,that is what happens with chocolateLarge chocolate companies buy cacao beans at a low price and produce cocoa and chocolate product

32、s to sell at a ly high priceBut the familiar story has a new chapterBeginning in the 1980s,some consumers learned that cacao farmers were living difficult and uncertain livesThe farmers received money for their crops based on world markets,and the market price for cacao was sometimes so low that far

33、mers received less for their crops than the crops had cost to produceIn response,groups of consumers in Europe and the United States developedfair tradeorganizations to guarantee that farmers of cacao,as well as coffee and tea,would receive fair and consistent prices for their cropsFair trade organi

34、zations benefit farmers by buying cacao beans or other products from them directly at higherthanmarket prices and eliminating (除去)middle mensuch as exportersFair trade organizations also encourage farming techniques that are not harmful to the environment or to farm workers,for example,growing cacao

35、 without chemical pesticides or fertilizers in the shade of rain forest treesOne organization,Equal Exchange,helps farmers set up farming cooperatives in which they can share resources and work on projects such as community schoolsAnother,Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International (FLO),guarant

36、ees that products bearing its label meet standards that improve the lives of growers and producersThe results of fair trade are a better standard of living for some farmers and nicer chocolate bars made with organically produced cocoa that consumers dont feel guilty about buyingAnd although fair tra

37、de chocolate is somewhat more expensive than other chocolate and now makes up only 1% of chocolate sold,the fair trade idea is spreading quicklyYou may soon see fair trade chocolate right next to the more famous bars in your favorite store24The underlined wordthatin Para.1refers to Athe unfair trade

38、 between countries Bthe high price of chocolate productsCthe traditional production of raw materials Dthe major consumption of the finished food25The organization Equal Exchange aims to Apromote chocolate sales Boffer support to the farmersCreduce the cost of growing crops Dincrease the production o

39、f chocolate26What does the author imply in the last paragraph? AThere will be more fair trade chocolate in the futureBFair trade chocolate is not as tasty as other chocolateCConsumers feel guilty about buying fair trade chocolateDThere is probably no reason to worry about cacao farmers27The passage

40、is written to Agive tips on how to undertake fair chocolate tradeBadvise people to join in Fair trade organizationsCencourage farmers to adopt organic farmingDinform people of fair trade chocolate参考答案:24-27.ABAD24A词义猜测题根据文章第一段的This probably sounds like a familiarstorydeveloping countries produce ine

41、xpensive raw materials that aremanufactured and sold as finished goods in developed countries可知,这可能听起来像一个很熟悉的故事,发展中国家生产廉价的原材料,在发达国家加工成成品进行销售;可知单词that指的是这种不公平的国家之间的贸易,故选A25B细节理解题根据文章第二段的In response,groups of consumers in Europe and the United Statesdevelopedfair tradeorganizations to guarantee that f

42、armers of cacao,as wellas coffee and tea,would receive fair and consistent prices for their crops可知,对此,欧洲消费者团体和美国建立的公平贸易组织,保证种植可可、咖啡和茶的农民的庄稼将获得公平和一致的价格,所以平等交易这个组织的目的是给农民提供帮助,故选B26A推理判断题,根据文章最后一段的You may soon see fair trade chocolate rightnext to the more famous bars in your favorite store可知,你可能很快在您最喜爱的商店里看到公平贸易的巧克力仅次于有名的巧克力;所以作者的意思是将来会有更多的公平贸易巧克力,故选A27D主旨大意题通读全文,可知文章主要讲了由于不公平的巧克力交易而诞生的维护农民权益的平等交易组织,尽管这样的巧克力价格比较高,但是它维护了农民的利益,有强大的发展前景;可知文章主要是要告诉读者公平的巧克力贸易,故选D

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