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1、内蒙古自治区赤峰市市松山区第四中学2020年高二英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. -What about talking with others while learning spoken English?-In my opinion, Ait makes sense Bits out of the questionCIt is reminded Dits hard to say参考答案:A2. The building _ now will be our dorm. A. to be built B. built C. being built D. having been built参考答

2、案:C3. The students _ busily when I went to get a book I _ in the office.A. had written ; left B. were writing; have leftC. had written; had left D. were writing; had left参考答案:D略4. It was when I argued with Hannah _ I told her we were not going to be friends any more. A. until B. that C. so D. when参考

3、答案:B5. Money spent on the brain is never spent _.Ain ease Bin anger Cin vain Din comfort参考答案:C6. Please keep in mind: your efforts will _. Dont let one or two failures over the year get you down. A. take off B. pay off C. set off D. put off参考答案:B7. I dont think _ possible to master a foreign languag

4、e without much memory work.A. thisB. thatC. itsD. it参考答案:D考查代词。本句中it作形式宾语,不定式作真正的宾语。一般说来,形式宾语it主要用于以下句型:动词it宾语补足语真正的宾语。其中的动词通常是 think,find,feel,believe,take,consider,make等,其中的宾语补足语通常是形容词,有时是名词;而其中真正的宾语通常是比较复杂的成分(如不定式、动名词、从句等)。其他三项不能用作形式宾语。故选D。8. She is very tired. So she is. She letters all day.A. i

5、s typingB. was typing C. has typed D. has been typing参考答案:D9. - We -_ to have you here tonight. - Thank you and it is _ for me to be invited.A. honour; honourable B. honour; an honour C. are honoured; honourable D. are honoured; an honour参考答案:D10. Wang Mei devoted herself entirely to her career, whi

6、ch earned her a good _in her field.A. pressure B. reputation C. standard D. permission参考答案:B略11. The project _next weekend is intended to raise money for Project Hope.A. to carry out B. to be carried out C. carried out D. being carried out参考答案:B12. I _ have been more than six years old when the acci

7、dent happened. A. shouldnt B. couldnt C. mustnt D. neednt参考答案:B略33. Best-selling author and race car driver Han Han offered a 20 million RMB reward to _ could prove his works were ghostwritten (代笔).A. no matter who B. whoever C. who D. whomever参考答案:B略14. President Nixon was impeached(弹劾)due to the W

8、atergate office incident. Nowadays, people often use the word “gate” to refer to scandal(丑闻). A. complex B. tunnel C. revolution D. platform参考答案:A15. Mary said she was looking forward to his return and _ him()Ahave seenBseeingCseeDbe seen参考答案:B Mary说她盼望他的回来并且期望见到他look forward to中to是介词,后接名词或动名词,retur

9、n和seeing是并列关系,return是名词所以本题选择B16. His father didnt recover after the operation. _, his health went from bad to worse.A. For one thing B. On the contrary C. As usual D. On the other hand参考答案:B17. Egypt _ a high reputation of ancient civilization across the world A. likes B. appreciates C. enjoys D. i

10、s fond of 参考答案:C18. The old worker insisted that he _ old, and that he _ back to the working post again.A. wasnt; be sentB. wasnt; was sent C. be not; sendD. isnt; sent参考答案:A二、 短文改错19. 假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。 增加:在缺词处写一个漏字符号(), 在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉

11、。修改:在错的词下划一横线, 在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last Saturday I went to the library as usually. At about noon, I was enjoying my reading near a lake while suddenly I hear someone crying for help. I went up to see what was happened I was shocking to find a little child stru

12、ggling in the water in the distance while many peoples were standing by without doing anything. Without any hesitation, I had pushed through the crowd as I took off my coat, but jumped into the water quickly. I managed to reach him and carried him back to safety. To his great relief, the kid was sav

13、ed. I was proud what I had done. I hope everyone can give a hand when someone else is in need. 参考答案:Last Saturday I went to the library as usually. At about noon, I was enjoying my readingusual near a lake while suddenly I hear someone crying for help. I went up to see what waswhen heardhappened. I

14、was shocking to find a little child struggling in the water in the distance whilehappening shockedmany peoples were standing by without doing anything. Without any hesitation, I had people 删除pushed through the crowd as I took off my coat, but jumped into the water quickly. I andmanaged to reach him

15、and carried him back and to safety. To his great relief, the kidmywas saved.I was proud what I had done. I hope everyone can give a hand when someoneofelse is in need.20. It rained very little in that area and the river dried out.参考答案:把out 改成up三、 阅读理解21. Evening WorkshopsOptional evening workshops w

16、ill be held at small restaurants or other meeting places near the conference hotel. Meals and other costs are not included but are also optional. Locations will be announced at the conference site. Workshops are very loosely organized and most represent discussions that have been held at Society for

17、 Economic Botany (SEB) meetings over a series of years.Workshop 1: Student NetworkDate: Wednesday evening, Feb. 5thChairs: Hugo de Boer and Arika Virapongse Sponsor: Society for Economic BotanyDescription: Student members of the SEB hold a networking mixer each year in order to meet each other and t

18、o become familiar with a variety of educational programs and faculty advisors(大学指导老师). Faculty members who are part of training programs are encouraged to join the mixer to meet and talk with students. Workshop 2: Botanical Film Making Date : Wednesday evening, Feb. 5th Chair : David StrauchSponsor

19、: University of HawaiiDescription : Digital film making is a particularly useful tool of linking cultural information to recognizable plants. This workshop is aimed towards increasing the quality of material recorded by giving participants greater control over the medium. We will cover technical asp

20、ects (e.g. camera settings, audio), technical aspects (framing, lighting, focus), and some ways of presenting the material. Experienced filmmakers are encouraged to attend, and participants are welcome to bring their own camera equipment.Workshop 3: Collections for Botany Collections Development and

21、 Management Date: Friday evening, Feb. 7thChair: Jan SalickSponsor: Society for Economic BotanyDescription: SEB is a network of researchers who have been developing standards for the development of collections of artifacts, plant samples and related materials. Participants discuss successes, problem

22、s, and funding sources for solving management issues.29.One of the purposes of a networking mixer held each year is to .A.provide students with greater control over the mediaB.help the students to be familiar with educational programsC.help the students to deal with most of the environment issuesD.l

23、ink cultural information to recognizable plants 30.Which of the following is true according to the poster?A.Evening workshops will be held at small restaurants with meals included.B.Faculty advisers can join the mixer without training experience.C.Workshops have nothing to do with the discussions he

24、ld at SEB meetings.D.Participants have more than one option on Feb. 5ththan another night.31.You are a college student, interested in plants and good at taking TV pictures. Which of the Evening Workshops is most suitable for you?A.Collections for Botany. B. Botanical Film Making.C. Student Network.D

25、. Society for Economic Botany.参考答案:29.B30.D31.B 31. B 推理判断题:,。 文章 Workshop 2: Botanical Film Making 里面的句子:可知 Botanical Film Making.更适合对种植感兴趣擅长拍电视图片的大学生。选 B。22. The city of X is internationally known for sports, catering for the needs of both professional and amateur sportspeople as well as those tha

26、t seek to maintain an active lifestyle. The city promotes well-being by offering its citizens lots of opportunities for sports, both indoors and outdoors throughout the year.Sports clubs in X organize activities in a wide arrangement of sports. The most popular are ice hockey and football, and the l

27、ist covers well over one hundred other sports.Xs large green areas including the Central Park and the sea offer ample opportunities for physical activity: walking, running, jogging, hiking, bicycling, roller skating, swimming, boating and fishing. The city claims 50,000 amateur fishermen, more than

28、any other capital city in Europe.The city organizes a number of community sports activities and maintains a variety and lots of sports facilities. These facilities include more than 200 km of tracks for walking, jogging and running, close to 200 km of ski tracks in winter, some 30 indoor sports hall

29、s, some 10 indoor ice rinks and 80 outdoor ice rinks, 14 indoor swimming halls and 2 outdoor pools in summer, close to 30 beaches, and 12,000 boat berths (泊位).Ice Park is a downtown winter-time skating rink on Railway Square, complete with skate rental (出租) and a heated caf.The local people are acti

30、ve bicyclists especially in summer. Xs bicycle path network covers 1,000 kilometers inside the city limits. The city promotes bicycling with many services, including a Journey Planner for Cycling.One of the unusual sports here is ice swimming, and X even hosts ice swimming world championships. The c

31、ity maintains some 15 ice swimming sites throughout the city.Campers find a convenient site inside the city: Rastila Camping is one of the most popular camping sites in this country, located by the seaside and accessible by underground. The Nuuksio National Park offers camping in wilderness just hal

32、f an hour from the city by car.The city of Xs sports function is managed by the Sports Department. The department provides and maintains sports facilities and organizes activities. The department also rents facilities for sports, conference rooms and saunas.56. According to the passage, which of the

33、 following can best describe X? A. Active and energetic. B. Beautiful and interesting. C. Great and proud. D. Convenient and modern.57. We can know from the passage that people in X _. A. enjoy bicycling around the country B. are fond of different sports C. especially like winter sports D. appreciate a special way of country life58. X is most probably the city of _.A. Toronto B. Sydney C. New York D. Helsinki参考答案:56-58 ABD略

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