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1、北京第七十八中学高二英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much. A. for B. when C. with D. as参考答案:C略28.-Have you got any idea for the summer vacation? -I dont mind where we go _ theres sun, sea and beach.A. as if B. as long as C. now that D. in order that参考

2、答案:B略3. There are many such organizations under _ of the government _ are _ of the poor people across the world. A. the umbrella; as; for the purpose B. the charge; that; for the purpose C. the charge; as; to the purposeD. the umbrella; that; to the purpose参考答案:A4. The traffic rule says young childr

3、en under the age of four and less than 40 pounds must be in a child safety seat.A.being weighedB.to weighC.weighedD.weighing参考答案:D提示:句意:交通法则规定四岁以下并且体重不超过四十磅的婴儿必须坐在婴儿安全座上。根据句子结构,says之后的部分为宾语从句,宾语从句中的主干为:young children must be in a child safety seat。under the age of four and less than 40 pounds用于修饰宾语从

4、句主语children,且children与weigh是主动关系,所以选用weighing。5. .- How about my fish? -= _. Cooking is really your field.A. It couldnt be better, B. I cannot agree more C. It depends D. Its hard to say参考答案:A6. What troubled the teacher was that no one present made an answer when asked who had broken the glasses, s

5、o he didnt know who _.A. was blamed B. was to be blamed C. was to blame D. would be blamed 参考答案:C7. The bus accident in Guiyang last month _ six peoples death.A. result from B. result in C. resulted in D. resulted from参考答案:C8. There is a saying that the material possessions you own might end up _ yo

6、u.A. for owning B. owned by C. owning D. to own 参考答案:C9. Ten scientists were given great honors. They have devoted themselves _ the experiment. A. to doing B. for doingC. in doing D. to do参考答案:A10. Miss Wang,I feel very nervous with the competition approaching._. As long as you can finish it,it is a

7、 victory.ATake your time BTake it easy CNo problem DIts hard to say参考答案:B11. On average, 50 percent of those _ said they would prefer to see Mr Obama win the 2012 ticket, _to just nine percent who prefer Mr Romney.A. to be questioned; compared B. having questioned; comparingC. questioning; comparing

8、 D. questioned; compared 参考答案:D12. There is a high probability _ you will find aspirin and penicillin in any medicine cupboard in the world. A. that B. which C. what D. where参考答案:A13. It is _ good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them _ pleasure.A. 不填; a B. a; 不填 C. th

9、e; a D. a; the参考答案:B14. Overloaded with work, school teachers now get far less sleep than they_.A. shallB. shouldC. mayD. can参考答案:B15. I dont think this green clothes _ her age. I guess red ones may be better.A. fit B. connect C. equal D. match参考答案:D16. Dont worry; we only need _ 10 minutes to compl

10、ete the work.A. other B. others C. more D. another参考答案:D17. Unless to speak, you should remain silent at the conference. A. invited B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited参考答案:A18. Its not the_itself, but the _you make use of that is responsible for the failure.A. manner; way B. method; manne

11、rC. manner; method D. way; method参考答案:Bmethod意指具体的技术或操作方法;way为普通用语,既指解决某一问题的方法,也指运用某种方法过程所表现出来的个性或风格;manner意义同way,只是较为正式的说法。排除A主要是鉴于正式用语manner和非正式用语way不宜同时用于同一个语言环境里。二、 短文改错19. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修

12、改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Today, millions of people want learn or improve their English. Which is good, to study in Britain or in your own country?The benefits of going to Britain seems obvious. You will listen to the language all the time, surround compl

13、etely by the language wherever you would go and have to speak English if you are with the local people. In China, there is always possible to speak Chinese in class and the learning is slower. However, there are also advantage of studying at home. You dont have to make big changes to your life. Besi

14、de, its much cheaper than going to Britain.In my view, for most people without enough money, being at home is their only choice. A most important thing to do in this situation is make good use of your opportunitiesspeaking only English in class and using English whenever possibly outside the class.参

15、考答案:Today, millions of people want learn or improve their English. Which is good, to to betterstudy in Britain or in your own country?The benefits of going to Britain seems obvious. You will listen to the language all the seem time, surround completely by the language wherever you would go and have

16、to surrounded 去掉speak English if you are with the local people. In China, there is always possible to itspeak Chinese in class and the learning is slower. However, there are also advantage advantages of studying at home. You dont have to make big changes to your life. Beside, its much cheaper than B

17、esidesgoing to Britain. In my view, for most people without enough money, being at home is their only choice. A most important thing Theto do in this situation is make good use of your opportunitiesspeaking only English in class and using English whenever possibly outside the class. possible20. 短文改错

18、(满分10分)假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文, 请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。 2. 每句话不超过两个错误。 3只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不记分。参考答案:In autumn of 1985, when I was a young man, I was traveling in the north of India. An the

19、 Oneevening, after hunting in the forest all day, I was returning to the place which I had put up my (in 或 where)tent. It was getting dark, but I was walking along a road. Suddenly I saw two eye glaring at me and eyesfrom among the trees. What can I do? Should I jump into the river save my life? The

20、n I could tolooked at the right. In the river there had a big crocodile waiting to welcome me with its mouth to waswas wide open.略三、 阅读理解21. The U.S. Department of Labor statistics (统计) show that there is an oversupply of college-trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing. Already there

21、have been more than enough teachers, engineers, physicists, aerospace experts, and other specialists. Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that arent there. The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they

22、 were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree.On the other hand, there is a great need for skilled workers of all sorts: carpenters, electricians, mechanics, plumbers, TV repairmen.These people have more work than they can deal with, and their annual incomes are of

23、ten higher than those of college graduates. The old gap that white-collar workers make a better living than blue-collar workers no longer holds true. The law of supply and demand now favors the skilled workmen.The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that college degree is a passport to

24、 a prosperous future. A large part of American society matches success in life equally with a college degree. Parents begin indoctrinating (灌输) their children with this myth before they are out of grade school. High school teachers play their part by acting as if high school education were a prepara

25、tion for college rather than for life. Under this pressure the kids fall in line. Whether they want to go to college or not doesnt matter. Everybody should go to college, so of course they must go. And every year college enrollments (入学) go up and up, and more and more graduates are overeducated for

26、 the kinds of jobs available to them.One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there. Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first ye

27、ar. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up.1. Its implied but not stated in the passage that _ .A. many other countries are facing the same problemB. white-collar workers in the US used to make more money than blue-collar workersC. fewer students will prefer to go to college in the

28、 futureD. the law of supply and demand has a strong effect on American higher education2. Which of the following is NOT a reason why college enrollments go up every year?A. Many people believe that the only way to success is a college education.B. Many parents want their children to go to college.C.

29、 High school teachers urge their students to go to college.D. Every young man and woman wants to go to college.3. By saying that“many people go to college who do not belong there”, the author means that _ .A. many people who are not fit for college education go to collegeB. many people who do not ha

30、ve enough money go to collegeC. many people who go to college drop out within the first yearD. many people who go to college have their hopes destroyed4. We can infer from the passage that the author believes that _ .A. every young man and woman should go to collegeB. college education is a bad thin

31、gC. people with a college education should receive higher payD. fewer people should go to college while more should be trained for skilled jobs参考答案:1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D这是一篇议论文。文章通过调查分析,告诉人们要改变传统观念应首先考虑选择技术工作的培训因为它缺乏人才,待遇更高。【1题详解】推断判断题。阅读全文可知A、C 原文没有提到,D 在原文已明确提到,再根据 The old gap that white-collar work

32、ers make a better living than blue collar workers no longer holds true. The law of supply and demand now favors the skilled workmen 可推知在人们的眼中,白领工人以前比蓝领工人赚钱多,故选B。【2题详解】细节理解题。答案定位在倒数第二段Whether they want to go to college or not doesnt matter. Everybody should go to college, so of course they must go 可知

33、上大学不是出于学生本意,而是每个人应该上大学,所以他们当然必须去上大学,所以D不是大学入学人数增加的原因,故选D。【3题详解】推断判断题。答案定位在最后一段Of the sixty percent of high school graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first year. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up 可知作者列举了三

34、种情况,说明有些人不适合大学教育,故选A。【4题详解】推断判断题。阅读全文可知作者通过调查,告诉人们大学教育人才过多,而技术工人又非常缺乏,因而待遇反而更高;接着又分析了造成这种状况的传统观念;最后还谈到了很多上了大学却因种种原因无法完成学业,所有这些都在暗示人们,上大学的人应该减少,而参加技术工作培训的人应该增多,故选D。22. While other stars her age are partying at clubs, Selena Gomez takes the time out of her day to help those less fortunate. She has bee

35、n such an impressive role model for younger generations that the 20-year-old Disney star was named Woman of the Year by US magazine Glamour this month, in recognition of her successful career and her charity work. An actress since the age of 7, Gomez has grown up on screen. She rose from the Disney

36、Channel popular series Wizards of Waverly Place to hit movies like Monte Carlo (2011) to this years comedy Hotel Transylvania. She is also no stranger to the music industry thanks to her band, Selena Gomez & The Scene. “Honestly, the feeling, if I can be selfish for a little bit, just makes me feel

37、so good to be able to make kids smile and educate them about whats happening in the world,” she told the Associated Press. When she was 17, Gomez became the youngest goodwill ambassador of the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF). She has worked hard ever since. Over the past few years, she has tr

38、aveled to poor countries such as Congo, Ghana and Chile to promote environmentally friendly behavior and help raise awareness about violence. Mature for her age, Gomez has a good handle on the problems facing the worlds youth and is an outspoken advocate (倡导者) for change. Last month, she stepped up

39、to show support for a 15-year-old Pakistani girl, Malala Yousafzai. Yousafzai was shot because of her fight for the right for females to have an education in her country. Sad about the story, Gomez wanted to make a difference. Changing her Facebook page icon (头像) to Yousafzais face, she shared more

40、stories about the girl and encouraged her fans to spread Yousafzais message of females right to an education. Her UNICEF work continues to highlight that 67 million school-age kids around the world are not in school, and that girls are less likely to enroll (入学) in school than boys. Gomez encourages

41、 her fans to donate to UNICEFs school programs in Pakistan. Praising Gomezs charity work, her friend Taylor Swift tells Glamour, “Shes giving back to people who need help.”63. Why was Gomez named Woman of the Year? A. Because of her maturity and courage. B. Because of her experience of travelling ab

42、road.C. Because of her appearance on screen at the age of 7. D. Because of her successful career and her charity work.64. What does the underlined sentence mainly tell us? A. She thinks she is selfish. B. Charity work brings her a lot of joy. C. Her honesty makes kids smile. D. Her successful career

43、 makes her feel good.65. The following statements about what Gomez did after Yousafzais death are true EXCEPT that _. A. she formed a band in honor of YousafzaiB. she shared stories about the girl with fansC. she used Yousafzais face as her Facebook icon D. she encouraged fans to spread message of females right to an education66. Which of the following is mainly talked about in the passage? A. Gomez travelled to many poor countries. B. Gomez is a role model for younger generations.C. Gomez achieved great success on screen.D. Gomez showed respect for a Pakistani girl.参考答案:DBAB

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