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1、四川省广安市悦来中学高一英语下学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. I have bought the same trousers _ he is wearing.A, as B, that C, which D, what参考答案:A2. The naughty boy _to me that the hen _ there just now had _two eggs the day before.A. laid, laid, laid B. laid, lay, lain C. lied, laid, lain D. lied, lying, laid参考答案:D3. His _ of t

2、oo much time to sports leaves too little time to study.A. anxiety B. tension C. devotion D. thirst参考答案:C略4. -Thank you ever so much for your timely help.-_. A. Glad to hear that B. With pleasure C. Think nothing of it D. All right参考答案:C5. -Where did you give the money to Mr. Brown yesterday? -It was

3、 in the office where he worked I did.A. thatB. whereC. whatD. when参考答案:A6. - Did you have a good time at the Shanghai World Expo? - Sure, _ . A. It couldnt be better. B. It depends C. Its up to you. D. Its my pleasure参考答案:a略7. - Is this book familiar _ you? - Sure. I am also familiar _ its writer.A.

4、 to; toB. with; with C. to; with D. with; to参考答案:C略8. - Why was professor Li thundering in the classroom yesterday? - A students interrupting his speech _ the burst of his anger.A. set up B. set aside C. set about D. set off参考答案:D9. I usually spend my holiday at the seaside and enjoy the _ of the su

5、nrise on the beach every morning.A. view B. scenery C. scene D. sight 参考答案:C10. I would appreciate if you could look after my pet while I am away.A. you B. this C. it D. myself参考答案:C11. Paul does not have to be made_.He works very hard. A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning 参考答案:B12. I liked t

6、his house at first sight, but what really made me decide to buy it was the beautiful _ through the windows.A. view B. sceneC. sight D. scenery参考答案:A13. Well have to be _ so as not to wake the baby.A. quite B. quiet C. quick D. quarrel参考答案:B略14. The researchers who study jokes want to find out _ peop

7、le from different nations and cultures find funny.A. why B. that C. what D. whether 参考答案:C略15. _about the application of the strategy(策略), most teenagers are interested in the novel _the Second World War.A. Concerned, concerned B. Concerning, concerningC. Concerned, concerning D. Concerning, concern

8、ed参考答案:C试题分析:考查非谓语动词。concern关心,牵挂;be concerned about对-牵挂。句意:多数青少年对英雄爱的故事关心,他们对关于二战的小说感兴趣。根据句意可知第一空填Concerned;第二空novel和concern之间是主动关系,用现在分词作定语。故选C。【知识拓展】固定短语be worried about 为-担忧;be concerned about对-牵挂;be anxious about 对-焦虑;be curious about 对-好奇;be upset about对-烦恼。考点:考查非谓语动词16. _youve got a chance,yo

9、u might as well make full use of it.ANow that BAfterCAlthoughDAs soon as参考答案:A17. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_.A. not to doB. not toC. not did itD. dont do it参考答案:B18. With his father_ him,the young man runs a big company successfully.A. helping B. havin

10、g helped C. helped D. to help参考答案:A二、 短文改错32. What the teacher concerned was that we had collected enough money for the library.33. Some people living in extreme poor areas cant get enough food.34. The company is now under charge of his son, Mark.35. Much progress is made ever since, but so much mor

11、e remains to be done.36. David pointed to a path which it he thought would probably lead to a village.参考答案:判断正误32.【答案】 that whether 根据句子意思和结构,考查宾语从句的运用。33.【答案】 extreme改为extremely 【解析】根据句子意思和结构,考查副词的运用。34.【答案】 charge前加the【解析】根据句子意思和结构,考查under the charge of的运用。35.【答案】 ishas been【解析】根据句子意思和结构,考查现在完成时的运

12、用。36.【答案】去掉 it【解析】根据句子意思和结构, 因它与其前的关系代词 which 语义重复。【解析】20. 下面短文中共有10处语言错误,要求你在错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从11处起)不记分。It was raining. In his way home from school Peter saw an old man walking with difficult in

13、 the rain without a umbrella. Peter went up to him and offered share the umbrella with him. The old man in poor health, so Peter tried to hold the umbrella. But he was so short to hold it high enough. While wondered what to do, he saw the old mans stick and had an idea. He had tied the stick to the

14、handle of the umbrellaand made them longer. Now we shared the umbrella. Peter was happy.参考答案:1. In On 2. difficult difficulty 3.a an 4. offered后加to 5.man后加was6.so too 7. wondered wondering 8.去掉had 9.them it 10.we they三、 阅读理解21. When many people are worried that there are no more heroes in the modern

15、 era,two university students who lost their lives to rescue drowning children have shown that heroes still exist(存在)According to the Inner Mongolia Morning Post,the tragedy(悲剧)occurred on the afternoon of December 14,2002 when three school students skating on a frozen lake in Qingcheng Park in Hohho

16、t fell through the ice into the freezing water.More than 20 university students who happened to be near the spot immediately went to the rescue of the children.Two children were quickly rescued,but the third died.The childs body was not found for three hours.Two of the rescuers,Liu Ye and Hao Longbi

17、ao,also died of cold and exhaustion(筋疲力尽)The body of Hao who took the lead in jumping into the lake was not found until the next day.A student who was unwilling to tell his name said he and his classmates from the local college were taking photos at the lake.When they heard the childrens cries for h

18、elp,they went to the ice hole hand in hand to rescue the children.But the ice kept breaking,causing most of them to fall into the icy water.Local residents held mourning ceremonies(祭奠仪式)at the lake.Eight of the students were seriously affected by the freezing water and were being kept in hospital fo

19、r further observation,but their lives were no longer in danger.1The underlined word “occurred” here means “_”Aemployed BmixedCguided Dhappened2When the three students fell into water,the university students were_.Askating on the iceBtaking photos at the lakeCholding mourning ceremonies at the lakeDb

20、eing kept in hospital for further observation3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe three deaths all happened on the same day.BHao Longbiaos body was found on December 14,2002.CThe university students didnt think it dangerous to save the drowning children in the lake.DLocal re

21、sidents were not brave in face of danger.4It can be inferred that_.Apeople think little of the two university studentsdeathBthe ice on the lake wasnt strong enough to skate onCsome students regretted for what they had doneDheroes dont agree with the steps of modern times参考答案:1.D2.B3.A4.B解析1.由语境推知词义为

22、D项。2.由第六段推知。3.由第四段推知。4.由文意推知。22. Personal RobotMake your parents and teachers happy!Are you having problems finishing your homework on time? Do you avoid tidying your room until your mom shouts at you? You dont need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot. Mr. H can be programmed to or

23、ganize your homework. Your own personal robot will follow you around, putting away books and objects that you have left on the floor or bed.Mr. H also has these features (特点)weighs only 500 gramsincludes long-lasting batteriescomes with a 5-year guaranteeremembers simple instructionsOriginally (最初)

24、sold for $499NOW ONLY $299BUY NOWWATCH CONTROLThis is a watch that James Bond would be proud to wear!This is NOT a watch for ordinary people!Your electronic PENGO WATCH CONTROLacts as a remote control for TVs and videos.gives you a daily weather forecast.reminds you when to hand in your homework.set

25、s off a silent warning alarm when parents or teachers are near.Besides, your PENGO WATCH CONTROL will always tell you the time accurately!Originally sold for $199NOW ONLY $99For further information, click here.11With help from a Mr.H, you can _.Astop using batteriesBget your room tidied on your way

26、homeCremember your teachers instructionsDfinish your homework on time12If you buy a PENGO WATCH CONTROL now, you can save _.A99 B100C200 D19913Where would you be most likely to find the two texts?AOn a notice board. BIn a company brochure.COn a teenage website. DIn a college newspaper.参考答案:11 D 12 B

27、 13 C 【分析】这是一篇广告类阅读。文章主要介绍了适合青少年应用的个人机器人。11细节理解题。答案定位在Make your parents and teachers happy!部分,Are you having problems finishing your homework on time? You dont need to worry if you buy a Mr. Helping Hand personal robot.你在按时完成家庭作业方面存在问题吗?如果你买这款Mr. Helping Hand私人机器人,你就不用再担心这个问题,故选D。12简单计算题。答案定位在最后一段Originally sold for $199 NOW ONLY $99 For more information, click here.可知PENGO WATCH CONTROL原价199美元,现价99美元,因此推断出你可以节省100美元,故选B。13推理判断题。这两篇文章主要介绍了适合青少年应用的个人机器人,所以这两篇文章最可能出现在青少年网站,故选C。

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