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1、四川省遂宁市中学2022年高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Peters jacket looked just the same as Jacks, but it cost _. A. as much twice B. twice as much C. much as twice D. as twice much 参考答案:B2. When we worked in the same office,we _ often have coffee together.Acould Bshould Cwould Dought to参考答案:c略3. I cant tell you the exa

2、ct time Ill get there, maybe at eight or nine or even later. _, Ill as early as I can.A. Anyhow B. However C. Thus D. Therefore参考答案:A4. If you want to do international trade successfully, _ of English is _. A. good command; a must B. a good command; a need C. a good command; a must D. good command;

3、must 参考答案:C5. Hearing the news that she survived the accident, _, her mother couldnt help crying.A. happy and excited B. happy and exciting C. happily and excited D. happily and exciting 参考答案:A6. Timmy is glad to be a volunteer _ community activities.A. by B. on C. to D. for参考答案:D35. It is the first

4、 time that I this kind of moon cake. A. enjoyedB. have enjoyedC. enjoyD. enjoying参考答案:b略8. In the USA, Columbus Day is_ the _ of Christopher Columbus in the New World.A .in the memory of; arrival B. in memory of; arrival C .in the memory of; arriving D. in memory of; arriving参考答案:B略9. The new secret

5、ary is supposed to report to the manager as soon as she _.A. will arrive B. arrives C. is arriving D. is going to arrive参考答案:B10. Jim is the only one of the students who _ in Peking University for three years. A.is studying B.are studying C.has studied D.have studied 参考答案:C11. These plants are water

6、ed_A. each other day B. every other day C. each of two days D. every of two days参考答案:B12. She will never forget her stay there _ she found her lost son.A. that B. which C. where D. when 参考答案:D13. You never eat different kinds of food and _ you lack something needed for normal health.A. as a result o

7、f B. as a result C. as usual D. as a rule参考答案:C14. The window which hasnt been cleaned for at least 3 weeks requires _. Whod like to take the job?A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned参考答案:B略15. In China the needle treatment_ ancient times. ( )A. dates from B. dates back C. dated from D

8、. dated back to参考答案:10.【答案】A16. The new stadium being built in our town will be _the old one.A. half as big as B. as half big asC. as big as half D. big as half as参考答案:A考查倍数表达。句意:正在新建的体育场是原体育场面积的一半。倍数表达结构为:倍数+as as,故选A.【名师点睛】倍数表达法是高中英语教学的重点,也是历届高考的热点。当我们要表达甲是乙的几倍时,通常用下面三个句型来表示:1. “A+倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+th

9、an +B”,表示“A比B大(长、高、宽等)多少倍”。如:This rope is twice longer than that one. 这根绳子是那根绳子的两倍长(比那根绳子长一倍)。2.“A+倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+ as +B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。如:Asia is four times as large as Europe. 亚洲的面积是欧洲的四倍。3. “A+倍数+the size/height/length/width+ of +B”,表示“A正好是B的多少倍”。如:This street is four times the length of that one

10、. 这条街是那条街的四倍长。17. The computer _ in offices and homes since the 1970s.A. has used B. has been usedC. had used D. had been used参考答案:BB考查时态。句意:自上世纪70年代以来,计算机就一直被用于办公室和家庭。由时间状语since the 1970s可知用现在完成时态;计算机是被应用的,用被动语态,故选B。18. Though its not the 1st time that I _ Beijing, I still cant adjust myself to the

11、 weather. A. been to B. had been to C. have been to D. went to 参考答案:C二、 短文改错19. People liked to park their car outside Mr. Smiths1. house, and there is usually no more place for2. his own. So he put up notice outside, which3. was written “No parking here, and youll be fined 504. dollars.” When he we

12、nt home from working that5. afternoon, he was very pleased to see not cars6. there, and he parked his own car immediately.7. But as he was getting out of his car, the8. Policeman came up to him. Pointing at a 9. notice, and he said politely, “Sir, 50 dollars, please.”10. 参考答案:1. car cars 2. is was 3

13、. which前加on 4. and or 5. working work6. not no 7. 8. the a 9. a the 10. 去掉and20. 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)高考资源网 John,Last summer I take a part-time job in the International 81._Camp for children. I have been told one more worker 82._will be needed this year and I think you are fit it. How 83._about jo

14、in us? The camp is at the foot of a small hill 84._close to a river. It is so a beautiful place! We can hear 85._birds singing happy all around. Everybody sleeps in 86._tents, that is very exciting. We usually work only five 87._hours a day, so we will have plenty of spare time visit the 88._area an

15、d have a fun, I am sure it will be an unforgettable 89._experience. If you have interests in it, reply to me soon. 90._ 参考答案:86. take-took 87. 正确 88. fit后加for 89. join-joining 90. so-such 91. happy-happily 92. that- which 93. time后加to 94. 去掉a略三、 阅读理解21. A mouse looked through a crack(缝隙) in the wall

16、 to see the farmer and his wife opening a package; what food might it contain? He was astonished to discover that it was a mouse trap! Running to the farmyard, the mouse shouted, warning everyone, “There is a mouse trap in the house, there is a mouse trap in the house.” The chicken, with her head hi

17、gh, glared at the mouse and said, “Shut up. Little Ugly. This is a great concern to you, but it has nothing to do with me; I cant be troubled by it. The mouse turned to the pig and told him, “There is a mouse trap in the house.” “I am so sorry, Mr. Mouse,” said the pig sympathetically, “but there is

18、 nothing I can do about it but pray; you are always in my prayers.” The mouse turned to the cow, who relied, “ A mouse trap, am I in great danger, huh?” Now the mouse had to face the farmers mouse trap alone. The very night a sound was heard through the house, like that of a mouse trap catching its

19、prey. The farmers wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a big poisonous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmers wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital. She returned home with a fever. It is said that drinking fresh chicken soup will

20、help treat fever, so the farmer took his sharp knife to the farmyard for the soups main ingredient. His wifes sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer killed the pig. The farmers wife did not get well, in fact, she died, and so many

21、 people came for her funeral. The farmer had the cow killed to provide for all of them to eat. K$s*5u So next time when someone is facing a problem, dont say that it has nothing to do with you. Remember: when the least of us is threatened, we all might be at risk.48. We could see from the passage th

22、at the mouse was _.A. good at cheating others B. honest C. kind and warm-hearted D. foolish49. Which of the following is False according to the passage? A. The others help the farmer kill the cow. B. The mouse trap was very practical C. The pig is more friendly than the other animals. D. The farmers

23、 family was very poor and they had no friends50. What can we learn from the story?A. Better safe than sorryB. Traps can always cause chain reactions C. To keep the balance of nature is the duty of us all D. What you think impossible to happen to you might come at you unexpectedly 参考答案:4850 CDD略22. B

24、ig things were happening in my life the summer after I turned 13. In the middle of that summer, my parents shook my whole world and turned it upside down when they told me they were getting a divorce(离婚). I couldnt believe that our family was going to break up. Though I always knew my parents werent

25、 very happy and they often fought, I still wanted my family to stay the same.My life changed a lot after the divorce. My mother and I moved into a small apartment across town, while my father and brother, Bill, stayed in our house. I now became a visitor whenever I went to see my dad and Bill on wee

26、kends. And later I had my soon-to-be stepfather, Dan, whom I showed no interest in. I was clearly depressed, especially after Dan and my mother married and I realized that there was no way that things could changed back to the way they were.Even though I resisted all Dans attempts(努力) to get to know

27、 me and wasnt very nice to him, he never gave up on me. Gradually, I began to believe in him. I realized that we actually had some thing in common especially when it came to movies and TV shows. We spent a lot of time together hanging out and watching TV. That gave us a chance to talk and get to kno

28、w each other.Better still, Dan showed an interest in me, which I had never experienced from my own father. Dan was always around when I needed advice on school or friends. Once I begin to warm up to Dan, the three of us began spending a lot of time together. We often went out to eat and took short t

29、rips. Eventually, I discovered that I finally had the happy family that I had always wanted.I now realize my parents were right about getting the divorce. Their breakup was the best thing to happen for all of us. My father also found happiness he remarried and had another child, my half sister, Mich

30、elle.51. The best title for the passage should be “_”.A. My new family B. My stepfather and IC. Change is not always for the worst D. The change happening in my life52. What can we know about the author?A. He had no concern for his parents divorce.B. He lived with his mother and brother after his pa

31、rents divorce.C. He lost his happiness with his parents breakup. D. He finally changed his attitude towards his stepfather.53. The underlined word “resisted” (Paragraph3) most probably means “ .”A. thankedB. received C. acceptedD. refused54. Which of the following can best describe the authors stepfather?A. humorous B. hardworking C. loving D. loyal参考答案:CDDC

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