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1、四川省达州市渠县天关中学高一英语月考试题含解析一、 选择题1. Often they give up sport, _they have no time _after their work.A. saying, leaving B. said, left C. saying, left D. said, leaving参考答案:C2. _the loud noise going on outside, I cant _on my lesson. A. As / put B. As / concentrate C. With / rely D. With / concentrate参考答案:D3

2、. If better use is _ of your spare time, youll make great progress in it.A. spent B. taken C. through D. made参考答案:D4. The film, _the true story of this Red Army general, attracted peoples interest all over the country.A. is based on B. on the base C. based on D. which is the base for参考答案:C5. As far

3、as I know, this is a type of music popular in the 1950s, a(n) _ of jazz and folk music. A. mixture B. tradition C. practice D. invention参考答案:A6. With a lot of difficult problems _, he sat on the sofa, feeling irritated. A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. to be settled参考答案:C略7. We suggest that th

4、ey provide an effective warning system to _ many of the disasters _.Akeep; happeningBprevent; from happeningCstop; from being happenedDprevent; from being happened参考答案:B考查动词。句意:我们提议他们提供一个有效的警报系统来阻止更多灾害的发生。prevent . from.“阻止免于”,符合题意。happen为不及物动词,无被动语态,故排除C、D两项。如果选A项的话,happening前面应加from。8. According t

5、o my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold.- , scientists agree with her.A. Sooner or later B. Once in a whileC. To be exact D. Believe it or not.参考答案:D9. The streets become more and more crowded since most families own cars in my city.It is true _my hometown.A. with B.

6、 toC. in D. of参考答案:D考查介词。上句:在我的城市街道变得越来越拥挤,因为大多数家庭都拥有自己的汽车。下句:我的城镇也是这样。be true of-情况也是这样,故选D。10. It was on a cold winter evening_ his father left home and was never back.A. where B. which C. that D. when参考答案:C11. The hall was already full, and hundreds of _ fans were turned away at the door Adisappo

7、inting Bdisappointed Cdisappoint Ddisappointment 参考答案:B略12. They had a _ quarrel and John stormed out Aviolent Bcruel Cstrong Charmful 参考答案:A略13. The tower is still well kept_ the people who ever devoted their lives to building it.A. in charge ofB. in favor ofC. in terms ofD. in memory of参考答案:D【详解】考

8、查介词短语词义辨析。句意:这座塔仍然保存得很好,以纪念那些为建造它而献身的人们。A. in charge of负责,掌管;B. in favor of支持,赞成;C. in terms of就而言;D. in memory of纪念。故选D。14. The reader who has spent serious effort on a problem may _ from the effort even if he doesnt succeed in solving the problem. A. come B. benefit C. conclude D. judge参考答案:C略15.

9、I dont like _you laugh at her.A. the way of which B. the way C. the way in that D. the way by which参考答案:B16. Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _ of exercise()ALimitBlackCneedDdemand参考答案:B健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼有紧密的联系选项中的这四个词都可以作为名词使用,它们的意思分别是:limit限制,局限性;lack缺乏;need需要,dema

10、nd要求,需求a limit of意思是的限制;a need of 和a demand of 是需要的意思;而a lack of sth意思是缺乏,符合句子所表达的意思,故答案选B类似的短语有:a lack of food/money/skills 缺乏食物/金钱/技能17. When and where to go for the on-salary holiday yet.A. are not decided B. have not been decidedC. is not decided D. has not been decided参考答案:D18. I didnt make his

11、 failure public to avoid seeing his _ look.A. embarrassingB. embarrassedC. pleasing D. pleased参考答案:B二、 短文改错19. (每句话一个错误,错误涉及一个单词的增加,删除或者修改。) 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 21. Justin suggested that I went with him to a private place where we could be alone.

12、 22. Much attention should be paid to protect our eyesight. 23. You are quite right about this matter in the way. 24. Please tell me something about the meeting which is held now. 25. According the weather forecast it will rain tomorrow. 26. After the foreign couple got familiar to the Chinese tradi

13、tional festivals, they liked to live in China. 27. It took months since we solved the financial problem of our company. 28. This is the gold medal which I feel proud. 29. Professor Wang will give us a lecture, but when and where hasnt decided yet. 30. It is reported that some of the animals are in t

14、he danger. 参考答案:21. Justin suggested that I went with him to a private place where we could be alone. go 22. Much attention should be paid to protect our eyesight. protecting 23. You are quite right about this matter in the way. a 24. Please tell me something about the meeting which is held now. bei

15、ng 25. According the weather forecast it will rain tomorrow. to 26. After the foreign couple got familiar to the Chinese traditional festivals, they liked to live in China. with 27. It took months since we solved the financial problem of our company. before 28. This is the gold medal which I feel pr

16、oud. of 29. Professor Wang will give us a lecture, but when and where hasnt decided yet. been 30. It is reported that some of the animals are in the danger. the 20. 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假如英语客商老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加,删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符合(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的

17、词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划横线,并在该下面写出修改改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 John is a tall man weighing as much as 100 kilogram. Though he is large, but he fears dogs. One day he was taking walk when a dog suddenly appeared from nowhere. He became so nervous that he ran as fast as he can. The d

18、og kept run after him and it was getting closer. In the dangerous situation, John decided climb up a tree to avoid the dog. Unfortunately, it was not a easy job. He hadnt gone up very high when the dog stood right above the tree. The dog jumped up and bit its teeth into his bottom. John fell right o

19、nto the dogs head, that killed it immediately. 参考答案:三、 阅读理解21. One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift. Unlike other gifts ,it came without wrap(包装). On September 11, 1958, mum gave birth to Richard. After she brought him home from hospital, she put him in my lap(大腿), saying, “I promi

20、sed you a gift, and here it is .” What an honor! I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own. I played with it day and night. I sang to it. I told it over and over how much I loved it! ks5u One morning, however, I found its bed empty. My doll was gone! I cr

21、ied for it. Mum wept and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital. It had a fever. For several days, I heard mum and dad whispering such words as “hopeless”, “pitiful”,and “dying”, which sounded ominous. “Christmas was coming, dont expect any presents this year ”Dad said, point

22、ing at the socks I hung in the living room. Id never seen him cry before. The phone rang early on Christmas morning. Dad jumped out of bed to answer it. From my bedroom I heard him say.” What? hes all right?” he hung up and shouted upstairs. “The hospital said we could bring Richard home! ” “Thank g

23、od!” I heard Mum cry.From the upstairs window, I watched my parents rush out to the car. I had never seen them so happy. And I was also full of joy. What a wonderful day! My baby doll would be home. I ran downstairs. My socks still hung there flat. But I knew they were not empty: they were filled wi

24、th love!60. What happened to the author on September 11, 1958 ?A. He got a baby brother. B. He got a Christmas gift C. He became four years old. D. He received a doll 61.What does the underlined word “ominous” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?A. Impossible. B. Boring C. Difficult D. Fearful62.Which word

25、 can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?A. Excitement. B. Happiness. C. Sadness. D. Disappointment.63.What is the passage mainly about ?A. A sad Christmas day B. Life with a lovely baby C. A special Christmas gift. D. Memories of a happy family参考答案:ADCC22. Many honest

26、people like to download films or music from the Internet but are amazed to discover that by doing so they are stealing. The reason is that copyright law protects peoples songs, music and films. The music companies are losing a great deal of money because people are not buying their CDs and they are

27、unhappy about this. They have looked into the problem and found that companies, such as Baidu in China, allow people to download popular music from the Internet free. They decided to make trouble for these companies in order to keep other people from stealing their music again. They took the compani

28、es to court and demanded a lot of money.In September 2005, Baidu was accused of offering free copies of popular songs. It was ordered to pay the recording company Shanghai Push a lot of money in compensation(赔偿 )and to stop people from getting free music from their Internet site. Of course many youn

29、g people were upset at this news. Some of them did not realize that it was illegal to take music from the Internet. Li Rui, a 16-year-old girl, always shared the music she used to get from Baidu with her friends. She did not know there was anything wrong about this and was very upset when she realiz

30、ed that she should have paid. However, other teenagers do not agree with the music companies action against Baidu. Wang Ya, from Wuhan in Hubei Province, said she thought that taking free music from the Internet was fair. “I think getting free music from the Internet can make pop singers more popula

31、r. Also if I download a song and really like it, I will buy the CD,” she said. “I think the recording companies should concentrate on improving their music (so they will sell more songs) rather than closing free music Internet companies.” It seems that this is a problem which will lead to a lot of d

32、iscussion for a long time to come.8. Baidu was taken to court because_.A. it allowed people to download music for freeB. it downloaded copyrighted music for peopleC. it got copyrighted songs without payingD. it got free music online but asked for payment9. What did Li Rui feel about downloading free

33、 music after the lawsuit (起诉)?A. A bit guilty. B. A little sad. C. Extremely angry. D. Awfully sorry.10. It can be inferred from the text that_ .A. web companies are still ignoring the copyright lawsB. teenagers havent got money to buy CDsC. teenagers are probably still downloading free musicD. teenagers prefer CDs to pirated(盗版的) music 参考答案:8-10 ABC

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