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1、河南省商丘市河南柘城县高级中学高一英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. Studies show that the things that contribute most to a sense of happiness cannot be bought, _ a good family life, friendship and work satisfaction. A. as for B. in view of C. in case of D. such as 参考答案:D略2. Can I believe in our monitor?_. He is honest.ADont worry a

2、bout itBTheres no doubt about itCThats kind of you to say soDJust so-so参考答案:B解析考查交际用语。我能相信班长吗?毫无疑问。他很诚实。根据答语He is honest. 推知“毫无疑问”。3. Even though we have made much progress in preventing pollution, yet much_.Ais remained to doBremains to doCremains to be done Dis remained to be done参考答案:C解析考查非谓语动词。句

3、意:尽管我们在阻止污染方面已经取得了许多进步,然而仍然需要很多事情要做。remain“仍然”,没有被动语态,排除A、D项。remain to be done意为“仍需被做”。4. We _ have bought so much food now that Suzie wont be with us for dinner. A. may notB. needntC. cantD. mustnt参考答案:B5. -How do you do ,Mr smith ?Thanks for meeting me here .-You are welcome. You must be _after a

4、long walk .A. exhaust B. exhausted C. exhausting D. having exhausted 参考答案:B6. His humorous speech made us _ from time to time.A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughter参考答案:C7. Are you sure _ in a million years? A. what man will look like B. what will man look like C. man will look like what D. wha

5、t look will man like 参考答案:略8. _ was no doubt _ someone had broken into the store the day before. A. There; that B. There; whether C. It; that D. It; whether参考答案:A略9. The house, _ was destroyed in the terrible fire, has been repaired. A. which roofB. whose roof C. its roof D. the roof of it参考答案:B10.

6、The English in the future will be quite different from the English of today. It is possible that some English words may even _ completely.A. die down B. die out C. die off D. die of参考答案:B略11. Do you know _ woman in pink over there? Yes. She is _ office worker of Hilton Hotel.A. a; an B. the; the C.

7、a; the D. the; an参考答案:D12. We saw a _ big snake in the grass yesterday, which _ all of us to death.A. frightened; frightened C. frightened; frighteningC. frightening; frightened D. frightening; frightening参考答案:C13. Xiao Hong worked harder last year. _, she still didnt get high grades.A. As a result

8、B. After all C. By the way D. However参考答案:D14. Now that the sign reads, “No person _ smoke here”, please choose a seat in the smoking area over there if you _ smoke. A. must; shall B. will; must C. shall; must D. can; should参考答案:C略15. Mr. Smith was really annoyed that the watch he had repaired was n

9、owhere .A. to see B. seeingC. to be seen D. seen参考答案:C考查非谓语动词。句中的nowhere为不定代词,后接不定式,再根据see的逻辑主语为the watch,the watch与see之间为被动关系,故用被动形式。句意:修好的手表哪里都看不见了,Smith先生真的很生气。故选C。【名师点睛】学习非谓语动词不定式时,我们需要把握不定式的时态和语态:1、一般式(表示将要做某事) to do,被动语态 to be done;2、进行式(表示正在进行) to be doing,无被动语态;3、完成式 to have done(表示已经完成),被动语

10、态 to have been done。本题在确定用不定式之后,还需要分析the watch与see之间为被动关系,从而最终确定用不定式一般式的被动语态。16. Im sorry. I shouldnt have shouted at you the other day._. I was a bit out of control myself. A. Thats right B. Got it C. Forget it D. Go ahead参考答案:C17. He couldnt find his umbrellaHe it Awould have lost Bmay lose Cmay h

11、ave lost Dshould lose参考答案:C 18. The Qingming Festival, now a national holiday, allows more people to pay their respects to dead s on would otherwise be a workday like Friday.A. whereB. thatC. whenD. what参考答案:D【详解】考查名词性从句连接词。句意: 清明节,现在是一个国家节日,允许更多的人在周五这样的工作日向死去的亲人表达敬意。介词 on 后跟的是宾语从句。宾语从句缺主语应用 what。A、

12、C选项是关系副词,不能做主语。that 在宾语从句中不做句子成分。故选D。【点睛】名词性从句关键在于三点:一、找准从句在主句中充当的成分即分出是名词性从句的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句还是同位语从句。二、连接词在从句中充当的成分(主、宾、定或状语或不做任何成分)三、弄清楚每个连接词的意义。此外还要注意,近年来高考对于名词性从句的考查多从名词性从句的语序和连接词的用法区别上考查。二、 短文改错19. 短文改错 (每小题1分,满分10分)下面短文中有10处语言错误。请在有错误的地方增加、删除或修改某个单词。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修

13、改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 Last Sunday I was walking to the Green Lake Park while I met a foreign visitor who seemed to be losting. I tried to help him but I found we had troubles in understanding each other because my poor English. Just at that moment,

14、 a young lady came to help. She spoke well English. The foreigner was unable to find the way with her help, and I learned some English, either. Before the foreigner left, he said he was thankful for their kindness. It was at that time that I decide to work harder at English. This experience has been

15、 made me realize that English is really useful.参考答案:改错:76.whilewhen 77.losting-lost 78troubles-trouble 79.because后加of 80. well-good 81.unable-able82.either-too 83.their-our 84decide-decided 85.去掉been20. 假如英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语同错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其

16、下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下面划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第II处起)不计分。I hear your mother is coming. Beijing has such a long and interested history, so I advise her visit as many historical places as possible. My the second piece of advice is that he should bring clothes fo

17、r different seasons. At Beijing, the four season are all very distinct. Spring is dry and windy and summer is hot and rainy. Autumn is the best time of the year as the sky is blue or the temperature is comfortable. However, winter is very cold and it sometimes snows. As for food, she must tried Beij

18、ing Roast Duck. It is think to be one of the most taste dishes in the world.参考答案:I hear your mother is coming. Beijing has such a long and interested history, so I advise her interesting to或hershevisit as many historical places as possible. My the second piece of advice is that he should bring the s

19、heclothes for different seasons. At Beijing, the four season are all very distinct. Spring is dry and windy and In seasons summer is hot and rainy. Autumn is the best time of the year as the sky is blue or the temperature is and comfortable. However, winter is very cold and it sometimes snows. As fo

20、r food, she must tried Beijing try Roast Duck. It is think to be one of the most taste dishes in the world.thought tasty【分析】本文是一篇应用文。主要内容是为收信者的妈妈写几条来北京时的建议。【详解】第一处:考查形容词。句意:北京有着悠久而有趣的历史。根据句意可知,interesting意为“有趣的”,而interested意为“感兴趣的”,多形容人,故将interested改为 interesting。第二处:考查非谓语动词或虚拟语气。句意:我建议她参观尽可能多的历史古迹。

21、根据句意可知,advise sb. to do sth.是固定搭配,意为“建议做”,advise后用从句,从句的时态可以是(should)+动词原形,故visit前加to或her改为she。第三处:考查冠词。如果序数词前有形容词性物主代词修饰,不用定冠词,故去掉 second前的the。第四处:考查代词。句意:我的第二条建议是她应该带适合不同季节的衣服。根据前文可知,此处指建议妈妈带不同季节的衣服,故应用she来指代,故将he改为she。第五处:考查介词。“北京”是较大地点,应用in表示“在某地”,而at往往加小地点,故将At改为In。第六处:考查名词的数。four后应加名词的复数形式,故将s

22、eason改为 seasons。第七处:考查并列连词。句意:秋天是一年中最好的时间,因为天空是蓝色的,温度是舒适的。根据句意可知,此处是并列关系,而非转折关系,故将or改为and。第八处:考查动词。must是情态动词,其后加动词原形,故将tried改为try。第九处:考查固定搭配。句意:它被认为是世界上最美味的菜肴之一。根据句意可知,be thought to be是固定搭配,意为“被认为是”,故将think改为 thought。第十处:考查形容词。taste是动词,而most后加形容词构成形容词最高级,tasty意为“美味的”。故将taste改为 tasty。三、 阅读理解21. If yo

23、ud like to go travelling,the following World Heritage Sites may be your best choices.Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest AreaJiuzhaigou Valley,which lies in the northern part of Sichuan Province,China,reaches a height of more than 4,500m,with a series of different forests ecosystems. Its

24、especially famous for its narrow landforms and excellent waterfalls. Some 140 kinds of birds also live in the valley, as well as a number of endangered plants and animals, including the giant panda. Jiuzhaigou Valley was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1992.Khami Ruins National Monu

25、mentThe city of Khami, which developed after the capital of Great Zimbabwe had been given up in the mid-16th century,is of great archaeological(考古的)interest. The discovery of objects from Europe and China shows that Khami was a centre for trade over a long period of time. It joined the World Heritag

26、e List in 1986.Henderson IslandHenderson Island,which lies in the eastern South Pacific,is one of the few atolls in the world whose ecology(生态)has been untouched by humans. It is famous for the 10 plants and 4 birds that can only be seen on the island. It was recorded in the World Heritage List in 1

27、988.Old City of JerusalemAs a holy city for three different religions(宗教)in the Middle East,Jerusalem has always been of great religious importance It was given a World Heritage status in 1981 and placed on the“List of World Heritage in Danger”the following year.16. What can be learned about Jiuzhai

28、gou Valley?A. Wonderful waterfalls can be seen there.B. It is famous for many ancient objects.C. It has been untouched by human beings.D. It lies in the eastern South Pacific.17. What can we learn about Jerusalem?A. It was damaged in the mid-16th century.B. It was once a business centre for trade.C.

29、 It has over 140 kinds of birds living there.D. It is a holy city for three religions.18. According to the passage,which World Heritage Site was most recently set?A. Henderson Island.B. Khami Ruins National Monument.C. Old City of Jerusalem.D. Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area.19.

30、In which part of a newspaper can we read the passage?A. Industry.B. Travel.C. Science.D. Business.参考答案:16. A 17. D 18. D 19. B【分析】本文为说明文,主要介绍了四处世界遗产地供游客选择。【16题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Its especially famous for its narrow landforms and excellent waterfalls”可知,在九寨沟能够观赏到瀑布。故选A。【17题详解】细节理解题。由最后一段中的“As a holy ci

31、ty for three different religions(宗教)in the Middle East,Jerusalem has always been of great religious importance”可知,耶路撒冷是三大宗教的圣地,故选D。【18题详解】细节理解题。根据文章介绍可知,九寨沟在1992年被列入世界遗产名录;卡米遗址和亨德森岛分别在1986年和1988年被列入世界遗产名录;而圣城耶路撒冷则是在1981年就已经被列入世界遗产名录了,故选D。【19题详解】推理判断题。通过文章第一段以及各段对旅游景点的介绍可知,这篇文章有可能出现在报纸的旅游专栏中,故选B。【点睛】

32、猜测文章来源题目是高中英语阅读理解中的常考题目,此类题目主要依据文体和题材特点或者根据文章内容和结构推断文章来源。近几年高考英语阅读理解选取的文章没有明显的文体和题材特点,需要结合文章内容,总结主旨大意来推断文章来源。本题第四小题就属于这一种,依据内容和关键词解题。例如本文一开始就提出假设“If youd like to go travelling”,所以这篇文章是针对于想要旅行的人写的。也可推知会出现在报纸的旅游专栏。22. One way to make high school fun and your senior day easy is to take all of the harde

33、r classes you will have to take earlier in your high school. If there are any AP classes (取得大学同等程度课程的学分的课程) you want to take, or any higher level classes you have to take, if you can take them earlier in high school, then obviously thats one less thing you have to worry about as a senior.Another way

34、 to make high school fun is to just take part in it. Youre the so-called kings of the school. Underclassmen look up to you. Take part in school activities, sports and clubs and choose those suitable for you. If youre doing such activities, chances will belong to you and youll be having fun.Another t

35、hing is to take care of things like financial aid (经济援助), trying to pick a college, etc. as soon as you can (provided youre ready for it). Dont put off thinking about those things, because then they will just keep you worried, and then you wont be able to enjoy yourself. Take care of a lot of things

36、 early in the year or during the summertime so that you dont have to worry about them at the end of your senior year.4So in the end, high school and your senior year is what you make good use of. If you have done all of the preparation, senior year can be a great time and something youll look back o

37、n and enjoy. If you put things off and have to worry about them, your senior year can be very stressful. Let me believe in you, getting everything taken care of so that you can enjoy yourself is a great thing.25. What can be the best title for the passage? A. How to study hard in your senior year. B

38、. When to prepare AP classes in your senior year. C. Make high school fun and easy your senior year. D. Why to take a part-time job in your senior year.26. We can infer from the second paragraph that _ A. students in high schools always get into trouble. B. students in high schools are proud. C. tea

39、chers in high schools always have many classes. D. students in high schools can decide which activities to join in.27. What will make you get depressed according to the passage? A. Taking AP classes. B. Put off thinking about the college to go to. C. Joining a club to enjoy the life. D. Considering financial aid early.28. Who may be interested in the passage? A. Primary school students. B. College teachers and professors. C. Professional athletes. D. Students in Senior Grade One.参考答案:

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