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1、Unit 3 Science versus natureGrammar and usageIt is certain that students in class 6 will be good at English,both spoken and written EnglishFortunately,I found my laptop was left on the desk untouched.Verb-ed form更多资源更多资源 1.We should drink boiled water.2.They took the injured woman to the nearby hosp

2、ital at onceFind the verb-eds._We should drink water that is boiled.They took the woman who was injured to the nearby hospital at once Findings:Verb-ed form can put before a noun as attributive to modify(修饰修饰)it.Hello,I amDolly.I ama_(clone)sheep.I dont know who is my father.The _(dark hair)man who

3、created me is a _(respect)scientist.Could he be my father?I dont know.Dollys Story:Hello,I am Dolly.I am a sheep who was cloned.I dont know who is my father.The Scottish man,who is dark-haired,is a scientist who is respected.Could he be my father?I dont know._cloneddark-hairedrespectedCompare the tw

4、o sentences and tell the difference.The frightened girl rushed to her mother.The girl frightened by the dog rushed to her mother_Verb-eds can be used as attributive put before a noun.But if it is a verb-ed phrase,it must be put after the noun.1.I think _(你在文章中提到的那个故事)is fantastic.2.The fireman were

5、trying to rescue_ _(被大火围困的人们)v the people trapped in the fireComplete the following sentencesI think the scientific advances who were mentioned in your article are fantastic.The fireman were trying to rescue the people who were trapped in the firethe story mentioned in your article Once there was an

6、 king who loved new clothes than anything else.So he was a king_(被人们所恨的).One day two cheats came.They told the king that the clothes _(由他们所织的weave)were the most beautiful.Once there was an king who loved news clothes than anything else.So he was a king who was hated by people.One day two cheats came

7、.They told the king that the clothes which were woven by them were the most beautiful._ _ hated by peoplewoven by themvScientific experiments carried out by the students without a teacher can be dangerous._Scientific experiments which are carried out by the students without a teacher can be dangerou

8、sThe ground is covered with fallen leaves when autumn wind blows_The ground is covered with leaves which are fallen when autumn wind blowswhich have fallenFindings:Most verb-eds before nouns express passive meanings,but words like escaped,retired and fallen,can express past meanings.Find out the dif

9、ferences I am a retired worker.I used to work in the USA,a developed country.Now I prefer to live in the countryside.In autumn,I often take a walk on the street which is covered with fallen leaves._ I am a worker who have retired.I used to work in the USA,a country which has developed.Now I prefer t

10、o live in the countryside.In autumn,I often take a walk along the street which is covered with leaves that have fallen._ _ _ _ Many people say I am a highly-respected professor.I dont think so.Although I have a well-paid job,I like to live a simple life.I love pizza,so every weekend,Id like to cook

11、pizza myself at home.I call it homemade pizza.It is a wonderful experience,isnt it?_ _Man-made satellite Warm-hearted peopleCold-blooded animals ill-minded fellowWell-educated studentsConclusion:A verb-ed can be part of a compound with an adverb or a noun before itRead the story and find out the ver

12、b-edsFind out the verb-eds and tell the similarities.Edison became interested in science when he was very young.The little boy was very excited when he heard that he could go to the party._Conclusion:A verb-ed can be used as predicative.My name is William Shakespeare.When I was a small boy,I became_

13、(对戏剧感兴趣).After school,I often went to the theatre where I always felt _(兴奋的)at the sight of the actors on the stage.So I failed many times in the exams.My mother said she was completely_(对我感到失望).Maybe I should say sorry to her,but,at that time,I knew nobody could change my mind.interested in plays e

14、xcited disappointed with meFind out the similarities1.As he knows very little English,he finds it difficult to make himself understood.2.I had my house painted yesterday_Conclusion:A verb-ed can be used as object complement.I am RobinsonCrusoe.I had been alone on the island for two weeks.I didnt kno

15、w how to have my long hair _(理发理发).Many times I saw ships passing by,but I couldnt make myself _(听听见见).The other day,when I was looking for food as usual,I saw a small house in the distance.I came nearer,only to find the door _(破了破了),the window broken.Not a single soul could be seen.I was still alon

16、e!cutheardbroken1.He was very happy to see his mother _(take)good care of at home.2.I found the city greatly _(change).3.He was made _(know)all over the country by his novel.4.The thief was seen _(catch)by the policeman.5.I saw him _(seat)behind the tree,thinking.Fill in the blanks with the proper f

17、orm of each verbtakenchangedknowncaughtseatedFind out the similarities1.The girl lay in bed lost in thought.2.The boy sat at the table buried in his homeworkThe girl lay in bed and was lost in thoughtThe boy sat at the table and was buried in his homework 状态动词如状态动词如sit,stand,remain,lie,leave 等后接等后接v

18、ed表表两个动作同时发生且两个动作同时发生且ved与主语有动宾关系与主语有动宾关系The young mother stayed at home all day _ _(致力于devote 照看小孩).The match girl lay at the street corner _(被冻僵了).The young mother stayed at home all day and was devoted to looking after the children.The match girl lay at the street corner and was frozenfrozendevot

19、ed to looking after the childrenThe cake was left _(untouch)on the table.She lay _(trap)under the buliding.untouchedtrappedAnswers to Part A(1)Disappointed (2)puzzled (3)excited(4)Thrilled (5)interested (6)boredAnswers to Part B2.The problems created by cloning will soon be clear.3.We dont want beas

20、ts produced by scientists to replace us one day.4.The technology used is amazing.5.The only thing needed is a cell from your old pet.1.The girl frightened by the dog rushed to her mother.2.I think the scientific advances who were mentioned in your article are fantastic.vEdison became interested in s

21、cience when he was very young.vThe little boy was very excited when he heard that he could go to the party.vThey had the machine _(run)all the night.vEvery year,the landlord had the slaves _(pick)cottons.vThe manager told the workers to have the wall _(paint)before the weekend.runningpickpaintedHave

22、+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语See+宾语宾语+宾语补足语宾语补足语vI saw Mary _(dance)in the gym yesterday.vI saw Mary _(dance)in the gym at that time.vI saw Mary _(praise)by her teacher in the classroom.vMary was seen _(praise)by her teacher in the classroom.dancedancingpraisedpraised1.He was very happy to see his mother _(take)

23、good care of at home.2.I found the city greatly _(change).3.He was made _(know)all over the country by his novel.4.The thief was seen _(catch)by the policeman.5.I saw him _(seat)behind the tree,thinking.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of each verbtakenchangedknowncaughtseated过去分词过去分词作状语作状语过去

24、分词作状语,过去分词作状语,修饰谓语修饰谓语,大多说明动作发生的背景,大多说明动作发生的背景或情景,表示或情景,表示时间时间、条件条件、原因原因、让步让步、伴随情况伴随情况等。等。一般说来,这一结构的一般说来,这一结构的逻辑主语逻辑主语是是主句的主语主句的主语。a、表示表示时间时间Seen from the space,the earth looks blue.When(it is)seen from space,the earth looks blue.b、表示表示条件条件Kept in refrigerator,these vegetables will remain fresh.If(t

25、hey are)kept in refrigerator,these vegetables will remain fresh.c、表示表示原因原因d、表示表示伴随情况伴随情况e e、表示、表示让步让步Deeply moved by the story,the children began to cry.As they were deeply moved,the children began to cry.She walked out of the house,followed by her little daughter.She walked out of the house,and was

26、 followed by her little daughter.Beaten by the enemy,he refused to let out the secret.Although(he was)beaten by the enemy,he refused to let out the secret.被用作介词或连词的分词:supposing假设,假如,设想 according to 按照 including包括 considering认为 granted认为 concerning regarding providing judgingSupposing he wont pass th

27、e exam,what should he do?Many people including the old go to work without any pay on Saturday.According to his report,the situation is getting serious.21._ more attention,the trees could have grown better.A.Given B.To give C.Giving D.Having given22.Climbing mountains was _,so we all felt _.A.tiring;

28、tired B.tired;tiring C.tiring;tiring D.tired;tired23.The _ morning,the father came into the lonely house,_ by his naughty boy.A.following;following B.followed;followed C.following;followed D.followed;following 24._ these pictures,I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in Beijing._ from the

29、 top of a thirty-storeyed building,Beijing looks more magnificent.A.Seeing;seen B.Seen;seeing C.Seeing;seeing D.Seen;seen25.Mrs White was glad to see the nurse _ after her son and her daughter and was also pleased to see children well _ care of in the nursery.A.looked;taken B.looking;taken C.looked;

30、took D.looking;taking 26.I was fortunate to pick up a wallet _ on the ground on the way home,but unfortunately for me,I found my colour TV set _ when I got home.A.lying;stolen B.laying;stealing C.lay;stolen D.lying;stealing27._ better attention,the vegetables could have grown better with the sun shi

31、ning brightly in the sky and _ them light.A.Giving;given B.Given;given C.Giving;giving D.Given;giving 28._ his head high,the manager walked into the room to attend the meeting _ then.A.Holding;being held B.Held;holding C.Having held;held D.Held;to be held29._ he still could not understand it.A.Told

32、many times B.Having been telling many timesC.He has been told many times D.Since he had been told many times30.On hearing the _ news,I was too _ to sleep.A.exciting;excited B.excited;exciting C.exciting;exciting D.excited;excited Homework Thank you!Bye!Write a story of your own,using verb-eds with different functions.Send your story to:更多资源更多资源

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