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1、CENTURY BUSINESS ENGLISH大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社阅读教程(基础篇阅读教程(基础篇I I)(第四版)(第四版)世纪商务英语世纪商务英语 主编:王洗薇主编:王洗薇第1页Unit 4 Telephone M大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社第2页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Business Language In this unit were going to learn some tips on how to make phone calls politely in business contexts and how to cope with nati

2、ve speakers who speak too fast on the phone.And the practical reading materials will tell us what are yellow pages and show us how to use them.In addition to these,Context Clues(3)will be introduced to us.第3页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Business LanguageReading Skill FocusWords and ExpressionsPractical Reading

3、Comprehensive Reading第4页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusContext Clues(3)In this unit,the Cause and Effect Relationship Clues will be discussed.Cause and Effect Relationship Clues Cause and effect are the relationship between sentences and clauses,which are“cause”and“effect”to each other.The fol

4、lowing are some clue words for cause and effectrelationship:becausedue tobecause ofsinceso/so thattherefore/therebyas a resultconsequently第5页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusAGuided PracticeSample 1 Susan got drenched during the rainstorm because she left her umbrella at her office.从“because”这个表

5、明因果关系线索能够猜出Susan 没有带伞,在雨中结果一定是“淋湿了”(drenched)。第6页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill FocusSample 2 Tom is considered an autocratic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.由“because”引导原因状语从句表示Tom 做决定从来不问其它人意见,所以能够推断出“autocratic”意思是“独断专行”。第7页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Readin

6、g Skill FocusBLets Try Try to figure out the Chinese meaning of the underlined words and explain the clues.1.The workers demolished the old houses so a new block could be built.从从“so”这个表明因果关系线索能够推测出:这个表明因果关系线索能够推测出:在旧住宅区那里要建造新楼区,所以工人们在旧住宅区那里要建造新楼区,所以工人们“拆除了拆除了”(demolished)旧住宅区。)旧住宅区。Clue word:拆毁 dem

7、olish:_第8页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus2.Because we lingered too long at the restaurant,we missed the beginning of the movie.从从“because”这个表明因果关系线索能这个表明因果关系线索能够猜出够猜出“我们错过了电影开始原因是在饭店我们错过了电影开始原因是在饭店“逗留了逗留了”(lingered)太长时间。)太长时间。Clue word:逗留逗留 linger:_第9页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus3.The

8、 statistical figures in that report are not accurate.You should not refer to them.从第二个句子从第二个句子“你不应该引用那个汇报中你不应该引用那个汇报中统计数据统计数据”,我们能够推测出这些数据可能有误,从,我们能够推测出这些数据可能有误,从而得出第一个句子中而得出第一个句子中“accurate”词义为词义为“准确准确”。Clue word:准确准确accurate:_第10页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus4.Jack is a resolute man.Once he

9、 sets up a goal,he wont give it up easily.说说Jack是一个是一个“resolute”人,是因为人,是因为“他一旦确立目标,就不会轻易放弃他一旦确立目标,就不会轻易放弃”,由此推断,由此推断,resolute意思是意思是“果断果断”。Clue word:果断果断 resolute:_第11页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus5.Travelers needed food and shelter for the night,so inns were built and markets opened.从从“so”这个

10、表明因果关系线索能够推这个表明因果关系线索能够推测出:建造旅馆以及市场开业原因是旅行者需要食物测出:建造旅馆以及市场开业原因是旅行者需要食物和夜晚避身之所,由此能够得出和夜晚避身之所,由此能够得出“shelter”词义为词义为“住所或躲避处住所或躲避处”。Clue word:住所,躲避处住所,躲避处 shelter:_第12页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus6.There were so many demonstrators in the Red Square that he had to elbow his way through the crowd

11、.that引导结果状语从句,依据主句描述引导结果状语从句,依据主句描述“许多示威者许多示威者”能够推知要想走过拥挤人群,就需要能够推知要想走过拥挤人群,就需要“挤过去挤过去”,所以推断,所以推断“elbow”词意是词意是“挤,挤过挤,挤过”。Clue word:挤,挤过挤,挤过 elbow:_第13页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus7.Since I could not afford to purchase the original painting,I bought a replica.An inexperienced eye could not t

12、ell the difference.从信号词从信号词since以及相关信息,能够看以及相关信息,能够看出生词所处上下文存在很显著因果关系。出生词所处上下文存在很显著因果关系。since引出引出从句是原因从句是原因(即因为我买不起那张原画即因为我买不起那张原画),主句是结,主句是结果。生词果。生词“replica”后一句又深入解释了另一个原后一句又深入解释了另一个原因,即没有经验人看不出来差异。依据这之间逻辑因,即没有经验人看不出来差异。依据这之间逻辑关系很轻易推断:既然不是原画,那么关系很轻易推断:既然不是原画,那么“replica”应是一张应是一张“复制品复制品”。Clue word:复制

13、品复制品replica:_第14页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Reading Skill Focus8.He is such a shrewd businessman that he loses no money in any trade.that引导结果状语从句,假如一个商引导结果状语从句,假如一个商人在任何买卖中都不会赔钱,那一定是因为他很人在任何买卖中都不会赔钱,那一定是因为他很精明,由此能够推断精明,由此能够推断“shrewd”意思是意思是“精明精明”。Clue word:精明精明surrender:_第15页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Re

14、adingText A Tips for Getting People to Slow Down Learning how to communicate well on the telephone is one of the top for many students who need to use English at work.Learning the common phrases that are used on the telephone helps students know what to expect.What students often need most is practi

15、ce,practice,andmore practice.prioritiespriority 重点,优先 对于很多在工作中需要使用英语学生来说,学会怎样在打电话时很好地交流是一项很主要事情。学习在电话中经常使用词句能够帮助学生学会预测接下来会说什么。不过,通常学生们最需要是练习,练习,和更多练习。第16页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingHowever,practicing a in the classroom is,whilehelpful,not always the most effective way to improve telephon

16、ing skills.Telephoning skills as there are a number of obstacles that arise when telephoning that are specific to telephoning.The first and foremost difficulty is not being able to see the person you are communicating with.role-playrole-play 角色饰演requiresrequire 需要specialspecial 尤其;专门即使角色饰演练习在课堂教学中会起

17、到一定作用,但那也并不总是最好提升电话交流技巧最好路径。打电话需要特殊技巧,因为打电话过程中会出现一些困难是打电话时特有。第一个也是最主要一个困难就是不能看见与你交流人。第17页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingThis lack of visual communication often makesstudents,who can communicate quite successfully in other situations,nervous and hinders their communicative abilities.Add to th

18、is the pace of business communication,and you have a particularly difficult situation.therebythereby 所以,从而typicaltypical 经典;特有hectichectic 忙乱;兴奋缺乏面对面交流经常使那些在其它情况下原来能够很好地交流学生担心,从而影响了他们交流能力。再加上经典商务交流快节奏,这就使你处于一个尤其困难境地。第18页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading One of the biggest problems is speed.Nat

19、ive speakers,especially business people,speak very quickly on the telephone.Here are some practical tips to get native speakers of English to slow down!ask the person to speak slowly.When taking note of a name or important information,repeat each piece of information as the person speaks.tend totend

20、(to)倾向于;易于Immediatelyimmediately 马上,立刻 最大一个问题就是讲话速度。母语人士,尤其是商业人士在打电话时通常讲话非常快。以下是一些非常实用提议,能够使英语母语者语速慢下来。立刻请求对方慢点讲。立刻请求对方慢点讲。当统计一个名字或主要信息时,跟着对方重复每一条信息。当统计一个名字或主要信息时,跟着对方重复每一条信息。第19页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading This is an especially effective tool.By repeating each important piece of informa

21、tion or each number or letter as the speaker spells you slow him/her down.Do not say you have understood if you have not.Ask the person to repeat until you have understood.automaticallyautomatically 自动地 这是一个非常有效方法。经过重复每一条主要信息、每个数字以及每个拼写字母,你自然就会让对方语速慢下来了。假如你还没有听懂,就不要说你听懂了。请对假如你还没有听懂,就不要说你听懂了。请对方重复,直到

22、你听懂为止。方重复,直到你听懂为止。第20页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading Remember that the other person needs to make himself/herself understood and it is in his/her interest to that you have understood.If you ask a person to explain more than twice they will usually slow down.If the person does not slow down,

23、begin speaking your own language!make suremake sure 确保,确定 要记住,对方需要确保他自己说话你听懂了,而且这也是对他有利事情。假如你请对方重复两遍以上,他会自然而然地放慢语速。假如对方语速不慢下来,就开始说你自己语言。假如对方语速不慢下来,就开始说你自己语言。第21页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading A sentence or two of another language spoken quickly will remind the person that they are fortunate

24、 because THEY do not need to speak a different language to communicate.Used carefully,this exercise in the other speaker can be very effective.Just be sure to use it with colleagues and not with a boss!humblinghumble 使失去威信;使谦卑 很快地讲一两句另一个语言会提醒对方他们是幸运,因为他们不需要用外语交流。假如慎重使用,这种使对方以为抱歉方法会非常有效。只要确保只跟同事使用这种方

25、法,千万别跟老板用这一招。第22页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 1 At the very beginning of this unit,youve learned the techniques of guessing the meaning of unfamiliar words from context clues.Read Text A and choose the most probable meaning for the following words,and explain the clues.1.effective(Par

26、a.1,Line 6):A.helpless B.productive C.important_B 线索词线索词however表示转折;句意为:角色饰演即使表示转折;句意为:角色饰演即使是有帮助是有帮助(helpful),但不是最,但不是最effective。选项。选项B最符合句最符合句意,即意,即“有成效有成效”。Clue:第23页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading2.obstacle(Para.2,Line 2):A.barrier B.advantage C.situationA_ 线索词线索词as引导原因从句;打电话需要特殊技巧是因引导原因从

27、句;打电话需要特殊技巧是因为有为有obstacles,由此能够推断该词意思是困难或障碍。,由此能够推断该词意思是困难或障碍。Clue:第24页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社3.foremost(Para.2,Line 3):A.first B.front C.minorA_ 线索词线索词and表示表示foremost和和first是并列关系,所是并列关系,所以意思相近,意思是以意思相近,意思是“最先,最主要最先,最主要”。Clue:Comprehensive Reading第25页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社4.hinder(Para.2,Line 6):A.facilitate

28、 B.improve C.get in the way ofC_ 线索词thereby表示结果;缺乏面对面交流使学生感到担心,其结果一定是对妨碍他们交流能力,由此能够推断,选项C是正确答案。Clue:Comprehensive Reading第26页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社5.fortunate(Para.6,Line 2):A.upset B.lucky C.rewardedComprehensive ReadingB_ 线索词线索词because 引导原因从句;因为他们不需要说引导原因从句;因为他们不需要说另一个语言,所以跟那些必须说外语人比,他们应该是另一个语言,所以跟那些必

29、须说外语人比,他们应该是很幸运。很幸运。Clue:第27页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Task 2 Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to Text A.Comprehensive Reading1.Learning the common phrases that are used on the telephone is helpful in that they can help students to .A.know how to make phone call in Englis

30、h B.understand the language better C.know how to respond D.expect what comes nextD_第28页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading2.The first and foremost difficulty in telephoning is A.lack of visual communication B.that you cant hear clearly on the phone C.incapability of speaking English D.incapabili

31、ty of understanding the common phrases A_第29页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading3.When you are noting down a name or important information,you should .A.write quickly B.repeat what the person are saying C.ask the person to repeat it until you finish writing D.ask the person to speak slowlyB_第30页

32、大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading4.If you havent understood the other person,you 5.need to .A.pretend that you have understood B.ask him/her to repeat once C.ask him/her to repeat until you have understood.D.ask someone to translate.C_第31页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading5.Your speaking

33、one or two sentences of your native language will remind the other person that .A.you are not a native English speaker B.they are lucky in that they can use their native language to communicate C.they should speak your language D.you dont like to speak English B_第32页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive R

34、eadingTask 3Word Formation LearningSuffix(3)The following suffixes can be found in Text A.SuffixMeaningExamples-ity/-ty(in nouns)a state or quality 表示性质、情况、状态等productivity,activity,morality,certainty-ic(in adjectives)of,like,or connected with aparticular thing;与相关scenic,economic,horrific,automatic-a

35、l(in adjectives)connected with与相关political,magical,verbal,coastal-er(in nouns)a person or thing that人(或物)dancer,foreignercomputer,employer第33页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading Now,read Text A carefully,locate the words in the text that contain one of the above-mentioned suffixes,then tell the

36、part of speech and the meaning of each word.1.-ity/-ty (Para.1,Line 2)(Para.2,Line 3)(Para.2,Line 6)priority _difficulty _2.-ic (Para.2,Line 2)(Para.2,Line 7)specific _hectic _ability _第34页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading3.-ent/-ant (Para.2,Line 1)(Para.3,Line 2)(Para.3,Line 6)(Para.3,Line 6)

37、(Para.3,Line 6)4.-er (Para.3,Line 1)special _visual _typical _speaker_practical _automatically _第35页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 4Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.1.A good degree is a minimum for many jobs.(require)2.Office has greatly in

38、creased efficiency.(automatic)3.The of our restaurant is roasted duck.(special)4.We need to carry out some to the system.(improve)requirement _automation _specialty _improvements _第36页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading5.Have you got a product of this?(special)6.The management did not seem to co

39、nsider office safety to be a .(prior)7.You need to think about comfort and when choosing walking shoes.(practical)8.If he forgot to pay his rent,his landlady would send him a .(remind)specification _priority _practicality _reminder _第37页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingTask 5 Fill in the right

40、 word according to the explanation.The first letter of the word has been given.1.t with the result that something else happens2.p the thing that you think is most important and that needs attention before anything else3.h very busy or full of activity4.p able to provide effective solutions to proble

41、msthereby _priority _hectic _practical _第38页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading5.s not ordinary or usual,but different in some way and often better or more important6.v relating to seeing7.t having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing8.r to make someone aware of somethi

42、ng they have forgotten or might have forgottenspecial _visual _typical _remind _第39页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingText B Phone Etiquette Tips is as important in speaking over the phone as in talking to people face to face.Therefore,it is essential to know the etiquette of calling,especially

43、 in the business environment.Courtesycourtesy 礼貌 打电话时讲礼貌与面对面与人谈话时讲礼貌一样主要。所以,了解打电话礼节是非常必要,尤其是在商务环境下。第40页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingIncoming Calls Telephones should always be answered with a phrase like“Good morning,Customer Service Department.Carol speaking.May I help you?”In a busy depar

44、tment or unit,this particular phrase may be too much to say.If so,it can be shortened to a phrase that is less wordy.接电话接电话 接电话是首先要说,“您好,这里是客户服务部。我是卡罗尔,我能为您做点儿什么?”在一个工作很繁忙部门,这句话可能显得太冗长。假如是这么,那就把它缩短成简练一句话。第41页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading When answering,your department and your name.Speak c

45、learly,slowly and with confidence.Always be polite.Three key phrases expressing politeness are:“Please”,“Thank you”,and“Im sorry”.Do not keep people too long.Ask the caller if she/he would prefer to hold or leave a message on .If necessary,you may offer to call back(call within 5-10minutes).identify

46、identify 确认;识别on holdon hold 打电话时等候接电话是,先报上你部门和你名字。吐字清楚,语速放慢,语气自信。永远要有礼貌。三个表示礼貌主要短语是:“请”,“谢谢”,和“抱歉”。不要让他人拿着电话等太长时间。问一下打电话人是愿意等一会儿还是愿意在语音信箱留言。假如有必要,你能够表示给对方回电话(在5至10分钟之内回电话)。voice mailvoice mail 语音信箱第42页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive ReadingOutgoing Calls Phone calls generally should not be made bef

47、ore 7:00 in the morning or after 9:30/10:00 at night.Try to avoid mealtimes.When you make a phone call,remember:Make business calls well before the close of the office hours.打电话打电话 早上7点钱和晚上9:30或10点以后不应该打电话。尽可能防止在吃饭时间打电话。当你打电话时候,你要记得:不要在快下班时候打电话,要提前打。第43页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading When t

48、he number you are calling is not answered quickly,wait long enough for someone to what he or she is doing.Express yourself clearly and .Be certain of the number youre ,to avoid disturbing someone unnecessarily.If you do reach a wrong number,it is necessary to say,“Im sorry.I dialed the wrong number.

49、”before .put asideput aside 把放在一边conciselyconcisely 简练地dialingdial 拨(电话号码)hanging uphang up 挂断电话假如你打电话没有马上被接听,你就等一会儿,给对方留点时间放下手中工作再接听。清楚简练地表示你意思。确定你拨打电话号码是正确,以防止无须要打搅其它人。假如你确实拨错了号码,在挂电话前你应该说“对不起,我打错号了。”第44页大连理工大学出版社大连理工大学出版社Comprehensive Reading After someone answers the phone,give your name before

50、asking for the person .The person at the other end of the phone cannot see your facial expressions or gestures and the he or she receives depends on what he or she hears.The telephone carries your voice at its natural and .Try not to shout but speak clearly and distinctly.desireddesire 渴望,要求n.欲望impr

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