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1、Unit FourListening scripts:Shandong is situated in the east coast of china and the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Shandong province covers an area of 157 100 square kilometers and its population is 95.791 million in 2010. It has a monsoon climate of temperate zone. Shandong has the best transpor

2、tation system in China. It has the greatest length of expressway of all the provinces in China, accounting for one-tenth of Chinas total. Shandong has over 60 000 kilometers of expressways, and more than 98 percent of Shandongs villages are linked by the highways.Shandong is rich in tourist resource

3、s. Its famous for the magnificent natural scenery and splendid cultural as well, among which “one mountain , one river and one sage” enjoys a reputation at home and abroad. “One mountain” refers to Mount Tai which is the symbol of Chinese nations. “One river” means the yellow river, which is the mot

4、her river of china. “One sage” refers to Confucius, who is regarded as the greatest philosopher of China. Shandong also attracts tourists with the springs of Jinan, the sea of Qingdao, the immortals of Yantai and the island of Weihai.Part 1 Lets Listen!Real-time Exercises 1. Fill in the table accord

5、ing to what youve learnt from the passage. General Situation of Shandong ProvincePositionIt is situated in the east coast of china and the lower reaches of the Yellow River.Area157 100 square kilometersPopulation95.791 million in 2010Climatemonsoon climate of temperate zoneFamous tourist attractions

6、Mt. Tai、the yellow river、the springs of Jinan、the sea of Qingdao、the immortals of Yantai andthe island of Weihai. Give a brief introduction to Shandong Province according to what youve learnt. Located in the east of china and the lower reaches of the yellow River, Shandong covers an area of 157,100

7、square kilometers inhabited by 95.791 million people in2010. It is typical of a monsoon climate of temperate zone. The province boasts the best expressway. Shandong is rich in tourist resources. Its famous for the magnificent natural scenery and splendid cultural as well, among which “one mountain,

8、one river and one sage” enjoys a reputation at home and abroad.Part 2 Lets Learn!Real-time Exercises 2I. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.1. F 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.TII. Answer the following questions according to what youve learnt.Answers: 1. If the special d

9、emand is in the contract, the local travel service should arrange it in advance, and the local guide should call to reconfirm it. If the demand is raised after the tourists arriving, the guide ought to contact the restaurant and try to meet the demand.2. The local guide should try his best to contac

10、t the restaurant and change the food if the demand is put forward three hours before dining. However, the guide shouldnt accept it if the demand is raised just before the meal. But the guide should tell the tourists the reason for not accepting the demand in the second situation. If the tourists per

11、sist in it, the guide can advice them to order dishes by themselves. 3. If the healthy tourist wants to dine in the room, the guide should also try to satisfy him, but the tourist has to pay the service charge.4. The local guide ought to recommend those licensed restaurants with good reputation to t

12、he tourist. What more, the guide should make a reservation in advance and arrange transfer service.5. The local guide should tell the tourists that restaurants have fixed business hours and they have to pay service charge if the dinner surpasses the business hours. The guide can meet their demand if

13、 the tourists agree to pay the service charge.Part 3 Lets Speak!Real-time Exercises 3 I. Role-play. II. Simulated Acting. Reference answer:Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts, also known as Kung Pao Chicken, is One of the most famous Chinese dishes and a perennial foreigner favorite. This dish first be

14、came popular in Sichuan and its legendary origin is a good example of the willingness of Chinese chefs to improvise. Allegedly, the dish is named after Ding Baozhen who is a late official in Qing Dynasty. He was born in Guizhou and served as head of Shandong province and later as governor of Sichuan

15、 province. His title was a palatial guardian. The name Kung Pao chicken is derived from this title. The dish exists in both traditional Sichuan and Westernized versions; the latter is more popular in the United States and Canada.Part 4 Lets Read!Real-time Exercises 4.1I. Match the mountain in Column

16、 A with their reputation in Column B.Mount Heng in Shanxi - the Second Greatest Mountain under HeavenMount Tai in Shandong - Natural Museum of History and ArtMount Putuo in Zhejiang - the Fairy City of Buddhist KingdomMount Jiuhua in Anhui - Buddhist Paradise on the SeaII. Answer the following quest

17、ions according to what youve learnt.1. Mount Tai in Shandong province, Mount Hua in Shaanxi province, Mount Heng in Hunan province, Mount Heng in Shanxi province and Mount Song in Henan province are known as Chinas Five Sacred Mountains. Mount Tai is admired for its grandeur, and innumerable inscrip

18、tions have been left there. Mount Huashan is renowned for its precariousness and difficulty of access. Mount Heng was always the place where Taoist activities were done in history, which created a rich Taoist culture. Mount Heng is famous for its unique feature of incorporating into itself ancientry

19、, beauty, serenity of seclusion, risk and wonder to form a magnificent scenic sport for sightseeing. Mount Song is famous for the ancient monastery Shaolin Temple and the martial arts left by Bodhidharma.2. The Four Buddhist Mountains refer to Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo, Mount Jiuhua. Moun

20、t Wutai in Shanxi province is believed to be the sacred place where Manjusri lived and preached, and it tops the other three Buddhist Mountains in China. Mount Emei in Sichuan province is the sacred place where Samantabhadra preached. Mount Putuo in Zhejiang province is the sacred place where Avalok

21、itesvara (Guanyin or Goddess of Mercy) lived. It is believed that Ksitigarbha is enshrined on Mount Jiuhua.3. Mount Huang is considered the most beautiful mountain in China. It is famous for the four wonders, i.e., the queer pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs.Real-time

22、 Exercises 4.2. Choose the best answer for each item according to the passage.1. C 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.A. Complete the English words according to the passage.1. Five Sacred Mountains 2. natural scenery manmade sights3. inscriptions and steles4. scenic areasPart 5 Lets Improve!Real-time Exercises 5. Fill i

23、n the blanks with the proper words given below. Change their forms if necessary.1. universally 2. importance 3. representatives4. tenderness 5. founder. Answer the following questions according to the passage.Answers:1. Chinese cuisine is acclaimed as “Kingdom of Cuisine”.2. Being the framework of C

24、hinese cooking, Yin Yang was brought into Chinese cooking. 3. Chinese cooking attaches much more importance to the color, fragrance, taste and shape. 4. The four distinct regional cuisines in China are Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine and Guangdong cuisine. The distinct characteris

25、tics of Sichuan cuisine are hot, sour, tongue-numbing, fish-flavored and a rich variety of flavors. The most famous dishes are Kung Pao Chinken, Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork and Mapo Tofu. Shandong cuisine is well-known for its light seasoning, freshness, tenderness and delicacy. The noted dishes are Bra

26、ised Yellow River Carp in Sour Sauce, Stewed Sea Cucumber with Spring Onion and Dezhou Braised Chicken. Jiangsu cuisine which is known for its light seasoning and delicacy, the representative dishes of Jiangsu cuisine are Sweet and Sour Boneless Fried Fish, Huaiyang Large Meatball and Beggars Chicke

27、n. The main features of Guangdong Cuisine are freshment, tenderness, smooth texture, and light seasoning. The typical dishes are Dragon and Tiger Locked in Battle, Duck Web in Oyster Sauce, Roast Suckling Pig. Oral Presentation. Reference answer:Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuis

28、ines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavors, Sichuan cuisine, with a myriad of tastes, emphasizes the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash are always in accompaniment, producing the typical exciting tastes. Garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking proce

29、ss. Wild vegetables and meats are often chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are used as basic cooking techniques.Jiangsu Cuisine is popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Using fish and crustaceans as the main ingredients, it stresses their fres

30、hness. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, and simmering. The flavor of Jiangsu Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant.Guangdong cuisine, t

31、asting clean, light, crisp and fresh, is familiar to Westerners, usually has fowl and other meats that produce its unique dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sauting, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Guangdong chefs also pay much attention to the artistic

32、presentation of their dishes.Shandong cuisine, clean, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallots and garlic are frequently used as seasonings so Shandong dishes taste pungent. Soups are given much emphasis in Shandong cuisine. Thin s

33、oups are clear and fresh while creamy soups are thick and taste strong. Jinan chefs are adept at deep-frying, grilling, pan-frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong chefs are famous for cooking seafood with a fresh and light taste.Part 6 Lets Practice!Self-checkI. Complete the following passage accordi

34、ng to what youve learnt.1.attention 2.demand 3.raise 4.belief 5.reasons6.forward 7.accept 8.contradiction 9.explain 10.roomII. Complete the following dialogue according to what youve learnt.1. would you please give us some recommendations?2. Peking Roast Duck is the most famous dish here.3. special

35、condiments4. fruit tree wood 5. When serving,6. 120 thin pieces7. tender meat8. royal chefs.9. make a reservation10. call the restaurant11. the sweet soybean paste12. a sheet of pancakeIII. Translate the following items into English or Chinese1. Fairy City of Buddhist Kingdom 2. give some recommenda

36、tions 3. No mountains are worth seeing after a trip to the five sacred mountains, and none of the sacred mountains are worth seeing after a trip to mount huangshan.4. four distinct regional cuisines5. cooking techniques 6. 据史料记载,中国历史上曾经有72个皇帝在泰山禅礼祭,无数的文人墨客在次留下了珍贵的碑刻。7. 从佛经的角度看,普陀山是观世音菩萨的道场。8. 黄山聚集了中

37、国各大名山之所长,它兼有泰岱之雄伟,华山之峻峭,衡岳之烟云,匡庐之飞瀑。9. 中国烹饪讲究色、香、味、形。10. 从远处看,它看上去像一朵花,故名华山。IV. List the items according to the requirement.1. The Five Sacred Mountains: Mount Tai in Shandong province;Mount Hua in Shaanxi province;Mount Heng in Hunan province;Mount Heng in Shanxi province;Mount Song in Henan provin

38、ce.The Four Buddhist Mountains: Mount Wutai in Shanxi province; Mount Emei in Sichuan province;Mount Putuo in Zhejiang province; Mount Jiuhua in Anhui province.2. The four wonders of Mount Huang: the queer pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of cloudsthe hot springs.3. The four distinct regional cui

39、sines:Sichuan cuisine: Famous for bold flavors, particularly the spiciness resulting from liberal use of chilis and “numb” or “tingling” flavor of the Sichuan peppercorn.Shandong cuisine: well-known for its light seasoning, freshness, tenderness and delicacy.Jiangsu cuisine: The texture is character

40、ized as being soft, but not mushy or falling apart. Select the ingredients according to the seasons, emphasis on the matching color and shape of each dish and emphasis on using soup to improve the flavor. Guangdong cuisine: The main features of it are freshment, tenderness, smooth texture, and light

41、 seasoning. V. Writing exercise. Chinese culinary arts are famous all over the world. Chinese dishes appeal to the senses through color, shape, aroma and taste. Chinese cuisines entree normally strives for three to five colors, made up of the main ingredient, with more secondary ingredients of contr

42、asting colors and textures; these are prepared and cooked to enhance their own qualities, with the use of appropriate condiments and garnishing, enabling to chef to present a delicious platter of fragrant delicious art.Chinese food enjoys a high reputation in the world also for its sheer abundance.

43、It is due to the diversity of the climate, products and customs that there are widely different food styles and tastes in local regions. In prepared dishes, the stronger fragrant aroma stimulates ones appetite, by using scallion, fresh ginger, root garlic or chili pepper; with the use of wine, anise

44、ed, cinnamon, peppercorn or sesame oil. Complementary nuances are added. Soy sauce, sugar, vinegar and other seasonings may used discreetly, adding to the complex play on the taste buds.For local styles, Beijing cuisine combines the best features of different regional styles. Shandong cuisine leads

45、the Northern dishes. Shandong cooks are good at cooking seafood. Sichuan cooks specialize in chilies and hot peppers and Sichuan dish is famous for aromatic and spicy sauces. Guangdong cooking makes use of many ingredients. They look for fresh, tender, crisp textures. Huai Yang cuisine stresses the

46、natural flavors. Dishes are strong but not greasy, and light but delicate. Tan cuisine is both sweet and salty. There is a saying that southerners have a sweet tooth, and northerners crave salt, but Tan dishes manage to satisfy both. Because Chinas local dishes have their own typical characteristics

47、, Chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines, the distinction of which is now widely accepted. Fujian Cuisine is renowned for its choice seafood, beautiful color and magical tastes of sweet, sour, salt and savory. The most distinct feature is their pickled taste. Zhejiang Cuisine is no

48、t greasy. It wins its reputation for freshness, tenderness, softness, and smoothness of its dishes with their mellow fragrance. Hunan cuisine is characterized by thick and pungent flavors. Chili, pepper and shallot are usually necessities in this variation. Anhui Cuisine chefs focus much more attention on the temperature in cooking and are good at braising and stewing. Often ham will be added to improve taste an

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