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1、 Unit 5 Lets eat! Period Two同步练习一、选择与单词相配的图片。( )1.breadA. B. C. ( )2.eggA. B. C. ( )3.juiceA. B. C. 二、模仿例句写句子。Eg. Id like some milk. _. _. _.【参考答案】一、 A BC二、 Id like soem bread. Id like some juice. Id like some eggs. Unit 5 Lets eat! Period Two同步练习一、听录音,在同学们喜欢吃的食物下打。LilyAmyMaryPeterSam二、听录音,给下列食物标上正确

2、的字母序号(AE) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、从下面的答句中选择正确的答案。Id like some milk, please._What do you like? _Here you are._Id like ice cream._Whats this? _A. Its bread. B. Thank you. C. Me too! D. I like some eggs. Here you are.【参考答案】一、 Lily likes milk. Amy likes noodles and bread. Mary likes eggs and juice. Peter

3、likes ice cream. Sam likes milk and noodles.二、Id like some eggs.This is ice cream. Eat some noodles.The apples are green.Look, its a pear.答案:1.略2. BDEAC三、E D B C A Unit 5 Lets eat! Period Three同步练习一、听录音,并选出你所听到的单词或字母( )A. duck B. dog C. pig( )A. on B. orange C. Ok( )A. p B. q C. b( )A. pen B. pig C.

4、 pencil( )A.R B. A C. I二、看图并选择正确的单词。 ( ) A. bread B. orange C. pig( ) A. tiger B. Queen C. quiet ( ) A. Eraser B. Milk C. ruler ( ) A. ear B. eye C. bag 三、写出下列字母的左邻右舍_ Rr _ _ Oo _ Gg _ _ Jj _【参考答案】一、 duck orange q pencil R二、AB BC三、Qq Ss Nn Pp Ff Hh Ii Kk Unit 5 Lets eat! Period Four同步练习一、选择单词中所缺的字母。

5、( )1.w_ter A. a B. u C. o( )2.b_ead A. r B. y C. x( )3.qu_et A. h B. i C. p( )4.p _ n A. a B. e C. o( )5.p_g A. a B. b C .i( )6.qu_n A. ee B. aa C. oo( )7.tig_ A. ur B. er C. ar( )8.s_x A. a B. e C. i二、读句子,从B栏里找出A栏的答案。 A B( )Have some water, please A. Me too!( )Thank you. B. Sure. Here you are.( )Ca

6、n I have some eggs? C. No, thank you.( )I like juice. D. Youre welcome.( )What do you like? E. I like milk.三、选择( )1. -Whatyou like? -juice A. are B. is C. do( )2.-Can _have some milk?. -sure. A. you B. I C. my( )3.Have _some water, please? A. some B. a C. one答案:一、AABB CABC二、CDBAE三、CBA Unit 5 Lets ea

7、t! Period Five 同步练习一、请将正确的图与英文单词连线 fish milk rice water cake二、根据图片圈出正确的单词1. Drink some (water/milk) 2. Cut the (cake/bread) 3. Eat some (eggs/bread) 4. I can see (P/R) 5. Show me the (juice/milk) 三、读句子选择正确的答语。( )1. Can I have some oranges? _. A. Good afternoon! B. Here you are.( )2. Have some juice.

8、 _ A. No, thanks. B. Im fine, thank you.( )3. Here you are! _ A. Thank you! B. Youre welcome!( )4. Thank you! _ A. Me too! B. Youre welcome!答案:一、略二、1. water 2. cake 3. eggs 4. P 5. juice三、B A A B Unit 5 Lets eat! Period Six 同步练习一、选择正确的字母将单词补充完整。br_ _d h _ t d _ g c_ k_ m_ l_C_k_ j_ _ce w_ t_r r_ c_o

9、, eo,oaei, euieai ka, e二、看图读句子,并判断对错。Pour (倒)the water. ( ) Show me the milk.( ) Drink the Coke. ( ) Have some eggs. ( ) Drink the water.( ) Show me the bread.( ) 三、读句子,将句子与相应的图片连接。Color the rice orange. Color the juice yellow. Color the bread red. Color the milk white. Color the fish blue. Color the bread brown. 答案:一、bread(ea) hotdog(o,o) cake(a, e) milk (i,k) Coke (o, e) juice (ui) water(a, e) rice (i,e)二、1. 错 2. 错 3. 对 4. 错 5. 对 6. 错。三、略。

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