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1、GilbertHighet Diogenes and Alexander第1页BackgroundAlexanderDiogenesDiogenes and AlexanderUnit 4第2页Diogenes(412 324 BC):Greek cynic philosopherlived in a tubnicknamed“the dog”emphasized self-sufficiency and need for natural,uninhibited behavior,regardless of social conventions.born in Sinope captured

2、by pirates and sold as a slave to a Corinthian,who appointed him tutor to his two sons.Background第3页The first philosopher to outline these themes was Antisthenes (安提西尼),a pupil of Socrates in the late 5th century BC.He was followed by Diogenes of Sinope.Diogenes took Cynicism to its logical extremes

3、 and was followed by Crates of Thebes(克拉特斯).It disappeared in the late 5th centuryalthough some have claimed that early Christianity adopted many of its ascetic and rhetorical ideas.苦行僧和夸大想法Background第4页Background AlexanderMacedonian King:son of Philip IIThe Thinker:student of AristotleThe Conqueror

4、:Greece,Asia,Egypt第5页BackgroundAlexander the Greats Empire Alexander第6页Socrates(?470 399BC):A Greek philosopher His ideas are known from Platos writings.He is known for encouraging people to think carefully about ideas before accepted them and for developing a method of examining ides according to s

5、ystem of questions and answers in order to find out truth.This is known as the Socratic method or dialectics.辩证法Background第7页Plato(429 347 BC):Athenian philosopher,a disciple of Socrates and the teacher of Aristotle.He founded the Academy in Athens,one of the worlds first centers for advanced scient

6、ific study.His philosophical writings are presented in the form of dialogues,with Socrates as the principle speaker.Platos political theories appear in the Republic,理想国 in which he explored the nature and structure of a just society.Background第8页Aristotle(385 323 BC):Greek philosopher and scientist.

7、He is a student of Plato and a tutor of Alexander the Great.He is one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western thought.His surviving works covers a vast range of subjects,including logic,language,ethics,politics and natural science,ect.Socrates Plato Aristotle Alexander the GreatBa

8、ckground第9页Hercules:海格力斯大力神 Greek and Roman MythologyThe son of Zeus and Alcmence,a hero of superman strength and courage performed twelve immense tasks imposed on hime.g.Augean stable(奥吉亚斯牛舍):The expression“to clean the Augean Stables”is used in literature to describe a very difficult unpleasant jo

9、b.Background第10页Achilles:阿基里斯:出生后被其母倒提着在冥河水中浸过,除未浸到水脚踵外,满身刀枪不入Achilles heel:a weakness or vulnerable point.唯一致命弱点Background第11页The Trojan War:A war was fought between the Greeks and Trojans.Cause:the Trojan Prince Paris had carried off Helen,wife of Menelaus,a Greek king.The war was won by a trick。G

10、reek soldiers hid inside a wooden model of a horse.The Trojans took it into Troy.Homer describes the Trojan War in his book the Iliad.Background第12页Warming upQuestions/Activities1.What does the author tell us about Diogenes?Who was he?What was his philosophy?What did he think was the problem with pe

11、ople?How did he intend to help them?What were the key values he promoted?How,in his opinion,could we find true happiness?2.What does the author tell us about Alexander?What did this king have in common with Diogenes,the beggar?Why was Alexander considered a man of destiny?3.How would you contrast th

12、e two characters?What did Diogenes really mean when he said that Alexander was blocking the sunlight?第13页DetailedAnalysisStructure Text AnalysisCharacterAnalysisDiogenes and AlexanderUnit 4第14页Text AnalysisStructure1Paras.1-10Diogenes(life,philosophy,mission,waysofteaching)2Paras.11-13Alexander(aphi

13、losopherkingwithaninquiring,noblemind)3Paras.14-17theirdramaticencounter第15页1.done his business like a dog.he had emptied his bowels or passed water like a dog at the roadside.do ones business:euphemismold people:senior citizens;Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis 第16页2.Sometimes they threw bits of food,

14、and got scant thanks;sometimes a mischievous pebble,and got a shower of stones and abuse.(para.1)Paraphrase:Sometimes people would throw bits of food to him,but he hardly thanked them at all.Sometimes they would throw a pebble at him for fun,but get a shower of stones and a stream of abuse in return

15、.a mischievous pebble:transferred epithet 英语移就格Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis 第17页2.Sometimes they threw bits of food,and got scant thanks;sometimes a mischievous pebble,and got a shower of stones and abuse.(para.1)Paraphrase:Sometimes people would throw bits of food to him,but he hardly thanked the

16、m at all.Sometimes they would throw a pebble at him for fun,but get a shower of stones and a stream of abuse in return.a mischievous pebble:transferred epithet 英语移就格Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis 第18页3.He thought everybody lived far too elaborately,expensively,anxiously.(2)Paraphrase:He thought that

17、 our life is too complicated,too costly,and gives us too much pressure.4.He was the founder of the creed called Cynicism(doggishness).Cynicism originally meant doggishness because Diogenes philosophy made it a virtue to live like a dog.Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis 第19页Background Cynicism in modern

18、 sense:the belief of a cynic,who maintains that people are all motivated by selfishness,that no one will help others for good and sincere reasons 愤世嫉俗,消极冷漠,看破红尘Diogenes第20页Diogenes:the beggar(paras.1-4)Text AnalysisCharacter AnalysisDiogenes:a free manOther people:half-menShelterFurnitureDressFoodPo

19、ssessionsNature of the lifecask,a storage jar made of earthenwarea house(big,with many rooms)nonebeds,chairs,etc.(elaborate)blanket(half-naked)clothes(expensive)bits of food begged from others,drinking from his hollowed handselaborate nonehorses,servants,bank accounts(anxious)a life by choice,out of

20、 principle natural,healthy,independent a life as slaves of their possessions artificial,anxious,loss of virtue第21页Diogenes:the philosopher(para.4)Three key principles:living in accord with naturetotal disregard of conventionindependence(freedom)being the only true,lasting goodText AnalysisCharacter

21、Analysis第22页Diogenes:the missionary(para.5)What was his mission?Text AnalysisCharacter Analysis第23页 His lifes aim was clear to him:it was“to restamp the currency”:to take the clean metal of human life,to erase the old false conventional markings,and to imprint it with its true values.(para.5)His pur

22、pose in life was clear to him:it was“to reprint the coins.”Human life can be taken as the clean coins which are imprinted with false markings.He was to remove the false markings and print the true values on it.“to restamp the currency”:to change human valuescall people back to the natural way of lif

23、etrue life把人生中洁净金属提炼出来,抹去陈旧虚伪习俗印记,在上面重印其真正价值。Paraphrase Text AnalysisDetailed Analysis第24页 Alexander:citizen of the world(paras.11-13)1.King:different from other Macedonians drinking?women?fighting?2.Thinker:Aristotles pupil,he learned culturephilosophyprinciples of scientific research3.Conquerortoo

24、k command of the League of Greek Statescommander-in-chief of a new expedition against old,rich,corrupt AsiaText AnalysisCharacter Analysis第25页“Stand to one side.Youre blocking the sunlight.”The Dramatic Encounter(paras.14-17)The differences and similarities between the two historical characters.1.Di

25、fferences2.Similarities Text AnalysisCharacter Analysis第26页相貌英俊,目光炯炯,体格魁梧,身披紫色斗篷,带着主宰命运气势,穿过夹道欢迎人群。“Yes”,said the dog.“Stand to one side.Youre blocking the sunlight.”(16)Do you think the use of“blocking the sunlight”here has any symbolic meaning?Why do you think Alexander say so?What did ordinary pe

26、ople think of him?Why could Alexander understand him?Text AnalysisCharacter Analysis第27页paradox:a statement that seems impossible because it contains two ideas that are both true.似非而是隽语似非而是论点;反论;自相矛盾More haste,less speed.People often say that many hands make light work.But the paradox is,in some cas

27、es,too many hands spoil the broth.Why were only Alexander the conqueror and Diogenes the beggar were free?Text AnalysisCharacter Analysis第28页Diogenes Alexander Physical appearanceIdentificationStatusPossessions&PowerMissionDifferencesText AnalysisCharacter Analysishigh,treated with respect,greeted w

28、ith a bow and acclamationlying on the bare earth,shoeless,bearded,half-naked,like a beggar,a doghandsome face,fiery glance,strong body,purple and gold cloak,air of destiny philosopher,missionary great monarch,conquerorlow,treated with contempt and disapproval none,rejecting possession or powerland a

29、nd absolute power“restamp the currency”:to call people back to the simple and natural lifetrue valuebring people of the whole world to the light of civilization第29页1.Both were great thinkers.2.Both had a sense of mission.3.Both were“citizens of the world,”admiring the heroic figure of Hercules,who l

30、abored for mankind.4.Both were free.SimilaritiesText AnalysisCharacter Analysis第30页1.Having no work to go to and no family to provide _,he was free.(para.1)provide for:give sb the things that they need to live,such as food,clothingTranslation他要供养他年迈父母以及两个正在上学妹妹。He has to provide for his aged parents

31、 and two sister who are still at school.forWords&ExpressionsText AnalysisDetailed Analysis第31页2.As the market place _ up with shoppers and merchants and slaves and foreigners,he had _ through it for an hour or two.(para.1)Translation漫步海边,感觉太好了。Its wonderful to take a stroll along the seaside.strolle

32、dfilledWords&ExpressionsText AnalysisDetailed Analysis第32页3.He thought everybody lived far too _,expensively,anxiously.What good is a house?(para.2)Translation彼得制订了一个非常详尽计划来筹措资金。Peter worked out an elaborate scheme for raising the fund.elaborately Words&ExpressionsText AnalysisDetailed Analysis第33页4

33、.No one needs beds and chairs and such furniture:the animals _ and sleep on the ground.All we require,since nature did not dress us properly,is one garment to keep us warm,and some shelter from rain and wind.(para.2)Translation他一生过得很有意义。He lived a meaningful life.作为一个探险者,他一生充满了冒险。As an explorer,he l

34、ived an adventurous life.livehealthylives Words&ExpressionsText AnalysisDetailed Analysis第34页5.he spent much of his life inCorinth,mocking and satirizing its people,and occasionally _ one of them.(para.2)convert:to make sb change from one religion or belief to another Ann has converted to Islam rece

35、ntly.Cf.to make sth change from one form,system to a different one This is part of the process of converting iron into steel.to change from one object into anotherThe hotel is going to be converted into a hospital.Words&ExpressionsText AnalysisDetailed AnalysisconvertingThe hotel is going to be conv

36、erted into a hospital.第35页6.He was not the first to _ such a thing.But he was the first who ever did so _ choice,_ principle.(para.3)inhabit Some of the rare species inhabit the area.by choice Ihopeyoutookthetranslationstudyasyourmajor bychoice,andliketolearnEnglish.out of Shewassilentoutofembarrass

37、ment.outofcuriosity,outofrespect,outofinterestWords&ExpressionsinhabitbyText AnalysisDetailed Analysisoutof第36页8.Therefore,he chose to live in Athens or Corinth,where travelers from all over the Mediterranean world constantly came and went.And,design,he publicly behaved in such ways as to show peopl

38、e what real life was.(para.6)Translation世界是有意缔造呢,还是偶然形成呢?Was the world made by design or did it come into existence by chance?Words&ExpressionsbyText AnalysisDetailed Analysis第37页grin:to make a wide smile露齿而笑,咧嘴而笑titter:to laugh in a suppressed way 嗤嗤地笑,窃笑chuckle:to laugh quietly in a low tone 低声笑,抿

39、嘴轻笑guffaw:to laugh loudly 高声笑,捧腹大笑giggle:(esp.girls)to laugh quietly in a silly,childish,uncontrolled way咯咯地笑Text AnalysisCharacter Analysis第38页bare,empty,blank,vacantbare:empty,notcoveredbyanything,ornothavinganydecorationsempty:anemptyroom,buildingetc.doesnothaveanypeopleinitblank:showingnoexpress

40、ion,understandingorinterest;withoutanywriting,print,orrecordedsoundvacant:avacantseat,room;avacantjoborpositionLetshangupsomepaintingsonthese_A_walls.A.bareB.emptyC.blankD.vacantText AnalysisCharacter Analysis第39页 the modifiers of comparatives:Far,even,many,much,still,alot,a(little)bit,rather,slight

41、lyHecameevenearlierthanIasked.Heisfarmoretruthfulthanmostpeople.YouvebeenworkingmuchharderthanIhave.这种修饰语由表示等量概念名词词组表示Hisfatherisseveninchestallerthantheinnocentboy.Onthemountainitsthreedegreescolderthaninthevalley.Words&ExpressionsText AnalysisDetailed Analysis第40页ReinforcementWriting Writing Techn

42、iquesTechniquesDiscussionDiogenes and AlexanderUnit 4TranslationTranslation第41页Reinforcement1.Euphemism e.g.done his business old people:senior citizens;2.Transferred Epithet a figure of speech that carries the modifier across and puts it on to another word which is not normally modified by it,so as to stress the emotions or feelings 英语移就格 a mischievous pebble (para.1)(It is Diogenes,not the pebble,that is mischievous.)amazed silence(para.17)(It is the crowd,not the silence,that is amazed.)移就然而悲惨皱纹,却也从他眉头和嘴角出现了。(鲁迅全集)广场上又烧起欢乐篝火。(曲波林海雪原)Writing Techniques第42页p.93ReinforcementDiscussion第43页

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