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1、 Unit 4 Electricity 情态动词 Can and cannotCan you type? Yes, I can, but I cant type fast. No, I cant, but I can write well. What computer games can you play? I can play Tetris. 用can或cant完成对话。 1. A can you play the piano? (you/play) B No, I cant, but I can play the violin. 2. A _ Chinese? (you/speak) B

2、Yes, I _, but I _ it well. 3. A _? (your brother/drive) B Yes, he _, but he _ well. 4. A _ his new job on Monday? (Hua An/start) B No, he _, but he _ on Tuesday. 5. A _ chess? (your mother/play) B No, she _, but she _ poker (?K?J$ 6. A _ me ?100? (you/lend) B No, I _, but I _ you? 50. 7. A _ the 8:3

3、0 bus? (Mr. Ye/catch) B No, he _, but he _ the 9:30 bus.改错 1. She cant sings well. 2. What dishes you can cook? 3. Where do we can go today? May and may notMay I leave the room? Yes, you may. May we No, you may not. (No, you maynt)根据情景和答句,用括号中的词提问。 1 The television is very loud, and you and your sis

4、ter are studying, (may) A May we turn down the television? B Yes, please turn it down. 2 Its hot, and the air conditioner is off. (can) A _ B Yes, you can turn it on. 3 You and your friend see some lost tourists, (can) A _ B Oh yes, please help us! 4 You want some ice cream, but you have no money, (

5、can) A _ B Of course you can borrow $20. 5 You see three of your friends playing tennis, (may) A _ B Yes, please join us! We need a fourth player. 6 You dont understand an English word, (may) A _ B Yes, please use my dictionary. 7 You want to order dimsum in a restaurant, (can) A _ B Yes, of course

6、you can have the menu.改错 1. May you swim? 2. Did you can pass me the salt please? Must and must notMust we go now? Yes, we must. No, neednt. What must I do? You must work very hard. mustnt be lazy.用和括号里的动词提问,然后回答。 1. A Must Peter go to bed early tonight? (go) B Yes, He must. He has a test early tomo

7、rrow morning. 2. A _ we _ the door? (lock) B _. A thief might come in. 3. A Where _ the students _ the teacher? (meet) B _ her at the underground station. 4. A Doctor, _ I _ a lot of medicine? (take) B No, you neednt. _-may only take a little. 5. A What time _ you and Bob _ at the cinema? (be) B _ t

8、here at 7:45.改错: 1. Do we must clean the room? 2. You mustnt to smoke here.用情态动词回答问题: 1. Can we stay at the party until midnight? No, _. 2. Can you speak French? No, _. 3. Must I do my homework now? Yes, _. 4. May I look at this magazine? Yes, _. 5. May we watch a video? No, _. 6. Must we hurry up?

9、Yes, _.用can, cant, must, mustnt完成对话 LI NA: (1) _ you tell me a bit about computers, please? SALESPERSON: Yes, of course I (2) _. Computers (3) _ be very useful machines. You (4) _ save a lot of time with a computer. LI NA : I (5) _ use a computer yet, so I (6) _ buy an easy machine to learn it on. I

10、s this one easy to use? SALESPERSON: Oh, yes. Theyre all easy to use. You (7) _ learn to use it with this book. LI NA : (8) _ you teach me how to use it? SALESPERSON :Yes. But first, let me tell you the rules. Its OK to leave your computer on when youre not using it. In fact, you (9) _ leave it on a

11、ll day if you want. LI NA (10) _ I really? SALESPERSON :Certainly. But you (11) _ turn your computer on and off a lot because its bad for it. LI NA: What else (12) _ I do? SALESPERSON: You (13) _ move your computer when it is running. LI NA:What about the mouse and the keyboard (键盘)? SALESPERSON: Of course. You (14) _ move these.20 20

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