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1、 Unit 5 Going shopping Class _Name_ 一听力部分(20分) 一、 听力( 共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分 ) A)听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中选出与你所听内容相符的选项(读两遍) A B CB)听下面6小段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答这个问题的最佳选项。(读两遍) ( ) 5. A. clothes shop B. flower shop C. sports shop ( ) 6. A. Amys parents B. Lilys brother C. Amys friends ( ) 7. A. Her teddy bea

2、r is lost. B. She cant arrive at the zoo. C. She cant find her way home. ( ) 8. A. 11:45 B. 11:45 C. 11:30 ( ) 9. A. 30 yuan. B. 100 yuan C. 70 yuan. ( ) 10. A. Two hamburgers. B. A cup of coffee. C. A cup of apple juice. C)听下面3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。(读两遍) 听第1段材料,回答第11、12小题。 ( ) 11.

3、What doesnt Mike like doing ? A. Playing football. B. Playing volleyball. C.Playing tennis. ( ) 12. What is Mike going to do this afternoon ? A. He will play football. B. He will play basketball C. He will play volleyball. 听第2段材料,回答第1315小题。 ( ) 13. What is the relationship(关系) between the two speake

4、rs? A. A teacher and a student. B. Mother and son. C. Friends. ( ) 14. What does Tim think of Wednesday? He feels _. A. sad B. bad C. happy ( ) 15. How many Art classes are there on Wednesday? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. 听第3段材料,回答第1620小题。 ( ) 16. What does Kitty and her mother do on Saturday afte

5、rnoon? A. They do some shopping. B. They do some washing. C. They go swimming. ( ) 17. What does Kitty want to buy? A. Some food. B. Some comic books. C. Some hair clips. ( ) 18. How much meat do Kittys mother buy? A. Half a kilo. B. One kilo. C. Two kilos. ( ) 19. Why do many people like to go shop

6、ping in the shop? A. Its a big supermarket. B. There are a lot of things in the shop. C. The things are good and the shopkeepers are friendly. ( ) 20. How long is the shop open every day? A. 12 hours. B. 18 hours. C. 24 hours. 二笔试部分(100分) 一词汇(25分) A.根据所给句意或提示写出单词 1. -How many m are there in an hour?

7、 -There are 60. 2. Do these clips m her favorite T-shirt? 3. -Hello! Daniel. Are you s at the moment? -Yes, of course. Im doing my homework now. 4. How much is this _(双) of sports shoes? 5. The jeans dont _ (合身) me well. 6. Its not _ ( not difficult ) to make money. 7. He has _ ( as much as one want

8、s or needs ) money to buy the new coat. 8. The house is too _( having a high price ), so my father will not buy it. 9. Red is my f colour. Do you like it? 10. We can go and buy a TV set in an _ shop. B. 选用所给词的适当形式填空 kind Walkman country shop they drink mean 1. Look! Whose _ are these? Perhaps they a

9、re the twins. 2. Do you like to have cold _? 3. Amy wants to buy some presents for _. 4. Do you understand the _ of the new word? 5. We usually go _ on Sundays. 6. I have many different _ of books. 7. The students over there are from different _. C.选用所给动词的适当形式填空 buy have show play cook knock write w

10、atch 1. Listen! Someone _ at the door. 2. Would you please _ me your pictures? 3. Its eleven oclock now. My mother_ lunch in the kitchen. 4. Id like _ father a present this Sunday. 5. _ you_ a letter to your friends at the moment? 6. _Amy _ TV every day? 7. -Where is Tom? -He _football with his clas

11、smates in the playground. 8. Lily often goes to school without _his breakfast. 二单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. This pair of trousers is _. Can I _. A enough cheap; try on them B cheap enough; try them on C enough cheap; try on it D cheap enough; try it on ( ) 2. Mrs. Green is _ an old coat today. A. puting on B.

12、wearing C. putting on D. wearing on ( ) 3. -How much _ this pair of shoes _ ? - Thirty yuan. A. doestake B. docost C. dospend D. doescost ( ) 4. I spend 20 yuan _computer gams every month. A. to buy B. on buy C. buying D. in buy ( ) 5. The coat is too large. Can you give me _? A. a smaller one B. sm

13、aller one C. a smaller coat D. smaller pair ( ) 6. We need to raise some money _ the people in need. A. to B. for C. from D. on ( ) 7.Tom seldom eats vegetables _ fruit. A and B but C with D or ( ) 8. There are ten chairs and twelve teachers here. So we need _ chairs. A. still two B. more two C. two

14、 more D. two another ( ) 9. - How long does it _ you to finish this book? - Half an hour. A. take B. cost C. spend D. pay ( ) 10. Would you please tell me _? A. anything interesting B. something interesting C. interesting anything D. interesting something ( ) 11. We _have 100 yuan. We can go to Nant

15、ong for a tip. A. every B. each C. either D. and ( ) 12 -Would you like _? -No, thats all. A. other something B. else anything C. something other D. something else ( ) 13. -_ are you going to visit? -We are going to visit the Great Wall in Beijing. A. When B. Where C. Which D. Who ( ) 14. Dont stand

16、 _ and come _ please. Its warm here. A. out; in B. outside; inside C. out; inside D. outside; in ( ) 15. His family _in the park . Lets go and see. A. dance B. dances C. is dancing D. are danciing ( ) 16. The shop _ from 8 am. to 5 p.m. every day but it _ at 9:00 pm at weekends. A. opens; closes B.

17、opens; is closed C. is open; closes D. is open; is closed ( ) 17. Look! Here _. A comes the bus B come the bus C the bus comes D the bus come ( ) 18 Im _ her. But I can _ nothing. A. listening, hear B. listening to, hear C. hearing, listen to D. listening to, listen to ( ) 19 Sandy wants to help Pro

18、ject Hope to raise money for _. A. the poor B. poor C. the rich D. that rich students ( ) 20 How does he help the boy _ his homework? A with B to C doing D on 三补全对话(10分) Shopkeeper: What 1 I 2 for you, my boy? Simon: Hello, Id like to buy a pair 3 football boots. Shopkeeper: Whats your 4 ? Simon: Im

19、 5 size eight. I like this pair. Could I try 6 on, please? Shopkeeper: Yes, of course. Simon: Well, they fit me very 7 . How much do they 8 ? Shopkeeper: They are 200. Simon: Oh, thats too 9 . Do you have a cheaper 10 ? Shopkeeper: There are many kinds of football boots over there. Simon: OK. Thank

20、you very much. 1_2_3_4_5_ 6_7_8_9_10_ 四句型转换(10分) 1. There is some water in the bottle.(改为否定句) There _ _water in the bottle. 2. This skirt is 49 yuan. (对划线部分提问) _ _is the skirt? 3. Can I help you? ( 同义句) What can I _ _ you? 4. My brother is reading a book under the tree. (对划线部分提问) _ your brother_ und

21、er the tree? 5. He is doing some shopping at the moment. (用often改写) He _ _ some shopping. 五完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) There is a shop near my home. It (1) many things like bread, milk, (2) and drinks. My mother often goes shopping there (3) Sundays and buy food. I go with her, too, and carry baskets (4)

22、 her. The people in the shop are very friendly. They (5) us put the heavy things on the bikes. It doesnt sell (6) . I must buy rulers, pens and pencils in other shops. The shop is not open (7) eight oclock in the morning, so dont go to buy things for (8) . It (9) at ten in the evening. Mother says w

23、e can go there (10) supper time. But I think it is too late. ( )1. A. is sell B. sells C. is buy D. buys ( )2. A. cakes B. bikes C. pencils-boxes D. books ( )3. A. in B. at C. on D. about ( )4. A. with B. near C. help D. for ( )5. A. help B. ask C. want D. like ( )6. A. food B. school things C. kite

24、s D. drinks ( )7. A. after B. before C. at D. in ( )8. A. supper B. lunch C. breakfast D. class ( )9. A. stops B. leaves C. opens D. closes ( )10. A. after B. before C. at D. in 六 阅读理解(每小题1分,共10分) A Uncle Wang works in a bookshop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is ab

25、out one kilometer away. So Uncle Wang seldom goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. He often leaves home at ten minutes to eight in the morning and comes back at a quarter to five in the after

26、noon. Today his bike is broken (坏了). He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. ( ) 1. Whats Uncle Wang? He is a _. A teacher B reader C bookseller D doctor ( ) 2. Uncle Wang often goes to work _. A by bus B by bike C on foot D by train ( ) 3. How long does it take Uncle Wang to get there o

27、n foot? A. Ten minutes. B. Twenty minutes. C. Thirty minutes. D. Forty minutes. ( ) 4. What time does Uncle Wang leave home by bike? A. At half past seven. B. At ten minutes to eight. C. At ten minutes past ten. D. At ten minutes past eight. ( ) 5. Usually he gets back home at _. A. five B. five min

28、utes past five C. twenty five minutes past five D. half past five B In England, people dont usually talk very much. You can get on a bus, or in a train, and youll find people in seats looking out of the window. Some may be reading books or newspapers, but they dont talk much. When you meet English p

29、eople, they often talk about one thing-the weather. So when you meet someone in England, you may say, “Nice weather for the time of the year!” “But it was a little cold yesterday(昨天).” The Englishman may answer. “But it was a bit warmer later!” you can say. If you like this, the Englishman will thin

30、k, “How friendly you are!” ( ) 6. _people dont talk too much on a bus. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. American ( ) 7. English people often _on a bus. A. listen to the radio B. watch the video films C. do some homework D. read newspapers ( ) 8. English people talk about_ when they meet. A. news

31、 B. sports C. books D. weather (天气) ( ) 9. When you meet someone in England, you may say “_” A. Whats the time ? B. Fine day, isnt it ? C. Where are you going ? D. Did you have any breakfast this morning? ( ) 10. The English _ when you talk about the weather with them. A. will think you are friendly

32、 B. will think you enjoy the weather there C. will think you know a lot about the weather D. dont think you are friendly with them 七短文填词(一空一词5分) There is a new s mall near my school . It is very easy to find. It is near bus s and the taxi rank. The mall is very big. There are five f_ of the shops an

33、d each floor is very big. There are l of clothes shops. This is great f girls. H , there are not many shops for boys. There are o one sports s . I think the mall needs some m . There are many restaurants on the top floor. You can eat different k of food from different countries. 八书面表达(10分) 发挥你的想象,请根

34、据要点提示,写一篇60-80词的小短文。 要点提示: 1. 我家附近有一家名叫Star Shopping Mall购物中心; 2. 购物中心总共有六层,里面有许多店铺,如餐馆、快餐店、家电商场、书店、服装店、鞋店、体育用品商店等; 还有电影院和游戏中心. 3. 购物中心早上9点开始营业,晚上10点关门; 4. 每天都有大批的顾客光临。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _初一单元(Unit 5, 7A)测试题听力材料 一、听力( 共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分 ) A)听对话,从A、B、C三幅图中选出与你所听内容相符的选项,填在题前括号内。(读两遍) 1. His grandpa will gi

35、ve him some comic books on his birthday. 2. I think Kittys favorite place is kitchen. 3. Peter is driving from Rugao to Nanjing. 4. Look. There are many books on the bookcase. B)听下面6小段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答这个问题的最佳选项,填在题前括号内。(读两遍) 5. Man: My sons birthday is coming, I want to buy a basketball

36、 for him. Woman: Thats a good idea. Question: Where will the man go? 6. Man: What are you doing, Amy? Woman: Im shopping at Sunnyside Shopping Mall with my friends. Question: Who is Amy shopping with? 7. Man: Why are you crying, Jane? Jane: Im lost. I cant find my way home. Question: Why is Jane cry

37、ing? 8. Boy: Excuse me. Could you tell me the time, please? Girl: Its half past eleven. Lets go and have lunch. Question: What time is it now? 9. Man: The dress is 100 yuan. But there is a discount on it. Its only 70 yuan now, madam. Woman: Its cheap. Ill take it. Question: How much is the dress now

38、? 10. Woman: Id like something to eat. What about you, young man? Man: Just two hamburgers and a cup of apple juice. Question: What would the man like to drink? C)听下面3段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,填在题前括号内。(读两遍) 听第1段材料,回答第11、12小题。 W: Whats your favourite sport, Mike ? M: I like playing footb

39、all best. W: Do you like playing other games? M: I like volleyball, too. But I dont like playing tennis. W: How about playing basketball with my friends this afternoon? M: Great! 听第2段材料,回答第1315小题。 W: Is Wednesday a good day for you, Tim? M: Sure, it is! W: Why? M: We have two art classes. I love art

40、. W: When do they begin? M: The first class is at half past ten and the second one begins at a quarter to two. W: What do you do in art? M: I paint a picture of my favorite person. W: Whos that? M: You, Mum, of course. W: Wow! Beautiful! Thanks! 听第3段材料,回答第1620小题。 There is a big shop near Kittys home

41、. The shop is open 24 hours a day. So people can go there any time. It has many things. There are a lot of people in the shop every day because the shopkeepers are friendly and things there are good. One Saturday afternoon, Kitty and her mother go shopping there. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper and Kitty wants a pair of trainers and some comic books. At last, her mother buys half a kilo of meat, one kilo of fish and two kilos of eggs. Kitty also buys what she wants. They are very happy.20 20

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