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1、 Unit 4 Inventions and Inventors【模拟试题】(答题时间:25分钟) I. 用所给词的被动语态填空. plant, make, hold, look, eat, clean 1. The babies after well by the nurses. 2. A meeting next week. 3. All the fruit has been by the boy. 4. This kind of watch is in Shanghai. 5. The room has been by the students. 6. This tree by an o

2、ld man many years ago. II. 完成句子。 1. 英语被越来越多的人使用。 English by people. 2. 应尽量多说英语。 English should . 3. 他叫我不要在此拍照。 He told me here. 4. 你的自行车怎么了? your bike? 5. 你和我都不擅长数学。 Neither you nor I . 6. 第一张纸是在中国制造的。 The first paper China. 7. 风筝在3000年前在中国就被人了解了。 Kites in China about 3000 years ago. 8. 他们在战斗中被使用。 T

3、hey in battles. 【试题答案】 I. 1. are looked 2. will be hold 3. eaten 4. made 5. cleaned 6. was planted II. 1. is spoken, more and more 2. be spoken as much as possible 3. not to take photos 4. Whats wrong with 5. am good at math 6. was made in 7. were known 8. were used【模拟试题】(答题时间:25分钟) I. Complete sent

4、ences with “ is, are, was, were”. 1. We told to be ready at ten oclock. 2. The police are looking for a man who thought to be dangerous. 3. The 1948 Olympic Games held in London. 4. Rice grown all over Asia. 5. Most people paid at the end of the month. 6. Thousands of gadgets invented every year. 7.

5、 The Live Aid concerts in England and America watched by millions of fans. 8.Camera often used when people travel. 9. Milk had as main food for babies. II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. On this website, the news _ (update)every hour. 2. In this city, the streets _(sweep)every 4 hours. 3. In this book, key points

6、 _ (highlight)in red. 4. Jules Vern _(think)of as the father of science fiction. 5. In this country, young men _ (ask)to join the army. 6. We _(not allow)to bring food into the classroom. 7. Someone must have been here. The door _(unlock). The chairs _(move). The glass of water _ (drink)up. The cake

7、 _ (eat). 8. The classroom looks much nicer now. The floor _(sweep). The walls _ (paint)The pictures _(put)up on the wall. The balloons _(blow). The doors and windows _ (decorate)with balloons and flowers. Broken chairs and desks _(repair)and carefully _(line)up. The blackboard _ (clean)and “Welcome

8、 back to school!” _(write)on it. 【试题答案】 I. 1. are 2. is 3. was 4. is 5. are 6. are 7. are 8. is 9. is II. 1. is updated 2. are swept 3. are highlighted 4. was thought 5. are asked 6. are not allowed 7. is unlocked, are moved, is drunk, is eaten 8. is swept, are painted, are put, are blown, are decorated, are repaired, lined, is cleaned, written20 20

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