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1、 五年级下册Unit3 Asking the way 教案一教学内容: Cartoon time and Checkout time 二教学目标: 1. 在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。 2. 学生能够熟练掌握本单元问路,指路的方式;了解更多的问路,指路方式。 3. 学生能够运用较丰富的语言介绍自己家到学校的路线并完成相关写话。 三教学重、难点: 1.能正确理解,朗读cartoon time的故事 2.能正确并熟练运用指路句型。 3.在真实情景中能正确运用问路句型。 四教学重、难点: 1.学生能够熟练掌握本单

2、元问路,指路的方式;了解更多的问路,指路方式。 2.用较丰富的语言介绍自己家到学校的路线并完成相关写话。 五教学过程: Step 1 Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Watch a video: The cartoon is about asking the way 3. Free talk: When you ask the way, what can you say? 4. Retell the story: How does Yang Ling get to Su Hais new home? Step2 Cartoon time 1. Look and say (

3、出示cartoon time插图1) Look, Bobby and Tina are reading a map. Where do they want to go? Can you guess? 2. Lets listen. Listen and answer: City cinema. 3. Watch the cartoon and choose: How can they get to City Cinema? (bus/taxi/metro) 4. Read and answer: (1) Why cant they take the bus? (2) Do they go to

4、 the cinema by taxi? Why? (3) Do they see the film at last? 5. Guess: What will Bobby say? 6.Summary: 完成伴你学35页我运用第3题 7. Reading time 8. Choose the way you like to read 9. Show time Step3 Checkout time 1. Point and say: T: Bobby and Tina cant see the film. So they come back to your school. Do you wan

5、t to play with them? (呈现地图)Where do you want to go? Please discuss with your partners how to get to these places? 2. Draw and write: Bobby and Tina have a good time with you. Now they want to go home. Can you tell Bobby where you live? How do you get to school? Step4 Homework: 1. Try to draw the way from your home to school 2.Try to retell the story 3.Finish the exercise on your book 板书设计: Unit 3 Asking the way (Cartoon & checkout time) How? bus taxi metro Why? full too many cars over20 20

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