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1、 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag? 3aSelf Check 练习 .用所给单词的适当形式填空 1Those are _ (key)2The tape player is on the _(teacher) desk.3I have two _ (dictionary)4Please _(call) me after class. .单项选择 1_ is he? He is my new English teacher. AWho BHow CHow old D Where 2_ is Li Ping? He is in the classroom. AWhat BWhe

2、re CHe DIt 3Theres a map of China _ the wall. Ain Bon Cunder Dbetween 4Your brothers tapes _ in the draw er. Ais Bam Care D/ 5There are man y apples _ the tree.A bird _ the tree is eating an apple. Ain;on Bon;in Cin;at Dto;of .完形填空 This is my be droom.You can see _1_ pictures on the wall.The lamp is

3、 _2_ the desk.The football is _3_ the chair._4_ is the bed?Its near the window.My father and _5_ bedroom is near my bedroom._6_ flowers and a nice big bed _7_ in their room.The windows are _8_ the wall.A yellow door is in the wall,_9_.Do y ou like my bedroom and _10_? 1A.a Bam Cone Dsome 2A.under B

4、on Cin Dbehind 3A.in Bunder Cto Dfor 4A.Who BWhat CHow DWhere 5A.brother Bmother Cmothers Dbrothers 6A.the Bsome CThe DSome 7A.is Bare Cisnt Dam 8A.on Bbehind Cin Dunder 9A.of Bhere Cthere Dtoo 10A.their Bthei rs Cthe m Dtheir room 参考答案 . 1. keys2. teachers3. dictionaries4. call . ABBCB . DBBDC DBCDD20 20

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