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1、Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag SectionA1a-2c同步练习一、 观察图片并仿照所给例子写三组对话。A:Where is your pencil? B:Its in the pencil box.二、 单选。1._ my baseball?Its under the chair.A. Where B. Wheres C. Whats D. Where are2. Where is _ book?Its on _ desk.Athe;the Bthe;/ Ca;the D/;/3._? They are on the bed.A. Where are my keys B

2、. What are theseC. Are they your keys D. Where is the key4.Where are_computer games? Are_on the sofa?A./;theyB.your;youC.my;they D.his;he5. Are your books on the desk? _. My books are on the sofa.A. Yes, it is B. Yes, they are C. No, it isnt D. No, they arent 三、搭配。 ( ) 1. Wheres his brother?( ) 2. W

3、heres my hat?( ) 3. Is your ruler in the pencil box?( ) 4. Wheres your keys?( ) 5. Are their books under the table?A. No, it isnt.B. Its on your chair.C. I dont know.D. Yes, they are.E. They are on the table. 四、情景对话。A: Oh, Dad! (1)_B: Is it on your bed? I see some books are on your bed.A: (2)_ Those

4、 books are Kates.B: Oh. (3)_ She also has some books on the sofa.A: Yes. (4)_B: I dont know, but I can help you. (5)_A: Its blue.B: OK. Uh, its not on the sofa and its not on the table. Oh, Amy! Your book is under your bag.A: Oh, yeah! Thank you, Dad.A. No, it isnt.B. Is this your book?C. I cant find my book.D. But where is my book?E. What about your pens?F. What color is your book?G. Kates books are everywhere.Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag SectionA1a-2c同步练习答案一、 略二、BAACD三、CBAED四、 CAGDF

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