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1、2006学年四年级第二学期综合练习题 广州市番禺区榄核中心小学: 叶淑芬 凌记娣班级 _ 姓名 _ _ 等级 _听力部分 ( 50分 )一、 听句子,选择句子所缺的单词。(共7分)1. Would you like some_ (A. grape B. grey) juice?2. Id like a kilo of _ (A. cabbages B. Chinese cabbages).3. I think we need some _(A. fish B. chips).4. The baby is one _ (A. year B. years) old.5. They are real

2、ly _ (A. delicious B. fresh).6. What do you want for_(A. starters B. breakfast)?7. Do you often _ ( A. watch B. watching ) TV?二、 听词组,用大写字母给图编号。(共10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听句子,判断句子是否与图意相符,符合的打,不符合的打 。(共10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 听小对话,选出最符合对话意思的图片,并将其字母编号写在括号内。(共12分)( )1. A B C (

3、) 2.A. B C ( ) 3.A B C( ) 4.A. B C( ) 5.A B C ( ) 6.A B C ( ) 7.A B C ( ) 8.A B. C五、 听读句子,仿照例子把单词用线连接起来(共5分)Jill likes watching TV Janet likes seeing filmsBen likes playing table tennisSally likes singing and dancingKate likes painting Mike likes doing the long jump六、 听短文三次,判断句子是否符合短文内容,对的写“T”,错的写“F

4、”。(共6分) ( ) 1. Yongxian is Chinese. ( ) 2. Hes a hardworking person. ( ) 3. He likes cooking breakfast.( ) 4. He likes eating chicken and hamburgers. ( ) 5. Hes good at doing the high jump.( ) 6. Yongxians favourite programme is news.读写部分 ( 50分 )七. 给单词分类,并把单词或词组抄在相应的位置上。( 6分 )hamburger, run, water,

5、grape, skip, chocolate, juice, weight-lifting, coffee, swim, noodles, milkSports( 运动 ) _ _ _ _Food( 食物 ) _ _ _ _Drink( 饮料 ) _ _ _ _八. 看图写出词组中单词所缺的字母。( 6分 ) 1. g_ sh_pp_ng 2. d_ the h_ j_ 3. l_ to the r_ 4. e_ a c_ 5. w_ T_ 6. r_ a story-book 九. 选择填空, 将其编号写在括号里。 ( 15分 )( ) 1. I like _ on Sunday. A. p

6、laying my guitar B. play my guitar C. playing guitar( ) 2. _ does the broccoli cost? Its five yuan a kilo. A. How many B. How much C. How old ( ) 3. I dont like the play. Its so _.A. interesting B. fun C. boring ( ) 4. My sister often _ English songs.A. sings B. is singing C. sing ( ) 5.Look, they t

7、he long jump. A. are do B. are doing C. doing( ) 6.Is the girl play basketball well or_ ? A. good B. low C. badly( ) 7. The man _ young. A. look B. looks C. is look( ) 8. Ben is working _ the computer. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 9How much are the bananas ? They are five _ a kilo. A. dollars B. yuans C. d

8、ollar( ) 10.There _ two bottles of water on the table.A. is B. are C. be ( ) 11. 当你的朋友不开心的时候,你会怎样表示关心? A. Whats that? B. Are you happy? C. Whats wrong?( ) 12. 你想向别人要一杯水,你应该怎么问?A. What can I do for you? B. Can I have a glass of water? C. Would you like some water? ( ) 13. 当你们班的一名运动员在校运会的跑步比赛中落后了,你会怎样

9、为他加油? A. Good Lucky! B. You are slowly! C. Go !Go for it! ( ) 14. 你想知道别人有什么想法, 你怎么问? A. Whats your idea? B. Whats this? C. What s wrong? ( ) 15. 假如你是售货员,见到顾客来了,你会怎么招呼他们?A. Can you help me? B. Can I help you? C. What do you want?十 选择句子,把对话补充完整, 将其答案的编号填在横线上。(6分 )A. Heres the money. B. Heres your chan

10、ge. C. What can I do for you.?D. These mushrooms look good. E. Do you want anything else? F. How much are they?Vendor: _ Customer: Yes, please. _.Vendor: Of course. They are very fresh. Customer: Well, _Vendor: Theyre two dollars a kilo. Customer: OK. Please give me two kilos.Vendor: _ Customer: No,

11、 thats it. _ Vendor:_. Thank you . See you. Customer: See you! 十一、看图或根据实际情况回答问题。( 6分 )1. What is your favourite fruit ? 2. How old are you? 3. Are you good at telling stories? 4. Does the man like cooking? 5. What is Pat doing now? _6. What do they usually have for breakfast? _ 十二、阅读理解(11分)(一) 看图读句子

12、,判断句子是否与图意相符,如相符请在括号内写 “T”, 否则写 “F”。(5分)( ) 1.There are seven children in the park.( ) 2. The girl are playing games .( ) 3. Two boys arent playing football.( ) 4. A boy is riding a bike.( ) 5. There is a cat in the picture.( 二) 读短文,填表格. ( 6分 ) Hi! Im Amy. There are four people in my family. Theyre

13、my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is a worker. His favourite food is fish. He likes swimming . My mother is a doctor. Tomatoes are her favourite food. And she likes running. My brother and I are pupils. He likes eating chicken best. Basketball is his favourite sport. And I like watching TV. Ice-cream is my favourite dissert.Name Job Favourite Food Favourite sport Father fish mother doctor running brother chicken Amy pupil watching TV

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