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1、Aabrupt突然的,意外的;唐突的,鲁莽的 2次1 It is _ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.(02.164)A) abrupt B) absurdC) adverse D) addictive2 Even sensible men do _ things sometimes.(02.652)A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D) aptabsurd荒谬的,荒唐的 2次It is _ that women should be paid less tha

2、n men for doing the same kind of work.(02.164)A) abrupt B) absurd C) adverse D) addictiveEven sensible men do _ things sometimes.(02.652)A) abrupt B) absurd C) acute D) aptacknowledge承认,承认的权威;告知收到,确认;报偿,对表示谢忱 5次They are well _ with each other since they once studied in the same university.(98.6-64)A

3、. identified B. recognized C. acknowledged D. acquaintedThe famous scientist _ his success to hard work.(00.1-51)A. acknowledged B.ascribed C. granted D. impartedProfessor Hawking is _ as one of the worlds greatest living physicists.(02.6-44)A) dignifiedB) clarifiedC) acknowledgedD) illustratedMany

4、great scientists _ their success to hard work.(03.1265)A) portrayB) ascribeC) impart D) acknowledgeAnyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _ to have withdrawn from the program.(04.651)A) contemplated B) deemedC) acknowledgedD) anticipatedactivate使活动起来,使开始起作用 2次Lightin

5、g can be used not only to create an atmosphere, but also to _ features of the house, such as ornaments or pictures.(05.160)A) highlight B) underline C) activate D) upgradeThe medicine _ his pain but did not cure his illness.(02.642)A) activatedB) alleviatedC) medicatedD) deterioratedacquaint 熟悉,认识。

6、2次They are well _ with each other since they once studied in the same university.(98.6-64)A. identified B. recognized C. acknowledged D. acquaintedThe author of the report is well _ with the problems in the hospital because he has been working there for many years.(01.6.48)A. acquainted B. informed

7、C. accustomed D.knownAcute严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;急性的 2次A humans eyesight is not as _ as that of an eagle.(02.163)A) eccentric B) acute C) sensible D) sensitiveEven sensible men do _ things sometimes.(02.652)A) abrupt B) absurd C) acuteD) aptadhere 坚持,依附 2次If you want to set up a company, you must _ with the re

8、gulations laid down by the authorities. (99.6-32)A. comply B. adhere C. confirm D. accord E-mail is a convenient ,highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _well to human needs.(00.6-63)A. adheres B. reflects C. conforms D.satisfies allege断言,宣称,硬说 2次It was _ that the restaurant d

9、iscriminated against black customers.(02.641)A) addictedB) allegedC) assaultedD) ascribedAllenwillsoonfindoutthatreallifeisseldomassimpleasitis_incommercials.(03.645)A)permeated B)allegedC)depictedD)draftedambiguous 模棱两可的 暧昧的, 不明确的 5次(且5次全部是正确答案)The directions were so _that it was impossible to comp

10、lete the assignment.(98.641)A. ingenious B. ambitious C. notorious D. ambiguous His _ directions confused us ; we did not know which of the two roads to take. (99.6-41)A. ambiguous B. complicated C. arbitrary D. intricateFortune-tellers are good at making _ statements such as “Your sorrows will chan

11、ge.”(01.6.60)A. philosophical B. ambiguous C. literal D. invali Thedamagetomycarwas_.intheaccident,butIhavealingeringfeareventoday.(03.654)A)insufficient B)ignorant C)ambiguous D)negligibleThe first sentence in this paragraph is _; it can be interpreted in many ways.(03.963)A) intricate B) ambiguous

12、 C) duplicated D) confusedambitious 雄心勃勃的 2次The directions were so _that it was impossible to complete the assignment.(98.641)A. ingenious B. ambitious C. notorious D. ambiguous My sister is quite _ and plans to get an M.A.Degree within one year. (00.1-58)A. aggressive B. enthusiastic C. ambitious D

13、. considerateanticipate 预期, 期望, 过早使用, 先人一着, 占先, 预订, 预见, 可以预料 2次The doctors dont_ that the patient will live much longer.(03.1267)A) monitor B) manifest C) articulate D) anticipate Anyone not paying the registration fee by the end of this month will be _ to have withdrawn from the program.(04.651)A)

14、contemplated B) deemed C) acknowledged D) anticipated appropriate 适当的,合适的 2次For many patients, institutional care is the most _ and beneficial form of care.(98.6-62)A. persistent B. appropriate C. thoughtful D. sufficientFor many patients, institutional care is the most_ and beneficial form of care

15、.(00.6-41) A. pertinent B. appropriate C. acute D. persistentapt易于,有做某事的倾向;恰当的,适宜的;聪明的,反应敏捷的 2次Shoes of this kind are _ to slip on wet ground.(02.165)A) feasible B) appropriate C) apt D) fittingEven sensible men do _ things sometimes.(02.652)A) abruptB) absurdC) acuteD) aptascend渐渐上升,升高;攀登,登上 2次All

16、the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colourful balloons _ slowly into the sky.(02.647)A) ascendingB) elevatingC) escalatingD) lingeringHill slopes are cleared of forests to make way for crops, but this only _ the crisis.(03.168)A) accelerates B) prevails C) ascendsD) preced

17、esascertain查明,弄清,确定 3次We shall probably never be able to _ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles.(02.646)A) assertB) impartC) ascertainD) notify_ that the demand for power continues to rise at the current rate, it will not be long before traditional sources become inadequate.(03.156)A) Conc

18、erning B) Ascertaining C) AssumingD) RegardingThe police are trying to_ what really happened.(04.653)A) ascertainB) assertC)avertD)ascribeAscribe把归因于,把归属于 6次The famous scientist _ his success to hard work.(00.1-51)A. acknowledged B.ascribed C. granted D. impartedYou should _ to one or more weekly ma

19、gazines such as Time, or Newsweek.(01.6.52)A. ascribe B. Order C. reclaim D. subscribeWe should _ our energy and youth to the development of our country .(02.159)A) dedicate B) caterC) ascribe D) clingIt was _ that the restaurant discriminated against black customers. (02.641)A) addictedB) allegedC)

20、 assaultedD) ascribedMore than 85 percent of French Canadas population speaks French as a mother tongue and _ to the Roman Catholic faith .(03.1-61)A) caters B) adheres C) ascribesD) subscribesMany great scientists _ their success to hard work. (03.1265)A) portrayB) ascribeC) impartD) acknowledgeThe

21、 police are trying to_ what really happened. (04.653)A) ascertainB) assert C)avertD)ascribeassert肯定的说,断言;维护,坚持 2次We shall probably never be able to _ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles.(02.646)A) assertB) impartC) ascertainD) notifyThe police are trying to_ what really happened.(04.653)A

22、) ascertainB) assertC)avertD)ascribeauthorize授权,批准 3次Some American colleges are state-supported, others are privately _, and still others are supported by religious organizations.(02.168)A) ensured B) attributedC) authorized D) endowed1toldhimthatIwould_himtoactformewhileIwasawayfromoffice.(03.669)A

23、)authorizeB)justifyC)rationalizeD)identifyA membership card _the holder to use the clubs facilities for a period of twelve months.(03.956)A) approves B) authorizes C) rectifies D) endowsBbarren 不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的 2次Within ten years they have tamed the _hill into green woods. (

24、03.949)A) vacant B) barren C) weird D) wastefulHe tried to hide his patch by sweeping his hair over to one side.(04.646)A) barren B) bare C) bald D) bleak bewilder 迷惑,使糊涂 3次Many tourists were _ by the citys complicated traffic system.(98.6-48)A. degraded B. bewildered C. evoked D. diverted Small far

25、ms and the lack of modern technology have _ agricultural production.(01.1.52)A. blundered B. tangled C. bewilder D.hamperedWhen the farmers visited the city for the first time, they were _ by its complicated traffic system.(01.6.49)A. evoked B. bewildered C. diverted D.underminedbleak 寒冷的, 阴冷的, 荒凉的,

26、 凄凉的, 黯淡的 2次At first everything vent well with the project but recently we have had a number of With the machinery(04.645)A) disturbances B) setbacks C) outputs D) bleak He tried to hide his patch by sweeping his hair over to one side.(04.646)A) barren B) bare C) bald D) bleakblunder 错误,大错 2次I think

27、 that I committed a _ in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question. (99.1-51)A. blunder B. revenge C. reproach D. scandal Small farms and the lack of modern technology have _ agricultural production.(01.1.52)A. blundered B. tangled C. bewilder D.hampered brisk敏锐的, 凛冽的, 轻快的, 活泼的 2次The n

28、ew secretary has written a remarkably _report within a few hundred words but with all the important details included. (03.945)A) concise B) brisk C) precise D) elaborate She gave _ directions about the way the rug should be cleaned.(05.151)A) explicit B) brisk C) transient D) opaqueCCater满足需要,迎合;提供饮

29、食及服务,办酒席 2次We should _ our energy and youth to the development of our country.(02.159)A) dedicate B) caterC) ascribe D) clingMore than 85 percent of French Canadas population speaks French as a mother tongue and _ to the Roman Catholic faith.(03.161)A) caters B) adheres C) ascribes D) subscribescert

30、ify 证明, 保证 2次Sometimes the bank manager himself is asked to _ cheques if his clerks are not sure about them. (03.1252)A) credit B) assure C) certify D) access High grades are supposed to academic ability, but johns actualperformance did not confirm this. (04.642)A) certify B) clarify C)classify D) n

31、otify Charge价钱,费用;管理,照管;控告,指责;索价,收费 2次The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight _ are.(02.1-45)A) paymentsB) chargesC) fundsD) pricesHe is the only person who can _ in this case, because the other witnesses were killed mysteriously.(0

32、2.6-43)A) testifyB) chargeC) accuseD) rectifycherish 珍爱, 怀抱(希望等) 3次Mostpeopleinthemodemworld_freedomandindependencemorethananythingelse.(03.668)A)embodyB)cherishC)fascinateD)illuminateThe old couple now still for their beloved son, 30years after his death.(04.647)A) cherish B) groan C) immerse D) mo

33、urnHe still _ the memory of his carefree childhood spent in that small wooden house of his grandparents. (05.157)A) nourishes B) cherishes C) fancies D) scansclaim 声明 2次When he tried to make a _, he found that the hotel was completely filled because of a convention.(98.6-67)A. reservation B. claim C

34、.mess D. revisionWhen he tried to make a _ , he found that the hotel that he wanted was completely filled because of a convention. (99.1-43)A. complaint B. claim C. reservation D. decisioncompact adj.紧凑的, 紧密的, 简洁的 n.契约, 合同, 小粉盒 2次Weallenjoyourfreedomofchoiceanddonotliketoseeit_whenitiswithinthelegal

35、andmoralboundariesofsociety.A)compacted B)restricted C)dispersedD)delayed(03-6-43)In mountainous regions, much of the snow that falls is_ into ice.A) dispersed B) embodied C) compiled D) compacted (04-6-62)competitive 竞争性的 2次Because a degree from a good university is the means to a better job, educa

36、tion is one of the most _areas in Japanese life.(98.6-42)A. sophisticated B. competitive C. considerate D.superficialEven when textbooks are _ through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.(99.1-52)A. commonplace B. standardized C. competitive D. generalizedcomplement 补足,补充 2次Moive d

37、irectors use music to _the action on the screen. (98.6-46)A. contaminate B. compliment C. contemplate D. complementThe Christmas tree was decorated with shining _ such as colored lights and glass balls.(01.1.35)A. ornaments B. luxuries C.exhibits D.complementscompliment 恭维,称赞 2次Moive directors use m

38、usic to _the action on the screen. (98.6-46)A. contaminate B. compliment C. contemplate D. complementDespite almost universal _ of the vital important of womens literacy, education remains a dream for far too many women in far too many countries of the world.(01.6.69)A. identification B. compliment

39、C. confession D.acknowledgementComply 顺从, 答应, 遵守 2次Itisfortunatefortheoldcouplethattheirsonscareergoalsandtheirwishesforhim_.A)coincideB)comply C)conformD)collaborate(03-6-44)We find it impossible to_ with the latest safety regulations.A) accord B) unify C) obey D) comply (03-12-69) compulsory 必需做的,

40、 必修的, 被强迫的, 被强制的, 义务的 2次Manycountrieshaveadoptedsystemsof_educationinordertopromotetheaveragelevelofeducation.(03.658)A)compulsory B)cardinal C)constrained D)conventionalThey have done away with _Latin for university entrance at Harvard.(03.957)A) influential B) indispensable C) compulsory D) essent

41、ialcoincide 相符和,相一致,相同 2次Mary once _with another musician to compose a piece of pop music.(98.6-54)A. merged B. collaborated C. coincided D. constituted When you put up wallpaper , should you _ the edges or put them next to each other?A. coincide B. extend C. overlap D. collideconceive 构想,设想 2次It is

42、 difficult to _ of a plan to end poverty.(00.1-52)A. speculate B. conceive C. ponder D.reckonTo _ is to save and protect, to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.(01.1.54)A. conserve B. conceive C. convert D. contriveconfirm 确定,批准,使巩固,使加强 2次If you want to set up a company, you must _ with the regulations laid dow

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