1、目录2011年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2016年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part One Vocabulary 60 min(130=30 points)Section A English To Chinese 30 m
2、inTranslate the following English terms into Chinese.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.1Hi-Fi systems【答案】组合音响2peoples jury【答案】人民陪审团3artificial turf【答案】人造草皮4epistemic holism【答案】认识整体论5round-the-clock service【答案】通宵服务6APEC【答案】亚太经济合作7synchronous transmission【答案】同步传输8tax evasion and tax dodging【答案】偷税漏
3、税9diplomatic shuttle【答案】穿梭外交10intangible asset【答案】无形的资产11brain drain【答案】人才外流12fiber-optic telecommunication【答案】光纤通信13treasury bond【答案】国库债14Achilles heel【答案】致命的弱点15national integrity【答案】民族气节Section B Chinese to English 30 minTranslate the following Chinese terms into English.Write your translation on
4、Answer Sheet.1精神污染【答案】ideological and moral pollution2万维网【答案】world wide web(www)3水上芭蕾【答案】figure swimming/water ballet4问题小说【答案】novel about social issues5物价上涨指数【答案】index of price rises/increases6货到付款【答案】cash on delivery(COD)7保健食品【答案】Health Food/health-care food8喜糖【答案】wedding candies9红头文件【答案】official d
5、ocuments/red-head documents10差额选举【答案】a competitive election/multi-candidate election/a contested election11按揭贷款【答案】mortgage loan12知识产权【答案】intellectual property/rights13自由撰稿人【答案】a freelance writer/freelancer14温室效应【答案】a greenhouse effect15国际惯例【答案】international practice/international usagePart Two Text
6、 120 min(2x60=120 points)Section A English to ChineseTranslate the following English text into Chinese.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.What is Philosophy?By Bertrand RussellPhilosophy,as I shall understand the word,is something intermediatebetween theology and science.Like theology,it consists
7、 of speculations onmatters as to which definite knowledge has,so far,been unascertainable;butlike science,it appeals to human reason rather than to authority,whether thatof tradition or that of revelation.All definite knowledge-so I should contend-belongs to science;all dogma as to what surpasses de
8、finite knowledgebelongs to theology.But between theology and science there is a No MansLand,exposed to attack from both sides;this No Mans Land is philosophy.Almost all the questions of most interest to speculative minds are such asscience cannot answer,and the confident answers of theologians no lo
9、ngerseem so convincing as they did in former centuries.Is the world divided intomind and matter,and,if so,what is mind and what is matter?Is mind subjectto matter,or is it possessed of independent powers?Has the universe anyunity or purpose?Is it evolving towards some goal?Are there really laws ofna
10、ture,or do we believe in them only because of our innate love of order?Isman what he seems to the astronomer,a tiny lump of impure carbon andwater impotently crawling on a small and unimportant planet?Or is he whathe appears to Hamlet?Is he perhaps both at once?Is there a way of livingthat is noble
11、and another that is base,or are all ways of living merely futile?If there is a way of living that is noble,in what does it consist,and how shallwe achieve it?Must the good be eternal in order to deserve to be valued,or isit worth seeking even if the universe is inexorably moving towards death?Isther
12、e such a thing as wisdom,or is what seems such merely the ultimaterefinement of folly?To such questions no answer can be found in thelaboratory.Theologies have professed to give answers,all too definite;buttheir very definiteness causes modern minds to view them with suspicion.The studying of these
13、questions,if not the answering of them,is the businessof philosophy.【参考译文】哲学是什么?波特兰罗素哲学,就我对这个词的理解来说,乃是某种介乎神学与科学之间的东西。它和神学一样,包含着人类对于那些迄今仍为确切的知识所不能肯定的事物的思考;但是它又像科学一样是诉之于人类的理性而不是诉之于权威的,不管是传统的权威还是启示的权威。一切确切的知识我是这样主张的都属于科学;一切涉及超乎确切知识之外的教条都属于神学。但是介乎神学与科学之间还有一片受到双方攻击的无人之域;这片无人之域就是哲学。思辨的心灵所最感到兴趣的一切问题,几乎都是科学
15、式是高贵的,它所包含的内容又是什么?我们又如何能够实现它呢?善,为了能够值得受人尊重,就必须是永恒的吗?或者说,哪怕宇宙是坚定不移地趋向于死亡,它也还是值得加以追求的吗?究竟有没有智慧这样一种东西,还是看来仿佛是智慧的东西,仅仅是极精炼的愚蠢呢?对于这些问题,在实验室里是找不到答案的。各派神学都曾宣称能够做出极其确切的答案,但正是他们的这种确切性才使近代人满腹狐疑地去观察他们。对于这些问题的研究如果不是对于它们的解答的话就是哲学的业务了。Section B Chinese to EnglishTranslate the following Chinese text into English.W
16、rite your translation onAnswer Sheet互助王蒙著I君跻身文坛,盖有年矣,但总是红不起来,颇感寂寞。于是,他找到了各种关系,以盛宴重礼把著名的评论家J君招待了一次。J君有感于其情之盛,慨然允诺说:“现在他们对你太冷落了,就是不公平!我一定要写一篇推荐你的作品的文章,登到大报上,你的作品的优点是”I君不等J君说完,慌忙摆手摇头,他说:“千万不必!千万不必!我只乞求您写一篇义正词严的文章把我批一个狗血淋头!积数年之经验,我深知凡被您批了的,都可以风行全国,名震环球!而您也可以获得另一方面的美誉和利益,那才叫相反相成,相得益彰!”(246 words)【参考译文】Mu
17、tual HelpBy Wang MengIt has been several years since Mr.I had climbed up in the literary world,buthe was still not very popular.Through various connections,he managed tomeet the famous critic Mr.J and invite him to a sumptuous banquet.“Theyneglect you unfairly,”said Mr.J,moved by Mr.Is hospitality.“
18、I will write alaudatory essay and publish it in an influential newspaper.Your work ischaracterized by.”But before Mr.J could finish,Mr.I shook his head and said,“Please do notcompliment my work.I implore you to write an article denouncing me.According to my observations over the past dozens of years
19、,the works thatyou criticize become popular both at home and abroad.You,in turn,buildyour reputation and earn a nice income.Thats what we call mutual help;weopposite and complementary and reinforce each other.”2012年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part One Vocabulary 60 min(130=30 points)Section A English
20、 To Chinese 30 minTranslate the following English terms into Chinese.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.1cultural identity【答案】文化身份2globalization【答案】全球地方化3familiar stranger【答案】熟悉的陌生人4TOEFL【答案】托福考试5domestication【答案】归化6parataxis【答案】意合7functional equivalence【答案】功能对等8translatology【答案】翻译学9post colonial
21、ism【答案】后殖民主义10schema theory【答案】图式理论11encoding and decoding【答案】编码和解码12articulation,de-articulation and re-articulation【答案】接合,解接合和再接合13brain drain【答案】人才外流14double win【答案】双赢15non-tariff barrier【答案】非关税壁垒Section B Chinese to English 30 minTranslate the following Chinese terms into English.Write your tran
22、slation onAnswer Sheet.1红娘【答案】go between/match maker2情商【答案】emotion quotient3第一手材料【答案】first hand material4第二语言习得【答案】second language acquisition5文化休克【答案】culture shock6网上冲浪【答案】internet surfing7经济大萧条【答案】Great Depression8目的语【答案】target language9地球村【答案】global village10消费青春【答案】kill the youth11亚文化抵抗【答案】subcu
23、lture resistance12汉式英语【答案】chinglish13合资企业【答案】joint venture14双边贸易【答案】bilateral trade15文化移情【答案】cultural empathyPart Two Text 120 min(260=120 points)Section A English to ChineseTranslate the following English text into Chinese.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.Cultural Studies and Post MarxismBy Je
24、remy ValentineThe nature of the relation between cultural studies and post-Marxism issuggested by Stuart Hall s claim that cultural studies has never beensubmerged within Marxism but remains“within shouting distance of it.Ifthat is the case,then it is important to bear in mind that the Marxism which
25、cultural studies shouts at is not a stable and unified object which could simplybe applied to the study of culture.This caution is especially relevant asMarxism is a critical materialist analysis which takes social change as itsobject,and which is therefore formed by and within social change.Materia
26、lism means there is simply nothing more than the material world.Marxism is materialist because the accounts of social formations it developsare rooted in the principle that the social world is produced,and thatproduction is socially organized.Marxism is critical because its materialistassumptions un
27、dermine the view that social formations are natural or givenby a god.This critical approach is also aimed at Marxism itself.“Post-Marxism”is simply a term with which to categorize this process.The term isneeded in order to differentiate a critical materialist approach from adogmatic approach which t
28、ends to regard Marxism as canonical.There is not sufficient space to examine the various components of post-Marxism,or to demonstrate the different ways in which these are derivedfrom the writings of Marx and Engles.Instead,this chapter will focus on adirection within post-Marxism which is within sh
29、outing distance,as Hall putsit,of cultural studies.In doing so,it will take the distinguishing characteristicof cultural studies to be its engagement with a post-Marxian approach whichemphasizes the analysis of the relations between culture and politics withdeterminate historical conditions ultimate
30、ly derived from capitalism.(299words)【参考译文】文化研究与后马克思主义杰里米瓦伦丁文化研究与后马克思主义之间关系的本质在斯图亚特霍尔声称所表明的看米,文化研究从米都没有淹没在马克思主义的泥沼中,但是它仍然“在向马克思主义开炮的同时和它保持一定的距离”。如果是那样的话,那么重要的、牢记在心的是文化研究炮轰的马克思主义就不是一个稳定的、统一能被简单的应用到文化的研究中的对象了,这种警惕尤为重要。因为马克思主义是一种批评的唯物主义分析方式,它把社会的变化看成是它的对象。同时,由此它由社会变化形成,井在社会变化中形成。唯物主义意味着单单只存在种物质世界。马克思主义
32、项工作,需要把文化研究与众不同的特征看成是一种与之关切到的后马克思主义的分析方法,最终来自资本主义的决定历史条件中文化与政治之间种关系的分析。Section B Chinese to EnglishTranslate the following Chinese text into English.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.时间即生命梁实秋著最令人怵目惊心的一件事,是看着钟表上的秒针一下一下的移动,每移动一下就是表示我们的寿命已经缩短了一部分。再看看墙上挂着的可以一张张撕下的日历,每天撕下一张就是表示我们的寿命又缩短了一天。因为时间即生命。没有人
33、不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。如果现在有生之年做一点什么事,学一点什么学问,充实自己,帮助别人,使生命成为有意义,不虚此生,那么就不可浪费光阴。这道理人人都懂,可是很少人真能积极不懈的善于利用他的时间。(200 words)【参考译文】Time Is LifeBy Liang ShiqiuIt is most startling to hear a watch or lock clicking away the seconds,eachclick indicating the shortening of one s life by a little hit.Likewise,withe
34、ach page torn off the wall calendar,ones life is shortened by another day.Time,therefore,is life.Nevertheless,few people treasure their time as muchas their life.Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in yourremaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself andhelp oth
35、ers,so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful Allthat is foolproof,yet few people really strive to make the best use of theirtime.2013年电子科技大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Part One Vocabulary 60 min(130=30 points)Section A English To Chinese 30 minTranslate the following English terms into
36、 Chinese.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.1cultural identity【答案】文化身份2foreignization and domestication【答案】异化与归化3UESTC【答案】电子科技大学4TOEFL【答案】托福考试(Test of English as a Foreign Language)5functional equivalence【答案】功能对等6poetics【答案】诗学7foreign capital flow【答案】外来流动资本8carbon emission reduction goal【答案】碳减排目标
37、9International monetary foundation【答案】国际货币基金会10humanitarian crisis【答案】人道主义危机11most-favored nation treatment【答案】最惠国待遇12zeitgeist【答案】时代精神13Silicon Valley【答案】硅谷14box office【答案】票房15WAN(Wide Area Network)【答案】广域网Section B Chinese to English 30 minTranslate the following Chinese terms into English.Write yo
38、ur translation onAnswer Sheet.1目的语【答案】target language2双边贸易【答案】bilateral trade3文化移情【答案】cultural empathy4红楼梦【答案】the story of the stone5适度从紧【答案】appropriately tight6(美)中期选举【答案】Midterm Election7房奴【答案】Home mortgage slave8货币操纵国【答案】Currency manipulator9伤痕文学【答案】scar literature;the literature of the wounded10
39、人间天堂【答案】(a)heaven on earth11第三产业【答案】tertiary industry12贸易逆差【答案】Unfavorable Balance of Trade13绿色国民经济【答案】Green national economy14改译【答案】rewritten translation15早恋【答案】puppy love,fall in love at an early agePart Two Text 120 min(260=120 points)Section A English to ChineseTranslate the following English te
40、xt into Chinese.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.The Nature of LanguageThe nature of language is the nature of human thought and human action,forlanguage is no more nor less than the tool of both of these aspects of humannature.A word is either the shadow of an act or of an idea.Verbal soundsha
41、ve no meaning in themselves.They are the channels,the media for theexpression or communication of that which lies outside of themselves.Platohas made clear to us how easy it is to deceive ourselves with words,to laborunder an impression that just because we can utter a sound we alsonecessarily know
42、what we are talking about.Words may be empty vessels and pour out no more than hollow sounds.Wefind it simple to define some words and extremely difficult to define others.The reason is that the definition of a word is the experience it records.Hencethe definiteness of a definition of a word is in p
43、roportion to the vividness ofthe experience,its meaning.We readily define chair because of our frequentexperience with the object of which the sound is a symbol.We define it interms of our experience,as an object to sit in.But a definition of terms liketruth,or virtue,or honesty,or beauty is a most
44、severe trial because of thehaziness or complete lack of experiences of this nature.What,then,is thesource of the meaning of words?What is the relationship between words,things,and actions?Meaning begins as behavior and culminates as language.There is meaning asbehavior and meaning as language.And me
45、aning as language is theconsequence of meaning as behavior.There can be behavior withoutlanguage,but there could be no meaning as language without behavior.Thesource of the meaning of words is thus behavior.The relationship betweenbehavior and things gives rise to the meaning of words.Meaning is inh
46、erentneither in things nor in words,but both things and words obtain theirmeaning from behavior.【参考译文】语言与行为语言之本质无非是人类思维和人类行为之本质,因为语言不过是人类这两个属性的工具而已。一个单词要么是一个行为的影子,要么就是一个观念的影子,言语声音本身没有意义。它们是实现表达或交流外部世界之通道或媒介。柏拉图曾经向我们明确地表示:我们自己是多么容易被语词所欺骗。我们总是自欺欺人地认为,因为我们能够发出声音,我们也因此一定知道我们在谈论着什么。言语是空虚的容器。倒出来的只是空洞无物的声音
48、着行为之意义而到来。行为可以没有语言,但不可能脱离行为而有语言之意义。因此行为是单词的意义之源泉。单词之意义产生于行为和事物之间的关系。意义不是事物所固有的,也不是单词所固有的。无论是事物还是单词,它们都是从行为中获得它们的意义。Section B Chinese to EnglishTranslate the following Chinese text into English.Write your translation onAnswer Sheet.选自红楼梦第九回曹雪芹著原来这义学也离家不远,原系当日始祖所立,恐族中子弟有力不能延师者,即入此中读书。凡族中为官者皆有帮助银两,以为学中
49、膏火之费,举年高有德之人为塾师傅。如今秦、宝二人来了,一一的都互相拜见过,读起书来。自此后,二人同来同往同起同坐,愈加亲密。兼贾母爱惜,也常留下秦钟一住三五天,和自己重孙一般看待。因见秦钟家中不甚宽裕,又助些衣服等物。不上一两月工夫,秦钟在荣府里便惯熟了。宝玉终是个不能安分守理的人,一味的随心所欲,因此发了脾性,又向秦钟悄说:“咱们两个人,一样的年纪,况又同窗,以后不必论叔侄,只论弟兄朋友就是了。”先是秦钟不敢,宝玉不从,只叫他“兄弟”,叫他表字“鲸卿”,秦钟也只得混着乱叫起来。【参考译文】The Jia clan school was situated at no great distanc
50、e from Rong House.It wasa charitable foundation which had been established many years previously bythe founder of the family and was designed for the sons and younger brothersof those members of the clan who could not afford to pay for private tuition.All members of the clan holding official posts w