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1、目录2011年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2012电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2013年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2014年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2015年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2016年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解2011年电子科技大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解I.Structure and Vocabulary(30%)Part A:Choose the best one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D tofill in e

2、ach blank and complete the sentences.1Owing to its always _ with other elements,aluminum is never foundfree in nature.A.having combinedB.combinedC.being combinedD.to combine【答案】C【解析】句意:铝通常与其它元素共存,故而在自然界中找不到游离态的铝。its为形容词性物主代词,后接名词,排除B、D,aluminum是无生命物质,一般不用主动,故选C。2There are four departments in this co

3、llege,_.A.each having more than one hundred teachersB.each of the departments has more than one hundred teachersC.each of which having more than one hundred teachersD.which each has more than one hundred teachers【答案】A【解析】句意:该学院有四个系,每个系老师过百。注意到该题使用逗号将两个句子隔开,所以空格处应当填一个从句,B选项是一个句子,故排除。each可以做代词,而which是

4、连接代词,故有each不用which,排除C、D,从句没有连接代词应用动词的动名词形式表示从属关系,选A。3I should like very much to have attended the birthday party,but _.A.I had not been invitedB.I am not invitedC.I was not invitedD.I am not being invited【答案】C【解析】句意:我本十分愿意参加生日宴会,但是没人邀请我。本句是Id like to 和虚拟句should have done的结合,should have done是对过去事实相反

5、的虚拟,故后面一句应用一般过去时,选C。4_,John Glem was a pioneer in the U.S.space program.A.Despite the first American who orbited the earthB.That the first American orbited the earthC.The first American to orbit the earthD.He was the first American to orbit the earth【答案】C【解析】句意:作为第一个绕地球飞行的人,John Glem是美国空间计划的领军人物。这四个

6、选项都是对John Glem的描述,并且该题需要一个从句,B选项从句不完整,D选项是一个句子。主从句没有转折关系,A错误,故选C。5Have you ever been in a situation _ you know the other person isright yet you cannot agree with him?A.by whichB.thatC.in whereD.where【答案】D【解析】句意:你曾经到过这样一种境地吗,这种境地就是你明知另外一个人是对的你却无法认同他?括号后的从句主谓宾完整,缺乏状语,当缺乏状语时situation后接where是固定用法,故选D。6I

7、 _ with thanks the help of my classmates in the preparation of thisnew plan.A.admitB.acknowledgeC.pledgeD.admire【答案】B【解析】句意:我十分感激我的同学们,他们在这项新计划实施的准备过程中给予了我帮助。本题考查固定搭配。acknowledge with thanks是固定搭配,表示“感谢”,故选B。pledge和admire都是及物动词,直接加名词。admit doing sth.意为“承认做某事”。7The forecast predicted _ weather with sn

8、ow,sunshine,wind and thatis just what we have had.A.variousB.variableC.fluctuatingD.varied【答案】B【解析】句意:天气预报预计天气会下雪、放晴、起风,不停变化,正是我们现在天气的写照。本题考查形容词词义辨析。variable意为“易变的,反复无常的”,指自然现象(如气候等)或人的情绪、脾气、性格多变的或反复无常的,如variable character,与题意相符,故选B。various意为“各种各样的,多方面的”,通常指种类、类别的数量,如variouscolors,various作定语时,其后只能接复

9、数名词。varied与various类似,但过去分词形式含有已完成的意味,即“改变了的,更改了的”意思,不与天气搭配。fluctuating上下浮动的。8To our delight,there were still some tickets _ for Sundays footballmatch.A.availableB.reliableC.validD.possible【答案】A【解析】句意:令我们高兴的是,周末足球比赛入场券仍在售卖。本题考查形容词词义辨析。Available表示“可得到的”,符合句意,故选A。reliable可信赖的。valid有效的。possible可能的。9The

10、problems requiring immediate solution will be given _ at themeeting.A.urgencyB.priorityC.superiorityD.emergency【答案】B【解析】句意:需要立刻解决的问题将会在大会中优先提出。本题考查名词词义辨析和固定搭配。Give priority为固定搭配,表示“优先”,符合句意,故选B。urgency紧急情况。Superiority优越性;优势。emergency突发事件;应急的。10In most cases politicians are _ as they seldom tell the

11、truth.A.credibleB.incredibleC.ridiculousD.credulous【答案】B【解析】句意:大多数情况下政客都不可信,因为他们几乎不说真话。本题考查形容词词义辨析。incredible表示“不可信”,符合句意,故选B。credible可信的。ridiculous荒谬的。credulous轻信的;易受骗的。Part B:Choose the best one from the four choices marked A,B,C and D tofill in each blank and complete the passage.Europes world st

12、atus had drastically changed.Its 11nations,once greatpowers,were dwindledpolitically and militarily by the United States andthe Soviet Union,12by them and by India and China,economically bythe United States,Japan,and 13 new economic powers thatmight14.Europes empires had been widely separate;and yet

13、,like therest of the worlds rich Northern Hemisphere,it could not 15 the poorand hungry millions in the South.All the more reason,16,for Europeancountries to come togethernot merely to hold their own political andeconomic superpowers but also to 17 their power to meet their widerresponsibilities in

14、the world.20th century Europe had witnessed and 18 extraordinarily rapidtechnological changes.Computers,industrial robots,and genetic engineeringare only its most 19 recent examples.The splitting of the atom had20 magnified humanitys power to destroy itself.Jet aircraft,spacetravel,and electronic te

15、lecommunications had revolutionized the sense of21 and scale.Radio and television,still 22 the cinema,had becometruly“mass media”,with satellites giving all broadcasts global23.24economic progress had not kept pace with technology;in a world ofpotential 25 and well-being,there were still both povert

16、y and pollution.Political progress had been 26 still.International cooperation wasincreasing,but the basic political unit remained the nation-state.That 27from an age when the fastest means of travel have been a galloping horse.This was 28 the founders of the EC,as Monnet said,were not concernedto m

17、ake coalition of states 29 to unite people.A united Europe alongthese lines,with 30 rules and democratic institutions,was in his eyes apilot plant for a united world.11A.separateB.singleC.individualD.isolated12A.physicallyB.commerciallyC.financiallyD.numerically13A.anyB.someC.manyD.each14A,demonstra

18、teB.emergeC.presentD.display15A.show offB.shrug offC.send offD.ward off16A.howeverB.neverthelessC.thereforeD.meanwhile17A.maximizeB.enlargeC.expandD.extend18A.shared inB.taken inC.dealt inD.resulted in19A.seriousB.severeC.fatalD.obvious20A.fundamentallyB.vastlyC.completelyD.thoroughly21A.spanB.locat

19、ionC.measurementD.distance22A.more thanB.rather thanC.other thanD.sooner than23A.scopeB.territoryC.rangeD.context24A.SoB.WhileC.ButD.Thus25A.scarcityB.shortageC.surplusD.plenty26A.slowerB.fasterC.steadierD.sounder27A.differedB.descendedC.datedD.detached28A.howB.whyC.whatD.where29A.instead ofB.butC.a

20、ndD.than30A.commonB.regularC.averageD.mean【答案与解析】11C 欧洲大陆上有多个国家,国与国之间紧密相连。individual强调独立的个体,而single强调单个,只有一个,individual更符合题意,故选C。separate分离。isolated孤立的。12D 欧洲大陆的国家在人数上与中国和印度相比有所减少。可以看出完型所描述时间苏联还在,那时中国和印度的经济绝对不会比欧洲强,故排除B、C。numerically数量上的,符合句意,故选D。physically身体上的;实际上。13A 句意为“欧洲国家在经济上相比于美国、日本和任何可能新兴的国家

21、相比有所下滑。”any表“任何”用于肯定句中表强调,符合句意,故选A。many和some用于肯定句中,表示一些。each每个。14B 句意:“欧洲国家在经济上相比于美国、日本和任何可能新兴的国家相比有所下滑。”emerge表示“出现,新兴”,符合句意,故选B。demonstrate证明。present提出;在场的。display显示;表现。15B 根据第一段最后一句得出欧洲要担起全球责任,说明他不会不管南半球的穷苦大众。shrug off表示“不理”,符合题意,故选B。show off炫耀。send off寄出;送别。ward off防止;避开。16C all the more reason表

22、示更加,表递进关系,A、B为转折关系,D为并列关系,都不符合题意,故排除,选C。17A 前文已经提到欧洲帝国势力遍布全球,不需要再扩张了,而需要充分利用,只有A选项有充分利用的意思,故选A。enlarge扩大。expand扩张。extend扩展;延伸。18A 句意为“20世纪欧洲参与并见证了科技上一系列杰出的进展与改变。”share in分享;参与,符合句意,故选A。take in理解;接受。dealin经营。result in导致。19D 句意为“电脑,工业机器人以及基因工程只是其中最典型最新近的例子”,obvious表示“明显的”,符合句意,故选D。serious严重的;认真的。sever

23、e严重的;苛刻的。fatal致命的;决定性的。20B fundamental强调根基性,原文强调改变,故排除A选项。C、D选项过于绝对,故排除,选B。21D 飞机、太空漫游、电子通讯都是缩短了人们对空间的感知,distance表示“一段距离”,而location只表示一个点,故distance更符合句意,故选D。span(桥或拱的)间距;持续时间。measurement测量。22A 根据mass media得出该题强调数量,故选A。rather than而不是。other than除了。sooner than比快。23C 本题主要辨析scope和range的区别。scope强调理解等抽象活动范

24、围,而range强调具体活动范围,故range符合题意,选C。territory领土;(个人、群体、动物等占据的)管区。context语境;背景。24C 根据上文谈的科技发展而下文强调贫穷和污染来看,此处应填转折连词,故选C。25D 该选项与well-being并列,可知应填与well-being词义相似的词。well-being表示幸福,排除A、B。surplus表示“剩余,盈余”而plenty表示“充裕,富裕”更符合句意,故选D。26A 后一句是本题解题的关键。后一句提到尽管国际合作不断增加,基本的政治单元还是停留在单一民族国家层面。因此政治的发展并不快,也没有信息表示政治发展很稳定,故选

25、A。27B 本题要弄清楚that指代什么。that指代“基本的政治单元还是停留在单一民族国家层面”这一事实,根据“最快的通讯方式是通过快马”看出,an age when the fastest means of travel have been a galloping horse这句话是对that的解释,只有descend from表示“起源于”,date from一般用一般现在时,不用过去时态,故选B。differ from与不同。detach from与分离。28B 本题承接27题而来。this指代前面这句话,继续作出解释,故选B。29B not.but为固定搭配,故选B。30A comm

26、on rules共同规范,固定搭配,故选A。II.Reading(40%)Read the following passages and answer the questions or complete thesentences below by choosing the best one from the four choice marked A.B.C or D.Passage 1Traditionally,the study of history has had fixed boundaries and focal pointsperiods,countries,dramatic eve

27、nts,and great leaders.It also has had clearand firm notions of scholar procedure:how one inquires into a historicalproblem,how one presents and documents ones findings,what constitutesadmissible and adequate proof.Anyone who has followed recent historical literature can testify to therevolution that

28、 is taking place in historical studies.The currently fashionablesubjects come directly from the sociology catalog:childhood,work,leisure.The new subjects are accompanied by new methods.Where history once wasprimarily narrative,it is now entirely analytic.The old questions“Whathappened?”and“How did i

29、t happen?”have given way to the question“Whydid it happen?”Prominent among the methods used to answer the question“Why”is psychoanalysis,and its use has given rise to psychohistory.Psychohistory does not merely use psychological explanations in historicalcontexts.Historians have always used such exp

30、lanations when they were appropriateand when there was sufficient evidence for them.But this pragmatic use ofpsychology is not what psycho-historians intend.They are committed,notjust to psychology in general,but to Freudian psychoanalysis.Thiscommitment precludes a commitment to history as historia

31、ns have alwaysunderstood it.Psychohistory derives its“facts”not from history,the detailedrecords of events and their consequences,but from psychoanalysis of theindividuals who made history,and deduces its theories not from this or thatinstance in their lives,but from a view of human nature that tran

32、scendshistory.It denies the basic criterion of historical evidence:that evidence bepublicly accessible to,and therefore assessable by,all historians.And itviolates the basic tenet of historical method:that historians be alert to thenegative instances that would refute their theses.Psycho-historians,

33、convinced of the absolute rightness of their own theories,are also convincedthat theirs is the“deepest”explanation of any event that other explanationsfall short of the truth.Psychohistory is not content to violate the discipline of history(in the senseof the proper mode of studying and writing abou

34、t the past);it also violates thepast itself.It denies to the past an integrity and will of its own,in whichpeople acted out of a variety of motives and in which events had amultiplicity of causes and effects.It imposes upon the present,thus robbingpeople and events of their individuality and of thei

35、r complexity.Instead ofrespecting the particularity of the past,it assimilates all events,past andpresent,into single deterministic schema that is presumed to be true at alltimes and in all circumstances.31Which of the following best states the main point of the passage?A.The approach of psycho-hist

36、orians to historical study is currently in vogueeven though it lacks the rigor and verifiability of traditional historical methodB.Traditional historians can benefit from studying the techniques andfindings of psycho-historiansC.Areas of sociological study such as childhood and work are of littleint

37、erest to traditional historiansD.The psychological assessment of an individuals behavior and attitudes ismore informative than the details of his or her daily life32It can be inferred from the passage that one way in which traditionalhistory can be distinguished from psychohistory is that traditiona

38、l historyusually _.A.views past events as complex and having their own individualityB.relies on a Single interpretation of human behavior to explain historicaleventsC.interprets historical events in such a way that their specific nature istranscendedD.turns to psychological explanations in historica

39、l contexts to account forevents33It can be inferred from the passage that the methods used by psycho-historians probably prevent them from _.A.presenting their material in chronological orderB.producing a one-sided picture of an individuals personality andmotivationsC.uncovering alternative explanat

40、ions that might cause them to questiontheir own conclusionsD.offering a consistent interpretation of the impact of personality onhistorical events34In presenting her analysis,the author does all of the following EXCEPT_.A.make general statement without reference to specific examplesB.describe some o

41、f the criteria employed by traditional historiansC.question the adequacy of the psycho-historians interpretation of eventsD.point out inconsistencies in the psycho-historians application of theirmethods【答案与解析】31A 这是一道中心主旨题。从第二段开始出现全文的主要谈论内容,第二段的最后一句出现了全文所谈论的中心“psychohistory”,在第二段中谈到了“psychohistory”的

42、流行性,在第二段和第三段中作者谈到了“psychohistory”缺乏历史科学研究的“严密性和可考证性”。由此分析可见本题的正确选项应该是包含“psychohistory”和“history”概念的选项A。考生在解题时要善于首先捕捉全文的中心主旨句,并通过阅读和理解去把握原文所表达的思想。32A 注意题目考查的是传统历史学。根据最后一段第二句话和最后一句话可以得出心理历史学否认过去人类行为和动机的多样性以及因果的复杂性。心理历史学是与传统历史学相对而言,故选A。33C 本题考查理解概括能力。本文第三段提出心理历史学考察的角度不是从有记录的史实出发而是从人类本性层面出发。因此每个心理历史学家都认

43、为自己的理论是最正确的。故选C。34D 本题为反向选择题,且需要注意对象是作者的写法。观察全文,A、B、C都有涉及,文中并没有提到心里历史学家应用的不一致性,故选D。Passage 2A Suitably Massive MiddlemarchE.M.Foster-whose own novels have proved good meat for those who re-cook old novels into TV miniseries and Hollywood winners-once wrote that“it is on her massiveness that George E

44、liot depends-she has no nicety ofstyle.”There is a degree of truth in the comment-its first part,anyway.Middlemarch,long considered this English Victorian novelists masterpiece,is certainly no miniature.When the BBCs suitably massive television adaptation of Middlemarch wasaired in Britain,it became

45、 compulsive viewing for millions and more than105,000 of them went out and bought the book(others of us already owned itand lifted it off the shelf).It is one of the fascinations of television that,while it is more than ever heldresponsible for luring the world into illiteracy,it can also powerfully

46、 attractviewers to buy and even(who knows?)to read some of the great classics.Whoever reads the book after seeing the series will find it virtuallyimpossible not to see the characters in his or her minds eye exactly as thecast of actors portrays them.But half the fun of comparing the inevitablyleane

47、r TV version-cut,edited,and sometimes re-arranged-with the steadyunfolding of the original novel is in assessing the pluses and minuses ofturning written pages Into screen Images.In the opinion of those who know,Eliot was a potentially first-rate TV writer.In a BBC documentary about the making of th

48、e series,Andrew Davies,Whowrote the screenplay,said he thought George Eliot(or Mary Ann Evans,touse her real name)“had all the elements that you would look for now if youwere looking for a very strong drama serial,I mean,she could go along andsell.to any TV network now.just update it a little bit.In

49、 practice,Daviess screenplay does not“update”the novel jarringly(OK,characters kiss on screen where they only held hands in the book,but whosfussing?)and even frequently quotes Eliots dialog almost verbatim.Mr.Davies,in the same documentary,also mentions one difficulty inhanding over a classic novel

50、 to actors:“Theyve all got their copies”of theoriginal,he says,and often ask why their particular characters most“wonderful bits”have been denied them.These appeals must be resisted,Davies says,because they likely will conflict with the attempt to“distill theessence of the book”.On the other hand,ac

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