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1、 中考英语知识点清单题型考点(大纲要求)细节要求备注词汇一 掌握课程标准里的基本,核心词汇的读音,拼写与释义。二 能区分近义词与反义词的用法。三 能理解用学过的英语对部分词汇所做的解释。附: 考纲里面出现的重点单词:1. 精确地_ 2. 得到,实现_2. 采用,收养_ 4. 大西洋_3. 安排,布置_ 5. 自动的_4. 可得到的_ 8. 平均_5. 钞票_ 10. 毯子 _6. 一排房屋_ 12. 简短的_7. 自动餐厅_ 14. 计算器_8. 取消_ 16. 频道_9. 特征_ 18. 慈善_10. 化学的_ 20. 化学_11. 胸 _ 22. 首领_12. 香烟_ 24. 海岸 _13

2、. 比较_ 26. 完整的_14. 结论_ 28. 会议 _15. 使混淆_ 30. 祝贺_16. 组成_ 32. 州_17. 过程_ 34. 创造_18. 争论 36. 学位19. 耽误 38. 启程,离开_20. 值得 40. 破坏21. 侦探的 42. 对话22. 挖 44. 发现23. 陈列 46. 经济24. 效果 48. 效果高的25. 电的 50. 初级的26. 活力 52. 信封27. 逃跑 54. 事件28. 确切地 56. 极好的29. 原谅 58. 花费30. 探究 60. 伸出31. 眉毛 62. 寓言32. 公平的 64. 恩惠33. 恐惧 66. 围栏34. 取 6

3、8. 外形,数字35. 闪光 70. 洪水36. 燃料 72. 一般地,普通地37. 地理 74. 全球的,球形的38. 目标 76. 客人39. 炮,枪 78. 港口40. 大字标题 80. 犹豫41. 巨大的 82. 小屋42. 立刻 84. 增加43. 的确 86. 独立的44. 个人 88. 铁45. 节目,项目 90. 法官46. 初级的 92. 热心的47. 灯 94. 灯笼48. 律师 96. 演讲,讲座49. 水平面 98. 执照,许可证50. 很有可能的 100. 位置短语1. 能运用基本要求中短语的意思。2. 能对四个短语的中文意思进行辨别。附:常见考试的一百个短语:1.几

4、个 2. 按照3. 究竟 4. 也,又5. 与连接6. 现在7. 由制成8. 由组成9. 属于 10. 闯入11. 亲自 12. 照顾13. 投诉 14. 由组成15. 穿着打扮 16. 填充17. 找出 18. 免费19. 暂时 20. 挨家挨户21. 养成 22. 对感到厌倦23. 先走 24. 实行节食25. 复习 26. 上交27. 发生到某人身上 28. 碰巧做29. 怜悯某人 30. 等一等31. 屏住呼吸 32. 大量的33. 另外 34. 赞同35. 在某人五十多岁 36. 作为回报37. 摆好餐具 38. 留个口信39. 看上去像 40. 注意41. 丧生 42. 发脾气43

5、. 谋生 44. 拿某人开玩笑45. 整理床铺 46. 通常47. 在工作日 48. 互相49. 过时 50. 大量的51. 保护免受 52. 延期53. 依靠 54. 用完55. 搜寻 56. 售完57. 住口 58. 熬夜59. 抓住 60. 取出61. 开始从事 62. 仔细考虑63. 变成 64. 结果是65. 翻车 66. 过去常常67. 非常小心 68. 在帮助下69. 做出 70. 宁愿71. 为而担心 72. 愉快地73. 从事工作 74. 挣钱75. 迷路 76. 不再77. 偶尔 78. 出差79. 因表扬 80. 挑选出81. 举起 82. 为送行83. 参加 84. 区

6、别85. 下下周 85. 出错86. 长大 87. 出于危险中88.住院 90. 惊奇地91. 靠为生 92. 对严格93. 由于 94. 因而死95. 着凉 96. 喜爱97. 出生于 98. 立刻99. 为感到满意 - 100. 取得进步派生词1. 前缀掌握教材中出现的合成词,派生词与兼类词。附:1. 常见表否定前缀: (不,非) In- invisible, incomplete il- illegal, illogical Im- imperfect, immoral Ir- irregular, irresistible Un- unfair, unhealthy(无,没有) NON

7、- nonsense, noneffective(不,无) dis- disagree, disadvantage(误会, 坏) mis- misunderstand2. 其他意义前缀(以前的,前任的) ex- expresident, ex-wife(在下,次于,低于) sub- subway, submarine(太,完全,过度,多) over- overfull, overwork(额外,以外,特殊) extra- extraordinary(中间,互相) inter- interaction, interchangeable(千) kilo- kilowatt, kilogram(远,

8、远距离) tele- telephone, telescope(使可能) en- enrich, enlarge(再次,重,又) re- retell, rewrite(一, 单) uni- unicycle, unilateral 单边的(二倍,两,双,重复)bi- bilateral, bilingual (三,三次,三倍) tri- tricycle, triangle(一百,百分之一) centi- centimeter, centigram(毫,千分之一) mili- millimeter, milligram(构成ADJ. ADV.) a- asleep, alone(自己的,独自

9、的) auto- automobile2. 后缀:1.掌握常见的名词后缀。2.掌握常见的形容词后缀。3.掌握常见的动词后缀。4.掌握常见的副词后缀。附:后缀N.-an/ -ian (人,家)-er/-or (ress)-tion/-ation (动作、状态)-ence/- ency (抽象名词)-ee(动作承受者或受影响者)-eer (人)-er/ -or (人或物)-ism(主义,教)-ment (表行为,机构等)-ship(表示关系,身份)-ty(表状态、性质)-ure (表结果,状态或实物)-al (表动作过程,结果)Adj.-able/-ible (能够)-al (.的)-an/ ia

10、n (人,地方)-en (由.制成)-ern 表方向-ful 充满。的-ic/-ical 有。性质的-ive 有。倾向的-less 无,不-ly 像。的-ous 有。性质的-ward 向。-y 有。性质的-en 使变得。,使成为V-fy 使。化v-ize/ise 使。, 变。adv-ly 地-ward(s) 向词法1. 名词:1. 掌握一些普通名词与专有名词。2. 可数名词与不可数名词。3. 可数名词的复数形式。4. 可数名词的数量表达5. 不可数名词的数量表达。6. 名词所有格。附:1、 最常见的不可数名词有:advice, baggage, change(零钱), furniture, h

11、air, homework, information, knowledge, luggage, money, news, progress, traffic2、 其它不可数名词还有:absence, age, anger, courage, energy, equipment, experience, failure, fear, food, fun, health, ice, industry, kindness, labor, luck, marriage, music, nature, paper, peace, pleasure, power, pride, rain, researc

12、h, respect, safety, salt, sand, silence, sleep, strength, snow, technology, time, trade, transport, travel, trust, truth, waste, water, wealth, weather, wind, work(工作)3 ,不可数名词的数量一般用some , much , a lot of , lots of , a bit of , a little , little等数量形容词表示。不 可数名词的数量还可以用适当的量词(由普通名词充当)作单位来表示,结构为“数词+量词(普通名

13、词)+ of + 不可数名词”。其单复数变化就体现在普通名词上。一些常见的用来表示不可数名词数量的词piece(条、块、片、张、份、则)glass(玻璃杯) , cup(茶杯) , bottle(瓶)loaf(条)、bar(块)、tin(听,罐)basket(篮)、bag(袋)、box(箱,盒)kilo(公斤)、pound(磅)4, 名词所有格:1, Alices birthday. 有生命的用s.2, 无生命的用of3, A friend of mine, a friend of my fathers.2. 代词1. 对人称代词的主格宾格的运用。2. 对物主代词的运用。3. 对反身代词表强调

14、的掌握。4. 对疑问代词中特殊疑问句的掌握。5. 一些常见的复合不定代词。6. It 用法。常考点:1. 主格放在句首。2. V、prep+宾格。3. 物主代词+名词。4. 名词性物主代词放句首或者句末=形容词性物主代词+N.5. 反身代词:By oneself, enjoy oneself,Make oneself at home, help oneself to6. This 指代单数。Those 指代复数。7. 不定代词: some, any8. 复合不定代词:1. A few, few, little, a little2. Both, all3. Something, anythin

15、g, nothing, everything4. Neither, none5. One, ones6. It 表示物7. 指代自然现象,时间,做形式主语,指距离。3. 数词1. 基数词2. 序数词常考点:1. 基数词变为序数词Five-fifth twelve-twelfthOnefirst twosecondThree-third nineninth2. 分数的表达法:3分之一 -one third3分之二- two thirds3. 加减乘除: plus, minus, multiply, divide4. 其他: 成百上千: hundreds of 成千上万: thousands of

16、 数百万的: millions of 数十亿的: billions of4, 冠词:1. 掌握不定冠词a, an的用法。2. 定冠词the 的用法。3. 不用冠词的情形。4. 常见一些易混淆的用an 的单词。常考点:1. Play basketball, play the piano2. Have dinner3. A,表示数量: 1. 泛指2. 表示一3. 固定搭配: have a good time, have a look, with a smile4, the 用法:1. 特指2. 形容词与序数词最高级3. 独一无二4. 方位5. 一类人5,不用冠词:1. 学科2. 节日3. 月份,星

17、期4. 称呼,头衔5. 固定搭配:By train, at night,After class, at homeIn trouble形容词与副词1. 用法与位置的掌握2. 比较级构成3. 最高级构成4. 比较级与最高级用法5. 常见搭配常考点:1. 冠词+形容词+名词2. 动词+副词3. 副词+动词4. 比较级+er, more+比较级5. The +最高级6. 比较级+比较级7. The+比较级, the +比较级8. Adj+ enough + to do 9. Too+adj+ to do sth10. So+adj +that +从句11. Such +a/ an +adj + tha

18、t +从句12. 一些特殊的比较级,最高级 good, many, bad, ill, Little, far13. Be +adj + to do sth14. Be+adj+介词15. 短语; sooner or later介词1. 时间介词2. 方位介词3. 对象介词4. 地点介词5. 方式介词6. 被7. 距离8. 其他用法常考点;1. 一般考查固定搭配。2. 具体时间用on3. 大时间用in 4. At的搭配5. 其他介词如:About, across, after, against, along, among,Around, before, behind, below, besid

19、eBetween, during, except, intoLike, near, of opposite,Over, since, through, underWithout,because of, in front ofOut of6. Across ,through 区别7. On ,about 区别8. By, within 区别9. Besides, except 区别连词1. 掌握连词的基本中文2. 分析前后运用关联词的关系3. 并列连词的运用4. 从属连词的运用考点;1. 连词与从句的关系:2. 并列连词:And, or, but, so Not onlybut alsoBoth

20、andNeithernorEitheror As well as3. 从属连词:That , if, unlessWhether , whoWhose, what,Which ,whereThan, whenWhile, as, Since, thoughAlthough, becauseBefore, afterUntil, as soon asNow that, so thatSo that, asasNot so as动词1. 动词的分类2. 行为动词3. 连系动词4. 助动词5. 情态动词6. 一般现在时7. 一般过去时8. 一般将来时9. 现在完成时10. 过去完成时11. 现在进行

21、时12. 过去进行时13. 过去将来时1、 常见的系动词:Be, become, get, turn, look, feel, sound, Smell, taste, seem.2,情态动词:Can, may, must, need, should will, could,Would, ought to, have to,Be able to , used to, dare to3, 时态表格:一般现在时:事态的表达形式 do/does常见的时间状语 every day, always, usually, often, sometimes等 现在进行时 事态的表达形式 am/is/are+d

22、oing常见的时间状语 now,listen,look, right now ,these days ,at this moment等现在完成时事态的表达形式 have /has +done 常见的时间状语 already, yet, never,ever,before,once,for, since, so far, in the past few years, by now等现在时态的种类 事态的表达形式 常见的时间状语一般现在时 am/is/are/do/does always, usually, often, sometimes 现在进行时 am/is/are+doing now,ri

23、ght now,at the moment现在完成时 have/has+done yet,since,already动词的被动语态1. 对被动语态功能的了解, 和主被动语态间的转换。2. 侧重掌握一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时的被动语态。考点:1. 被动语态构成: be done2. 一般现在时被动语态: is.am,are +done3. 一般过去时被动语态: was,were+done4. 一般将来时被动语态:will be done5. 现在进行时被动语态: are being done6. 过去进行时被动语态: were being done7. 现在完成时被动语态: have b

24、een done8. 过去完成时被动语态: had been done动词不定式1. 动词不定式用作宾语,宾语补足语,状语,定语,主语和表语的用法。2. 否定形式3. 动词不定式与疑问词what, which, who, whom, when, where, how 等连用。做宾语。4. 在let, make, see, hear, watch 等动词后,作宾语补足语的动词不定式不带to.5.考点:1. 动词+to do sth-做宾语2. 双宾动词+ to do -做宾语3. In order to, so as to+do sth -状语4. Get sth to do -定语5. Its

25、+adj + to do sth -主语6. 名词+is + to do sth -表语7. What, when , which, where, + to do sth8. Let, make, see, hear, watch sb do sth-被动be let to do, be made to do 等9. 接动词不定式做宾语的动词:ask, demand(要求), plan, intend, mean(计划), manage, do / try ones best, make an attempt, (努力), learn(学习), wish, hope, desire, expe

26、ct, long, want, would like, should like, would prefer(), wish,希望、愿意), agree, promise(同意), decide, determine, choose, make a decision, make up ones mind(决定), offer(主动提出), apply(申请), help(帮助), fail(不能、没有), prepare(准备), pretend(假装), refuse(拒绝), happen(碰巧), afford(负担得起)等。 动名词:1. 动名词做主语2. 动名词做宾语3. 动名词做表语

27、。只能接动名词的动词:miss失去, mind介意, enjoy喜欢, give up放弃, finish完成, avoid避免, practise实践, escape逃跑, stop停止, excuse原谅, delay耽误, require要求, suggest建议, insist on坚持, cant help禁不住, complete完成, deny否认, put off推迟, favor赞成,支持, understand明白, risk冒险, keep保持, consider考虑,imagine想象、猜想,fear 害怕, include包括, suffer痛苦、遭受,report报

28、告,celebrate庆祝prevent阻止。词性变换1. 考察名词变换为动词2. 考察形容词变换为副词3. 考察动词变换为形容词4. 考察动词变换为名词5. 考察名词复数6. 考察形容词,副词最高级7. 考察基数词变换为序数词附;z中考常考的词性变换: 形容词副词1、加ly2、去y加ily3、le结尾的,去e变y4、不变hard难的;努力地,猛烈地 fast 快early早 late 晚enough足够 straight笔直动词名词1、 加er、or、ress加er3. 加or加ress2、 加ion结尾3、 加ing4. 其他名词形容词1、 名词后加ful2、名词后加y3、名词后加ly4、

29、形容词以al 结尾5、名词末尾的ce变成t 6. 名词后加en7.名词以ness结尾8. 形容词后加y9. 形容词后加dom数词变化 1、基数词序数词(1、2、3、5/12、8、9、20、21) 2、oneonce一次 twotwice 两次 3、in his fifties在他五十几岁时 his fiftieth birthday他的五十岁生日句型1. 肯定句2. 否定句3. 一般疑问句4. 特殊疑问句5. 感叹句6. 反义疑问句1. 否定句和一般疑问句:有be 变无加助动词,等2. 特殊疑问句:问名词,和做什么-what问时间- where问哪里-where问形容词-how问谁的-whos

30、e问谁宾语-whom问多少可数- how many问多少不可数-how much问距离-how far问时间(过去)- how long问时间(将来) -how soon问频率-how often首字母填空1. 能通过前面的知识点,去完成一篇300字左右的文章的单词填写。.首字母填空高频词:A: above again all alone along also although angry annoy anything are arrive after age and advantage achieve active ago area agree afraid another away ans

31、wer around address adviceb. because but before better both by buy bed best bad badly buy bottom born beside(s) bright be build big become back between brush busy breakfast body bring believe bankband/bus-stop/bookstore/bar brokec. change children choose clothes come concert corner control correct co

32、uld clean clear cold cool call computer clever close choice care careful cover capital cross country cheap centercarelessly catch caged. death die different discover disappear do does doing difficult depress drive decide diarydiet dark delicious down dangerouse. else end enjoy enough environment eve

33、r even every example easy engineer e-mail empty eat everything except expect everyone excite experience encourage either early eachf. fail favourite feeling few finish follow for forward fun famous friend fall full first farmer foreign friend far find fact favorite fly floorg. get go game give grass

34、 ground good great gladh. hair happen happy happier happiest harmful has have hate heavy himself herself how however huge high hungry help homework housework his her hurry hear hospitali. in it instead interest interesting increase ill instead intelligent if important instruction(s) intoj. job just

35、January June July jump jokek. know keepl. laugh learn least life look luck large long last lot life law lie love like litter(less,least) lose long locate land library language late leavem. make meet more most mine me myself mistake month mouse minus minute move matter mark money may meann. name next

36、 nobody nothing nobody near never not newspaper new neither necko. one or other others own old on of off outside open over operate oldp. parent(s) place possible prefer problem public past paint pay picture paper part passpush play popular proud pull push perhaps/probably protect prevent present pla

37、n plant plane pleasureq. quickly question quiet quite queuer. ring reason return rich research read round rain river run repair reach record rather remembers. safe same secret serve shout show sit stand spend story strange strong smile surprise save sound school sell sleep sometime shopping slowly smart smell science see(saw,seen) second simple sample speak send share sad(ness) sure stay scream summer store suddenly send someone/somebody start still seriously ski skate seem since shoet. than then that them their think though tim

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